Desperate for help re high blood sugars and 5:2

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Desperate for help re high blood sugars and 5:2

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Amazon 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • I am type 2 diabetic. I do not understand why I was put on insulin when I am insulin resistant. Can anyone explain that because they won’t at the hospital. I was also put on a drug called caniglofozin which caused horrific thrush repeatedly. I am 15 stone and 5 ft tall and 49 years old.

    Recently I discovered the 5:2 (four weeks ago). My hospital team were happy for me to come off meds including insulin. My BG rocketed to around 18 fasting level.

    Over the first week my BG went from 18 down to 11 without meds! I was ecstatic. However it then started creeping back up again. The doc has now put me on metformin but they are still 15 whatever I eat. I have a history of an eating disorder and really can’t stick to diets (I know I am rubbish) but this one seemed easy. The fast days I wait all day until my meal and eat 500 kcal. I have in the three weeks, slipped in two extra fast days. I am eating very little on feed days – one egg omelette for breakfast, one seeded roll for lunch with salad and a small portion of evening meal. I am permanently hungry and wake up in the night hungry.

    I have lost 10lbs which is fantastic but I am not sure I can sustain this. Reading the books reviews on Amazon, this is not supposed to be treated like a diet and people are eating whatever they like on feed days including take aways and chocolate etc. I have not done this and feel very deprived. It seems like unless I go completely carb free I am not going to get my blood sugars down and I am feeling so depressed.

    I have four children and my husband works in agriculture and they all eat proper home cooked meals. Eating together is a huge part of our lives. I have tiny portions of what they have and more veg.

    Has anyone on here with diabetes got their BG down? Am I asking too much in four weeks?

    How does it actually work to get your blood glucose figures down?

    I feel very alone with this.

    p.s the reason I don’t want to take the insulin is that at some point in the future we will be living in Africa for a length of time where I will not be able to get hold of it.

    Hi and welcome.

    First of all, well done on taking the plunge and losing 10lb alrady.

    There are quite a few people on here who have overcome type 2 diabetes and I’m sure some of them will respond to your post but in the meantime if you click on forum and then medical conditions and fasting, you’ll find several threads devoted to fasting with diabetes.

    Good luck I hope it works out for you 🙂

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