Decidedly Dangerous December

This topic contains 341 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  Maui 2 years, 2 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 347 total)


    Professor Clement Clarke Moore’s poem, mentioned yesterday, was the first to mentioned ‘a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer with a little old driver, so lively and quick … The reindeer were all named – Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen et al but no Rudolph – he appeared later!

    Rudolph first appeared in 1939 in a short story written by Robert L May, used to promote the store where he worked. The song ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’ was written by his brother-in-law Johny Marks and first hit the ‘big time’ when sung by Gene Autry in 1949.

    Check out this link to hear the original version & learn more:

    DAY 16 – UK Cam NFD
    Well, yesterday’s careful plan came to nought as GD rang early morning to say she had sore throat and cough 🙁 We did a short zoom play session in the afternoon but she wasn’t really up for much. She was so upset as she had screwed up her courage to come over and decorate the tree with her grandad (going out visiting is a real anxiety problem for her) but hopefully she’ll be over soon. Meant I had a ‘free’ day (does anyone get a free day this time of year???) so I decorated the greenery on the bookcases (we do read a lot!) and found some delightful straw decorations – they came from Aldi many, many years ago, probably from Germany or Eastern Europe, tiny little reindeer, angels, stars etc all beautifully woven and tied with red thread. They just gave the finishing touch to the garlands. Then I got out the glue gun and the birch wreaths – oh what fun (NOT) … DH came to the rescue – I was glued to this, that and the table, hadn’t used the gun for a while and boy does that glue melt fast! Lots of laughter, lots of mess and a very sticky wreath hiding in a remote corner of the hall.

    @stitchincarol – so pleased to hear your partying went well,you must have been exhausted at the end. Your query about the authorship of the poem? I was quoting from Prof. Patrick Harding’s tome on Christmas – I’ll give the full details later as it is a fantastic source for all things related to Christmas. We first met at Cambridge when we were both lecturing – he was doing medicinal plants and I was doing ‘death’ – his students kindly brought my group a giganormous hemlock plant they had found whilst out foraging, my group returned the gesture with a suitably personalised grave stone design (a group task at the end of our course!).

    @penz – sorry to hear about the job. As you say, once you have had that ‘epiphany moment’ the job loses it’s appeal and it’s time to move on usually. You only live once, so make sure you enjoy what you are doing, otherwise you are wasting it!

    @northgeorgia – broccoli tasting like pizza -now there’s a challenge for the horticulturalists! Although … there are some pizzas that don’t taste so good. Personally I love my veggies, even those overlooked brussel sprouts – but I do know that having no taste sensation is a real turn off to eating. One of the side effects of DH’s illness is no sense of smell and reduced taste and he says how food is not really interesting any more.

    @brightonbelle – hope you are soon feeling better.

    @maui – hope the visit to dermatologist went well – you sound such a caring, thoughtful person. Love the lupper – we often have ‘tunch’ tea/lunch!

    @funshipfreddie – yes, the cigarette ban in NZ is causing some controversy. My DS lives in NZ with his family, out in the wilds near Abel Tasman reserve, and says that even out there, especially amongst the Maori folk, it is causing ripples. Nanny states – urrgghhhh

    Lots of people missing from our forum right now – hope everyone is getting along OK in Dangerous December – do leave a short post if you are visiting – we love to hear from all our friends on this page.

    As yesterday, very few posting FDs today so empty pocket list – do start one if you are fasting today.

    Day 16 – South Africa – NFD

    Phew?! Glad that FD is over with. I didn’t have my usual omelet; just an apple, some crackers with a small amount of cheese & some soup. Too carb-heavy, & the hunger lingered after I’d eaten. But I survived. About 644 cals according to MFP. But boy, did I sleep?! 11:30 pm til 8:15 am 💤

    @penz – they’re introducing stricter laws against smokers here too next year. No advertising, plain packaging etc. They’re even planning to outlaw smoking areas. Some places, like casinos have smoking areas with separate entrances & ventilation. But they have to go. I wish they put as much effort into fighting real problems, like violent crime, poverty & unemployment. Cigarette sales were banned during our initial lockdowns in 2020. Smokers still got hold of cigarettes, & the ban was declared unlawful by the Supreme Court of Appeal earlier this year.

    It’s a public holiday today, Day of Reconciliation. The official start of silly season. My quiet seaside town is about to be invaded 😧

    @gardenlily – I just listened to Gene Autry singing ‘Rudolph the red-nosed Reindeer’ 😅 Amazing to think that recording is 73 years old?!

    Happy Fri-yay everyone! 🍹

    Day 16 – UK -NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Called in on occasion so much happening here I just speed read through posts, but cannot decide what (or how) to reply to anything. Pretty much avoiding ‘social media’ although only use it to keep in contact with friends.

    5:2 … continuing having my 2 FD’s per week and still maintaining.

    Take care all

    Day 16 – USA/GA – ZBC

    Weigh-in: 216 lbs. OK, about to return to the office (for a quarter of a day of work and a quarter of a day of celebration)! I have some light congestion which makes me alternate from sounding stuffed up to perfectly fine, but no communicable symptoms, and I feel great! And my taste buds had returned about 50% of normal as of yesterday, so apparently no pizza broccoli for me today! Still, doing a ZBC because the Golden Corral buffet beckons at work (fortunately, just the lunch buffet, so hopefully some better veggie, soup, and protein choices).

    My mother’s official results from the doctor swab: no COVID, no flu, no RSV. I’m guessing just a really bad cold? Anyway, I’m making homemade chicken stock in the crockpot so maybe I can create a nice chicken soup for her this evening. My father and brother would be clueless on how to do that, so …

    Next week’s danger: holiday snacks to be made, but it is just once a year hehehe

    Day 16 – Ireland – NFD 🚫🚶🏼‍♀️ ✅

    Hi all! Amazingly Wednesday went really well and I was really happy to see 158 yesterday.

    I’m in Wales this weekend visiting friends so we shall see how I’m doing on Tuesday when I am back.

    Lots of music and festivities here so looking forward to the fun. 🎄 🎶🎄Have not caught up on the past two days but hope all of you are well.

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day 16 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD 152.4

    Yesterday’s WF went fine. Today I’ll have some of the soup I made for Wednesday night (Hamburger Vegetable Barley) for lunch, and then salmon and green beans for supper. There will be a piece of bread with butter at lunch, and I don’t know what else at supper. I am giving myself permission to open a bottle of wine this evening, but may decide to skip it. 🤷‍♀️

    @coda I love having you here with us. You haven’t mentioned: are you still doing 5:2 in any form? I’m hoping you stay with us, because you feel like a dear friend already.

