creatinine insulin resistance and fasting

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creatinine insulin resistance and fasting

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  thomas1973 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • hi
    ive just had my blood results back and they have showed slightly high creatinine levels for the 2nd year on the trot (i cant recall the exact figure but ill check and post it on here later). my doctor has referred me on for an ultrasound of my kidneys and further tests.

    i also strongly suspect im insulin resistant, (e.g. i react very strongly to processed carbs) but ive never tested this. does anyone know if this is connected to high creatinine at all?

    ive changed my diet to clean eating a few years back which has helped my general health alot (no more processed carbs!) and im wondering if adding intermittent fasting or going ketogenic would help with either lowering creatinine or help with insulin resistance or help with both?

    many thanks for any advice


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