Difference in strategy 4 losing minimal/moderate/substantial amounts of weight?

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Difference in strategy 4 losing minimal/moderate/substantial amounts of weight?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  QuietOne 8 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Does it work the same if you’re hoping to lose 5 pounds or 5 stones or 105 pounds? Obviously, the amount of time would be very different indeed. But can you plow right though from where you start to where you want to finish? Or does the body need to stabilize from time to time?

    If maintaining periodically were a good idea, how would that be accomplished?

    It’s all weight, excess. After a year on 5:2 and down some pounds (just over a pound per week) with more to go. I’m still reading and still learning.

    I think if I had to do it over again. I’d take 3 weeks and fast. Then do 5:2 for 8 months and then fast for another 3 weeks.

    I think too that changing up how I fast has played a role, though of course I can’t prove it. Fasting on different days of the week. Going off 5:2 then back on fully conscious and mindful of what I’m doing. I’ll go off for a week to 3 weeks then go right back on.

    I think this has benefits not only for the mind and satisfaction in and with my life but also the body as “yes we’re definitely not starving”. Also my body doesn’t get adjusted to a pattern because it varies within every month to two I’ll have fasted on every day of the week at some point. I will also have 4-6 day fast in every month.

    Keep the body guessing. The weight loss plateaus/stalls that I’ve been on are pretty convincing that the body can fool with a person. (just because it can)

    Since I couldn’t get any information on this subject I wrote a note to Dr. Krista Varady at the University of Illinois. When Dr. Mosley did his documentary he interviewed her and relied on some of her research in setting up his program.

    I asked specifically if a very obese person was well advised to plow through from beginning to end without interruption or if they might be better advised to stabilize at some point or points along the way. She was kind enough to reply and say that the research on obese subjects hasn’t been done yet and may still be a couple years in the future.

    Just supplying that info in case it was a question for anyone else.

    I’ve looked into this a little closer and it “appears” from the research that is available,and there isn’t much other than what Dr. Fung has done with T2D patients in reversing the disease and the work done by Dr. Goldhamer of TrueNorth Health Centre, that extended water fasting to the goal weight and changing the diet to a plant based low carb diet is probably the way to go. The studies are too small to say for sure. Their approach is definitely not IF.

    Nothing definitive has been done on IF that I can find though it may be out there and not published. Though apparently there are plans for studies in the next year or two. I understand that getting funding for this type of work is difficult no pharma corp is likely to pick up the tab.

    I find it interesting that more is being done on the extended fasting side than the IF side. It is probably due to the fact that within a month or two a goal can be reached and 10 months of maintenance can tell you a bunch. What that means 5 years down the road is where it gets murky.

    I can see IF being done and maintained for a lifetime. I KNOW I couldn’t do what TrueNorth Health advises and wants. Nor Dr. Fung. I would whimp out on either of their dietary requirements in very short order. At least I suspect so I haven’t tried it so I can’t speak with certainty.

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