Decidedly Dangerous December

This topic contains 341 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  Maui 2 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 47 posts - 301 through 347 (of 347 total)


    Ask most people and they will tell you there were 3 Wise Men or Kings who came from the East and brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to give to the baby Jesus on Christmas Day.

    However, it seems that the Bible does not specify the actual number of magi, the number three being assumed from the number of gifts offered, and they did not arrive on Christmas Day but some 12 days later on 6th January, or Epiphany. Later retellings of the Christmas story have added names to the three kings and explained the significance of the three gifts.

    Day 27 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    The whole family is here, and this is the first time I’ve been on my laptop since Christmas Eve, and I’m only here to wish you all a Merry Christmas–specifically, a merry 3rd day of Christmas! I’ll be back Thursday morning…

    Day 27 – USA/GA – FD!

    Weigh-in: 221 lbs. Basically I’m a pound heavier than this time last year, making 2022 really a plateau-long year. Could be worse. I could be 240 lbs!

    But so happy to resume fasting after doing my last FD a week ago today. Will probably skip tomorrow and do another FD on Thursday. I need to be more strategic in 2023. I think the evening meals during the week are my downfall. I would like to convert one or two of my regular NFDs into TRE/2MAD (nothing after 3 pm). There seems to be growing evidence that evening meals have a different effect on the body than meals earlier in the day. Now if I can actually do it. I know Friday – Saturday is out of the question. Also out of the question is slow cooker/Crockpot meals (but honestly, I don’t in practice do those each day).

    I’m thinking about my goal weight for this time next year. I really want to be in the 100s. I got to find my determination and watch what’s sneaking into the pantry and refrigerator and how often those things are sneaking into my mouth 🙂


    Day 27 USA/HI FD800
    Back up to 167 lb today but I guess a 1 lb up/down is fairly normal. Today’s FD800 should be easy as most of the day I will be busy and away from food. After dropping DH at daycare I have a 1 hour drive to eye clinic for check up. By the time we get back home and settled in, the day will be almost over with only dinner to deal with as far as food goes.
    Wishing everyone a good day ahead. And healing for all with Covid and other health challenges. . I’m a little concerned about DH being exposed by going to daycare, even with his 5 shots. But we do have to live and right now I do not have other options for his care when I have doctor appointments and work.

    Hoping to start 2023 at 165 lb. on this journey to 135.


    Day 28 Melbourne, Australia CD

    I don’t know how it has happened, but my weight is down to 75kg this morning. I’m not complaining about it. Today will be a vegetable and fruit day as I still feel overwhelmed by all the sugar I inhaled over the Christmas period.

    @Daffodil2020 best wishes for getting over covid to you and your family.

    I hope the cold storm has not been too dangerous for all our US friends.

    Day 27 Ohio, US — NFD

    Things are finally getting back to normal today after that bomb cyclone. I got in my regular “Monday” shopping (which didn’t happen on Monday due to the snow emergency) and boy! the roads were still a big mess. There was also good news — my furnace is working fine. Apparently it was so cold that the furnace just couldn’t keep up with the cold winds buffeting the house. This evening I’m experiencing a little energy drain, so this will have to be brief.

    @northgeorgia Thanks for sharing some of your goal-planning! You remind me that it would be good for me to do the same and start off the new year with definite goals.

    @stitchincarol Enjoy the family time!

    @gardenlily I actually keep my decorations up until the day of the Kings, January 6 as you mention. Something that I’ve wanted to start doing with my nativity scene, is to have the magi start across the room and every day move them a little bit closer until they “arrive” on January 6. By the way, which fantasy world game are you and your DGD playing?

    @daffodil2010 Hope you and everyone in your family shake off those Covid visitations quickly and completely!

    @funshipfreddie In the US, strep is running rampant, especially among children. Is it doing the same in South Africa? Hope you get to feeling better in short order!

    Day 28 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – FD

    I never thought I’d be happy to resume fasting, but I am! First FD since last Wednesday. I’m proud of the fact that I remained AF, but I was reckless with the sugar/snacks. It’ll be interesting to see what the scales say tomorrow morning.

    @daffodil2010 – great to hear from you! And so sorry to hear of your health issues with Covid. Wishing you a full recovery & hoping you’ll haul yourself back up on the fasting wagon with us soon 🤗

    @northgeorgia – that’s a good way to look at it. No using the ‘f’ word; you’ve just been on a year-long plateau & it’s all ⬇️ – hill from here! I only eat two meals a day every NFD, & maybe a snack of fruit/yogurt in-between. It’s only relatively recently that eating three meals per day became the norm. The Romans believed one mid-day meal was healthy. I’m sure the big food companies would love it if we all moved to hourly snacks, which I think some people are already consuming 😅

    @matpi – I don’t think strep is as bad here as it is in Europe & the USA. But one of the friends I stayed with had it recently before I got there. I believe there’s a new super-strain in Europe that is resistant to antibiotics, & several children in the UK have died recently from Strep A related complications. I’ve just been taking painkillers for my throat, but if it’s still sore in a couple of days I think I’ll go & pick up some antibiotics.

