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  • Last week I saw the documentary about intermittent fasting, where Dr. Mosley defines this method (in about the 48th minute) as “. . .five days normal eating followed by two days fasting, each week . . . .”.whereby “fasting” means taking one meal of 500/600 calories.

    But grazing at this forum I find that most people do the two days fasting NOT consecutively, and also that many divide the 500/600 over two or three small meals. I also found people who do 6/1 instead of 5/2.

    My interest in this Intermittent Fasting method concerns the medical aspects, and my question is: are the results the same, irrespective of the regime followed?


    Each person has one story, so you may not get a direct answer to your last question.

    From my reading it appears that non-consecutive days are recommended. I read one doctor who explained that avoiding two consecutive days helps to prevent muscle loss. 5:2 is for weight loss and 6:1 is for maintenance. I hope that helps.

    Like you my interest lies mainly in the health benefits of fasting and in maintaining my weight while being able to enjoy my food five days out of a week
    From what I understand to achieve the health benefits you need to fast (have no calorie intake at all) for at least 12 hours.
    I find it easier to eat my whole 500 cals in one evening meal which means in effect I haven’t eaten since the previous evening (a fast of almost 24hrs
    You can split your calories between breakfast and dinner leaving 12hrs between which should give you the health benefits too
    hope this helps

    The documentary showed Michael Mosley learning about all different ways of fasting. In the end he felt that 5:2 worked the best for his lifestyle, and therefore recommended it to the viewers. He didn’t do 2 days consecutively. 6:1 is once you’ve reached your health or your weight goals, to maintain the health benefits and the body changes. As you’ll see on here, there is a lot of experimentation going on by people taking part in the diet, but what I’ve just said is what Michael Mosley did, and what he writes about in his book. So I would feel that starting it as it has been written is the best bet. Then if your health issues are not improving then change things up to suit your body.

    Hiya, I currently do a minimum of 16 hrs fast a day and have two big meals a day. I find this the easiest method to do as I’ve lost 28lbs from 240 lbs down to 212 in about 12 weeks.

    Going onto what I’ve read that you need a minimum of 12hrs of no calorie intake to consider it a fast (where glycogen is used up) and your body then consumes itself for energy, promoting autophagy. Where the health benefits come in.

    This is what I’ve taken from the research I’ve read.

    Hope this helps

    @SonomaCounty, @paola, @ Riafaye and @hotdigiti:

    Thanks a lot for your comments!



    I’ve been fasting to lose weight throughout July, and I’m pleased with progress and feel I now have control over my weight and health.

    For optimal weight loss, it may help others to share the following:

    *I have settled on 3 fast days, eating 500 calories on a Monday / Wednesday and Friday
    * I try to remain around my maintenance calories on the other days, but I’m not overly vigilant about weighing and counting foods. It’s nice to feel I can enjoy meals out, social occasions etc without the guilt!
    * I have alcohol only once a week now
    * I walk for an hour each evening, as I’m desk bound all day and don’t get much chance to exercise
    * Today, 29.07.13, I’ve lost just over 8lbs this month. Previously I was averaging a lame couple of pounds a month. It has taken a few weeks to settle on my 4:3 approach
    * I hope to reach my goal weight / healthy BMI by October and I’m using “Weight-Wins”, the financial incentives site, to help me stick to my targets and them to maintain. I feel confident that I have an achievable weight management approach which will enable me to maintain long term benefits.

    I hope this helps others

    Can I have 3 small meals instead of 2 still within the 500 calories??

    Look at the FAQs: “Do the calories have to be in one meal or spread across the day?”

    I have been on the Fast Diet on an intermittent basis for over 3 months. I have lost 25 pounds.

    I am a man with a healthy apetite. I like to eat. I have found that for me the easiest regime on my fast days is to eat a very light dinner, and then very light breakfast and lunch for less than 600 calories total during the 24 hour period.

    I also found that I get maximum weight loss if I follow a good exercise regime to lose weight at the same period. For me walking about 2 miles per day for 3 to 4 days each week is a good regime.

    I started with a goal of reducing my weight from 250 to 225 pound. I got there in less that 3 month. I now want to get down to 215. Then to 200. At this level I will be at a healthy BMI. I hope to see other major benefits also, including less risk of diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, etc.

    I didn’t have much weight to lose. My aim was to lose a stone. Also to encourage my husband who needs to lose much more!!
    I hate dieting…and gyms bore me. I hate counting points and calories.
    I find the Fast Diet easy to do, stressfree.
    I started in March and have lost 18 pounds. I feel and look much better.
    I fast on Mondays and Thursdays, unless we have an organised occasion when I will change the days. I do non consecutive days because its less stressful and that’s how I read you should do it in the book.
    I stick to the same thing on both days….0%fat plain natural yogurt with blueberries for breakfast. Then 12 hours of nothing. For tea I eat chicken stirfry with lots of veg. In between I drink tea ( semi skimmed milk, no sugar ) or fruit tea. In the early days, to help me through I had an apple at lunchtime and a few carrot sticks min afternoon. But I don’t need to do that now. In the early days I also used to drink just black or green tea. But once I lost my target weight I relaxed my rule and started drinking tea with milk again.
    I have continued to have 2 days fasting as opposed to knocking it down to one as I enjoy the feeling of the fast.
    This is a sustainable, stressfree diet….a life style choice.
    My BMI is down to well within the healthy range, I’ve dropped two dress sizes, I feel I’m protecting my health…whats not to love?

    Well done mamabear! Has your husband been similarly successful?

    mamabear what a great achievement, well done on 18lbs gone, BMI healthy and dropping two dress sizes! I seemed to have the same meals on fast days, so I’m not the only one, nice to see it’s worked for you. 🙂

    As I am doing the 5:2 method for health purposes, I was vey anxious to know the results of my blood test, after having done the 5:2 method for only 5 weeks. Here they are:

    glucose 5.6
    triglycerides 2.2
    cholesterol total 7.1
    LDL-cholesterol 4.6
    HDL-cholesterol 2.1
    cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol ratio 3.4

    IS NOW:
    glucose 5.1
    triglycerides 1.5
    cholesterol total 7.5!!!
    LDL-cholesterol 4.4
    HDL-cholesterol 2.3
    cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol ratio 3.3

    Amazingly the total cholesterol is higher! But then the LDL is lower and the HDL higher and the ratio o.k., that’s why the 7.5 total seems not to be serious.

    Anyone opinions on this?

    In the meantime I read that the total cholesterol gets higher when people get older, and for women, when they are past their menopause.
    Which accounts for my higher total cholesterol rate!
    But important is the ratio, which is o.k.

    My friend, who didn’t register on this site, has the following results:

    cholesterol 8.2 > 4.0
    HDL 1.1 > 1.2
    trichlycerides 8.4 > 4.0
    bloodsugar 8.9 > 8.0

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