Dehydration and no sleep at all-can Dr Mosley advise me?

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Dehydration and no sleep at all-can Dr Mosley advise me?

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  BruceWillis 9 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hello All-New Dieter here

    I’ve only just completed day three of my fast diet and it has really affected my sleep. The first fast day I had a very interuppted nights sleep which I accepted but then on the third fast day I didn’t go to sleep literally all night.
    More worrying for me is that I’ve started to have sensations in my head; I think it’s because I was already probably dehydrated despite making concerted efforts to drink plain water.
    I think the weight I will have lost will be water and therefore my head is being affected-your brain gets dehydrated like any other part of your body.
    I really want to continue on this diet but obviously I will lose more water in the weeks to come and I don’t want to cause something serious.
    Can you give me any advice Dr Mosley about this and how to effectively hydrate myself?
    With thanks

    PreciousBooBoo, you do not need advice from Dr Mosley about dehydration.
    No where in his book does it say you should not drink water, far from it . On any form of diet you need to stay hydrated, that means drinking sufficient water for your bodies needs. Going without water is to say the least foolish. Drink water normally during your day and during your “fast days” and your body will be ok. If you have any doubts just google Hydration and you will get the info you need.
    I would also suggest you see your Doctor. He is more qualified to give you advice regarding your symptoms and hydration than any one on this board.
    Good luck.

    Hello Couscous

    I think you have misunderstood my post-I didn’t say I wasn’t drinking water-quite the opposite but I still think I am dehydrated.
    Does Michael Mosley not answer any questions posted on this site? I’m new and thought he might as he has a vested interest in this diet.


    If you think you are still dehydrated drink more ?

    PreciousBooBoo, having used this site for several months I think it is recognised by most posters that Michael makes comments on occasions but I believe not for specific problems like yours.
    Again I suggest you seek medical advice as what you think may be the problem may not be the problem at all and may be something different all together.
    Whatever it is you feel you are suffering from no one on this board can really advise you other than to seek medical advice and I urge you to do so.

    The best guide to knowing whether you are truly dehydrated is the colour of your urine! Brown is bad – defo drink loads, any water in tea, squash, melon whatever counts, but just plain water is zero calories so doesn’t eat into your 500 cals. Light pale clear yellow is good, you are fine. When they talk about losing water weight, this is because one fat cell, is not only fat, but also about 3/4 water and 1/4 fat. So when you lose body fat, you are also losing water, but this is from what was tied up in your fat calls rather than free in you body. Hope this helps. Also v good for your kidneys to drink plenty.

    I drink at least 1.5 – 2 litres of water on fast days and the same or only a bit less, every other day. If you’re drinking tea/coffee because you feel you’d struggle with this otherwise then fine but remember that they are diaretics so too much will dehydrate you more in the long run.

    I would see a doctor though hon, just in case there’s anything else affecting your insomnia/ headache situation.

    Good luck & feel better soon.

    PreciousBooBoo, I want to assure you I had the EXACT same situation, when I started the diet at the end of June. The first fast night I slept so-so, the second feast night I slept just a few hours, and by the third feast night, I slept, no exaggeration, 1-1/2 restless hours. I normally sleep 9 peaceful hours a night. Even with the mass sleep deficit, the next few nights continued with very limited hours of sleep. I took magnesium, I got up several times to drink water thinking I was dehydrated, I had no caffeine during day, etc. I thought I might have to go off the diet. The good news is that the insomnia issues lessened, and within two weeks, I do not have insomnia any more. I will say I sleep less… I go to bed later and wake up earlier, but I consider that a positive thing, because I’m not tired during the day. So push through, and this insomnia issue will probably pass for you, too.

    good news there, are you still on the 5:2?

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