I am hoping to hear from someone about the urine, the sleep problem happened with my partner who has completed 7 fasts, I have only done one so far. I drank lots yesterday while fasting, found the fast to be quite easy – but my urine was much darker than normal, and I had plenty to drink – water, green tea, coffee, more water (about 6 large glasses or 12 cups) so it should have been very dilute. I assume it was the ketones? Can someone tell me?
I also got a nice surprise, my sense of smell is not good – that works out fine when someone stinks up the bathroom or I get sprayed by a skunk(what skunk?) but the good smells (although I can smell those) just aren’t what they should be…until I fasted for a day! My partner made his dinner, I wanted to wait until later – and I could smell it from the office down the hall…lovely (but didn’t make me hungry like I feared before starting). Then he made some decaf, I went out to get a cup…the smell wafted up to me – it was glorious!! I normally can’t really smell it unless I am grinding the beans or put my nose to the coffee itself (before it is made). It shocked me. It was a great thing – I have the sneaking suspicion that it won’t last but wonder if anyone else has had this side effect?
I am hoping the sleep thing subsides as i get further into the fast. If anyone can answer my urine or sense of smell question, I would very much appreciate it!
Thank you!
2:23 am
4 Sep 13