    Happy Hump Day! 🐫

    Pocket List – Day 28 🍒
    @malee57 CD

    Day 28 – UK Cam FD800

    Yesterday’s 500 FD was probably more of an 800 as I remained totally focussed all through the day, even on granny-duty, but dinner time my resolve dissolved and I was led astray by the stuffing. DH stepped in and reminded me I was supposed to be on a FD so it wasn’t as bad as it might have been, still …

    So, I am trying for an 800 today (2 x 800 = 1 x 500???)- just need to keep busy. I totally agree with @funshipfreddie – it IS good to get back on the regular FD routine. I love the idea of inhaling the sugar – that describes it perfectly!

    @malee57 – well done on the weight drop, keep it down!

    @matpi – Glad to hear the boiler is working OK. I think there is a lot of strep about – several friends complaining of sore throats and fever. Over here in the UK we have had such changes in the temperature from minus 8 up to plus 16 that viruses are having a field-day.

    @stitchincarol – enjoy your family time, plenty of time to catch up with us when they have all returned to their homes.

    @northgeorgia – I think the period now up to the start of the New Year will be one of reflection and setting new goals for a lot of people, including us on this WOL.
    After all, what else are new year resolutions if not new goals – the main task is to make sure the targets we set are realistic.

    On that note, I need to think about the targets I set for myself, not just weight but other stuff.

    Pocket List – Day 28 – jump on if you decide to fast today!


    The Star of Bethlehem – the star much beloved by the carol ‘We Three Kings of Orient Are’. The star or guiding light appears in Matthew’s gospel in the Bible. Modern astronomers question whether there was a conjunction of the planets (as occurred in 2020 when Jupiter and Saturn were aligned) which would have appeared as a bright light in the sky. They have ruled out a meteor (would have been seen once and gone) or supernova (other countries would have seen it and noted it) and there was some thought that it might be a comet – but these were generally regarded as ill omens and it is unlikely that three magi would pack up their bags to follow such a sign.

    Check out this link to see what you think:

    Day 28 country west Australia NFD 88.8 kgs 😱🙄😲😔
    And that my friends is what happens when I do not post for 3 weeks and eat ENORMOUS quantities of food- any and all kinds and not a skerrick of restraint.
    Parties, parties, parties, unexpected guests for a week, others coming and going, mountains of food….
    Not a single FD and not a single excuse.
    All my own lack of willpower and restraint.😱
    SO tomorrow, I will start day 1 of trying to repair some of the carnage.🤞
    We have more friends and family coming to stay for a few days but my body is finally saying ENOUGH!!!!!
    FD tomorrow…
    Hoping everyone had a good Christmas – thinking of USA friends and trusting you weren’t impacted too much. Ditto all other friends across the globe on this forum.
    It’s been a funny year in 2022, hoping 2023 is better.

    Day 28 UK NFD

    Just read the news for the first time in ages , shocked to see the weather conditions in the US , hope our fellow fasters are all safe and well

    I’m starting the journey back to normality, I’m planning 2 FDs next week but like @gadenlily I’m going to have a good think about targets,goals for next year .

    Going to try and get some gentle exercise in today as I haven’t moved off the sofa for around 3 days 🛋️

    Day 28 – USA/GA – NFD

    Whoosh. Weigh-in: 216 lbs. My body responded very well to my first FD in a week. I’ll do another one tomorrow and try to be careful not to jump forward four pounds overnight LOL! Maybe a two-meal day today.

    Day 28 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    First FD in ages, what with Covid recovery and Christmas……but I stepped gingerly on the scale this morning and registered a shock number that I have not seen since 2013!!

    Yes, admitting it now, I saw 171lbs and although I suspected I was heading there, I was truly shocked to see it. Ten years down the drain ☹️

    But not going to dwell on that. So far it’s been water and coffee only. Will break my fast around three with some protein, an egg perhaps. Turkey curry for evening meal but NO carbs and NO alcohol. Back to work tomorrow, just for the day, so ZBC and turkey salad already prepared for to tomorrow.

    I have done a Leslie walk, (ohhh those kicks and knee lifts twinged my leg muscles but good to get the blood flowing in them again, as I have been lounging around like a cat the last week 😀), stretches and an outdoor power walk…….I mean it this time!!

    Thanks all for your kind wishes. Covid has not been kind. But my father is feeling better, and hoping to test negative soon so he can go to my older brothers for NYE. If still positive then all plans are off.

    Day 28 – 2nd Post

    Pocket List – Day 28 – jump on if you decide to fast today!

    Day28 USA/HI NFD
    Weigh in today is back to 166 lb after yesterday’s FD 800 being close to 900. Ended up eating lunch after eye doctor appt. as my eyes took longer time to adjust to bright light after exam. I thought I was ok with sunglasses but then felt I wasn’t safe to drive so stopped and had avo toast in a little coffee shop along the way. Road work and detours in that area gave me a feeling of almost panic attack. Then my planned dinner went off course as I was out of the low carb/calorie healthy noodles I thought were in refrigerator. Oh well I did return to 166 so all’s well that ends well. Will try to keep today’s NFD to 1100 calories or 1200 at most and low carb.
    Enjoyed reading everyone’s posts this morning. Sounds like we are all getting ready for jumping into 2023 with goals and commitment! Onward and downward as a team.

