Dr. Michael Mosley

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  • We pay tribute to our dear friend and colleague, Dr. Michael Mosley.

    Michael was an integral part of our lives, bringing a wealth of knowledge, dedication, and compassion to his work.

    Throughout his distinguished career, Michael made significant contributions to his field, earning respect and admiration from all walks of life. His unwavering commitment to excellence and his innovative approach to science and health have left an indelible mark on the lives of many.

    Michael was not only a remarkable professional but also a kind and generous individual. He was always willing to lend a helping hand, share his wisdom, and support those around him. His infectious enthusiasm and genuine care for others made him a beloved figure in our organisation.

    We will remember Michael for his outstanding achievements, his compassionate nature, and his unwavering dedication to improving the lives of others. His legacy will continue to inspire us all.

    Our thoughts and condolences go out to his family, friends, and all who had the privilege of knowing him. He will be deeply missed.

    Rest in peace, Michael.

    If you would like to share some words, you can do so here.

    I am so sad to see this is the news, I managed to reverse my Type 2 Diabetes and come off medication following this plan, I read the books and liked how Michael explained things without it being too scientific, it was explained in a way I could understand. I have read his articles and also watched his programmes with great interest. My thoughts are with his family and friends. He will never be forgotten.

    This is such sad news, Michael has been such an inspiration in me and my wife’s lives. We have been doing the 5:2 / 6:1 since 2017 thanks to Michael. His enthusiasm and down to earth investigation and presentation of health issues was loved by so many. RiP Dr Michael Mosely, you did well for us.

    I am so sad about Dr Mosley’s tragic and untimely passing. He literally changed my life. His 5:2 diet transformed me from a fat person to a slim person but, more importantly, from an unhealthy person to a healthy person.

    I started intermittent fasting in 2014 and maintained my original 23kg loss through 6:1. Ten years on, I’m a faithful adherent and I was fasting when I heard the awful news.

    Thank you for posting this tribute page. I had been wondering how to honour his memory here. I hope his family and friends will take some comfort in the knowledge that so many of us on these pages share the intense loss. I remain forever grateful to him.

    I was shocked and saddened to hear the awful news of Michael’s untimely death. I have been a keen follower of his work since reading his 5:2 diet book and have practiced 5:2 (intermittently 😉) since 2017. Michael provided the method and inspiration which enabled me to develop a better relationship with food which has resulted in improved health. I will always be grateful to him and will never forget him.

    RIP lovely Dr Mosley 💕

    I am deeply saddened by Dr Mosley’s tragic and untimely passing. He has made a lasting impact on the world through his pioneering contributions to health and wellness, inspiring millions to embrace healthier lifestyles.

    Michael’s warmth, kindness, and enthusiasm for life were evident to everyone.

    His work will continue to influence and inspire future generations. He was a beacon of knowledge, compassion, and hope, and his memory will live on in the hearts of those he touched.

    Rest in peace, Dr Mosley 💕 Your legacy will continue to guide us towards better health and well-being.

    Such sad news, he was a gentleman and an inspiration, I hope the tributes and lovely words on here will be a comfort to his family 🙏

    I created an account just to post my condolences. I was a long-time reader of Michael’s. He was clearly a wonderful human being as well as a talented ambassador for fasting and its role in health.

    I flipped through one of his books last night as a bit of tribute, and noticed how often he talks about his “why” for taking care of his health: to live a long and healthy life for his family.

    While his passing is tragic, there is comfort in the fact that he lived a full, rich and adventurous life, as well as helping many others with his advice. I am thinking of his wife and children at this time.

    Like the poster above, I just created this account to post here. I always loved his tv programmes as they were so informative and interesting. I have a few of Michael’s books, and in a tribute to him and so his legacy lives on I’m finally going to adopt this way of life and be happier and healthier because of him! I never stick to anything but this time I’ll do it for Michael. I hope his family can find some comfort in knowing how many lives he touched and changed in many ways. An amazing man, he will be missed.

    Hello to everyone,
    I have been reading lots of lovely comments and articles and clips marking Dr Mosley’s sad death. A lot from people who are grateful to him for 5:2 and other shows, and lots from people who worked with him who talking about his kindness in making their interview easy, or the good work he did as producer and behind the scenes.

    Like you all, I am so grateful for 5:2 and so appreciative that he really did follow evidence and presented it in a way to get it out into the community and all over the world.

    I too am deeply sad as is my husband.
    Here in Australia his positive health initiatives and research he accessed was often spoken about, so
    I too like others believe and know he has had a truly positive affect on my life and the life of my family…our daughters and their partners observed us eating more healthily, sharing recipe ideas
    feeling hopeful about avoiding type 2 diabetes but more importantly giving us a way to take on myths, avoiding the path of obesity as in my family of origin and the many associated problems.
    We will continue to carry that hope and look out for further output from associated health professionals and his family.
    Thinking of his wife Clare and his family in their indescribable sudden loss of the husband , father and all the associated losses they must be experiencing at this time and into their future.
    Thank you for sharing the journey with us.
    Kind regards and much love being sent your way.

