Day One Verdict

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  • I am fasting on Mondays and Thursdays. Yesterday was Day One. Presumably this is the easiest of them all- the novelty, the heightened will power. I found it easy. But I was very busy from early in the morning until late in the evening. I am sure when there is less happening the temptation of food is much greater. I know I will be tempted to succumb at any point in the late afternoon to early evening on the fast days…so part of the key to success, I guess, is to be absorbed and busy at these ‘weaker’ parts of the day. Anyway on to Thursday and Day Two,

    I started yesterday as well. It went by really fast and easy because I was super busy too. I pushed the 12 hours without eating and didn’t feel bad at all. The only strange thing is that I got REALLY cold. I’ll give day 2 a go tomorrow, Wednesday. Hopefully some results will be visible soon!

    Good luck…I am sure that writing about the challenge makes it easier.

    I have just broken my first fast, I managed to last 24 hours, since tea last night, wasn’t too bad, looked forward to my meal tonight, did a sticky fish recipes from fast beach diet and it was yummy I added some wholewheat noodles and a bit more fish to take me up to 460 cals, so feeling optimistic that I can do this. Day 2 will be Thursday am going to try for the same. I agree distraction has been key, and I too have felt cold. Good luck everyone

    I started yesterday too. I think it helped as I’m full of cold at the moment and wasn’t too interested in food.
    A boiled egg late morning. Plenty of water and a few espressos. Dinner was small piece of salmon with vegetables.
    Thursday is my next fast day…bring it on!

    be positive fireflylady

    Good luck everyone..I am going for Fast Day 2 today….

    Good luck everyone! We can do this 😀 😀

    I’m new to this can someone direct me into what to do

    Yes I managed to survive the first fast day and I didn’t die of starvation!!! Found it surprisingly easy but now looking for a good idea for next fast day evening meal.

    Prada51, not really in a position to give advise as i am just starting, but my advise is read read read, prepare yourself, for the journey you are about to embark on. I have bought the book and cookbook to help me also watch Michael’s Horizon Programme on youtube Good luck

    I’m with you guys – new to this and filled with enthusiasm with my second day today beginning with a 4 egg, white only, mushroom omelette and rather nice it was too! A friend of mine in desperation tried this last year and 3 stones later she’s a different woman! Her best advice is to buy the book and a bargain it is too from WHSmith and currently at half price. It’s an easy read but more importantly it’s stashed with some amazing information, the science behind the diet and excellent fast-day advice. Good look chums and keep the faith – yes we can do it!

    Well i’m on my second week so done one fast day this, 2 last week. Found them ok, in fact i appear to have MORE energy on fast days!
    Haven’t weighed myself yet but do feel better in myself and feel this is something i can stick to.
    Also, logging my calories on feast days has made me realise that most days i eat well, and well below 2000 cals. So meals out, and the odd pig out aside, i feel this is a good balance as i’m unlikely to ‘go mad’ on feast days, but its nice that if i did have plans to go out etc, i don’t have to worry about what i eat!
    LOVe reading everyones comments on here too, its really motivational.

    I find reading the comments motivational too. I completed Fasting Day Two yesterday Mon and Wednesday. So far I have not found it too difficult, although drinking more black coffee than usual.
    I am absolutely convinced that this is the best way to diet and to maintain lower weight…but will be interested to discover whether the novelty makes me think in this way and it gets much harder. I have read that this diet is meant to get we will all find out soon enough.
    Good luck everyone!

    I did my first Fast day yesterday and didn’t find it too difficult.
    I drank lots of unsweetened hot Lemon Tea and kept busy all day.
    My stomach feels much less bloated this morning, so a positive sign already.
    Planning on doing another Fast day today as out for lunch tomorrow and hubby back from a business trip on Friday evening so I know we will eat out at the weekend. Going out to buy the book later.
    Feeling optimistic!

    I’m on Day one today. I’ve been doing ok so far (aside from the occasional wobble which I’ve ignored) but it’s now almost 3:30pm and I’m starting to get hungry. Not helped by my inconsiderate office-mate who is having her lunch (yes I know, at 3pm) and the smell of cottage pie is driving me crazy! I’ve not told her I’m doing this as she’s the kind of twisted person who would bring cakes in on my fasting days just for spite. I have very little willpower but reading this forum has kept me on the straight and narrow today. Love reading all of the success stories.

    I am looking for inspiration & motivation. Day One today – first timer! Finding it tough. Up to 445 Kcal at 3pm – I am starving, but determined to do it.

    I’m on day 1, too, and am starving, so I’m with you NikiNeil! I’m going to make it through the afternoon with walking and trying to keep distracted. I’ll be proud of myself if I can manage it (which I can) until dinner, but this might not be my favorite day :). From what I’ve read, in the books and on the forum, it’s worth it. So, keep it up!

    Yes…worth getting through the post 4pm challenge…from my tiny experience of two fast days once you have got to the evening it’s fine…you know you are almost there. We can do it!

    I am writing this at the end of a normal eating day..and here is the twist..I felt a lot better at the end of the two fast days.