    Day 28 USA (Illinois) OMAD

    Made it through Christmas, super-cold weather, blood draw, etc. and now the warm front has made it here. Saw a funny meme about how our weather is playing all spring and warm now after it tried to kill us last week!

    Driving to Champaign tomorrow for an ILLINI basketball game, so will have some more eating out. Also made reservations for New Years Eve with friends at a local restaurant… but won’t stay up until midnight, just for dinner.

    @stitchincarol – saw a new report about a former Nebraska QB who saved a neighbor’s life in Mississippi from their burning home. “Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear helmets and shoulder pads.” Sounds like a great guy.

    @daffodil2010 – hugs and prayers for your health and for your family’s as well.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 28 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD

    “WHAT??” you ask. A water fast day? Why in the world would you do that while your family is visiting?

    Well, what a difference a day makes. DH, SIL and I all started throwing up in the night, and DS26 is also not 100% okay. We’ve surmised we all caught it from the two granddaughters, who’ve had almost-diarrhea for several days–they arrived with it on Sunday, in fact. They’ve otherwise been fine, really, except for the recurring diapers.

    So this morning, DD and SIL concluded they should go home early, and DH and I were not inclined to argue with them. 🤪 It was sad to have them leave early, but I’m way too sick to actually care, and in fact am happier with them and our two sons gone and the house silent.

    And food? ZERO interest, LOL! WFDs are fairly simply when your body has been behaving the way mine has been!

    That’s my update. I’m hoping I’m far better tomorrow. I really do want to read all the posts I’ve missed, but at the moment I simply want a nap.

    Hugs, all, and Merry 4th Day of Christmas!

    Day 28 UK NFD

    A quick check in. Happy Christmas to all who are celebrating! Now day 4 – my decorations stay up until 12th night.

    DD, 86yo mother & I had a lovely quiet Christmas together, the first since 2019. DD chemo going okay – she’s wiped out and lots of challenging symptoms but very keen to do as much as she can. Strange for me to be the healthiest person in the house. They both loved the new sofa so well worth the effort! All went well – midnight mass attended, stockings opened together, food eaten and appreciated and games played.

    But my 86yo mother & I have been knocked down with a virus – for me it’s throat and lost my voice, now barking cough, headache, ache all over and so tired – tho thankful I’ve lost the burning nerve pain that ran from 24-26. Mother really struggling to stand, move, hold her head up, breathing not so good (COPD). So it’s all about checking 02 sats, temp & BP here with a bit of tempting nursery-style food to keep her going, and ENDLESS cups of tea. She’s not well enough to go home so staying an extra few days. No bad thing as her PA who had the virus first is now in hospital with uncontrolled asthma.

    I’ve eaten all the wrong things and am feeling the size of a house – but really *just* put on about 7lbs in a week and puffed up around 2 sizes! That puts me almost back where I started in 2017 – @daffodil2010 I see you x

    On the bright side – I’ve set up Jump-Start January! The January 2023 Monthly Challenge – here

    @stitchincarol hope you feel better very soon. Yay for WFD silver linings?

    Day 29 country west Australia FD 85.8 kg
    I am IN IN IN for Jump start January. Thanks in advance @michelinme.
    Sorry to hear so many feeling unwell. Hope you recover quickly.

    @stitchincarol – so sorry you’re under the weather!

    Day 29 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    Almost 6pm so time to stop eating for the day. A small victory today – I was shopping and went round and round the supermarket and looked at the muffins, then the croissants, then the cheese and bacon rolls. And put them all down and came away with only what I needed.

    @michelinme thank you for starting us off for the next year.

    Day 29 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Drum roll… last Thursday morning’s weight – 70.8 kgs. This morning – 71.7 kgs! It’s a Christmas miracle! ✨ 😅 So thanks to the wriggle room I’m still at maintenance after 6 NFDs & 1 FD. I think I’ll leave my next FD to Monday, & just try to stay below TDEE over the weekend.

    @lilymartin – welcome back!

    @northgeorgia – well done on the whoosh! 💪

    @stitchincarol – crikey?! Feel better soon! 🤗

    @daffodil2010 – I hope your FD went well. But – definitely NOT 10 years wasted! Self-recrimination is a waste of time & energy. No doubt you’d be heavier if you’d never fasted, & you’ll have picked up skills, tricks & tips during those 10 years that are going to help you conquer 2023! 🏆

    @michelinme – I hope you & your mother are feeling better soon. 🤗 Thanks for setting up ‘Jump-Start January’!

