cooking with wine / counting

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  grow 9 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hello
    I´, planning ahead for some fast days, and on one I´m making veggie soup with either rice or barley. I usually toast the rice / pearl barley in the hot pan before adding 100 ml of white or red wine. When the wine has evaporated, I add the veg, swirl, and add the veggie stock. Now my question is, how do I count the wine, since it evaporates? I don´t count garlic, because I take the clove out. I realise when dividing the cal, 100 ml of wine isn´t that much, but still 😀

    Only the water and some alcohol evaropates so you are still left with the sugars etc so I would say calculate the alcohol as you would drinking it.

    might deglaze with lemon juice instead…..

    Basically you only have to count the carbs. Almost all the ethanol will evaporate when you deglaze a pan in the way you describe, so you can subtract it. That’s going to be the vast majority of the calories. 100 dl of dry wine without the alcohol is about 10 kcal.

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