Crash dieting not working

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  JenniferDennis 9 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Before you tell me that this is bad for my health please note that all of the negative side effects out weigh the end result for me mainly because I feel undesirable and uncomfortable around women because I do not receive the same attention I once did. I am a male 5″10′ 180 lbs and I am ten days into my diet. I eat 165 calories per day and I have not experienced stomach pain, sweating, dizziness etc. A year ago I lost fourty pounds eating 330 calories per day and it only took me two months so I know what happens during crash diets such as black outs and the rare vomiting. So have any of you crash dieted like this? When will I start sweating and feeling weak and losing weight?!

    Hi cesamet.
    There’s been a lot learned about fat loss in the past 80 years.
    Especially that the human body will take resources from within itself if it doesn’t get it through foods.
    A few days From time to time isnt as risky as starving consecutively for months. Though it’s proven way to lose fat , it’s also proven to lose muscle, bone, and other organ tissues too.
    Many doctors dealing with patients have attempted to advice their patients on how to lower that body fat ratio , because obesity is a strong indicator that age related diseases will undermine their health. However the intent is to lose only the fat. And not comprimise other vital tissues.

    Typically it take 72 hours before the human body will start using muscle tissue as fuel.

    Another thing to consider is the human state is to maintain it’s weight. Meaning it’s at it’s healthiest on the daily level when it doesn’t lose or gain fat. However the statics show that being obese and not exercising ha many health risks of the age related diseases. IMO that’s because of the visceral fat surrounding the organs make for poor pathway and poor sensitivities to trigger and perform as they should.

    What has been surprising to learn is that obese people’s whom exercise. Live as long as slender people whom exercise. That the sub cantaneous belly fat isn’t as unhealthy as the visceral fat that surrounds the organs. I watched dr Mosley’s documentaries .
    Eat, Fast, Live Longer
    The Truth About Exercise
    There is some great information in those.

    But I’ll add that crash dieting seems to always be followed by no restriction. Is only reason fat acculmalates agian and the excess weight returns.

    As for me I gained an idea ably weight loss and weight maintenance . From a cooking show called cook yourself thin, Many years ago.

    If you want to 200 lbs. Eat 2000 calories daily.

    If you want to be 150 lbs eat 1500 calories daily.

    Lastly of the data collected by persons that lived over 100 years of age. Their average weight was 120lbs.

    Best wishes!

    To answer your question no I haven’t crash dieted and neither would I want to. I know you don’t want to hear it but it is very dangerous and unsustainable, after all you have already done it and you must have put the weight back on. Good heavens why would you want to vomit and faint and put your health at serous risk. And no one is going to know when your going to sweat, feel weak and lose weight. 5 2 is a proven , healthy and sustainable formula so try eating 600 calories a day and normal the other 5 days and your weight will fall off and the great thing is its a way of life for ever so you can always be slim. It’s not a quick fix, but quick fixes don’t work. Hope you try it and good luck !

    No I have not tried any type of crash dieting but I have done dieting. Diet plays an important role in losing weight but with diet some physical activity must be done so that you are able to burn more calories. I always workout for 2 hours with my gym partner and follow strict diet of 800 calories. In 1 week I had lost 13 pounds.

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