Could you have a ready meal on a Fast Day

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Could you have a ready meal on a Fast Day

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  andrewcrawford 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • I was just wondering if you are allowed these or do you think it would slow weight loss/fat burning down.

    I have in my freezer a Weight Watchers Steam and Serve Salmon with Soy Sauce and have just found out that by the time I get in from work I will not have time to cook anything as need to go back out about 45 minutes later.

    I have never had one before so not sure what they are like!!

    My mum has done really well on 5:2 by eating muesli in the morning and a ready meal in the evening. I think that it’s quite an easy way of keeping a count of the calories.

    As we say on this forum: your rules, your way, whatever works for you long-term.

    All the very best, Annie

    Hi Annie – I suppose give it a try and see what happens. Don’t usually have ready meals always cook from scratch but this looked really nice and low in calories so thought I would have it in as a standby.

    Well just had some carrot and coriander soup so will look forward to my WW meal tonight.

    You can eat whatever you want as long as it’s within your calories.

    Hi Drunkraffles, regarding ready meals, I am a 65 yr old male and have been using Marks and Spencer “Fuller Longer” and “Count on Us” ready meals for my main evening meal. I have mentioned them several times in different posts and I have to say they work very well for me. Prior to falling off the wagon so to speak the maximum weight loss I achieved using ready meals on my fast days was 23 Ilb. Due to a combination of pigging out and the demon drink on non fast days I have put on 6Ilb but have resumed my healthy lifestyle and am showing positive weight loss again.
    Mimi has also recognised that certain ready meals can be used as part of the 5:2 lifestyle. The main downside is cost, M&S meals can be quite expensive so you need to weigh the costs and benefits of using them.
    Good luck.

    “As we say on this forum: your rules, your way, whatever works for you long-term.”

    You are spot-on, Anne Somerset!

    I often resort to a ready meal – usually some sort of ready-to-cook chicken breast in a sauce or marinade – as I like the fact that the calorie-counting has been done for you. Plus, for me, the less time spent in the kitchen on fast days, the better. I am a very keen and able chef the other 5 days, but on fast days I don’t feel guilty about what some might see as a lazy option. Go for it! 🙂

    Hi drunkraffles, no problems with ready meals on fast day. Its the calories that count. I also have used M & S meals on fast days(always buy them when there is a deal on and freeze them)and my weight loss has been fine. As stephb says, less time in kitchen on fast days the better. Good luck

    My local store sells macintosh meals which are quite filling and are only 200-300 calories depending on what you choose, i normally go with mince pie for 212 calories so giving me plenty of free during the day, in fact most days like today when i am fasting i am below 600, i have also developed my own meals, i will be posting them soon on my blog but one of the meals i do is on my other blog but this one is a self developed meal not professional one, but it is not the right amounts for fasting meal but you can research it yourself if you want, it also has no cheese during fasting day

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