    It was my first day today as well and it was tough! I’m at around 600kcal at the end of the day (I’m a woman) but I went shopping today so hopefully I burnt 100kcal or so?

    I found that it got harder for me after the first meal

    Today was my first day doing this program… My fast days will be Monday and Thursday… Today I had a protein shake w frozen fruit for breakfast, a different flavor protein shake (premier protein, I buy at Costco) for lunch, herbal tea and lots of water throughout the day, and broccoli with cheese sauce for dinner… My days calories were 494 and I feel good. And, I did my yoga DVD today… ☺️

    I have started today on my first fast and its 2.45 and I have only had 100 calories so far but feeling hungry but determined as I really have to so something and I know I do not have the right mentality to do a calorie controlled diet on a daily basis and I feel sure I can do it for 2 days a week. Will let you know.

    Today is my second Fasting Day. The first one was easy and now I am feeling like I have the munches all day. Have just got myself an espresso and I hate coffee without milk, but others seem to use it on this forum, so here goes.
    I have not felt very hungry on my non-fasting days and have definitely cut down the portions. Clothes feeling better too and so quickly. I usually use fruit to fill the gaps but a banana and an apple will put me over my calories. Ok, onwards and forwards. Seared tuna with lots of vegs tonight. Feeling positive!!Good luck everyone.

    Hi this is my first day fasting.I never really eat in the day so thought this would be easy for me..I’m very excited and determined.. But I seem to have felt really hungry all day, have had a tangerine and a coffee with sweetners , saving my remaining calories for dinner. I’m wondering if I’m just feeling hungry as I’m thinking about it more than usual!!

    I did my first two fasting days last Thursday and Friday and have tried to stick to lower carbs on my
    non-fasting days. So far feeling really good.
    Trying to keep off the scales as I find they mock me!
    Started night shift last night and this is always a time when I gain weight…so this will be interesting.
    First night went well… But I work in an unpredictable environment and I think I was running on pure adrenaline all of last night. Tonight and tomorrow will be the telling time for me.
    Planning on doing my next two fast days on Thursday and Friday again this week.

    I just finished Day 1 at work, seemed to go well I think? On a normal day I am ready to eat my desk by 12 (my desk faces a clock so I can see time go by), but today I was ok.

    I had hot water with lemon and a 1 egg omelette with mushrooms for breakfast (maybe it was the protein that helped with hunger pangs?) and drank loads of water during the day. I can vouch for the tip in the book that sparkling water really helps with fizzy drink cravings! An apple at lunch time and the afternoon went by very quickly. I walked to and from work (1.5 miles in total). For dinner I am cheating a little and have bought a ready meal at 250 cals which I will have with a little rice and a yoghurt afterwards.

    I was a bit concerned that I developed a headache, and disappointed as I had kept up my hydration, but some swift pill-popping sorted it out. Roll on Thursday!


    I’ve been doing the 5:2 diet on and off fir about 12 months. I am 5 ft 3 inch 58 year old female. Post menopausal. In the first 4 weeks I lost 10lbs. 9st 10 to 9 St. If I go off the diet I go back up to 9st 10lbs. So this is my 4 th time of re starting it, and I lost the weight again quite quickly. I feel more energised, better mood, and have gone to a 25 inch waist measurement. I find that on feast days I feel a little sluggish and tired after eating lots ………and I can’t wait to rejuvenate myself by my fasting. I have a skimmed milk allowance for my cuppas, 2 small apples to give me that boost of energy and a piece of baked salmon ……………….calcium and vitimin d capsule and a muti vitimin pill…………..basically it’s changed my life….I’m much happier and now the feast days when I enjoy socialising with my friends are an extra special treat ….something to look forward to when I’m fasting……..please please just do it ….I recommend it totally, thank you to horizon and Michael so so much. Chrissy

    Top tip……..for me at least……lots of sparkly water . If you feel the hunger strike ( which only lasts 20 mins or so ) Try brushing your teeth and then drink the sparkling water….very refreshing and by the time you have done this you won’t want to spoil it by eating anything ………….

    Yes we can do it. 1 hour at a time

    Just started Fast Diet today. Porridge and Blues for breakfast, lots of tea and water through the day and managed to get to 4pm before started to get pangs of hunger. Pushed dinner back to 7pm. Did the Chicken and vegetable stir fry and guess what – I couldn’t eat it all! Still have an apple to go, and think I have enough calories left to have a cup of weak hot chocolate before bedtime.
    I didn’t find this a hardship at all and am looking forward to trying different recipes on Thursday. I have a stone to lose before holiday in S.A. in May, so fingers crossed I will be able to wear my swimsuit again!

    Day one for me too. Porridge and fruit for breakfast and skinny bolognaise (tasty!) Plus black coffee and lots of water. Feeling slightly peckish but bearable. Feels good to have made a start at last.