    @malee57 – you’re torturing yourself?! 😅 After my FD yesterday I was salivating just reading those words – muffins, croissants & cheese/bacon rolls 😱

    Sending RESOLVE to the Thursday fasters 💪 🎯

    Pocket List – Day 29 🍏

    Day 29 – Rural Nebraska, USA – no idea

    Well, what a difference ANOTHER day makes! I was so sick yesterday; spent it almost entirely lying down on the sofa, and the rest of it sitting up on the sofa. Today, I’m almost entirely fine, although I have that “Oooo, I’ve been quite sick!” feeling. Thankfully, the 158.0 of two days ago has been replaced by 153.4. But what will I eat today? Well, no piano lessons in Omaha, and I feel better and am therefore more interested in eating at some point today, so I doubt it will be a WF, but perhaps a FD500. Or perhaps just a CD? I’m treating myself gently, so I’ll figure it out as the day goes on.

    @daffodil2010 Oh, I’m so very sorry for all that you and your family have been suffering; do keep us posted, especially on your dad’s progress, and you’ll be in my prayers. And I second what @funshipfreddie said: you are so much more skilled now at 5:2 that, although I sure understand the strong frustration you must feel, I also think you’ll drop the first of it quite quickly, and then be better equipped to continue dropping it. Is your DH planning to lose with you??

    @gardenlily What did you mean that Boxing Day was “ACE”? And I’ve been adoring your Christmas facts–fun stuff! As to the magi, what is generally taught in the Bible classes I’ve attended is: 1.) When the Israelites were taken into captivity in Babylon (in OT times), they sang about the prophecy of a Messiah, a King, and that’s where the magi of the area heard the notion, and it was passed down through the generations so that when the star appeared, they followed it. 2.) When Herod heard about “the newborn king” he “was troubled and all Jerusalem with him.” That’s because Herod was incredibly cruel and indifferent to anybody but himself (he killed several of his own sons, and at least one wife), so Jerusalem knew to be on high alert when Herod was troubled. 3.) When the magi appeared and Herod eventually killed the babies of Bethlehem, it was actually those two and younger, not merely infants. Because of that, it’s believed that Mary and Joseph had moved into some permanent home after Jesus’ birth (it does say the magi went “to the house”) and were living there indefinitely at that point. Whatever the truth about the star, there are so many fascinating details to unwrap!

    @songbirdme That’s a delightfully heartwarming story about Tommy Armstrong, isn’t it? My family had seen the local news–because of course the story was on all stations here–but I hadn’t so it was fun to read.

    @michelinme I too–along with you, @matpi–keep my decorations up through the twelve days of Christmas. Do any others of you, or are you inclined to say “Christmas is over” and be done with the decorations? I actually have not yet written–let alone sent!–my Christmas letter, but I always point out that the rest of the world sends ADVENT cards, and I still have until next Thursday, a week from today, to get my CHRISTMAS cards sent. 😂😂🤪 Sadly, we took very few pictures, so my plan to include a picture of the entire family is impossible. Oh well, I’ll figure out something. And thanks for hosting January; I’ll sure be there!!

    @funshipfreddie VERY impressive that you only gained a pound over your Christmas holiday; well done!

    The longer I’m awake, the less “well” I’m feeling, and the more weak and wiped out. But that’s not the same as feeling sick, so I’m sure thankful for the improvement. And perhaps I can do something like a FD today without it feeling like torture? We’ll see, but I’m always glad to seize silver linings where I find them, @michelinme!

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    @at I’m well and truly worried that you haven’t posted since the mole was removed from your OH; is everything okay?

    Day 29 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 219 lbs. Carb bounceback, but I did try to limit quantities some yesterday, so thankfully the bounceback didn’t revert to the 220s… just 3 lbs of gain. Going for another FD today. Maybe a nice number tomorrow, too.

    Mom has COVID, so hoping she has a speedy recovery.

    Pocket List – Day 29 🍏


    Pantomime, which I strongly suspect is a rather British tradition, evolved from the Italian ‘Commedia dell’Arte’ and it was David Garrick in the 1730s who introduced speaking characters and drew on folk lore to bring us Dick Whittington or Robin Hood as comedy performances. By the 1840s, the Victorian theatres had changed – ‘Now witty puns, word play and audience participation were added to the repertoire of mime, daring chase scenes and spectacular transformations. Favourite fairy-tale characters, magical animals, principal boys and pantomime dames all became part of the mix. Any subject was fair game, as pantomimes combined nonsense tales with social satire, commenting on current events and innovations such as the exciting but still dangerous railways’. (V&A website)

    There are classic favourites in pantomimes – the Dame (usually a man dressed as a woman) and the Principal Character (often a woman dressed as a man), there is a ‘fool’ and usually some romantic theme to be found. Lots of puns, slapstick and singing – all of which hark back not only to the Italian roots but also include a fair dollop of medieval mumming (which, incidentally, was banned during the times of plague!).
    Here’s a good resource for more info:

    To my mind, the best Pantos are those amateur productions in village halls where everyone in the community is involved in some way – our own village used to have a dedicated team and produced some first-rate Pantomimes but, alas, everyone grows old (or up!) and now all that is left are the floodlights and the empty stage (big sigh).

    Anyone in the forum going to a Pantomime? What’s your favourite character?

