
This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Puny 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Hi. Soooo—I hate to bring this up, but is anyone else in a constant state of crankiness with this lifestyle? I don’t know if it’s the calorie deprivation two days a week or something else unrelated, but I have been super-cranky these last few weeks (I’m on my 4th week).

    I hope it’s unrelated.

    Wait….maybe I don’t, because then I wouldn’t have anything to blame it on. 🙂

    Well, I’ll just keep trying to improve my mood and hope it gets better.

    Oh dear Melinda_in_NC, sorry to hear you’re feeling cranky. I’m afraid it’s not something I’ve experienced on this lifestyle. I would say, if anything, it’s made me a bit more positive and less prone to crankiness, especially during a certain time of the month where it was previously not uncommon for innocent bystanders to get caught up in hurricain Tracy’s wrath. 😉

    I hope you feel better soon. If it’s not a fastday have some cake! Cake always makes me feel better 😀

    You made me laugh, Tracy. Thanks for that!

    I am sitting here enjoying my first cup of tea with milk and sugar after a fast day with nothing but plain black tea. So, this tea tastes GREAT.

    Here’s to positive outlooks and positive outcomes!


    Oooo a nice cuppa, now that does always make things better!

    I have a nice cuppa with 2 sugars & soya milk every fastday, along with my branflakes & a piece of fruit. I miss breakfast, as I never really bother with it anymore due to lack of actual hunger in the mornings, so I look forward to my fastday ‘treat’ all day at work.

    It must be a British thing but tea is basically seen as First Aid in this country. “Chopped off your arm? – I’ll put the kettle on” that kind of thing 😉

    I’m not British (but my ex-husband and in-laws are), and I know what you mean. Tea isn’t merely a hot drink. It’s a way of life. I push tea on my kids if they have a cold or a headache or a stomachache. 🙂

    The thing is, I really miss my tea with milk in it on fast days. I try to go as long as I can without consuming any calories (18-20), but I guess I could have some when I consume the other calories. Have you tried almond milk in tea? It’s not great, but it’s like 2 calories or fewer per tbsp (it has 30 calories per CUP).

    Thanks again.

    Hi Melinda. I saw on your reply to “no food on fasting day” that you are moving very quickly towards 24 hours fast or rather 36 hours with 500 kcal. This could explain why you are feeling cranky, I think.

    This would be hard for me (on intermittent fasting since May)and certainly would been rough during the first 4 weeks.

    I would say, don’t push yourself so hard in the beginning. In a couple of more weeks you will (if you are otherwise healthy) be able to fast for 24 hours without symptoms. I am not sure we can force this process of adapting. If I were training for a marathon (this is where my friends would laugh) I probably shouldn’t try the 42 km on week 4.

    Hi Melinda in NC I find that I need my coffee everyday(prone to headaches) so I still have my morning coffee with a little less milk and sugar. I just count in in my daily calorie count. I used to have a little coffee in my cream and sugar, but am measuring and cutting down. unless it’s makes you hungry, why not have a modified cuppa in the mornings on your fast day? a little treat to make the day better.

    I’m thinking of changing from coffee to tea myself, I don’t need as much milk and sugar in my tea. I’m just getting started, so on my second fast day, now crabbiness yet. LOL. hope you are having a great day.

    Thanks, MountainMyst. I’m not so crabby today. But maybe that’s because I’m eating today! ha ha.

    Thanks for your kind words. And you made me laugh when you said you had coffee in your cream and sugar. That’s what my sister does, too, on her non-fast days.

    Something weird happened to me a few months ago, i accidentally gave up sugar after nearly 50 years of not being able to go without. When i say accidentally it is true (wither that of pure laziness) my OH brings me a cup of tea in bed every morning and he forgot the sugar one morning so i drank it as it was. Couple of days later I went out for coffee and forgot to get the sugar and couldn’t be arsed to go and get any. Result as I now longer take sugar and it has effected my need for sweet things as in I hardly ever want them anymore, on the rare occasion that i do I have whatever it is as i see it as a need not a want.

    I have been using almond milk for about 18 months now. i have never been a milk lover but it now repulses me, this is partly due to being a vegetarian and trying to go vegan and also going on detox diet whilst having a course of colonic hydrotherapy. I love almond milk and use it for cooking too in certain things. If I am out and there is no access to almond milk then I take my coffee black and with no sugar or have a herbal tea.

    also i was a child that was brought up on squash and pop never water. AS a result forcing myself to drink water was always a trial for a long time but now……if i don’t get at least 3 pints a days I crave it.

    If you had told me a couple of years ago that I would actually prefer black coffee no sugar and herbal teas i would have checked you into the nearest hospital to have your bumps felt.

    Hi Melinda-in-NC, glad you got a little giggle from my coffee and milk story. you would appreciate my morning ritual of trying to drink my coffee before my dog starts standing in front of me, paws on my knees, whining and drooling wanting my coffee. I think that should have been a clue that it was just a tad sweet and milky. LOL. glad today is better.

    Hi Chilexx, congratulations on giving up the sugar. I love your description of how it happened. LOL. I like almond milk too, haven’t had any in a while, will have check it out. I got giggle out of checking into the hospital to have our bumps felt. thanks for that. hope your day is great.

    Yesterday was a fast day and I was ‘hungry’ all day and all evening and really struggled not to go and throw myself into the fridge. In the end i tucked myself up in bed really early with my new book and got lost in that.

    This morning I woke up and wasn’t hungry at all, in fact I didn’t have anything to eat until 2pm as i really didn’t want anything. Weird that I was so hungry yesterday and yet today no hunger or growling tummy at all.

    I find the same, after a fast day I’m not bothered about food and often go through until lunch time/early afternoon before bothering with something to eat.

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