    @maui LUPPER is a great idea; hope all went well with all the appointments and errands yesterday.

    @penz Are you going to retire at all early or keep going? When I was 62, I couldn’t envision retirement on any level. Now? It’s only two years later–and I’m still only 64–but the idea of retirement is looking more attractive to me. Only having a variety of part time jobs and lots of volunteer work–much of which I adore–it’s hard to envision just what retirement could look like. But when DH retires in two years, I’ll automatically be retired from several of my jobs (such as church secretary), so I have that to anticipate. You?

    @matpi Astonishingly, I did have a good “second sleep” yesterday, almost two hours! I do hope you’re feeling dramatically better today!

    @malee57 So glad you had someone pushing you to eat since that helped you resist, and that you’ve made a new friend; that’s always wonderful, isn’t it?

    @gardenlily What a shame about your DGD being sick and not able to come come decorate the tree; hopefully she’s better quickly! And what a fun story about your fellow professor!

    @funshipfreddie I’d never heard of the Day of Reconciliation, although I certainly celebrated with the world the end of Apartheid. What is the connection with that and “the invading” of your seaside town?

    @i-hate-lettuce I’ve thought of you every day; glad to hear all is well and you and Mrs. IHL are keeping busy.

    @northgeorgia So glad you’re so much better with part of your taste returned, and so glad your mom has none of the Big Three. You might try masking tape across your mouth while you bake next week: it worked for me!!!! 🤪😂😂

    @jaifaim How nice to start a little mini vacation with a lower weight; have fun!

    @at I’m worried about you and about your DH’s results…

    @daffodil2010 I’m guessing you’re simply busy and overwhelmed and will be back in January?

    @linda.b I wonder if you figure that, having reached your goal weight, you’re okay to go it alone for awhile? Not unreasonable…but we miss you!

    @flourbaby How’s that new home hunt going?? How’s your mom?

    @mariaelena I know you’re visiting your dad in Chicago; is all going well?

    We have a funeral tomorrow morning, so I’ll go over to church and spend the afternoon getting ready for it and doing loads of other stuff; that’ll be a perfect way to keep me busy and away from food, plus take away some of the stress of all the not-yet-finished tasks. This is the time of year we just race from one thing on our list to the next, right?

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day 16 UK CD

    I forgot to post yesterday – read all the posts then went to bed – oops. I’ve not managed a FD this week as I’ve just been too cold and tired, but I’ve also made unwise food choices, eating OMAD late and snacking after supper. Unsurprisingly my weight hasn’t changed – still 170lb which is at least 2lb above my monthly goal. I’m not doing anything to help the weight come down but I’m also not doing TOO much to make it go up!

    Today has been full on again. Rest and admin morning then my lovely sort-of-stepson came over to help with heavy chores: mending futon (with another friend), moving furniture, cleaning upholstery, collecting a v big whiteboard I got from freecycle, and helping to load my sofa into its new owners’ van 🙂 The new-to-me sofa arrives tomorrow morning and I’m SO hoping it fits after the sofa palaver of the last month. Just the table and chairs to list on freecycle and my home will feel less like a furniture shop!

    @stitchincarol TLDR = too long:didn’t read = interweb shorthand giving a summary ahead of a long post

    I’ve just realised I’ve not eaten today but I’m too cold and tired to just go to bed. Heading for some soup and hoping that will hit the spot, giving me one FD this week

    Day 16 USA (Illinois) FD

    It certainly has turned to winter here — not a lot of snow, but some, and combined with frigid temps predicted, we could be cold for a while. Doing a FD today to keep up with my 6:1 regimen.

    @gardenlily – I’ve really enjoyed your tidbits and backgrounds about Christmas, and what an interesting story about your professor and the mutual student gifts!

    We heard years ago (from a music theory composition class) that Johnny Marks, composer of “Rudolph” originally had a different note in his tune. Those of you who know tune solfeg or numbers would be able to understand this. In the first line, he originally had a low “do” (1) for the word “nosed” but someone suggested he lift it up to the high “do”(8) for added interest. In the key of C, that would be the choice of a high or a low C at that word. It’s hard to believe he ever had a different note there!

    Take care, all of you!

    Onward and downward.

    Day16 USA/HI NFD
    That number of 168 in the scale has now hidden it’s pretty little face.. seems to be very shy lol. Still hovering at 169 but I figure that rascal 168 won’t be able to stay in hiding much longer with these FD 800’s .
    I put NFD for today but it could end up being close to 800 calories. Keeping my options open for the moment.

    @gardenlily, @stitchincarol Yes all went well at the dermatologist yesterday. He did a biopsy on a small spot in my arm but said it most likely isn’t cancer. Will get call within 10 days only if it’s positive. He did the freeze treatment on 4 or 5 small spots on DH. DH seemed to remember doctor and was cooperative… lots of kidding back and forth as we have been seeing him over 25 years….actually turned out to be a very positive experience. He complimented me on taking such good care of DH as his skin looks great for age 88…. and for turning the challenging situation of caregiving into something positive. It was nice to hear that kind of feed back as it is overwhelming at times and I have no idea what I’m doing! That said, I’m happy we kept our appointment and shouldn’t have to return for a year!
    @stitchincarol What veggies do you use in your hamburger veggie soup? I am planning to put something together in the Instant Pot for tonight. I guess we will use whatever is in hand. Right now that would be onion, garlic, celery, zucchini squash and green cabbage and beef broth and seasonings. Canned organic diced tomatoes on hand too so might add a can or two.
    Best to all. I have trouble keeping things straight with names and comments as I scroll through and read everyone’s entries. So I know I don’t comment to individuals as I could if I had a better short term memory. But I do read and appreciate everyone !

    Day 17 Melbourne, Australia FD

    Penz I can understand how you feel about work. Last year I decided I had had enough at work. I was really burnt out and needed to get out of work. I took 6 months off, resigned my permanent job and now work on a casual basis. I am a nurse and am lucky enough to be able to get as much work as I like. I am also in a financial position to be able to afford this. I love working only 2 shifts per week and having lots of time to keep in touch with friends and see my sisters as much as I like. It is different for everyone, but your life is very important, and you only get one go at it. Good luck with soul searching and decisions.

