diet days

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Dummerchen 10 years, 6 months ago.

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  • does anyone have any good ideas for 3 meals on our 600cal days at all

    I do just one meal on fast days. 200 calories per meal is not much. 500 is much more satisfying.

    I would concentrate on filling up on fresh veggies and some protein.

    Hi Robinson,
    I eat very little during the day and then one meal in the evening, the whole day adding up to 500cals. Usually that is protein and veg.

    I agree with AmyC. My digestion system during a fast day is like a sleeping dragon that gets annoyed when it is woken up for hardly anything which is why I only wake it up when I come home from work in the evening and give it the whole allowance at once and try to go to bed early. (According to my 25% of TDDE I can only have 400cals definitely no point splitting the cals.) That way I am reasonably satisfied to be able to sleep.

    Just look on net for some meal pack you need to use

    robinson, look at Michael’s book or search the internet. There are now hundreds of sites offering all sorts of recipes for fast days.

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