Day One – feeling fuzzy and wobbly

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Day One – feeling fuzzy and wobbly

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Stef. 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Is it normal to feel fuzzy and wobbly?

    It’s 4pm on day one I had half of my allowed calories at lunchtime. I’m going to have my remaining calories at 6pm. but just now I feel quite strange. It is the feeling that I would normally respond to by eating a snack to keep me going until dinner time. I intend to ignore it for now but feel too strange to really do anything right now. Is this normal?

    Yes it is perfectly normal! 🙂 Just drink lots of water, have a cup of tea/coffee, maybe a cuppa soup or similar if you have it! Stay strong, think about tomorrow when you can have whatever you want (within reason!)

    Good luck! 🙂

    Hi, yes I’m afraid it is normal, but horrible! It’s usually at this point that I have to have something to eat, even if its just a cup of soup. There are some really good low calorie ones around today. That usually takes it away a bit. I do struggle though and usually end up a bit over the 500 calorie limit, usually about 600/700 but at least its lower than it would have been.

    Keep going and good luck!

    Hi thermalnermal, everyone is different. Today was my 5th fast day,I tend to drink a lot of liquids on my fast days. Maybe a piece of fruit when you’re feeling that way would help? It’s all about working out what suits you. Good luck

    I am on my second week and managing ok I find I don’t sleep as well and last week my joints were aching anyone else had this.Overall coping well and losing

    Hi thermalnermal …

    Personally, I like to keep raw veggies nearby to make sure my stomach has something to work on … veggies are your friend … rely on them more and you will not have that feeling of starvation.

    Ok that’s day one over. Clocked 570 cal. Next time raw carrot instead of an orange that will nail it. Thanks for tips. It is definitely a motivation knowing that I only need to fight my body on 2 days of the week.

    For what it’s worth I really believe it gets easier over time and now I have days where I crave for fasting.

    Usually I do not eat anything until the evening as this is the easiest for me. Then I load up on salad, tons (!) of veggies as they are filling wih not many calories and e.g. something such as a chicken breast or boiled eggs.

    Lately though, to mix things up a bit, I sometimes make myself a huge green smoothie, with spinach (400g), Kale, protein powder, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, aspargus, chia seeds and left over veggies from the night before. This comes to roughy 500 cal. and makes about 1.2l of smoothie. This I drink then over the whole day, making sure one big glass is left for the evening, before bedtime.

    Both approachs work for me very well.

    Ayhow, glad to hear your first day is over! Congrats on winning the battle!

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