
This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  LA Chubster 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Lower cramps are killing me even with salt?

    What do you mean about “lower” cramps?

    I get really painful cramps in (mostly) my right leg at night. Not Charley Horses in the calf muscle. They can come anywhere from my toes to my leg to the inside of my thigh up to my groin. ONLY thing that will stop them is to get up, pour a hot bath and put the leg in the hottest water I can stand.

    I’ve discussed it a few times with doctors. …particularly since one of them was severe enough to separate the tendon (ligament?, I’m always confused about that) that anchors the other toes to the big toe. Now I have floppy chimp toes.

    Anyway, I haven’t eliminated them altogether but I have far fewer of them if I take a multivitamin and an electrolyte supplement.

    It may also be worth noting that they happen more frequently if I extend my fast (I do back-to-back water fasts) past 2 or 3 days.

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