    When I went out for lunch with my friend the other day, I came home with 2 boxes of leftovers. Both are now in my freezer waiting for a NFD for me to enjoy them. Many restaurants do still let you take home the food you are unable to finish.


    Traditionally these calendars are made of card and contained scenes relating to the Nativity concealed behind windows labelled 1 thru’ to 24 December. Commercial versions were probably imported to Britain from Germany in the early 20th century and no doubt also appeared around that time in America – possibly as a result of the First World War.

    Modern versions tend to replace the religious scenes with chocolate or candy and often contain a window for 25th December and with the popularity of Harry Potter, some Advent Calendars seem to contain a rather strange mix of religion and the ‘darker’ arts! Certainly my DGD has one with mini lego toys inside.

    On a very personal note here – I have a hand-sewn Advent Calendar with 24 pockets and DH and I carefully buy 12 little gifts for each other each during the year, no chocolate allowed! We then take it in turns to ‘open’ a pocket for a little treat from each other alternate days. (yes, I know, a bit daft but great fun!) This morning it was my turn and I found a pack of really pretty Christmas ribbons 🙂

    Anyone else have Advent Calendar stories?

    Day 17 – South Africa – NFD

    @stitchincarol – not just my seaside town 😅 Every seaside town. The schools are already closed & from the 16th many businesses, offices & factories close until early January. So it’s basically summer hols & everyone seems to head to the coast. The sudden influx of traffic & people certainly feels like an invasion.

    It’s pouring with rain now, & looks like it’s been doing so for much of the night. There must’ve been some thunder too; I didn’t hear anything, but Boo Boo absolutely hates it, & I found her wedged down the side of the fridge. Poor thing 😿

    @gardenlily – not daft at all! I love the tradition you & your DH have of buying gifts for each other to place in your hand-sewn advent calendar 💞

    @malee57 – a Saturday FD! Good for you. Sending you….RESOLVE 🎯

    Have a good weekend everyone ⛅ 🌈

    Pocket List – Day 17 🥑

    DAY 17 – UK Cam – CD
    Great News – the tree got decorated yesterday after all! DGD’s symptoms disappeared and she was declared fit to visit so we had a wonderful morning, wonderful to watch the interplay between DH and DGD as they debated over which dec went where – great to see the kid in DH come to the fore! Unfortunately she brought some ‘experimental brownies’ over with her – they had coconut in them – so we had to try them (they were scrummy). Then there was pizza for lunch and the rest I won’t share … Then, in the evening, a wonderful surprise – a spare ticket for the Christmas Cracker Concert in the village hall- a fantastic funny evening filled with live music and laughter with friends. A perfect end to a perfect day.

    Today I am going to eat wisely, keep under 1000 if possible, and calling it a CD. Having a quiet day, wrapping last gifts, walking dog and trying to have a pamper session (nails etc). It will probably be the last icy day so making the most of the sunshine and cold with walk around the hills (yes, there are some even in the Fens!)

    @malee57 – good luck with the FD on a Saturday – hope your resolve holds. I too had a break before retiring officially although my break was caused by Covid. I am quite amazed at how busy I am these days, and wonder how on earth I fitted in a full-time job as well.

    @funshipfreddie – hope Boo-Boo is OK – when we had cats they used to hide in bad weather – I guess they didn’t like getting their fur wet.

    @maui – I am sure 168 will leap out and surprise you very soon – keep up the good work. Glad to see your visit to specialist went so well, it makes such a difference if the medical professionals seem approachable.

    @songbirdme – winter in Illinois sounds COLD – your bit about the changing not in the Rudolph tune had me humming it for ages to find the notes you meant (not being particularly musical). Hope the FD yesterday has positive results today.

    @michelinme – this cold snap certainly drains resolve but you do need to eat regularly, albeit once a day. Did it turn into a FD yesterday? Take care of yourself.

    @stitchincarol – I loved ‘gave myself permission’ – it’s a wonderful phrase and so useful, coz you can always decide not to and pat yourself on the back. It’s all down to choice – we choose this WOF.

    @jaifaim – hope the Welsh break is going well with lots of music and good company.

    @northgeorgia – glad your mum tested negative although you are left wondering what she might have. good luck with the ‘part-time’ approach to work and also with the holiday snax baking – a real test of character – perhaps try @stitchincarol‘s ‘permission’ approach?

    @ihatelettuce – please keep posting and share your journey with us. We have missed you!

    Time to take the dog out for morning walk. Take care everyone and keep a firm resolve. December is not called Dangerous for nothing!

    @gardenlily (CD)

    Day 17 – UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Not been around much as despite my generally optimistic outlook on life I struggle with this time of year. We know what the reasons are, but try as I might, I find the run up to Christmas can be quite depressing, so rather than pull others down I ‘hibernate’. Looking forward to seeing son and D-I-L for a few days and went round to some close friends last night for a meal and a few laughs, but otherwise I avoid the world at large. So don’t be surprised if like nature I’m asleep until spring or away travelling, I’ll be back eventually.

    Take care all

    Day 17 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 218 lbs. My mom wants to make a run to the supermarket, so she must be feeling better.

    Day 17 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Still waiting for DH to get up so we can break our fast with eggs and some Kringle. Our local grocery sells them in the winter – a real treat that I seldom do, but hey?! We must indulge sometimes! Ours today is cherry. They also sell them in Trader Joe’s across the USA even though they are from Wisconsin.

    My FD yesterday was excellent — lost 2.3 pounds, my normal loss to keep at maintenance.

    @gardenlily – I am sorry if my note about “Rudolph” caused you grief. I was trying to see if I could find that choice of notes somewhere, but I could not.

    ADVENT calendars: I always enjoyed purchasing the one with bits of chocolate each day for our 2 granddaughters. Since it only went up to 24, I told them #1 GD would do the odd days and #2 did the evens. That way the one calendar would work for them. They’re too old for that now. 🙁

    Nowadays, I really enjoy the Jacquie Lawson computer one. I’ve done them for years, always a gift from a dear musical friend. That’s the one this year. It has fun games I enjoy, artwork, as well as excellent music. I believe they are about $8.00 if you only purchase one, but less if you give them as gifts.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 17 USA/HI NFD
    Weigh in today was 168 lb. Happy to see 168 again and keeping 167 in mind to celebrate a 10 lb loss since returning this wonderful 5:2 group.
    Yesterday’s NFD turned out to be a CD with calories just under 1000. I find using MyFitnessPal app is so helpful and it’s actually kind of fun to create a plate of tasty food with few calories. Something to do while I am home most of the time caring for DH … I’m making it my entertainment. My goal in weight loss is having the energy to see this caregiving journey through with a smile. Must get in shape and ready for the caregiving challenges that are ahead.I know everyone here is dealing with their own situations… all the best.


