Day One…nearly done

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Daz 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Day One fast nearly over. I must say, I have found today easier than I’d anticipated. Two scrambled eggs with tinned plum tomatoes for breakfast (7am). At work I sipped water and green tea all day. Then I had a homemade vegetable broth for supper at 8pm. I’m sure I will have tougher days ahead but I’m keeping my eyes on the prize. Your experiences are an inspiration to me, so keep posting. Happy fasting everyone! Cheers. Daz

    Hi Daz and welcome! You sound like you are doing just fine! I quite enjoy my fast days and look forward to them! Good luck – not that you need it! 🙂

    Hi tickatape. Thanks! I read your main post, it’s great to hear about your weight loss. Day one for you, too. This 5:2 seems like a no-brainer at the moment. Stick with it and, surely, things can only get even better! All the best.

    Well done Daz,almost finished my first day too..homemade tomato and basil soup for lunch then homemade sag aloo for dinner… plenty of water and black tea. I feel fine…in fact I feel great. Something tells me I’m going to enjoy this!!!! Hope it’s the same for you

    Thank you for reading my main post! I can waffle on at times! Small changes can make a big difference I believe! And before we know it we’ve made big differences in our lives! Weight has crept up on most of quite slowly so we can’t really expect a miracle and except to loose it all super quick and keep it off! I, at one point, lost 1lb in 2 months! Though it didn’t bother me because I didn’t gain any weight either 🙂 Being able to support each other on here is fantastic 🙂

    Hi Nursewitchie (great name btw), Well done for getting thru the first day. Early days, obviously, but it doesn’t seem too bad so far, does it?. I like the sound of your meals, I’ll try those. Water and tea seemed to keep the hunger at bay for me today. Feeling a bit hungry now (11pm). Wonder how well all the First Day Fasters will sleep? Good luck!

    Hi Tickatape. This forum makes a big difference to me. It means I’m not alone. It is a supportive community, which is great! Happy fasting (& non-fasting!)

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