    Day 29 – UK Cam – NFD

    Today was supposed to be a quiet,800 FD but then DD called first thing, could I do an extra granny-duty day, starting at 10 am. Just got back in (5 pm) absolutely ‘cream crackered’. Still, between us, DGD and I made a small farm playmat from scraps of fabric, using her mum’s machine, played for 3 1/2 hours on her farm game, ate large quantities of left-overs and watched half an hour video of wild animals eating or mating (why do we have to see all these gruesome bits??) 🙂

    Catching up with everyone’s posts from yesterday and today, I get the impression we are ALL resolved to hit 2023 running (metaphorically, at least!). You can certainly count me in – I haven’t been near the scales for 10 days and don’t intend to until 1st Jan, in fact it may even be 2nd as we have family for lunch onSunday and that’s not a good day to start anything foodwise. Thank you @michelinme for taking up the baton for January.

    @funshipfreddie – well done with the minimal Christmas gain, and well done with the AF – you really are a star

    @northgeorgia – ditto, minimal gain – maximum enjoyment? I hope your Mum is making a quick recovery.

    @stitchincarol – hope you and all the family are soon on the mend – sounds like a really nasty virus. Keep up the fluids. As for the Boxing Day comment about ACE – just meant that it was a fantastic day for DH and me – doing just what we wanted, when and how without the need to interact with family members – playing silly board games, dancing to music and toasting our toes infront of the log fire. I am glad you have enjoyed the Christmas trivia stuff – I was wondering if anyone would make comments about the posts and yours have always been spot on.

    @malee57 – wow what control! well done with resisting temptation. Keep it up.

    @daffodil2010 – please, please don’t get depressed just coz your weight has soared over the Christmas season. I am sure that with a couple of good FDs, it will start to come off again just a quickly as it went on. You will just have to find the resolve to make the start. We are a very supportive group and together we can make a huge difference.

    Two days to go to New Year – need to sort out my plans and goals. Will try for an FD tomorrow – I need it after today 🙁

    Onward and downward, friends

    Day 30 country west Australia FD 800
    Yesterday’s FD morphed in to a CD but VERY CD soI was happy.
    Pleased not to feel so bloated.
    @daffodil2010, I put on 4.5 kgs in just over a week over Christmas !!!!!!! due to too much indulgence of food. But knowing how 5:2 work, black on the wagon and 2 CD/FDs have lost 3.5 kgs.
    I think it is mostly water weight but I am drinking GALLONS of water which I hd stopped doing for a few weeks.
    Anyway it feels good to be back on track.
    @gardenlily, loved the Christmas fact, well done 💐
    @funshipfreddie, congratulations on the maintenance.👏
    @northgeorgia, I hope your mother recovers quickly from Covid 🙏
    @stitchincarol, all the best for a speedy recovery. You don’t sound well. 💐
    @malee57 well done on the self control 👏👏
    Just heard an interesting talk by a biochemist who said her research show that it is best to eat a savoury breakfast, fibre first, fruit last, many fewer carbs and cereal and milk very bad for spiking one’s BSLs.
    Very interesting and informative – at 5 am !!!
    Headed for a hot one of 38ºC, so off to water the garden before it gets too hot.
    Have a good day all.😁

    Day 29 Ohio, US — FD800
    Day 28 — NFD

    Today’s FD hopefully will compensate for a little too much sugar yesterday. The fasting has gone well, even though I’ve had a sinus headache all day and have been taking ibuprofen every three hours for it. I think that the rapid change in the weather is mostly responsible for the sinuses acting up. Last Saturday it was effectively -36 F and extremely dry and today it’s 53 F and extremely humid.

    @lilymartin By any chance was the biochemist Jessie Inchauspé?

    @gardenlily I often watch video or TV while I eat and I have a firm rule: no nature shows with animals! As you pointed out, no matter how cute an animal appears at the moment, within a few seconds they are going to show that cute animal eating or being eaten by another cute. Back in the 1960’s animal programs had pleasant story lines and beautiful photography. Then it seems as though there was a Darwinian reaction and that has dominated ever since.

    @northgeorgia Hope you mother has a quick “health bounceback”!

    Pocket List – Day 29 🍏

    Day 30 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD – Day 91 🚫🍷

    Only 9 days away from my 100 day challenge! @gardenlily – I really am a star ⭐️ 😅 Anyone else in for Dry January?

    @gardenlily – I’m still new to this area, & haven’t heard of any panto’s being performed this year. But, Cinderella has to be the best of the ones I’ve seen. And of course, Buttons & the Wicked Stepmother are usually the most likeable/hateful characters!

    Happy Fri-yay! 🍹

    Pocket List – Day 30 🍓
    @lilymartin FD800

    Day 30 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️

    Hello hello everybody!
    Mon dieu it has been a holiday for sure… good food, good company and all is well with family. Great to catch up with our big family with all the young ones back from abroad. Mum has enjoyed their company and that is precious.

