Don't be afraid of naked raw foods!

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Don't be afraid of naked raw foods!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  hondakawi 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Holy smokes! I didn’t have bfast today- Fyi-its a fast day 230-230. Hadnt eaten for 24 hours and was feeling deprived(my signal to eat 2 keep my ‘mental health’)I had (all organic) an apple, some purple kale raw, raw broccoli w/2 T. Hummus, and a banana.300 cal meal–I’m stuffed. Omg.I feel freekin great! Its like I felt after I ate at ‘Julianos Raw’ restaurant in Santa Monica-minus the pounding headache (out of biz now:-( ) my head is buzzing and I feel light and airy! 4got what real health food was like! Purple kale tasted yummy raw too. Kinda smoky taste. Had a nibble of red chard too-stronger flavor-but once u get past rhe initial super-earthy taste, and let the taste develop on your palate it tastes salty, almost citrusy with a hint of ocean(seaweed/fish?). Fun to actually try foods raw and not automatically cook them or cover them up with spices and flavorings.
    Have respect 4 ur food eat it raw! 😛
    Ok I did dip my broc in hummus but not all of it 🙂

    Encouraging ! But one thing at a time for me.

    Invested in a daunting bag of curly kale (green variety; very green) the better to widen my hopeless diet. Just could not bring myself to eat it raw. It looked like hedge trimmings. Simmered 50gms of it in hot water for 3 mins approx. Heated up some spicy lentil soup to accompany.

    Tried the kale: HORRIBLE !

    But this Yorkshireman here (with Scottish admix) does not throw things away. I dunked the rest in the spicy soup and scoffed the lot ! Acceptable thus. Rewarded myself with fruit and yogurt for pudding.

    Problem: I have 150 gms of kale left … !

    Next week up: sunflower seeds !

    Hehe…macloud, love your kale story!

    I am a huge fan of raw veggies, preferably either in a smoothie or with some homemade hummus. Sitting here, drinking a kale, spinach beet root, tomatoe smoothie “enriched” with some low calories, unsweetened almond milk.

    Smoothies is a great way to get tons of veggies in your body and tons of micro nutrients. It is easy to digest and I feel great having one on my non fast days.

    On fast days I have figured out that a big plate of cooked broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower and asparagus fills me up and it lasts for a long time!

    Anyhow, happy fasting!

    Hi Stefan,
    I can’t get into cold food when the weather is vile but agree it’s very healthy. I live off steamed veg and lots of chicken soup(proven to be a great antioxidant and therefore help to the bodies immune system. Rock on brocci

    Very good! Eat your veggies! Get G-BOMBS daily!
    Greens Beans Onions Mushrooms Berries Seeds!
    Anti cancer/disease longevity diet! Eat to Live!

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