    Started 5:2 at long last after reading and thinking about it for years. I want to loose 1.5 stones and cut my portions down by eating better.
    As I don’t work and my fiancé works away during the week I only have myself to think about.
    I stayed in bed until 11.30-conserving energy!
    I had a beaten 1 egg only omelette with 40 gms of spinach finished off under the grill-it was nectar! With a large cup of green tea I felt full. After walking the dog for half an hour I had a corner yogurt before hoovering and cleaning for an hour. At 5.30 I had a Sainsburys zingy prawn & noodle soup and another large green tea. I’m having lots of water but have a bit of a headache and feel shakey but I’m NOT going into the naughty food cupboard in the kitchen-I will last until tomorrow! Looking forward to planning 500 calories for Thursday my next fast day

    It’s my first day of fasting too. I can’t believe how well it’s gone. I made porridge for breakfast and took it to work in a flask. I did not eat it until after 1pm. I think this is the first time in my life that I have (voluntarily) not eaten as soon as I’ve hopped out of bed. Had steak and (measured) salad for tea at 6.30pm and I know I’m full but now I want a cup of tea and something sweet. I keep telling myself I can have the “something sweet” tomorrow which isn’t too far away. Next fast day is Wednesday and I’m looking forward to it.

    Controlling two days is so much easier than thinking you’ve got another 6 days of small meals before weigh-in. Good Luck to everyone.

    I’m going to start tomorrow. But what should i use to count the calories? I haven’t b
    Bought the fast diet book because i live in france. I have 20kg to lose, it seems i have a huge mountain to climb, but i really want to succeed this time.

    Just finished day 1, and like a lot of you, I’m feeling cold.

    Porridge for brekkie and salmon and egg for tea. Fasting again tomorrow then I’m done for the week. Feeling great!!!

    So far doing well. Had 1/2 can peaches. Sugar free of course. Also boiled some eggs. Ate 1 egg white. Threw yoke out. Got to keep busy & drink lots of water. Others have to still eat so will have to cook supper soon.

    I don’t know about anyone else’s but when I do my fasting days I have the worst night sleep.

    My first day and I think it went OK. Had a bit of a hankering for an afternoon “something” but moved on wth a fruit tea in hand. Tummy grumbles by home time though..

    I get really cold on fast days. I have been doing fast days on and off for about a year and a half. Lost 35 lbs. Need to lose another 30. I seem to have stalled out. Think I need to add a third fast day. I find first fast day pretty easy. Second one in the week is more difficult. Over all , I love the 5 to 2 diet. Need to find the motivation to add a third fast day.

    Feel for Sherrieah who I hope managed to survive night shift. Porridge with skim milk and LSA sprinkle for breakfast keeps us going till lunch, small portion then and carrot sticks, fresh snow peas until dinner: piece of fish or pumpkin/onion/cabbage soup … Whatever veg on hand. Will eat less soup next time as felt too full for couple of hours.

    I wouldn’t add a third day. But look at your intake on feast days. Can you change anything? Less carbs, more whole, real food rather than processed? Good fats. Watch fruit and fruit juice …

    I’m at the end of day 1 and despite eating only one 500 cal meal in the evening and doing a kettle bell class, I’m feeling fine. I am such a greedy girl, constantly hovering up foods during the day and I can’t believe I’ve lasted 24 hours from 7pm yesterday without eating anything and only consuming 500 cals for tea and not feeling hungry.

    Good idea re: looking a little more at what I eat on non fast days.

    I will do 3 days. Have done that before & no problem. I do Monday, Wednesday, & Friday. I really look forward to weekends. Half day gone already. It really helps to write on here as I never have anyone to talk to about this diet. Will check in tomorrow.

    MRSBLH123 That omelette sounds lush! Will try that! Thanks 🙂

    I’ve also found I’m sleeping a bit patchily since starting 5:2, although I don’t feel tired the next day. Not noticed feeling cold yet (& I’m usually a cold person!). I can put up with the sleep thing as I just love the great mood I’m always in following the fast days and the feeling of control over my weight – at last!

    First day over. I know you shouldn’t weigh every day but couldn’t resist. Lost 3 pounds over night. This really gives me insensitive to go on. Will not over eat today.

    Well I am on my 6th day and am finding this quite easy. I have noticed that I am feeling colder, but having been on night shift, I have also slept better through the day.
    The scales beckoned this morning (14.30 when I got up) and I was pleasantly surprised.
    I am certainly feeling better, with looser clothing and I think I have more energy.
    Proper weigh in on Thursday morning, so I will report in my first weight loss after that.
    So far, so good

    Let us know how you do with the three days. I usually fast mon and wed. It’s hard to add friday cause I like to spurlge on friday evenings with my hubby.

    My husband are doing the diet but although we feel better and our body shape has changed somewhat we haven’t lost much weight in a month. We are slightly disheartened and wonder if it is something we are doing wrong. We fast from evening meal, all the next day and then eat at 5.00 p.m Usually we eat a home made vegetable soup with chicken mince balls dropped into the soup, a couple of plates of this and then a plate of sugar free jelly with low fat yoghurt and a piece of fruit later on!
    Any one got any suggestions for us please??

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