Day 1……

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  • Well, I’ve started!

    It’s been a long day at work!

    It hasn’t been too bad and I haven’t really been hungry, just more jittery and a bit shakey…..more to do with blood sugar than anything as I am borderline diabetec but I’ve toughened it out and not had anything apart from my 500 cals today.

    Been to the loo loads due to the amount I’ve drunk (water, coffee and green tea)

    Soooo looking forward to a nice (normal) cup of tea tomorrow – whilst I know that I could factor in milk, it was easier not to.

    Anyway….hi all 🙂

    Starting weight is 14 st 10 1/2 lb – hope to start seeing that coming down real soon

    Am planning a 5:2 strategy at the moment, but may try my hand at every other day….will see how the first week or so goes first.


    Hi there…. my first day too! I’ve been thinking about trying this for a while now and finally decided to give it a go.

    The day hasn’t been as hard as I thought it might be. I had a late-morning bowl of fat free Greek yogurt with microwaved blueberries & raspberries (nice on a cold day!) and a big plate of salad with cold roast chicken this evening, and I haven’t really felt hungry. Can’t quite believe I can eat 2000kcal tomorrow.

    I’m hoping that I’ll be able to stick with this long enough to lose at least 5 stone (starting at 17-12) and then keep it off.

    Thinking positive… 🙂

    Hiya, well done on completing your first fast days! I’m planning to begin tomorrow (aiming to fast every other day for the next week just as a kick start).

    My starting weight is 9 stone 8 and I’m only 5ft tall so I don’t carry it well and am starting to have back ache. BMI is around 26 which means I’m leaning in an unhealthy direction at the moment. Aiming to lose 15lbs.

    Excited to begin feeling the results, been so sluggish and tired lately.

    Looking forward to hearing more on your progress x

    2nd fasting day today – it’s been much harder than the first one. I’ve been out of the house for 12 hours and took my 500kcal to work with me, but now I’m back I’m struggling with the temptation to “just have a little something because it’s been a hard day”! I think I’ll have an early night and look forward to a bit of a treat for breakfast tomorrow.


    I struggled with that too but managed to resist the temptation by telling myself I only had to wait until the next day! Did anyone else feel quite sick and light headed when they woke up after fasting?

    Down 3lbs after my first fast day, must have been carrying a lot of water. Today is my second fast day, my motivation is that tomorrow we’re have family round for afternoon tea so they’ll be lots of scones flying around so I have that to look forward to eating – guilt free for once!

    Hey all

    My first day was harder than my second, don’t know if it was because of what I ate in comparison to the first.

    On my first, I ate more “snacky” types foods during the day – I am more a grazer as opposed to a breakfast/lunch/tea type person so I just stocked up on celery, carrot sticks, tangerine & raspberries then had salad for tea

    Second day, I ate one slice of brown bread along with some carrot sticks, radishes and raspberries then for tea I had a chicken Kiev (made with recipe I found online) and courgette “spaghetti” – I think the total came to 502 calories

    I didn’t drink as much on the second day but I didn’t have the shakes that I had on the first so am probably going to go with that sort of approach.

    Have had two fasting days for the week but I am off next week – we have two bank holidays Monday (as per UK) then one on Friday (Liberation Day) so I usually find that I am not as hungry when I am not at work so am going to maybe try doing the consecutive days of fasting.

    The only thing that I have found with this is the effect that it has had on erm….certain bodily functions – they have decreased and I found myself reaching for something to help me last night – is that a problem for anyone else???

    anyway, a weigh in tomorrow………

    Glad to hear that everyone else is doing well


    Well, the official end of Week 1 and i’ve lost 4lbs!!!

    Didn’t do the fast day yesterday in the end but I didn’t go mad with food, had a small salad for lunch, some melon, strawberries and blueberries mid afternoon and a bowl of home made leek and potato soup for tea (oh and a small piece of cheesecake!)

    Still, seeing the numbers come down gives you motivation to carry on.