    Many of us will be attending Carol Services at our local chapel/church over the next week so I thought a post about carols might be interesting.

    Carols epitomise Christmas for many, but they have not always been part of the main-stream church services here in the UK. Some Welsh chapels and churches have had their own form of carol service but it was not until 1878 that the Church of England formally reinstated the carol service into the church calendar with an outdoor service at Truro, held on Christmas Eve at 10 pm.

    The modern definition of a carol is a Christmas hymn but the original meaning, probably from the French, was a joyful song. By the 12th C they had become part of different religious festivals, including Easter, and 14th C Chaucer mentions them ‘Come, and if it lyke you, To dauncen dauncith with us now’ and I, without tarrying, Wente into the karolying’. It seems that many carols were written in this period but they were driven ‘underground’ by the Reformation (carol services having a papist or pagan link) and again by the Puritans under the Commonwealth government in the 1650s. Radicals and dissenters kept the tradition of Christmas carols alive through the 18th century when the only carol permitted in the services of the Anglican Church was ‘While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night’ which was based on Luke’s Gospel account. In the 18th century, the well-known carols ‘O Come All Ye Faithful’ and Charles Wesley’s ‘Hark the Herald Angels Sing’ found their way into Anglican services, despite being written by dissenters!

    The Victorian nostalgia for ‘Merrie Olde England’ saw the publication of collections of carols and they suddenly became quite acceptable, featuring in many writer’s stories including, of course, Charles Dickens.

    Settlers in some parts of North America never lost their passion for carols and they continued to be part of their Christmas tradition. Some of our favourite carols – We Three Kings, Away in a Manger and O Little Town of Bethlehem were actually written in America.

    Whatever your nationality, creed or colour – enjoy your Christmas Carols!

    Day 18 – UK Cam NFD
    Lovely quiet day yesterday, controlled eating went reasonably well although I did have a glass of wine with dinner, still reckon it came in under TDEE if not 1,000. At least the cold snap is coming to an end so won’t feel the need to fill up on carbs to keep warm. DD rang last night to say her DH has gone done with the virus so no play date today and no Christingle for them which is sad. There are so many ‘bugs’ doing the rounds. Today we will be putting almond paste on the cake, provided I can find the apricot jam (might have to substitute with apple jam – will anyone notice?). Must restrain myself from nibble offcuts of the marzipan. Does anyone else reshape offcuts and coat them in chocolate as treats? If i had some dates about the place – which I don’t 🙁 – I could stuff them and then coat with chocolate … Not good for the waistline!

    @songbirdme – no grief over Rudolph – since posting my bit on reindeer, the song had been a bit of an earworm and your post had me humming it, again! We love the Lawson advent calenders and cards – haven’t had one for a couple of years but may rejoin as the artwork and music are so good. Thanks for sharing that with us.

    @maui – well done with the 168lb – I am sure you will get to 167lb or lower, you are definitely focussed now!

    @northgeorgia – so pleased to hear your mom is feeling better – the urge to shop is a clear sign!

    Obviously early in the day for many of us but if you are contemplating a FD – start a Pocket List. Meanwhile, enjoy your weekend everyone – last Sunday before all the festivities commence!

    Day 18 – South Africa – FD

    I’ve decided to get tomorrow’s FD out of the way today, so my two FDs i.e. Sun/Wed are nicely spaced out.

    @i-hate-lettuce – great to hear from you. Just the other day I was imagining Mrs. @i-hate-lettuce still dragging you around the shops & you hating every minute of it 😅

    @songbirdme – I was just drooling over the Kringle pics – probably not a good idea on a FD 😧

    @maui – I hope you see that ‘167’ sometime this week! 🎯

    Happy S🌞nday everyone!

    Pocket List – Day 18 🥕

    Day 18 UK NFD

    Sorry I’ve been poor at posting , not being over dramatic I’ve just not had the energy, I tried catching up a few times but just couldn’t concentrate long enough , but back to normal(ish ) now and hoping to get in the swing of things with a Monday FD tomorrow 🎄

    Day 17 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 217 lbs. I had no soft drinks all last week until yesterday, when my mom and I decided we had a craving for Chinese food. Our verdict afterwards was the same — meh… The place had gone down from what we remembered. Not even a fortune cookie… awww…

    I am planning to do a WFD today and again on Tuesday. We may get snow on Dec. 22 or 23 and temperatures are forecast to stay below 0C throughout the Christmas weekend; the coldest here in at least five years. Brutal! But there is actually a possibility of a White Christmas. That’s so unusual here…

    All of this to say that a challenging week awaits and the consequences of Dangerous December will surely rear its ugly head again before New Year’s Day. But I plan to pull through and try some new strategies in January.

    Pocket List – Day 18 🥕

    Day18 USA/HI NFD
    @gardenlily @funshipfreddie Thanks for the positive reinforcement. I need see 167 on the scale this morning and I could hardly believe my eyes. I think 10lb loss since Oct 1 is less than a pound per week. I had thought 2 lbs a week would be reasonable but I am very happy with how things are working out. And quite content if it continues at about this same rate. I’m committing to a one year additional loss of 30 lbs staring Jan 1st. Hope to start the year at 165. I know there will be ups and downs along the way but looking forward to the 2023 journey.
    @brightonbelle I have been hit with lack of energy too and I understand. Sometimes you just have to stop most everything for awhile. Glad you are feeling better now and posting again. I’ll be watching for your posts. Our traveling days are over now but in past years we did visit London where we went to museums during the day and theater at night…,absolutely loved every minute. Also enjoyed the beauty of Wales and Scotland on our trips.
    Hope to keep calories 1000-1200 on today’s NFD which I guess makes it a CD?

    Day 19 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    I really enjoy starting my day by coming on this forum and seeing how people are going. It helps keep me on track (I need lots of help at times) and I get to feel like a busybody cos I just like knowing what people are doing.

    I have been getting very slack with trying to keep sugar out of my diet and I think that may be part of why I think about food all the time. This morning I went through my freezer and threw out the sweet slices I had in there. My father would have a conniption if I told him. He grew up in the depression and so you don’t waste anything. And that mindset is very hard to break. That is how our family was brought up and so I find it hard to throw out food. But it is better in the waste rather than on my waist.