    Nice long walks, a few cycles and some sea swims which have done the trick to jolt the mindset 😂

    I am expanding… there is no doubt – I can feel it in my clothes – but no weighing until after 3 January when I will deal with whatever has happened 🤣

    Hopefully it won’t take too much effort to undo any damage.

    I hope you are all enjoying the break and keeping healthy and well. 💕

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 30 NFD

    Yes I’m with you on the tight clothes front @jaifaim ! I am also aware the number is going to be unpleasant on the scales but I’m gearing up for a strong month January 💪

    Day 30 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD 153.6

    Yeah, stomach flu is indeed a silver lining to the problem of having over enjoyed the treats of Christmas. I actually thought I’d be down even further this morning, but only going up 0.2lbs is about the same as not going up at all, right? I am mostly fine, but still weak…that was an ugly strain of stomach flue we suffered! And thanks to all for the well wishes; they helped! 🥰

    @michelinme How’s your mom feeling? And you?

    @jaifaim and @brightonbelle Yup, I’m right there with you. When I was undressing for bed the other day–before the flu hit–I looked at my stomach and was simultaneously astonished and repulsed. It was not flat on any level and puffed out in truly unpleasant ways and unfamiliar places. Even at my heaviest, I’ve been closer to a flat belly than not, since I gain weight on my hips and thighs mostly. So, GROSS! 🤪 Things WILL change in January, and, thanks to the stomach flu 🤣🤣 (WHO thanks the stomach flu??? I DO!), it’s already begun to change! 👍👍

    Some friends are asking if we have plans for NYE, and DH and I are considering it…not sure if it’s safe or not, so we’ll see what we decide. And then on Sunday is the gathering of DH’s family, somewhere around 25 of us at his brother’s house an hour away. Do you all have plans for NYE?

    @funshipfreddie I’m toying with Dry January but haven’t decided yet. At the very least, I’ll do LIMITED January, certainly. Are you planning to continue your own journey?

    You know we’re sick when we don’t do coffee in the morning, but for the first time since before we got the stomach flu, I’m thinking coffee sounds lovely this morning; another sign of recovery.🥰😉

    @northgeorgia, I haven’t yet done my serious thinking and planning for the new year, and specifically for January, but will soon be following your example of setting some serious plans. How are your plans coming, and how’s your mom?

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 30 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 215 lbs. OK, we’re on our way! But probably next FD will be Jan 2 or 3 — we have a tradition in this part of the country to eat collards, black-eyed peas, and cornbread on New Year’s Day (although, collards don’t agree with us, so we’ll have some other green like fresh salad)… Since Tuesday will be my first day back at work, it may be easier to fast on Tuesday and Thursday again next week.

    My dad was getting congested. He ran out to get another booster (ok, I didn’t have the heart to tell him it doesn’t work that way — but anyway). I’m about to go down and check on them today.

    Plans are going pretty well! I am really motivated for the new year! My thought is to make sure most NFDs don’t get out of hand (yes, going wild for a celebration is to be expected) — it’s important to make good choices and only eat if hungry on most NFDs. I still think a day or two of no suppers on NFDs is a great idea. May be tough to implement on a stressful day, but those are probably the ones that need abstaining from food the most!

    I also decided to create a new motivational item for myself. I created a spreadsheet, printed it out, and posted it on my refrigerator. It starts with my highest weight of 2022 and goes down to about 25 lbs under that weight on the front page; on the back it continues about 25 more pounds below that (although I expect I’ll just print out something new before it comes to that). At the top, I list each column: weight in descending order, dates that I hit that weight, the current “record” when I was last that weight, and a column for a “new” final time I hit that maximum weight. I wonder if seeing patterns in front of my face like that might motivate me further…

    Have a happy New Year, all!

    Day 30 UK NFD

    SO thankful that my brother has come to London and is on his way over to collect my mother. He’ll help her back to her home and stay over until Monday to keep an eye. By then she’ll hopefully be well enough to look after herself for a few days – or we’ll have got medical advice/treatment.

    I’m not the best carer and definitely not when feeling ill. After 8 days of guests and 7 days of illness I am simply longing for an early night and sleep without an alarm.

    I have put on almost 4 KILOS over the past 10 days – amazingly it’s simply due to eating! I can’t wait to start fasting tho expecting a bumpy transition.

    Wishing health to any who are ill, strength to those who are fasting and best wishes to all for the New Year.

    Here’s the link to the again Hope to see you there!

    Day 30 – UK Cam – NFD?

    Wet and windy day here so def. an indoors day after a blustery walk this morning with dog. Spent most of it designing and making a small quilted mat for DGD – in our farm game she needs some camping sites – but with challenges (island in swamps, infested with snakes; clearing in the woods but troubled by bears) so I have built in pockets where snakes can lurk and a cave for the bears. It’s been fun but quite hard work – I should add these are only 15 inch squares, it’s small scale stuff! Anyway, means I was so preoccupied, I forgot to eat until 1pm when DH complained he was hungry so we had soup and tonight we have some baked cod so it may well turn out to be a FD, especially if I make sure I don’t nibble anything later on!

