Do I have to eat on Fast days ?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  michelemm1 6 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I have never normally been a breakfast person and during the week I don’t usually even have lunch (well once a week when I go to the pub for lunch with work!)

    I believe my biggest issue is lack of exercise and a tipple or two over weekend and the one lunch a week mentioned above – all causing the middle age ‘man spread’ around my waist ๐Ÿ™

    Anyway, I started the 5:2 diet yesterday and today is my first fast day. I had to go home for something at lunch and decided to grab a weight watchers wrap, filled it with lettuce, a couple of radish and had one of the kids Cheese string things. Otherwise I actually wouldn’t have had anything.

    Is it wrong to actually have nothing or very little on fast days ?

    I am starting the couch to 5k app on my phone next week for my exercise so that’ll be something else to help me on my journey.

    I’m hoping the fast diet will help if I can eat half normal on 5 days and eat little to nothing on my Tuesday & Thursdays.. Only time will tell.

    Hi Animal and welcome:

    Many people eat nothing on their diet days – they actually fast! Here are some tips:

    Good Luck!

    Thanks simcoeluv

    Apologies – I hadn’t even seen that post when looking through the forums.

    I’ll have a read now ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hi, @animal, I have been doing about three fasts a week (usually alternate days) with water, coffee, and tea. When I first started, I allowed bone broth, but only needed it once. I tried to restrict to 500 calories, but find that fast days are easier when I eat nothing. I mostly stick to that, but every so often I’ll have full cream in my coffee if I need it, and it has not seemed to affect my loss so far. It’s one of those things everyone seems to tweak to fit their needs. The important thing is to do whatever is sustainable.

    @animal – I find it easier not to eat on a fast day. For me I’m no longer fasting once I start eating and stopping as 600 or even 800 calories is about as easy as doing 25 pull-ups in a row nonstop.

    Thanks to everyone for all the replies. Well I made it through my first fast day with just the lettuce wrap at lunch. โ€˜Normalโ€™ day today and fast day again tomorrow.

    Fingers crossed for the Rest of it and hopefully the belly will reduce some for me!

    Hey there

    I do better without eating on fast days.. but that might change as I lose weight. Just going with the flow right now.

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