    Well done lilythelink, that’s a good loss. Today it’s my first day. I trying to keep my self busy. I’m drinking lots of water and fruit tea with sweetener. I’m looking to lose 3 and 1/2 stone. Hopefully will have a good weight lost next week

    O dear… you’re all so good! I’m ashamed to say that I need a complete restart already. My 2nd fast day last Thursday went horribly, horribly wrong at about 9:30pm and today (Monday) was supposed to be my next fast day but, with it being a bank holiday, I forgot until I was tucking into an egg mayo sandwich at lunchtime (having had a big bowl of muesli for breakfast)!! Sigh…

    I realise what the problem was last Thursday (the failed 2nd fast day): I ate too early in the evening, before teaching an evening class, and then felt too hungry and tired afterwards when I got home to an empty house (husband working away). Today I have absolutely no excuse whatsoever.

    My plan now is to make tomorrow a fast day to replace today, and then try to get going again. I think a bit more serious planning is needed, but I guess it’s also important to find the weak spots and pitfalls so I’ve learned something useful.

    Well done to all of you seeing progress. I hope to be joining you soon!

    Well my first day is nearly over. I had porridge and almond milk for lunch and fish in parsley sauce, mixed veg and sliced baked sweet potato I worked this out to be about 502 cals. I think I’ve went slightly over by having a few boiled mints. I have drank loads of water and peppermint. All in all I’m happy with my first fast. Roll on Thursday.
    A quick question, do I literally have anything to eat tomorrow. I do not want to undo the good work. Shall I eat my tdee but with healthy foods? Any advice would be helpful

    It’s a good idea to stay within TDEE, or go just a little over if you feel like you need to. It’s important not to feel deprived on non-fasting days. I don’t count calories those days, but I watch my portion sizes, especially with higher calorie foods, bread, rice, peanut butter, cheese, butter, oil, ice cream, etc. I still eat a scoop of ice cream 3 or 4 times a week, and I’ve lost 37 pounds. One thing about TDEE, most of us over-estimate our activity level, if I think I’m between two levels I’ll pick the lower one to be one the safe side.

    Am trying for another fast day today as not at work, figured out what’s for tea tonight and hubby will have that as well although with more trimmings,

    Water, coffee and green tea for me today and hopefully only maybe a small banana at some point.

    My issue is as well at the moment, I am not doing any exercise – I know that I need to start but don’t have the motivation or time at the moment (what a poor excuse I know)

    Well, fast day yesterday and I had nothing to eat until tea time.

    Made some salmon with a creamy mint dressing with salad and then some blueberries, strawberries and raspberries for afterwards oh and a few water biscuits later in the evening.

    Trying for another one today as well.

    So much easier not to eat when I am not at work!!

    Happy 5:2’ing to everyone 🙂

    Tomorrow will be my second day: I am looking forward to it!!

    Hi Lilly,
    You seem to be doing well 🙂
    I also need to exercise more. Have you tried walking?, i am doing a bit as doing the run for life on the 18th May, but plan on keeping it up afterwards. It’s my second fast day tomorrow, and tbh i am dreading it, following a miserable first one on Monday…would say it has made me more determined not to overdo it on non fasters, as i dont want to undo all the good work.
    Keep up the good work 🙂

    Hey Lizzie

    No, that is the one thing that I just don’t do….exercise and I know that I need to!

    Good day today……nothing to eat until tea so will have some fruit soon.

    Well, I did 3 days last week of fasting back to back which was ok but I wouldn’t do it again out of choice (only did it because I wasn’t at work).

    Yesterday hubby and I were out and about and had an expensive time – his glasses fell out of his pocket while on his bike, we eventually found them but they had been run over – so a new pair £385!! I also ordered a new bike for me – not a pushbike but a vespa…so can’t wait for that to arrive. We popped into town and went to a cafe and I had a pasty and then a scone with jam and cream…..couldn’t finish the pasty (but ate the scone) and felt full for the rest of the day… was a struggle to eat something in the evening and that was only cold meat, bit of french bread and a bit of cheese, so whilst I didn’t pig out and I know I could eat it, it just made me more aware of how my stomach has shrunk.

    I am having another fast day today before work tomorrow 🙁

    hey all,

    I’m also starting my first 5:2 fast day today. I previously did the diet for a about a month last year and lost a couple of lbs. I am going on holiday in 6 weeks, so really want to stick to the 5:2 plan for the full 6 weeks. And hoping to lose about 5-7lbs. Currently at about 140lbs. So fingers crossed.

    Planning to have the Pret Egg & Spinach pot for lunch. And salmon and veg for dinner.

    Good luck to all 🙂

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