Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

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Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

This topic contains 431 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  BrightonBelle 4 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 401 through 450 (of 450 total)

  • Day 26 – USA/GA – NFD

    Oh my, Thanksgiving has arrived! Increased back to 234 lbs today; hoping to maintain it through Sunday, my next FD. Well, off to cook a bit and wash up (I’m hosting in a few hours). More Wesley and Lola soon. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in the U.S., and best wishes to anyone on a Thursday pocket list!

    USA. Day 26. NFD

    Usually, I wouldn’t be logging on today, since I do celebrate Thanksgiving. However, this year will be a very peculiar year for many of us. Since Covid is picking up here, my family will not be getting together today, so I will be playing golf instead! LOL Never did that before, either! This is the first time in 41 years that I haven’t cooked the dinner for all of us and the first time in over 70 years that I didn’t have a family Thanksgiving dinner! We’ve had a lot of firsts this year, many of which I could have done without!

    Stay safe, everyone!

    USA Day 26. NFD

    Flourbaby, I liked your Bill Phillips quote! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 26 Minnesota, USA NFD

    Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Americans! Yesterday, a CD, today…..probably an EFS day. Most of the meal I am cooking is healthy and leans heavily on vegetables. But, we are allowing ourselves potatoes and gravy, a rarity in this house. I’m looking forward to that almost as much as the cheesecake and berries for desert.

    It is just DH and myself today. Our state restriction says only celebrate with immediate household members. Like @markie99 we will make it a special dinner for two with candles and music.

    It is hard to be so close to DD and her family and not be able to share the meal (not to mention she is a fabulous cook). Later, we will FaceTime with the little granddaughters (who have been booby-trapping their bedroom since watching the movie “Home Alone” yesterday. They want to show us their work. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‚.

    @northgeorgia Congrats on your triumphant weight loss this year!
    @stitchincarol I have been known to weigh in the wee hours of the morning. Congrats on the under 150, enjoy!
    @kazoo I do feel for you, and feel badly for all the stress you have had to deal with. And the sadness, I am sure. That old saying that, as mothers, we are only as happy as our saddest child, is so true. I hope your son has a wonderful upturn in his luck and his life, and you will be able to look back on these times as a just a dip in the road, so to speak.
    @at That quote by Sophie Wardle gives me chills…..It is so powerful! Thank you for sharing it!
    @i-hate-lettuce I hope you are doing as well as can be expected, and looking ahead to the healing days to come.
    @ccco I hope by the time you see this, you’ve had a lovely day of golf!
    @flourbaby The wine calls to a lot of people this year. You haven’t given yourself over to it completely, so I think you are doing better than many….you’ll get back on track and feel better with your routine of FDs re-established, I am sure.

    Have a lovely day, everyone!

    Day 26 Canada NFD

    I haven’t felt up to a fast this week, well so far at least. Doing my best to eat in moderation though and will be hitting the reset button soon. I am thinking of all of our US forum pals and sending happy thoughts your way for thanksgiving. I am sure the celebration will be small for many and hope you find joy in the day.

    @snowflake56 I am impressed by the dance, I don’t have any sense of rhythm! Would love to read Pollan quotes
    @i-hate-lettuce hope you are doing well as you wrap up treatments, yes I think you are the storm
    @at the scones sound dangerously delicious. Can you please share some advice on how you don’t over eat all of the treats you make for your DH?
    @flourbaby I have realized I am grinding my teeth when I wear a mask….love the quote!

    Day 26 – NSW, AU – NFD

    Decided to class today as a non fast day, only did a 13 hour overnight fast but definitely didn’t stay under my 800, nor my CFD limit. Just had that kinda day and ate pizza and some chocolate. Hopefully still remaining around the same weight.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all the lovely Americans on here!!

    Day 26 USA (Illinois) Thanksgiving NFD

    Eating is over for the day, and plenty of calories were consumed. Once a year, I do allow it.

    My quote for giving thanks – borrowed:

    Be thankful for your mistakes; they will teach you valuable lessons.
    Be thankful when you’re tired and weary because it means you’ve made a difference.
    It is easy to be thankful for the good things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks.
    GRATITUDE can turn a negative into a positive. Find a way to be thankful for your troubles and they can become your blessings.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 27, Emden Germany, FD800

    @at It’s more ambition than ability. We’re not very elegant but very enthousiastic. I now see you sitting in front of a fire, listening to your DH playing the guitar and singing.

    @bellyblast Don’t be too impressed, sometimes we’re just stumbling along. I don’t have the Pollan book next to me, will come back later.

    Pocket list day 27
    @kazoo FD800
    @snowflake56 FD800

    ZBC day 27

    Exercise day 27
    @snowflake56 ๐Ÿ’ƒ

    DTF day 27

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 27 – Japan – WFD #93 in 2020

    Well over 1/2 done … going easy today. Even my run was better.

    It is strange but I feel about the same now as I do on NFD after eating a slightly small meal. I do know that if I fast much over 40 hours, it gets a bit harder before it is fine again. However I plan on breaking my fast tomorrow morning. I like eating too much.

    It the US my doctor retired and I wasn’t able to get there anyway this year. So I’m going to get to experience Japanese dentists and doctor. The joys of healthcare when your language skills are limited. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Day 27 – Lake District UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    It’s here at last my last day of treatment !
    Six weeks of intensive radiotherapy and chemotherapy, for throat cancer. The lump at the side of my neck has shrunk (it about the size of third of a tennis ball) now it’s below the ‘normal’ line and about the size of a broad bean. Medics are delighted with progress as it will continue to shrink over the coming weeks/months.

