Do Your Fast Day "Feelings" Carry Over to Non Fast Days?

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Do Your Fast Day "Feelings" Carry Over to Non Fast Days?

This topic contains 18 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  stratford fitness 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • You know that slightly dehydrated, headachy sensation that some of us have reported during fast days? Do any of you continue having “twinges” of these feelings on your non-fast days?Not horribly so, but still there?



    Yes, I have found that I get the headachy sensations on non-fast days too. Sometimes a little dizzy too, and like you say, twinges, not horribly and it doesn’t last too long at a time.

    I get slightly headachy too, but think it may be down to adjusting to the fasting. I drink plenty of water, black tea etc so no fear of being dehydrated. Hopefully they will wear off as I progress.

    No, I don’t feel headachey – unfortunately for me I feel incredibly hungry on the day immediately following a fast. I’ve been following this plan since June and I am still waiting for that elusive ‘diminished appetite’ that so many other people have experienced. Still hoping my day will come… πŸ™‚

    Thanks, everyone, for your responses.

    StephB, even though I am hungry following a fast, my brain still seems to want to be careful about what I put into my mouth. It’s very strange. I wonder if it has anything to do with how much you have to lose? I have quite a bit more to go–I’ve lost about 13 lbs so far since the beginning of August, and I have 30 more to go still.


    Perhaps you’re right, teddiep. I only have 10 pounds or so to lose, plus, being a greedy so-and-so all my life when it comes to eating, the desire to eat is always there. Old habits die hard! This plan is very much about retraining your mind as your stomach. But I’m committed in the long-term to making this work for me, not least because the alternative is to keep getting heavier and heavier and heavier – and I’m not prepared to go there!

    StephB, to be honest, I can’t say that have a “diminished appetite”; just a different way of looking at it. Good luck; I wish I only had ten pounds to lose, so hang in!


    Yes, the day after a fast I seem to crave carbohydrates and sometimes don’t have the discipline to resist. Then on the second day after I have more control and feel a bit guilty about having eaten too much the day before. I’m trying to behave on non-fast days but I also tell myself that one of the reasons this seems like a great plan for me is that I don’t have to deny myself EVERYTHING on non-fast days and, therefore, I hope to be able to stay on this indefinitely. I am so impressed with how much so many of you report having lost. I’m still afraid to weigh but sense some extra room in my clothes. Or is that wishful thinking???

    the opposite happened to me.

    on a fast day, i felt great, full of energy, no headaches.

    the next day (a feed day), i had my normal breakfast of steel cut oats and greek yogurt, and a bit of mango cobbler (1″ square piece). i could only eat half of my oatmeal! had to save it for 2 hours later.

    by that time, i was feeling bloated in my head – not a full on headache, but i think the sugars coursing through my system was giving me some sugar rush. it lasted till about 1 PM, and i was fine after that. i started realizing that my body can’t process too much food on the day after a fast day.

    Hi it my 3 week and ive lost 3, 5 kg. Im doing the 4.3 and I have my 500 calories during dinner. When I sit down to eat there times I cant finsh my food of because im full. Next day I usally have bolied eggs on toast. And that keeps me going until afternoon. This diet has helped me change the way I look at food .

    Nope, been doing this since April and I usually wake up HUNGRY! However, I usually have lots more energy on a fast day. According to one bmi calculator I’m at normal weight (hate that word). According to another I have 5 pounds to go. My own goal is 8 more.

    Hi teddiep,

    The morning after a fast day I wake up still feeling like I’m fasting, but I don’t feel like eating, which is a huge contrast to the prior evening!

    After 5 mths of 5:2 the fast days are easy to handle. It was challenging for the first few weeks. I will now move to 1 day a week as I
    I have reached my target. The change in my fitness & general well being is amazing. Having to buy smaller size clothes is good. Thank you.

    Well done hildalessways, you must be feeling amazing!

    Hi teddiep,
    I usually don’t suffer from headaches after fast days but have had two doosys.
    Once when I overindulged with the wine (i’m a cheap drunk so was only a glass or two) which is self explanatory!
    The other time I overexercised, overdid it on a day that I wasn’t feeling up to it and felt absolutely terrible the next day. My lesson was to keep flexible on fast days and modify what you do to how you are feeling. More energy, work harder. Less energy, keep it light.
    Well done everyone on your progress!

    Ps, meant to say I overindulged on wine the night before a fast (not ON a fast day!!)
    And of course- overexercised on a fast day. πŸ™‚

    i did 2 fast days back to back on Mon & Tues because it was my birthday yesterday, when i had cereal for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, then cake at work, glass of bubbly, then more cake at home, and my 10 year old and I went out for pizza for supper.

    I felt thoroughly sick last night. clearly my body just can’t handle it anymore. so that is the last time ever i will have such a blow out !

    “I felt thoroughly sick last night. clearly my body just can’t handle it anymore.”

    It seems like an alkaline – acid imbalance that would make anyone sick.

    What will you eat next time?.


    Here’s a great article on Intermittent fasting πŸ™‚

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