    After reading of listening to The Messiah I asked for the CD for Christmas. My STBX gave it to me as an early present and I listened to it yesterday. It really is a beautiful piece of music.

    @gardenlily I am enjoying the Christmas information. I’m hoping to be able to nonchalantly put bits into the conversation with my friends and astound them with my knowledge. I don’t like marzipan, but my STBX loves it. I used to buy it just so he could eat it by itself. I can eat almonds by the handful but not in cooking.

    @maui A 10lb loss is excellent. Well done. It is so frustrating seeing the scales go up and down and then up again. But I try to be happy when the trend is downwards no matter how slow.

    Day 18 Ohio, US — NFD
    Days 16 and 17 — NFD

    The FD on the 15th did help to reset the system a little, but I’ve still been hit hard by fatigue these last few days, especially in the evenings. I’m not sure what’s transpiring, but will keep on plugging away. This fatigue has really slowed down my holiday preparations —- Usually I’m all done with my advance preparation by now, but this year I’ve barely gotten things underway. For those who might be interested in what is an almost perfect mid-December song, here’s a link to one by Allison Krauss: In the sub-freezing cloudy weather that’s been hitting here, the song fits like a glove. I’m not sure if it has the same impact with those who are enjoying balmy weather now.

    The scales this week showed a gain of 1 lb, which isn’t all that surprising since my activity levels have been way down. My goal now is to keep weight matters from going out of control in the next two weeks.

    @malee57 You’re right on about keeping control of sugar! Unfortunately it seems that the Sugar Plum Fairy is everywhere this time of year!

    @maui A 10lb loss is really a great achievement! Kudos to you!

    @northgeorgia After doing all my own cooking during the pandemic, I now find that when I eat restaurant food it just doesn’t taste as good as it used to. Home cooking is still the best in my book.

    @brightonbelle A Monday FD sounds like a perfect was to start the work week!


    This week, leading up to Christmas Day, we will be looking at food associated with Christmas. By now, most of us will have chosen our favourite main course for our Christmas feast so here is the first of several posts about Christmas fare. Starting with the goose:

    ‘Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat…’ a popular ditty from the late 19th C. When most of the population lived in rural settlements, even the poor were able to keep a few geese not just for eating in winter but also for their valuable medicinal goose grease. As the urban population grew, geese would be ‘marched’ to large cities, the journey often taking weeks so that the birds be rested and fattened up in the outer suburbs before being taken to market. Their webbed feet would often be coated in tar to prevent them getting sore on the road. Many of the poorer families in towns joined ‘goose clubs’, contributing a penny a week towards the ultimate Christmas goose .

    The goose is an ideal bird to eat at Christmas – it was traditionally eaten in the Americas in late Fall, when the birds had feasted on the harvest gleanings and it has the softest fat of all the birds, melting at 111F. The fat was poured on pancakes as part of the Michaelmas fast in medieval times. Going back further, roast goose was considered a suitable offering for Odin and Thor as a thanksgiving for the harvest. It is easy to see how the goose became part of the Christmas tradition when so many other midwinter (pagan) traditions were also overlaid with Christian customs.

    I have never (knowingly) eaten goose at Christmas – what about the rest of you?

    DAY 19 – UK Cam FD
    Just a very quick post before I dash off into the dawn light to volunteer at the gardens – will catch up later and post again.

    POCKET LIST DAY 19 – jump on if you are on a FD today!

    Day 19 – South Africa – NFD – 🚫🍷 Day 80

    Monday morning PFDS, & back down to my lowest weight this year 😀

    @maui – that’s great news, well done!! 🎯 🏅

    @malee57 – conniption – had to google that. I’ve NEVER seen/heard that word before 😅 Also STBX – soon-to-be-ex? That’s two lessons learned before I’ve even finished my morning coffee 🤪

    @gardenlily – I don’t think I’ve ever eaten goose?! We’ve always had turkey at Christmas.

    Off to do a little last-minute Xmas shopping, gulp?! 😨

    Have a good week everyone

    Day 19 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 214 lbs. Tomorrow will be my last planned FD before Christmas. Next full FD will likely be Dec. 27. Can’t believe the big day is almost here! I haven’t done any baking other than a practice run LOL

    @matpi I always prefer home-cooked meals. I did take half of the meal home, and I added garlic powder and Cajun spices — a major improvement to the supposed Kung Pao Chicken haha! Anyway, my Chinese craving is satisfied for now. I have tried cooking those dishes at home, but realize how much sugar and salt is in it!! Funny how you’ll eat junk in your main course away from the house but hesitate to do the same at home.

    Below freezing already this morning. Not ready to go into the deep freeze this week, but it’s here.

    Day 19 UK FD

    Phew ! Just finished cleaning the fridge – a job that’s been on my mind for the last week or so but ✅

    First FD in a while , need to be at my best for later this week

    Day 19 Pocket List 🎄

    Day 19 – Rural Nebraska, USA – NFD

    I haven’t quite given up for the last weeks of the year, but I’m sure not going gung-ho; I’ll do a WF tomorrow and Thursday, and then it’ll come down to old-fashioned restraint.

    I was gone all day on Saturday because of the funeral and work I needed to accomplish at church (like putting away organ music so I could find the books I want for this weekend, LOL!) and spent all day Sunday on the sofa, resting and recovering. I was chuckling with DH that “I’m not 32 any longer!” It’s always so surprising when you try to do the stuff you’ve always done and discover your body isn’t QUITE up to that much activity, you know? No, that’s not quite right: my body is still up to it, but I sure don’t recover from that much busy-ness with just one night’s sleep!

    DH and I have a long list to accomplish today; it’s not that there’s so many hours of work, but so many piddly things we’ve been postponing that simply cannot be postponed any longer. So with this short post, I’m off to tackle that list.

    Have a grand one, everyone!

    Day19 USA/HI NFD
    weigh-in 167 lb
    This is the 3 rd post this morning .. the other 2 disappeared after taking quite a bit of time on them. Maybe it’s better to post from laptop rather than iPhone ?
    @Mapti I loved the get me through December song. For various personal reasons, we all relate.
    @funshipfreddie Congrats on returning to your low!!
    &Stitchincarol I admire you scheduling 2 WFD this week. I need to get there too but think I will save for when I hit my next stall in weight loss.
    @brightonbelle when I read your post, immediately decided I am going to clean my refrigerator today! Really helps with finding all those little containers of this and that … always seem to get overlooked till it’s too late.
    Have a great day everyone. Going to post before this third disappears.

