Does 5:2 not work long term..2 years plus??

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Does 5:2 not work long term..2 years plus??

This topic contains 7 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  Mr Data 5 years, 1 month ago.

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  • Hi there, I started 5:2 3 years ago and soon lost 16 kg from 68 kg to 52, with a little flucatuationin weight 1-2. I also exercise moderately since I started this diet theee years ago but now I’m a little worried as in the last 6 months I am seeing a steady gain in weight.. around 5 kgs!!!!
    Yes I must admit I have slackened a little bit and maybe eat out a little more but I’m wondering if long term this diet will not work.. am I going back to 68??? This is scary and I need to know if anyone else has been able to keep their weight down and are long term intermittent fast people like me.. need some encouragement at this time.
    I’m trying to now become more disciplined like before.. but I am wondering if it’s just my slackening or this diet has a shelf life..please advise.

    There is a maintenance thread, where a few (but by no means all) of those who have successfully kept the weight off post.

    Speaking personally, I lost 13ish kg early in 2014 and haven’t regained any weight. In fact I’m currently at my lightest ever.

    The key for most successful maintainers is I think fasting plus keeping refined/ processed carbs and added sugar to a minimum.

    You admit that you have slackened and also eat out more. If you are now overeating then I’m afraid weight gain is pretty inevitable! From what you say, I would say that it is you, and not the diet. You need to watch what you eat on non-fast days as well as fast days. The successful maintainers know they need to be constantly vigilant, and that this is a way of life not a quick fix.

    Good luck.


    The simple answer is that if you don’t have any health issues and you are gaining weight then you are eating more than your body needs.

    5:2 is a way of life rather than a diet and if you read the maintenance thread you’ll see that all of the successful maintainers keep a close eye on what they eat and continue to fast once or twice a week in order to enjoy meals out, a slice of cake, a glass or two of wine.

    It is very easy to slip back into old habits and eat too much too often, and I say that from experience 😆

    I suggest you use the resources tab and recalculate your TDEE using sedentary as your activity level then spend a week or two counting calories, and you’ll soon work out why you’ve gained weight.

    Good luck and I hope you manage to get back on track soon.
    Let us know how you get on 🙂

    I’ve just passed three years of doing 5:2. It is still working wonderfully for me, I’ve been at the lower end of my healthy weight range for over 18 months.

    But I am still working on those 5 ‘normal healthy eating days’ because I can eat too many meals that are too big, or not particularly healthy, or snack too much. But it is so much easier to do this with my 2 fast days that give me a break and reset me.

    It is still a work in progress.

    Good luck with yours.

    Hi, Alls. Having Fasted for 5 years, I can assert that this works for losing weight and for keeping it off. Yes, sometimes I notice that the weight creeps up a bit. Then I monitor what I eat of Slow Days [that is, I count calories] to make sure I am not over-eating and then the weight goes down to where it should be. Works for me. It should work for you too if you are mindful of what and how much you eat.
    Good luck re-losing those few pounds.

    PS: We enjoy dining out occasionally and I have devised a plan: one appetizer with a glass of sparkling wine, then another appetizer for my ‘main dish’ with another glass of wine, then a shared dessert. Everything tastes good and I don’t feel regretful because I didn’t over-eat.

    It works. Ive been at my target weight for 3 1/2 years. If you choose your foods wisely then there is no reason why it shouldn’t work. Examine what you have been eating and be honest with yourself. You may be having that one extra glass of wine. That desert at the end of a meal etc. Plus you have to factor in that you are now 3 years older and your metabolism is probably lower than it used to be. Cant escape that.

    All the replies are quiet an encouragement to keep on doing this and relook the few ways in which I may have slackened .. will try and keep a closer watch on that.
    Thanks to all of u who have replied .. feel much better😊.

    I’ve not reached my two year anniversary yet (September 20th). However, I find maintenance quite easy because we’ve broken so many bad habits. We never have breakfast, so we do 16:8 every day, I found never manage three course on a meal out now, so usually choose a starter and main.

    Never fancy cake, biscuits or crisps, never did, really, but I won’t give up my wine. Weighing every day means I remain aware if I need to do a FD.

    7 years in. Stuck to 5:2 all the way as on 6:1 I put weight back on. I also weigh myself every day.

    Date: 3/2/13, 3/2/14, 3/2/15, 3/2/16, 3/2/17, 3/2/18, 3/2/19, 2/2/20
    Kg: # # 94.3, # 77.6, # 78.1, # 79.8, # 81.9, # 81.0, # 82.4, # 80.7
    BMI: # 27.0, # 22.2, # 22.3, # 22.8, # 23.4, # 23.2, # 23.6, # 23.1

    not stopping now.

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