Down 25lbs and beating diabetes

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Down 25lbs and beating diabetes

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  vappio 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • About 2 1/2 years ago I was diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar. My A1C was in the 8 range, cholesterol was through the roof, I was always tiered, didn’t have any energy and I couldn’t even finish playing 18 holes of golf without getting tiered. Oh and I was about 305 lbs. Something had to be done, so I decided to loose weight and get in shape. I hired a personal trainer, watched what I ate 2 years later I lost about 15 lbs, was somewhat fit, but still had a lot of belly fat, and my numbers were high enough that I needed to take meds. Somehow I stumbled across the Fast Diet book. This is when my life changing events took place. I read the book and gave the 5:2 method a shot. Before I read the book I had already switched my training to HIT training so that was already taking place, now comes the 5:2. I started in the middle of August 2016 with the 5:2 and HIT. The first month was real real tough, getting through the fasting days was a challenge. I chose to have 1 600 calorie meal at dinner, black coffee in the morning with lots of water. I stayed very disciplined, to 600 calories on fast days and tried to keep it under 1950 calories on my regular days. The results have been amazing, I’ve lost 25lbs since I started, my numbers are fantastic, A1C is now at 6.0, cholesterol is normal, and my blood pressure has normalized. My A1C is technically in the pre diabetic range but my doctor has decided to take me off ALL my meds !!! The first month was real real tough, but now i’ve found myself never hungry. I can almost feel my body flip the switch and instead of buying glucose, burn fat. I have been working out on an empty stomach and again in the begining it was tough but now it’s normal. When my doctor diagnosed my with metabolic syndrome he said in the history of his office there have only been 3 people to reverse the course and get off the meds, now I’m the 4th. Obviously I can’t fall back into my old ways, it took me 42 years to get there and I’m only 2 1/2 years in to my new journey and it’s awesome !! As I tell people my whole life I worried about what to eat, now I just don’t eat. Thank You Dr. Mosley for writing the book and helping me change the course of my life !!!!

    That is excellent !!

    You said you lost 15 lbs and watched what you ate and got a trainer to achieve that.

    The difference is just adding the two fast days to see so much improvement ?
    Cos you are still watching what you eat on non fast days which is fantastic.

    Well done you !

    Thanks for the kind comments dumpling, I’ve actually lost 25lbs. since middle of august!! My BMR is 2125, I’ve strictly tried to stick with keeping my non fast days to under 2125. The greatest satisfaction has beed the reduction in my blood sugar levels, cholesterol and blood pressure.

    Many many congratulations! Awesome achievement.

    May I add my congratulations, you’ve done really well.

    Have you changed the type of food you eat or have your tastes changed since you started 5:2?

    Annette52 and Amazon Thank You !! I’ve tried to cut out all processed foods, I’ve tried to cut out sweets but once in a while I will have some ice cream or a piece of cheesecake… Yes i’ve found my desire for sugar is A LOT LESS !!! The first few weeks are tough, I’m not going to lie to anybody but i’ve found that after a while I’ve made a switch and I’m just not hungry anymore and I get full very quickly.

    Owwww I’m hoping for that !!!
    First week , so still eating sugar like its leaving the planet

    I think the key is to eliminate refined sugar, I used to drink my coffee with half and half and 2 heaping teaspoons of sugar, now I use 2% milk with no sugar. It took about a month to get used to, now if someone puts sugar in my coffee I can’t even drink it. Good luck

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