    The world is a better place for this man who asked us to simply “follow the science”. Millions have benefited and will for time to come.
    Michael, thank you for your legacy of science backed knowledge in an age where many become too easily bewitched by hype and blather.
    My sincere condolences to his family, friends and colleagues. He will be greatly missed by us all.

    I was so very sorry to learn Michael had been found deceased,its like losing a good friend! I’ve followed his TV & radio prog’s for years,they were always beyond what other such programmes offered. He made such an impact on our health & lives. Dr Michael Mosely you will be sadly missed by us all.
    God Bless 🙏 RIP 🕯

    I am so sad about Michael Mosley’s death. He had so much more to do I feel. And seemed to love life. He was one of the good ones.
    So sad and shocking for his family.

    I will miss and remember him.
    Rest gently Michael.

    So very sad. Nothing more gut wrenching than someone you love suddenly dying. I thank him for his enormous contribution & most of all for being that one in a million human being whose name will live on & be remembered for his kindness and humility. He lived life to the full.

    I am heartbroken to learn of Dr. Mosley’s passing. I started 5:2 in 2017 and lost 60 lbs., posting and learning from many other fasters on a forum on this site intermittently even until today. What I respected about him as a doctor is that he not only gave advice on what worked, but that he became his own guinea pig, experimenting on himself to prove his point. To me, that is passion. My heart goes out to his family, who probably never realized that during their vacation, would experience this tragedy.

    Like so many I owe Michael so, so much. I was leant his 5:2 Diet book in 2016 by my brother in law who’d lost weight adopting the diet. I did the same, but more importantly his books and programmes transformed my understanding – that I could control my weight and my health. It’s that ability to communicate so well and so honestly/trustworthy that made him so special. While other scientists had the same ideas, Michael got their science and ideas to the masses. I suspect he’s saved many lives.

    Even keeping this forum alive and online is an example of the caring nature of his work. I’ve dipped in and out over the years for the excellent and friendly peer support to keep myself on track.

    His passing is a great sadness.

    RIP Michael – you will be missed by many.

    I am so sad about Michael’s passing. My condolences to his family.
    He was such a great communicator and certainly influenced my attitude to health and food. What a wonderful human being.
    Thank you Michael for your legacy, may you rest in peace.

    This is the exact way that I want to pay tribute to Micheal too. It’s still unbelievable that he passed in such a tragic way. I am a yo yo dieter and at my wits end as to how to lose weight. I’ve tried all clubs so now I am going to try the 5.2 in tribute. RIP Micheal

    Absolutely shocked to hear the news of Dr Moseley. My condolences to his wife and family . God Bless him .

    So sad to hear this news .. God Bless him and my condolences to his Wife and Family . Love from S wales

    I often listen to Michael Mosley’s programme “Just One Thing” on Radio 4, so it was a shock to hear, first of all, that he was missing, and then to hear of his tragic death. Everyone says what a nice person he was, and that was exactly the impression I received listening to the programme – he sounded friendly and pleasant and helpful. As a result of the publicity about the 5:2 diet, I’ve just downloaded his book “The Fast Diet” and I want to try it out. I guess I’m not the only one. So in fact he is continuing to help people even after his death.

    I was so sad to hear this news. My deepest condolences go out to the family. RIP Michael

    What a tragic loss. As with so many others, he changed my life hugely for the better – 11 years ago my weight was getting out of control and I was pre-diabetic. 5:2 changed all that, and it still does. I can’t imagine the pain his family are going through and my heart goes out to them.

    Words seem so inadequate – not many people can have had such a huge positive effect on thousands, or even millions, of human beings as Dr. Michael Mosley did. Thank you so much.

    Rest in eternal peace Dr Michael Mosley.
    You have inspired so many and today I take my health into my own hands and work at being healthier because of the knowledge that you shared.
    You had and will continue to have such a positive effect on so so many.

    I was shocked to hear the news like so many other people who have been so positively influenced by his ground breaking scientific work.
    He was so inspirational, always discovering new things, new ways of presenting them and always easy to follow.
    I thought I could never lose weight, yet through his guidance I am back at my healthy target weight and staying there. For that I owe him much gratitude.
    My sincere condolences to his wife and family and all his friends, his legacy will live on. RIP Michael.

    Couldn’t believe the news last weekend! My heart and blessings go out to his family.
    Reading and implementing 5:2 truly changed my life and like many in the posts I’ve read, we owe a great deal to Michael for not only our weight loss but also our improved health. Take care everyone!

    I was so sad to hear of the untimely death of Michael Moseley who I have listened to with interest over a number of years. I too have started the fast diet as a tribute to him and hope that I have the courage and conviction to adhere to this lifestyle change. I, as many other have said, will miss him and his unique sense of humour and relaxed and interesting way of presenting health topics.
    A sad goodbye to a wonderful man.