    @stitchincarol – glad to see you are feeling better. yes, the ‘ugh, coffee’ feeling is a definite bad sign.

    @jaifaim – swimming in the SEA?? at this time of year? You must be crazy! I agree with you and @brightonbelle about the tighter clothing – not a good sign. Roll on January, I say.

    @funshipfreddie – still havering about dry January – may go DTF (dry til Friday?) and stick with it, see if that works.

    I haven’t had time to post a Christmas Fact today but will put the final one up tomorrow.

    Day 30 USA/HI FD

    Weight is still bouncing back and forth 1 lb up/down and not dipping below 166. Attempting 2 B2B FD800’s today and tomorrow so I can see 165 on Jan1st. I know I need to take a leap of faith and start doing FD500’s or even a water only FD. That will part of new achievements for 2023. Still have a mental block on it now but I am going to get past it soon.
    @northgeorgia Thanks for sharing your idea of creating a visual chart for inspiration! I do well with visuals too. I think I will have my DH and his art therapist make me a paper chain of 30 links. ….with the colors changing every 5 links. I will remove a link each time I drop 1 lb. We did this years ago when we decided to get serious about paying off our house and becoming debt free. Guess what? It worked like magic! With no significant change in income we paid off the balance on the house in about 2 years. I am very excited to try this for ditching this last 30 lbs in 2023. We have Art Therapy today so I should have the chain ready for Sunday morning to start 2023.
    Wishing everyone good health as many of us are recovering from illness this time of year. Maybe staying sugar free as possible might give the immune system a little boost? Not sure because sometimes we just catch stuff no matter what. Anyway, onward and downward. Each finding our best pathway on this amazing and wonderful shared journey.

    Day 31 Melbourn, Australia NFD
    Day 30 sort of FD

    I think I need to actually count calories for a few weeks on my FDs. Or I get serious about only eating vegetables and not too much fruit. Which is difficult with summer fruit around.

    @michelinme I agree that it is difficult to look after others when you are feeling unwell yourself. Your mother sounds lucky that she has 2 children able to help her.

    @gardenlily that mat sounds complicated and like so much fun for your DGD. You’ll both have a lot of fun playing with it.

    @stitchincarol your stomach bug does not sound like it was fun. But you have to look for the silver lining. I rarely get ill enough that I don’t feel like eating. Just ill enough that I am unable to exercise.


    First Footing – a curious Scottish tradition. The first person to cross your threshold (enter your home) in the New Year should be a tall dark-haired stranger and they should bring with them a piece of coal. Why?

    Dark-haired strangers were felt to be much safer than fair-haired or fair skinned folk who might turn out to be Norsemen/Viking raiders; and the coal symbolised a warm hearth and welcome all year. So, watch out – and if you haven’t a gift to take to the New Year Party, grab a sack of coal!

    Seriously, some countries do have odd customs for welcoming in the New Year – if you have time, do share any you know about.

    Well, that’s it for 2022 – I hope you have all enjoyed the trivia about Christmas and, if nothing else, you can amaze your friends and relations with really BORING things about Christmas next year!

    DAY 31 – UK Cam – NFD

    Yesterday’s impromptu FD worked! The scales said 140 lb which is a gain of just 2 lb over the feasting period. Of course there is still this weekend when we have family coming over and there is a huge slab of very delicious cake, and that box of continental choccies…

    Today will be a busy day, tidying up the house ready for tomorrow, cooking prep and I really want to finish winter pruning the apples – it’s one of those jobs that keeps getting put off. And there’s a very sad (and very dead?) huge geranium out the front in the patio area that didn’tmake it thru’ the recent freeze – it needs cutting right back to see if anything is worth saving. So, lots of jobs and no time to think about snacking – yep, it’s the snacking that is my downfall I have decided, grabbing a slice of this or a corner of that as I pass by. If the food isn’t about the place, then it is easier to go between meals without topping up.

    @michelinme – yes, having family step up to help is so important. Very glad your brother can help with your mum. We looked after DHs mum in her later years and we worked a rota with SIL to have her 10 days (or so) each meaning we had a break inbetween caring. I am sure the excess gain will soon melt away in January.

    @maui & @northgeorgia- agree that a visual aid does work – those smiley faces on the cake tin and biscuit jar certainly made me stop and think (didn’t stop the odd nibble though!). I am all for charts and reminders – it also gives your partner a reminder that you are working hard on this, and don’t need temptations, however well meaning.

    Not much happening in the forum right now, we are all gearing ourselves up for the New Year celebrations and then Jump-start January. If anyone new has just joined this forum, the January one can be found here, do come and join us:

    If anyone is doing a FD today, good luck and start a pocket list.

    See you all next year!