    Day 19 – UK Cam – 2nd post
    Dropping in quickly at the end of a very busy day volunteer gardener – last before the New Year starts. Great team, lots of weeds, and much laughter – best tonic in the world AND it was warm (well, 12C). The FD is going well and I am too tired to pick at anything now I have had my supper.

    @matpi – thanks for the link to Alison Krauss and Get Me Through December – beautiful. I love her voice and went on to listen to her sing The Wexford Carol with Yo-Yo Mah – just amazing.

    @malee57 – good luck with dropping snippets casually into your conversations! I love the idea. There should be some good ones this week now we are on to food …

    @funshipfreddie – congrats on the new low – good work!

    @stitchincarol – you are so right about getting older but refusing to admit your body isn’t quite as nimble as your brain! I am sure I was creaking in all the joints when I finished today and am now slumped on the sofa in PJs hoping to stay awake for TV quiz night.

    On that note I shall sign off for today – on early granny duty tomorrow (DD has her Christmas hair do booked) so DGD and I will raid the fridge and see if we can do a bacon buttie breakfast…

    Day 20 Melbourne, Australia FD

    My NFD are so disastrous that I will be doing FD on Tues, Thurs and Sat this week. I had a fun day with my sisters and 2 S-I-Ls yesterday. But the scales this morning are a horror.

    Yes @funshipfreddies STBX is soon-to-be-ex. I left him last year and am very happily living on my own. We are still friends and there is no animosity involved thankfully. And conniptions is a great sounding word.

    I am off to the park to do some strength work now and then I have housework to do. We are forecast to reach 27c today which will be lovely.

    Day 19 Ohio, US — FD800

    Last evening some holiday muffins helped me to go way off what I had planned for the day, so a FD today is in order. Today I was very fatigued until this evening, so not much got done today. But I was able to bring gifts to some friends; little by little things are getting done.

    @malee57 27C sounds wonderful! Here it didn’t even make it to 27F today! And it’s only going to get colder as the week goes on.

    @gardenlily The Wexford Carol she does with Yo-Yo-Ma has become one of my favorite Christmas carols. And do it perfectly on the first take! I wonder if she has almost perfect pitch.

    @maui To get around the problem of lost postings, I took a lead from someone else here, and type my post first in a word document in a second window open on the screen, and then paste it into the posting box. With two windows open on one screen it’s easy to go back and forth from the website to typing. And it seems to be relatively foolproof!

    @stitchincarol Yeah — the last time I got the “not 32” anymore message was when I had a bad fall while rock-climbing. That was also the last time I went rock-climbing.

    @funshipfreddie When I was a kid, the term “conniption fit” was quite common. While tantrums haven’t disappeared, I’m not sure how millenials refer to them now.

    Day 19 Pocket List 🎄

    DAY 20 – UK Cam NFD

    Good morning everyone! Not a lot of time this morning as I have to dash off on granny duty whilst DD has her Christmas treat hair do – there’s nothing like a visit to the hairdresser to lift the spirits and empty the wallet! Yesterday’s FD went very well, thanks mostly to being kept very busy with ‘end of year’ tasks in the kitchen gardens and weeding edges, and the heating had been off all weekend in the annex where we have our breaks so it was actually warmer outside in the yard than indoors!

    I have been reading all of your posts and apologise if I haven’t commented on all of the. I am a little concerned, as your host for the month, that some of us are getting a little downhearted with our eating habits and the temptations out there at this time of year – and, as time is short today, I just thought I would share a few salient points with you all – a sort of Pick You Up moment.

    1. Decidedly Dangerous December need not turn into Disastrous December – because-

    2. We have choice – we have chosen this WOF and that is what it is, a Way of Life, not a quick fix.

    3. We can choose to eat or drink something and say No Thank You if you want to, don’t feel bad about saying NO.

    4. Make sure you have plenty of raw veggies and dips plus fruit about the place so you can have a tasty and healthy snack whenever you feel like it – better carrot sticks with spicy tomato salsa than crisps/chips and pigs in blankets … Consider these healthy options as your special treat.

    5. There is no need to feel guilty about eating or drinking – remember something really useful that @stitchincarol said earlier, we can choose to give ourselves Permission to do something – on the clear understanding that we want to do it and understand the implications – please note, I am talking food/drink intake here 🙂 not general behaviour!

    And, finally, a tip I am trying out at home – putting a smiley face emojee on the inside of lids or outside of cupboard doors – just a small, discrete one – if it makes me stop (and smile too) when I see it, it may (and I repeat may) just help me keep control of my eating/drinking.

    There, lecture over. Have a super Tuesday everyone and mental support to everyone out there trying for a FD today – be strong!



    Turkeys were brought to Europe from the New World (Americas) by the Spanish back in the 15th C. From there they were brought to the Netherlands (by the Spanish again) and by the middle of the 16th C were found in Britain. Seemingly Henry VIII was the first monarch in England to dine on turkey on Christmas Day (he died in 1547). The rearing of turkeys was concentrated in East Anglia being the nearest point to the Netherlands and records show the birds being sold at Suffolk markets by 1555.

    Turkey was always a dish for the wealthy and George II (Farmer George) kept a large flock at Richmond Park. Just as with geese, the turkeys from East Anglia were driven to market and the wear and tear on their feet was considerable. They were often ‘shod’ with sacking or leather.

    In Dicken’s ‘A Christmas Carol’ he has Scrooge buy the Cratchit family a turkey – such a large bird that it ‘could never have stood upon his legs, that bird’. Eight years later, Queen Victoria switched from traditional swan to turkey for their Christmas dinner and, of course, the population followed suit, changing from goose to turkey (or at least the wealthier families did!). The railways helped reduce the cost of the birds, transporting them direct from farm to market. Nowadays the traditional bronze turkeys are much prized for their flavour, against the cheaper, mass produced white birds. The other interesting fact is that they have reduced in size from the huge 25lb+ size down to more manageable sizes for our modern-day kitchens with variations such as Turkey Crown being a very useful option.