    Light & Love to the good Doctor’s family.
    I just started this June ’24 implementing 5:2 after hearing about and reading the Fast Diet book (which I couldn’t find except used on Amazon).
    Seems to me ‘Gone too Soon’ is appropriate for such a well loved person.

    It is amazing how deeply Michael Mosley touched people across the world . I am literally grieving for him and his family . His determination to help himself and others to have a better life was undeniable .

    I have explored , but not taking part of any diets , his scientific research on health resonated with me more then any other attempt to show how to make positive lifestyle changes .
    I would like to thank him , acknowledge him , he will be remembered for the rest of my life and clearly by many many others .
    Condolences to his wife and family .
    RIP Michael Mosley thank you so much for your guidance .

    Dear Michael – losing you is like losing a loved family member, and those who knew of his work and passion are grieving with Claire, his kids and their family and friends.
    Your work continues, ironically, as a victim of the heat we are all seeing rise due to climate change.
    Dear Claire, Michael’s forward to The Fast Diet pays tribute to how you met, and that you truly had amazing and shared passions, evidenced by your work together.
    We are all grieving for you and holding you in the Light. Please know you are held.
    Care for each other during this enormous time of challenge.
    With love, gratitude and hope.

    Dear Michael – losing you is like losing a loved family member, and those who knew of his work and passion are grieving with Claire, his kids and their family and friends.
    Your work continues, ironically, as a victim of the heat we are all seeing rise due to climate change.
    Dear Claire, Michael’s forward to The Fast Diet pays tribute to how you met, and that you truly had amazing and shared passions, evidenced by your work together.
    We are all grieving for you and holding you in the Light. Please know you are held.
    Care for each other during this enormous time of challenge.
    With love, gratitude and hope from us all.

    I am deeply saddened. Speechless. Life can be so cruel.

    Always grateful for the lights which have been shone on sustainable diet and health.

    We are hopeful that the legacy which Michael, researchers and international teams will live on; continue.

    Thanking you all from the bottom of my heart.


    I was shocked and extremely saddened by Dr Mosley’s recent death. I am a long-time fan and have followed his dietary and fitness tips with overwhelmingly positive results. I am a newcomer to the fast diet. I’m aiming to stick with it primarily for my benefit, but also in tribute to Michael.
    The only consolation is that he lives on through his books and TV and radio archives.

    I looked up the fast diet after hearing the sad news of Dr Michael’s death. I have lost half stone in 2 weeks and feel amazing. His legacy will be extraordinary. So sad he isn’t here to see more of it. Thank you Dr M rest in peace 😊

    His on-going commitment to educate, inspire and to support others through his work serve as the most awesome of legacies and a form of immortality. My words may mean little, but I start today as one of his followers as my way of paying tribute. He, his family and his associates will remain in my thoughts as I lean – too heavily by ≥50kg – upon 5:2 in order to turn my health and life around.

    His on-going commitment to educate, inspire and to support others through his work serve as the most awesome of legacies and a form of immortality. My words may mean little, but I start today as one of his followers as my way of paying tribute. He, his family and his associates will remain in my thoughts as I lean – too heavily by ≥50kg – upon 5:2 in order to turn my health and life around. Walk with me Dr Mike.

    It’s a month now since we lost our favourite TV personality in the medical field. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that Dr Mosley is no longer here. My thoughts are with his family. He was so loved by everyone!

    He was an inspiration to us all.
    I have followed him for 9 years lost my 2 1/2 stone and I have continued to fast and have kept it off.
    I feel a loss of a great friend who has helped so many people.
    Sending lots of love and hugs to Claire and his children, he will be greatly missed.

    Nearly 2 months after his passing, and I still get teary when I see him on videos, or with his lovely wife, Dr. Claire. Last year I discovered him and his wonderful books and programs. I used to listen to “Just One Thing” during my daily walks. I can’t listen to them now, because it still hurts, like we all lost our friend, even though few of us can actually claim that title. I hope his family is getting through this now, and happy Claire is moving forward with their great work.


    After learning of Michael Mosley’s awful death, I decided to have a look at his health advice, and specifically at the 5:2. Eight weeks in and I’ve gone from 13st 2lbs to 12st 2lbs. I’m chuffed. Reading on another intermittent fasting site, I decided to work out what was best for me and have settled on the following: on a Monday and a Wednesday from 7pm, I eat and drink nothing except water or black, unsweetened coffee or herbal tea. At 4pm the next day (so 21 hours later), I have a light snack (one Ryvita topped with olive tapenade) and then, later, dinner as normal. My plan is to lose another half a stone and then switch to fasting 6:1 to maintain. I’m a 58-year-old man. Huge thanks to Dr Mosley and colleagues!

    Michael was an inspiration to me.
    Condolences to his family for such a great loss.

    My heart was broken upon learning of the sudden death of beloved Dr. Michael. I have watched his programs on the fast diet and one-minute intense exercise using various machines. His guidance helped me lose some weight and discipline my eating habits.

    I will always miss you, Dr. Michael.

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