Hi guys; just finished my first fasting day which went quite well, but am just wondering what is the best calorie count for non fasting days? Is 1600 too many??
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by yabba 10 years, 11 months ago.
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In my experience, it doesn’t matter. The beauty of this diet is you shouldn’t have to worry about it on your ‘normal’ days. Reward yourself for a job well done! Just be aware you may not noticeably lose for a couple of weeks and it may take longer to notice it on your body, even if the scales show losses.
I have subconsciously picked up some good habits on my ‘normal’ days. I find I’m less inclined to hoover up everyone’s left overs, which I often do as I abhor wasting food. Instead, left overs are put in the fridge and I have it for lunch on my ‘normal’ days or, worst case, the dog or the chickens might get it. I’ve also halved the amount of sugar I put in my tea.
Stick with it for a couple of months. If it’s not working as fast 🙂 as you’d like then try cutting down a little on ‘normal’ days.
Good luck!
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9 Apr 14