Day 1 completed

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joss52 10 years, 7 months ago.

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  • My first day of the diet was yesterday. My morning Blood sugar was 7.3 this morning. I have lost about 3 pounds, which is very pleasing, but I think a lot of that must be water loss considering the amount of times I had to pee. (Is that normal?). I went to bed hungry, but it was quite late, but I awoke less hungry (?).

    Celebrating now with a bowl of muesli with blueberries and a coffee – with a little milk in it, today. Feeling good.

    I have also recently started 5:2 and am counting calories on the feast days to make me more aware of portion sizes and also the nutritional alue of the food I’m eating. Planning to do it for one month just to get a better idea. I also felt very hungry when I went to bed so the next fast I made sure I drank more water.

    Two months have passed since I started the diet and it’s going well, with a weight loss of 9 -11 pounds. I didn’t make waist or chest measurements but it was clear I’d lost inches quite early into the diet with 3 or 4 people commenting my weight loss on a relatively small loss. I’m now comfortably a full suit size smaller and looking much better, including a healthier-looking skin.

    After about 4 weeks I went for about 2 weeks where I stuck around the same weight before I continued to lose weight again. I have noticed that generally my portion size on non-fast days are smaller and I sometimes go without a mid-day snack without any problem. The big test will be the effect on my blood sugar results and what my GP has to say (tested today, results next week). Here’s hoping!

    This must be the first time I’ve been happy to continue with a diet.

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