    For some interesting history on Bernard Matthews and his Turkey empire :

    Day 20 – South Africa 🇿🇦 – NFD

    The mall was mobbed yesterday. By the time I’d parked my car & had some lunch it was 1 pm. I was NOT in the mood for shopping. Just as I was about to leave the mall my phone rang. It was a call from a shop at the mall to say my Chromebook (which I’d completely forgotten about) was ready to be collected. So it wasn’t a totally wasted trip, & I was then in a much better mood & actually found a couple of things I needed. The last couple of things I need I should be able to find closer to home.

    @malee57 – that’s great that you & your STBX have remained friends. ‘Consciously uncoupling’ is the new term, apparently? And living alone or with a furry friend is sheer bliss. If I could just teach Boo Boo to do a few chores… 😅 Adding an extra FD for the week is something I often do if I’ve lost the plot on NFDs.

    @matpi – I think ‘to have a hissy fit’ is more common here. And then there’s, ‘he/she threw a wobbler’ which I think is a more British term.

    @gardenlily – Queen Victoria ate swan?! 😱 I’ve never heard of anyone eating swans. That just seems – I dunno – weird?

    I’m off to see another house this afternoon. Wish me luck 🤞 🏡

    Pocket List – Day 20 🍋

    Day 20 – Rural Nebraska, USA – WFD 156.6…ugh

    I was clearly not as behaved yesterday as I’d planned. On the other hand, it was a lovely day of accomplishing things, and the things I ate felt right, so c’est la vie…and today is a water fast, so the scale will be lovelier tomorrow morning.

    I woke up at 4:50am this morning and it’s now 5:15. This will be a L.O.N.G. day, LOL. Plus, it’s currently 2 degrees with a windchill of -12. Or put in your terms, it’s -17C with a windchill of -24C. BRRR!!! It’s not supposed to get up even to anywhere close to freezing/0C until after Christmas, and Thursday night is forecast to be -13F/-25C actual air temperature. This is the coldest Christmas in 40 years, DH heard on the news last night.

    @gardenlily I’d never heard of Turkey Crown and had to Google it–fascinating! And I have to agree with @funshipfreddie: eating SWAN???!?!?!? Yeah, I know it’s just another fowl, but somehow it just seems WRONG. 😂😂 And when we had Thanksgiving with our sons, on the Sunday after the fact, just to be different, we tried to have goose, but there were none to be found in any grocery store. And, they are wicked expensive–something like 4-5 times the cost of a turkey! So, someday, but not this year, for either Thanksgiving OR Christmas. (And, I’m loving your Christmas trivia; thanks so much for the effort that’s taking!)

    On Sunday (having finally finished the sweater for myself that I’d thought was going to be done by Halloween), I started knitting a 2-color fair isle beret to tuck in the stocking for DS31, and am about a third of the way by the number of rows, and maybe half done by the amount of time it’ll take. I’d forgotten how much I like 2 color knitting, and it’s a good thing to be doing to make me feel like I’m accomplishing something but keep me sitting so I don’t get over-tired…we’ve established I’m not 32 anymore, remember! 😂🤪

    One of yesterday’s chores was putting out our JOY sign (cut from plywood, painted red and the nativity figures in the center of the O painted white), with a spotlight on it…except, we should have put the poles that support it in the ground in early December, and the light should have been stuck into the ground then as well because yesterday? The ground was frozen solid and NOTHING was going into it! After several false starts, DH finally came up with a solution: he took out his cordless drill with a huge bit and drilled the holes in the ground, LOL. Here, like this: These are all over the country at this point; are they common elsewhere in the world? We usually put it up on Christmas Eve to mark the end of Advent and the beginning of Christmas, but the weather is going to be way too cold to do it then, so it’s up early this year. 😉

    Okay, enough chatter: I have some Fair Isle knitting to enjoy! Have a grand one, everyone!

    second post

    Oh, and @funshipfreddie, Good luck!

    Day 20 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 219 lbs. Yeah, it’s not going to be a pretty week, but I am managing to get in this final FD before Christmas gets here. I do have to get my Christmas baking started; today’s my last day of work before the holidays. But I think I can contain the eating insanity a few days ahead of the big day 🙂

    Pocket List – Day 20 🍋

    Day 20 UK NFD

    Euugh Swan ! Just doesn’t sound right does it , I only cooked a goose once and was completely shocked by how much fat and very little meat there was so you never know it might have been a spoonful of meat each – it’s beef wellington for us this year

    Stayed on track until early evening yesterday so more a 800 rather than the planned 500 but I’ll take that just aiming to stay mindful over the next week or so and then I’ll. be hitting that big January reset button

    third post

    Too fun, @brightonbelle We’re having SALMON Wellington for Christmas dinner, which we won’t have until Monday the 26th as DD, DSIL, and 2 DGDs are driving from Indiana all day on Christmas Day.

    How many other Wellingtons this Christmas?? In fact, what do you all choose for Christmas Dinner?

    Day 20 UK NFD

    Hello. Coming back in again after a few full on days – plus ca change 🙂

    What’s not going so well is eating and sleeping – or rather, fasting and sleeping! I’ve been snacking on sugar and eating too late in the evening: two habits I’d carefully broken back in the summer. But I’ve stopped early today and about to make a speedy dahl for supper and the next few days. I’ve realised I can get two fasts in before the end of the week if I cook now – and I need them. I think I’m 4lb up on the start of the month – dangerous December indeed!

    Otherwise it’s been full on but I’m very nearly there with….. Everything Else! The big housekeeping bonanza is nearly complete – sofa, table & chairs and rollator all picked up. I was so happy to rehome the table and chairs with lovely young friends from church – it fits just the space for them as it did for me and I know they’ll have fun entertaining in the years ahead. The ‘new to me’ sofa and blind delivered for DD’s room. The blind will be fitted tomorrow afternoon, curtains will be fitted early New Year as my friend’s DD was sick and she needed to stay home and be Mum.

    Astonishingly all the project work is nearly done too – just 3 more pieces to finish, one zoom meeting plus emails, all of which should hopefully fit by end tomorrow! I’ll have to write a book chapter between christmas and new year but it’ll be good to have the space to concentrate on it.

    Presents have mostly been sent/given with family and friend presents still to wrap; christmas stocking presents complete – DD loves me to wrap these so I will! Supermarket delivery is booked on Thursday with a top up shop in the afternoon if needed, I’ve got help to get house ready for guests Thursday afternoon, the Christmas tree is in its new pot in the garden ready to come in for decoration on Thursday, and veg box & family arriving Friday. PHEW!

