Day Number 1 for me the journey begins feel free to join me :-D

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Day Number 1 for me the journey begins feel free to join me :-D

This topic contains 8 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  fastdiet1115 10 years ago.

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  • Hello!

    I’m writing my first post on my first day yayy 😀 I’ve decided, which is very unlike me, to go public and be accountable and that kind of thing which Dr. Mosley recommended in his book. I stumbled upon ‘eat, fast, live longer’ on the iplayer last week and it really struck accord with me. I’m not overweight but recently I’ve got into a bit of a eating rut, if you know what I mean, and I’ve decided my clothes are getting a little too tight!

    So here I am, one week later, books been read, and now I’m on my first fast day. I had the 40g porridge for breakfast early this morning and it was quite a lot! I’d normally make it with milk etc but hohum I can suck that up.

    Now I’m at work having a break and drinking some Twinings tea. I’d normally be eating now before the babies wake up, so I’m having a few hunger type pangs but I’m generally feeling really good, positive and kind of excited to see how the days pans out until I eat at about 7.30pm.

    If you’re just staring too I’d love to know how your getting on and we can share some helpful tips!

    Biglove ⭐️

    Hello! I’m day 2 today.

    Started fasting yesterday and decided to run the 2 days back to back as they are my busiest days at work, so less time to think about food.
    I had a strange breakfast yesterday – boiled egg with asparagus and sugar snap peas. Then managed to to hold off anything at all until about 5pm (still at work) when I ate a chickpea salad with the tastiest 10g of grated pecorino cheese ever. Then nothing else until some milk and blueberries in the evening. Total 496 calories.

    Today had porridge and bluberries at 6.45am, and now on second black coffee of the day. Starting to feel a bit hungry. Could certainly manage a doughnut if anyone happened to be offering! Luckily no-one is.

    Amazingly the scales said I was 2lb lighter this morning than yesterday. Probably all water I would think.

    Good Luck BigLove

    I reckon this diet could be a gamechanger for me.

    Hi Dizzydotty

    Thanks for your reply!

    It really does seem easy when you know so many others are doing it too. I don’t think I could do two fast days on the trot as all I keep thinking is….I’ll have that tomorrow it’s fine I can wait till tomorrow!

    It’s my first day too. Had some soup at 1pm will have some light dinner when I get home. Hurray for us! Good luck and let’s keep going.
    Love m

    Yesterday was my first day. I made a big pan of red pepper and tomato soup and ate that throughout the day whenever I felt peckish, then had a chicken breast with salad. Didn’t feel hungry. Kept myself busy but did have a headache and woke up this morning feeling exhausted. My porridge this morning tasted awesome lol.
    All in all first day was pretty good.
    Now searching for veggy soups to keep me going on fri (my next fast day)
    I chose weds and fris as my husband goes training those days and I don’t need to cook for him.

    I’m on my second fast day. Going strong although the hunger pangs a stronger then they were on the first one.

    2nd fasting day completed ok. No headache this time and no waking up feeling exhausted. Positive moves methinks.
    Just bought the dr mosley 5:2 diet book. Feel I can have a wider range of foods than I previously thought. Looking forward oddly to the next fasting day.

    Hi everyone,
    I’ve just finished my first day which according to me this morning was going to be a fasting day. Well, not so much!!! I want to tell you what I ate today and you can tell me if I should call it my first non-fasting day. So, here goes; nothing until 11 am. Then, a banana, followed at 3 pm with 8 triscut crackers topped with 1 1/2 oz of havarti cheese. 8 oz veggie juice at 5 pm and again at 9 pm and yet again at 12 am. A peach, 4 more triscut crackers and another oz of havarti finished what can only be described as a mini binge. I’m not feeling very enthused, in fact I feel like a failure already. But tomorrow is another day and it can also be my first true fasting day. Has anyone else encountered abject failure on your very first day? And have you gone on to succeed afterwards?

    Completed first day yesterday. No problems. Ended the day with 511 calories, and not hungry this morning! 18 hour fast broken at 2pm with small snack of blueberries, salami, and almond milk. Dinner of salmon, spinach with sesame oil, sweet potato with butter.

    Don’t beat yourself up Franee2, just look forward and if you can, plan your food ahead of time; I find that helps (have done this before).

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