counting cals from veg?

This topic contains 11 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  vicki 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • And I mean veg like cucumber, celery, peppers, tomato, carrots ect. veg with a high water content i suppose. Do you count them in? I read somewhere before that you don’t need to count these in but I just read a thread where someone wasn’t counting these and they weren’t losing weight. When they accounted for them and adjusted their calorie intake they began to lose again.

    Here’s a link to explain what I’m talking about:

    Should I count all calories as equal regardless of their source? What do you all think?

    I would recommend counting every calorie. Large apple can have 100 kcal or more so if you’ll eat 5 of them on your fast day you are done for a day. If you planning eating spinach and spinach only for whole day then you would have to eat an awful lots of it to make it to 500 kcal. Counting and weighing everything at the beginning will give you good idea of how much you need to eat to be healthy and see difference in yourself. Later on you may have a habit of knowing how much you need, but people usually thing they consume much less then they actually do. Hope that helps 🙂

    I agree with issu. It’s a good idea to count your calories (all of them) for at least the first couple of weeks. So many people under estimate the calories in the portions that they eat and then wonder why they don’t lose weight.

    I know that it can be a chore to record every single thing but IMO it’s the only way you can really get a handle on the foods and portion sizes you should be eating. You don’t have to do it forever.

    Just because it’s a vegetable doesn’t mean the calories don’t count, for example a medium sized tomato has 30 calories, a medium carrot has 30 and a whole pepper has 45 so they can mount up over a day, especially a fast day.


    If I’ve said it once I’ve said it a dozen times: there are absolutely no calories in vegetables that you grow yourself.

    Careful, RoBa. From what I have read around this forum, someone might actually believe you !

    Yes you count them – I think some diets (weightwatchers maybe) don’t count them, but for this they do.

    @roba, I thought it was food nobody saw you eat that had zero calories 😉 {an old joke between a friend and me)

    I’ve been counting them all along but it seems more than half my grub is veg. I enjoy it so I’ll continue on and carry on counting everything. I agree with you issu and sylvestra. I’ve been weighing everything I can get my paws on to see what actual portions look like. Needless to say my new portions are kiddy sized “Portion Distortion” as so it’s called. And I did eat nothing but spinach for a day before when I was 18 (anti cellulite diet-i know, scoff) thank god I’ve discovered the 5:2 to sort out my years of dysfunctional eating 🙂 Thanks for all the replies

    A new thought about calories from vegies: when I said there are no calories in vegies you grow yourself it was because you expend energy planting, tending, watering, harvesting, preparing before you even sit down to eat them. And when you have the freshest vegies in abundance you can eat as much of them as you like. I was being a bit cheeky but I truly can’t imagine anyone getting fat on home grown fruit and vegetables. Now I’ve been reading more about the role of fibre in gut absorption I know that fresh and home grown is going to be exercising your gut. Apparently the gut process to digest three whole apples takes about twenty times more energy than that required to drink 150mls of apple juice.

    Hi all just wondering if someone knew how much calories pumpkin & butternut pumpkin are per 100 gms.

    Hi nmcorvaia
    This is from Allan Borushek’s “Calorie, fat and carbohydrate counter” (an Australian “bible”)

    pumpkin – common/Qld blue
    raw without skin – 45cal; 190kg; zero fat; 8.5carb

    raw without skin – 40cal; 175kg; zero fat; 7.2carb

    golden nugget
    raw without skin – 30cal; 120kg; zero fat; 4carb

    raw without skin – 45cal; 190kg; zero fat; 8.5carb


    Hi Vicki thanks for the info when you say kg do you mean grams ? So 190 grams of pumpkin is 45 cals

    Hi again nmcorvaia

    I think my Lindt bunny must have addled my brain
    Yes they should all read kj, not kg!
    And ignore the last line, somehow I repeated the info for the common/Qld blue pumpkin
    It’s interesting how the different varieties have different calorie levels.


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