    Day 31 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    Final weight for Not-So-Dangerous December 71.7 kgs. So I lost a whopping 0.1 kgs. That’s pretty good maintenance! 🙂

    @stitchincarol – my ‘100 Day Challenge’ will be completed on Jan 9th. But I can’t think of one good reason why I would go back to drinking again. Just the thought of eventually going back to day 1…. 😱 Alcohol does nothing for me. Weight maintenance feels almost effortless, & now I’m not consuming all those empty calories I can eat more on NFDs. I feel genuinely relaxed. Sleep is better. Well, you get the picture…. 😅

    @maui – you’re always going to see those fluctuations if you weigh yourself every day. I can tell you’re eager to shift the lbs, but the only way to avoid seeing the numbers you don’t want to see is to weigh less often. Maybe just weigh yourself after a FD? Works for me 🤷‍♂️

    New Year’s Eve?! Can’t believe it’s here already. But, I won’t be partying tonight. Boo Boo’s been very clingy since I picked her up from the cattery. And if people start letting off fireworks tonight I think it will be the last straw. So I’m going to keep an eye on her, watch a movie & hopefully be getting some 💤 by midnight.

    @gardenlily – thanks so much for all the Christmas trivia & for hosting December! 💐

    See you all in 2023! 👀

    Day 31 UK NFD

    Thank you for hosting @gardenlily 💐

    This month , in fact this year has been terrible for me in terms of weight but I’m determined to change things next year

    Thanks to all my fellow fasters for keeping me entertained and educated, see you in 2023 🎉

    Day 31 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 217 lbs. I took account of the month, and it’s my heaviest on average in the past year. However, I do feel good about my strategy going forward in 2023.

    That, and I’ve booked a 4-day trip to Vegas in February! Never been before — should be fun. Probably no 5:2 for me that week though 😉

    Day 31 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD 153.8

    Again, up a few ounces, but I ate quite a bit yesterday, so it’s an excellent weight this morning. And the only alcohol I’ve had since before the stomach flu hit overnight on Tuesday/Wednesday is the brandy I had a few sips of last night to try to soothe my raw throat…it’s either an ugly cold or, I’m wondering, influenza?? Not many symptoms yet other than the throat, a cough all night long, and a nose getting stuffy, so we’ll see how it plays out. Sure makes eating little much easier!

    @michelinme So sad for you that your fun time with family ended as abruptly as my own did, but glad along with you that your brother is there to take over and help. And that weight you gained will go away fast, I’m certain! Feel better after a night with no one in the house?

    @gardenlily You’ve been a stellar host this month, and your Christmas facts have been a wonderful bonus; thanks so much for stepping up and doing so much in such a busy month! And I have an idea of the work involved for your DGD’s quilted mat; WELL done!

    @malee57 “I rarely get ill enough that I don’t feel like eating. Just ill enough that I am unable to exercise” — yup, me too, which is what made this flu such a blessing. As in, if I have to be sick, at least I’m sick enough to quit eating, because there’s very little that makes me quit eating! 🤪

    @northgeorgia How fun to have a vacation booked! Planning to see any shows?

    See you all in January…amazing how this year has flown by!

    Day 31 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Happy New Year, one and all! I could not imagine a year without all of you regulars (and newbies) being here together.

    @gardenlily – what an amazing hostess you have been for us! I had NO idea there were so many interesting and fascinating tidbits about Christmas, the season and various holidays in December. THANK YOU immensely for keeping us entertained!

    Now on to 2023…

    Onward and downward.

    Day 31 USA/HI FD

    Day 31 UK NFD

    Slept like a dead person for 10 hrs then dozed off again. Been good to have a mostly rest day with some pottering in the house – emptying compost bin, stripping guest beds, putting things back where they usually go. Feeling a bit more grounded but pretty wiped. SO good to have a mental break after 8 days and all the pre-Christmas work.

    My mother had a bit of a dip yesterday evening with a spike in temperature but we agreed it wouldn’t do her any good to sit in A&E for 6-10 hrs so my brother took her back to her home and temp settled. She’s been better today but another dip this evening so he’s calling 111 for advice – I suspect she either needs antibiotics or to be in hospital for a few days. Fingers crossed either way – the NHS is such a worry atm, to suddenly not be able to depend on it is really hard. Luckily my brother has agreed to stay well into next week and brought everything he needs to wfh.

    Another NFD and I’m feeling super puffy. Quiet NYE supper of vegan fish, potato wedges and green veg then bath and zzzz. I’m keen to start tomorrow with a bit of a bounce and possibly a FD – why not?! So many veg to eat up I can have a veritable cornucopia!

    @gardenlily thank you for being such an excellent host! It has been a decidedly dangerous December for me but ho hum – that’s what JumpStart January is designed for! Thank you for all your amazing Christmas facts: I couldn’t always take them in but I was very glad to learn so much more about meanings and traditions.

    Well done to everyone who has held steady/ kept gain under control. For everyone who feels a bit stuck/lost/gone awry – hang in there. We can Jump-Start January and getting going in a new direction – we know how this works, and we are always stronger together

    See you over in next month’s challenge!

    Day 31 USA/HI FD
    Quick second post today to add comments.
    Weigh-in today 166 lb making December a successful 4 lb drop. I know I had thought about going for a 10 lb loss in one month but now am comfortable with the reality that slow and steady is the way to go.
    @gardenlily Thank you for hosting December!

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