diabetes, 5:2 and night widdles

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  • I have diabetes 2 tackled by tablets. Also a old man prostate and therefore have to get up in the night to urinate.
    Since I started the 5:2 diet, I have noticed that the night urination is very frequent on the night following a fasting (600 Kcals) day. And also that it isn’t half as frequent on other nights.
    Any comments?


    i know a lady with type 2- and this problem is very humiliating whatever time of day.

    when is your evening meal? and do you drink when you have it? what do you drink?

    have you come off stimulants? these are all caffeine and alchohol based drinks.

    whats your daily routine? is it busy or easy going? sometimes in my experience this problem is caffiene and anxiety/stress related.

    think about eating around 6pm and not later, this has helped me as my mum already does it. stay of drinks after you have eaten when on the diet. at least why not it can only help and wont harm?

    Thanks for your thoughts.
    Here some answers:
    evening meal 6pm, drink 1 short and 1 glass of wine on non-fasting days, on fasting days zero-cal drinks, 4 mugs of tea every day, not particularly busy (retired), slightly stressed.
    I was particularly interested in the difference in number of times I am up at night between fasting and non-fasting days: any thoughts on that?


    Hi Peborgh, I am sorry about your health problems and the effects they are having on you. I have to say I have no medical training like most posters but like them I can give advice that may or may not help. I am not diabetic but have prostrate and urinary issues during the night whether I have alcohol or not. You have to recognise that alcohol is a diuretic so having a short and a glass of wine at 6.00pm may have a significant impact on your sleep quality. Research drinkaware.co.uk for info.
    Keep a diary for a month. Record all food and drink intake along with the times you eat and drink. Try going alcohol free for at least a week. Do not drink any liquids after 6.00pm. Ditch zero cal drinks and replace with water. Doing this and keeping a diary may give good indications of a pattern. Your prostrate problems, as we know also significantly impact on your ability to urinate and will interrupt your sleep patterns. Speak to your Doctor, show him/her your diary and see if he/she can help with preventative medication. In relation to your stress consider meditation, research YouTube, enter meditation for stress/sleep and check out some of those that come up. Meditation is far better than medication for stress, I know from experience. Whatever you try I wish you success.
    Good luck and keep us posted.

    I wonder if you’re diuresing because you haven’t had as much sodium on your fast days? Your kidneys would compensate by getting rid of excess water.

    I have managed to convince myself after three years of 5:2 and 20 years of Type 1 diabetes that tonic regulation could be quite profoundly affected by the fasting process. On of the things that happens is that your colon becomes much emptier, especially after two consecutive days. This is obvious from my weight dropping by 2-2.5 kg from pre-fast to post-fast. Water is absorbed from and secreted to the colon, which therefore acts as a water reservoir for the body, all other things being equal. So the buffer is much smaller if there is less material in the gut. I can therefore see that you might oscillate in one direction (more peeing) or the other during fasting. My situation is complicated by an enlarged prostate.

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