    Unless anyone else has already volunteered I’m putting my hand up to volunteer to host January. Nothing keeps me focussed on fasting and externally accountable quite as much as hosting the monthly challenge! And I really need to get back on track with a bump – the period mid Jan-mid Feb is looking decidedly dangerous already. Nothing equips me for busy times as much as intention, planning and preparation – and that’s easier when I get the year off on the right foot.

    @stitchincarol we’re having mushroom wellington 🙂 Christmas food will be a challenge with my 85yo mother wanting ‘plain’ (aka cheese, crackers, bread, croissants, potatoes…) and DD on chemo wanting ‘simple’ (variety of veg, not too much grease or carb). But I love them and want them to be relaxed and happy so we have a little bit of everything – and I sleep when they’re gone 😀

    Okay back to the dahl!

    Day 20 – Ireland – NFD 🚫

    Hi all! I am back with fear as to what I’ll see tomorrow when I weigh 😂😂😂😂 oh gosh… fab weekend away and hoping I’ve not undone too much of the hard work but that is the beauty of this WOL 😬 isn’t it?

    Have to catch up on all the news too 📰. Hope you are all well and catch you tomorrow.

    Too much sugar… very little exercise… but still zero alcohol. I may have some over Christmas but will see. 🎄🎉

    Onward and downward ⬇️
    We rise by lifting others 💕

    Day20 USA/HI NFD
    Weigh-in today 166 lb. NEW LOW…..decades since I’ve seen 166.
    NFD for today with controlled calories and FD800’s planned for Wednesday and Friday this week.
    @matpi Thank you for the posting tip. I am typing this in the NOTES feature on my phone after losing yet another long post this morning.
    @michelinme Great to see someone volunteer hosting for January! Count me in to participate.
    All the best to everyone on this journey.

    Day 21 Melbourne, Australia NFD

    PFDS for me today. Though it is a mixed feeling. I am down just over 1/2 kg from yesterday morning. But yesterday morning was a higher weight than I have had for a month. My NFD today should be okay as I have already planned what I am having.

    @maui congratulations! It’s very invigorating to see numbers one has not seen in a long time.

    @jaifaim I agree that this WOL is very accommodating. The big thing is getting back in the groove. Well done on continuing with zero alcohol if that is a trap for you.

    I have read about nobility eating swan. I think it is that part of my reading is historical fiction. It doesn’t sound appealing especially as I seem to recall a comment that it often tasted muddy.

    @funshipfreddie I hope the house hunting went okay.

    @michelinme thank you for hosting next month.


    Do you stuff your bird or serve the stuffing in a separate dish? In the recent past the intense farmed turkeys needed a good stuffing mix to add some flavour to the rather bland meat. However, as more people opt for free-range birds do we still need to flavour the meat?

    One important role of stuffing placed inside the roast is to keep the breast meat, which is usually in the upper part of the hot oven, moist and this does not just apply to turkey. Research at London’s Hampton Court shows that stuffing packed into a carcass helped keep the animal firmly attached to the spit on which it was cooked.

    The basic traditional stuffing was sausagemeat the fat content from which certainly helped keep the meat moist but another, important factor was that by adding extras such as breadcrumbs, onions and herbs you could stretch the stuffed bird further/longer and get more meals out of it! Another point here, the addition of onion, thyme and sage, all of which contain antiseptic compounds, helped to prevent stomach upsets and onion also contains chemicals that lower blood pressure and cholesterol – helping to counteract the general overeating at Christmas.

    However, concerns about the safety of stuffing a large bird for fear that it may not cook thoroughly, thus leading to food poisoning, have meant many families cook the stuffing separately, often in little balls, to serve alongside the roast. My MIL always made an amazing mix – I won’t call it stuffing as it was far to soft a mix being mostly onion, butter, sage, more onion and a handful of breadcrumbs – this was baked for hours on a very low setting so it resembled a set custard more than anything but was so tasty. I have never been able to replicate her recipe and instead use either a traditional sage & onion mix or occasionally chestnut and bacon – which is amazingly good.

    Do you stuff your Christmas roast? I know we had a discussion last month on stuffing mixes for Thanksgiving so let’s hear it for Christmas now!

    Here is ‘St Delia’s recipe for stuffing the Christmas Turkey – just so you have some idea of how we do it in the UK!

    DAY 21 – UK Cam NFD

    Monday’s FD seems to have worked – scales steady at 138lb which is just where I want them to be before Christmas weekend. Like @brightonbelle I will be pressing the restart button in January so just aiming to be mindful over the next 10-12 days.

    My apologies for mentioned Swan in yesterday’s post about Christmas food! I cannot imagine eating swan – having watched them for many hours serenely paddling up and down the rivers and ‘drains’ here in the Fens. However, I was watching Lucy Worseley on TV last night with her Tudor Christmas Traditions programme and, yes, there was a roast swan on the table (along with hog) for a Tudor Christmas.

    Our Christmas Dinner (on the day) I believe will be ham cooked by my DD for a large group of guests but our own Christmas Dinner which we will have on Boxing Day will be roast free-range chicken, chipolatas, bacon rolls, chestnut stuffing, roast potatoes & parsnips, sprouts, carrots, baked leeks in cream cheese and possibly some peas, if I can find space on the table! As there will just be the 2 of us, plus dog of course under the table, we probably won’t have pudding with the meal, saving that for a treat later in the week, topped with thick cream and brandy. Definitely going to need that reset button in January!!

    Big thank you to @michelinme for stepping up for January – I fear you will have your hands full with all of us suffering post Christmas blues. Glad to hear the house sorting is going well – I thought of you yesterday when a couple of heavily laden cars shot passed me, sofa, arm chairs and bed on the roof!

    @stitchincarol – I just adore salmon wellington – prefer it to the beef wellington which is more traditional.
    @funshipfreddie – good luck with the house hunting – surely not a very easy time of year to go viewing?

    @jaifaim – hope the alcohol-free week is going well. I may try for a dry January but enjoy my wine too much at this time of year to forego it. Moderation in all things 🙂

    @maui – Congratulations on the new low and good on you for trying 2 FD this week – I only managed Monday but will be trying to keep control for as long as possible.

    Today is the winter solstice – shortest day, longest night and as from tomorrow, Spring will be on its way! There’s a good thought to hang on to if you are feeling the winter blues.

    POCKET LIST FOR WEDNESDAY – jump on if you are fasting today!
    @maui ?

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