DAY ONE- Failure?

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  TidyChick 11 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi everyone,
    I have struggled with binging for a while now, and it is usually triggered in the evenings. Today I had my first fast day and It was going brilliantly, I hadn’t eaten anything all day, and when I got back from college at 6pm all i could think about was food. I ate over 1500 calories in one sitting and obviously my fast day has gone! I haven’t always been like this, just over a month ago I was eating small meals every day and was a healthy weight!
    Has anyone else experienced any binge/fasting related issues?
    I feel horrible for failing on my first day as well.. is it always this hard?

    u may call me usa

    DAY ONE- SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THIS WAS UR NONFASTDAY OF 1500 CONGRATS!!!!! most people go way over 1500

    have a happy 2 fastday wk L)

    “Has anyone else experienced any binge/fasting related issues?”

    Yes, everyone.

    I have flashbacks of ordering a large pizza, going to pick it up, and consuming half of it, while walking for 30 minutes,, before I got home.

    I’m told that’s not good behavior.

    Glad to know I’m not alone! How do you get over these things though on a fast day?

    Hi Isabella96x,
    I’m sorry to hear you’re finding it hard. Try not to think of this as a failure. Okay today’s not a fast day, but tomorrow is another day.
    I’m sad to say I’m a quite experienced “binger”. Not fast related, though. I used to use food for everything: to comfort, to celebrate, just for having something to do, you name it. I find the fast diet a revelation. Eating feels more necessary to me when I forbid myself to eat. But now I don’t have to do that anymore. On fast days I have breakfast and nothing for the rest of the day. Meaning I don’t have to think about food for the rest of the day. And when I get hungry (I do, and sometimes that’s hard) I tell myself it won’t kill me to be a little hungry, and after all, I can eat tomorrow. All I want even, and I do, and surprisingly I don’t WANT to overeat.
    I’m not sure if this makes any sense to you, English is not my mothertongue, and explaining these subtle things is a bit hard.
    Be kind to yourself and don’t feel guilty. Take off the pressure. Allow yourself to eat and allow yourself to fast, maybe, in short, that’s what I want to say. And when you can’t stop thinking about food, feel free to think about food, and tell yourself you can have it tomorrow. Look forward to it!
    You say that over a month ago your eating habits were fine and so was your weight. Did you gain a lot during the last month? Or did youstart fasting because of the health benefits and got into trouble because of the fasting?
    Keep smiling and keep going!

    Hi isabella, usa is correct. Or, you managed a fast day until 6pm. Do not beat yourself up. The very same has happened to me several times. I start my fast after my last meal at 8.00pm on a Sunday, on Monday I have my last fast day meal around 7pm then between then and 9.00pm it goes pear shaped. Out come the crisps, chocolate and alcohol and within 1 hour my fast day is gone. I can look at it in a positive way and say I have done a 24 hr fast instead of a normal 36 hr fast. Other posters have experiences you could laugh at re binging.
    Try again, fall off get back on. You will do it. We are all supporting you. You have not failed and no, it is not always this hard.
    Good Luck.

    10500 cals(1500 cals*7 days was 1500 average that wk that month
    multiply by the month 2/wks etc

    calculate ur tdee it might be higher
    look @ the how section up top


    so a disaster happened

    mond nonfastday 1500

    tues another disaster!!! in ur mind only

    u did another 2298 nonfastday

    so their many ways 2 go a 5/2 a 4/3 an adf

    10500-1500-2298-500-2000-2000-1702-500 = 0

    hope this helps

    have fun w/ this

    keep urself super busy on fast days make food ahead or get food

    2 have 4 fast day only start c-ing what foods keep u satisfied

    u might b a grazer all day or 2 meals like the dr or 1 meal

    click my name or any other name c their topics & replies

    have fun

    i remember i started by not knowing that i did not eat so i might as well just go 0 more cals 4 me on my nonfastdays

    who knows u might not have 2 count on nonfastdays & start losing weight

    like many i call them the elite group 😀

    enjoy u’ll do fine 😀


    Hello from a fellow binger. Am determined to continue with 5:2, though, because I know first hand it works. Started this about 16 weeks ago, and had great success the first 8 weeks. Not hard at all in the beginning for me. Now, it’ s a bit of a struggle. Others, have a harder time in the beginning, and then it gets easier as your body and mindset adjusts.

    Best thing to do, is forget what has happened today, and continue on. I don’t want to say “start over”, because that feels too much like a failure to me, which this isn’t. Continue along, and you will have really good days, really bad days and everything in between.

    No, this way of eating is definitely not always easy. But it also is not always hard.

    And you’re not alone. Knowing this, for me, is tremendously helpful.

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