Dizziness on Feed Days

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Cinque 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • I’m fine on fast days (every other day , zero calories) but I often feel a bit dizzy or light headed on feed days. On my very first feed day I had incredible hot flushes and was in danger of fainting.

    Does this happen to anyone else?

    I read your post before I got up today, and I woke up feeling dizzy…. And that is still lying down! I’m thinking that it might be low blood pressure, or it might be some vitamin/mineral/electrolyte thing. So I have taken a multivitamin, I am drinking lots and, sigh, I will have soups. I sigh, because they are my Fast Day diet, and I rather fancy eating other things on non fast days!
    It may well be just me, but as my body goes through changes, it seems to need enormous amounts of water.

    I hope you can work out what helps you. I will see how the day goes for me.

    My dizziness seems to happen shortly after I’ve eaten. I was wondering if it was perhaps due to a sudden intake of sugars/carbs?

    It’s not a major thing as it doesn’t happen too often but I’d still like to avoid it.

    Hmm, I know digestion causes your blood to go to your tummy (so to speak).

    Just looked it up, it’s called postprandrial hypotension: http://www.md-health.com/Dizziness-After-Eating.html
    Suggestions: eat lots of small meals rather than big ones, low GI food, ginger and cayenne are meant to help!
    I hope you can figure our a way to manage it.

    My dizziness stayed around but (note to self, don’t write posts before your brain has woken up) it is a central symptom of me/cfs that I suffer: I just hadn’t had it for a while.
    I did then remember that I had run out of licorice root tea which is meant to be good for regulating blood pressure. I buy licorice root from the Asian supermarket, and (on the advice of the nice man there) toast it and throw it in the blender to chop it up small. Then 1/2 a tsp in a cup of boiling water makes the most delicious tea.
    I’ve just made up a jar full of the toasted crushed pieces so I hope that will help me, because my dizziness hasn’t abated much.

    Anyway, I hope you are feeling much better today.


    PS I thought I better read up on licorice root, because I know it comes with warnings: and it is helpful for people with low blood pressure and needing to retain more water (often the case with my illness). It is contraindicated for people with high blood pressure and who retain too much water, and should not be over used by anyone.

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