    The last couple of weeks has been rough, hardly any solid food, just high protein drinks and a couple of soft food ‘meals’ a day. The diet is very restricted, have to avoid so many foods with swallowing being very painful despite meds. No fruit, nothing tomato based etc anything acidic wow! (including NO beer!)

    The next two weeks are going to be slow, but as usual, the man with ‘attitude’ and a sense of humour will no be knocked down! Seems I’m a bit of a one off.

    Checks and balances, done well, naturally have lost weight, but still have the strength to carry me through, although next couple of weeks there’s going to be little change (we’ll see about that)
    I’m working on there will be no travelling each day, that will help, no waiting for appointments and time sat in waiting rooms etc and can get into a daily routine better. Already planning exercise routine, either ‘bendy foldy’ stuff at home or a gradual building back up with walks.

    Have had fabulous support from family, medics, neighbours and yes my internet 5:2 friends from which I am very grateful.

    Cheers everyone, take care and be safe, I’ll be normal again soon !?!?

    Day 27 London OMAD

    @ Flourbaby – Iโ€™ve also started grinding my teeth this last year. Very disconcerting. Apart from the obvious, I donโ€™t think Iโ€™m particularly stressed, but I wake up with aching jaws, and often find myself grinding my teeth together when Iโ€™m concentrating. Weird.
    Do you want a dry till Fri buddy? Iโ€™ve actually managed to do it this week – minor miracle. I managed doing DTF in June and July, then dropped it completely when we went to Norfolk in August. Since then, complete failure. But still did OMAD so weight steady but not dropping. Hopefully Iโ€™ll manage a bit better from now on.
    Have a good weekend all.

    2nd post

    @i-hate-lettuce How glad you and Mrs. IHL must be today, the last day of treatments. Take care!

    @bellyblast Michael Pollan’s “rules” are common sense guidelines, there’s nothing new about them but they are short and easy to remember. Here are some of them, I found it hard to choose because they all make sense to me, others will find them nonsense or useless:

    “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

    “Don’t eat anything your great grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.”

    “Avoid food products containing ingredients that a third-grader cannot pronounce.”

    “If you’re not hungry engough to eat an apple, then you’re probably not hungry.”

    “Avoid products that make health claims.”

    “Avoid foods you see advertised on television.”

    “Shop the peripheries of the supermarket and stay out of the middle.”

    “If it came from a plant, eat it; if it was made in a plant, don’t.”

    “Eat only foods that will eventually rot.”

    “Eating what stands on one leg (mushrooms and plant foods) is better than eating what stands on two legs (fowl), which is better than eating what stands on four legs (cows, pigs, and other mammals).”

    “Do all your eating at a table.”

    “Eat all the junk food you want as long as you cook it yourself.” (my favourite)

    “Break the rules once in a while.”

    Another good one from the No S Diet and posted a long time ago by @lindasue:
    “No snacks, no seconds, no sweets – except on days that begin with the letter “S”.”

    Day 27 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FAST DAY!!!!!!! LOL

    I haven’t had a spare moment to post since what I wrote on Tuesday, but I’ve thought of you all regularly. Wednesday was another FD800 (I’m guessing, based on what I ate, but I didn’t actually count the calories because it was too complicated to do so [we had homemade enchiladas that I pulled from my freezer] and I simply didn’t have time between piano lessons, my cleaning lady coming, getting pie dough made, practicing with DS24 for the worship service [he plays trumpet for me], the service itself, and then the beginning of food prep after the service. You tired just reading that? Yeah, I was too. Yesterday’s dinner was lovely, and it was fun to have our two guests here with us, one of whom is from India and brought two Indian dishes with him. Fun, fun day.

    And now it’s 5:35 and I’ve been awake since five. I’m beginning to see a clear correlation between the more calories I eat/drink, the more likely I’ll not sleep well. And my belly is whining loudly at me, asking why I felt compelled to put so much food/drink in it yesterday, LOL. As @songbirdme said, oh well, it’s once a year.

    I actually had a whoosh yesterday morning, and weighed in at 146.0. That was sure a sight to see, and not a sight I’ll see when I have the nerve to get on the scale this morning, LOL! But I’m determined to get as many leftovers out of the house as possible with our two sons, and fast at 500 or 800 calories today and tomorrow, and that should help return me to that lovely number.

    @snowflake56 I’d love to hear quotes from the book you’re reading! And that was interesting to hear how complicated and difficult that dance is! Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer made it look effortless. ๐Ÿ˜

    @northgeorgia I’m so excited for you! The best part, and the part you haven’t mentioned yet, is that the 220s are getting tantalizingly close!

    @brightonbelle Thanks for admitting you’re another middle-of-the-night weigher, LOL!

    @kazoo I feel for you that your son is moving to Poland. I just looked it up, and the distance is about the same as Nebraska (where we live) to California (where most of my family lives). Cyber hugs to you as you make this transition!

    @at what a lovely, lovely quote

    Oh, my, @flourbaby, what an amazing quote!!! โ€œFood is the most widely abused anti-anxiety drug in America, and exercise is the most potent and underutilized antidepressant,โ€ by Bill Phillips

    @dykask You made me chuckle at the thought of medical care with limited language skills! I hope it goes well, and perhaps you’ll find doctors who have great English skills!

    @i-hate-lettuce So delightful to get a report from you! I was guessing your silence was an indication of how tough a week it’s been, and your words seemed to confirm that. Your suggestion that you’re not far from being “back to normal,” however, made me roar with laughter: you are NEVER normal, are you????? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ˜ So I’m thinking the most normal you can hope for is to have your schedule back under your own control, right? Because, as another not-normal person (I’m told this regularly, and sometimes it’s clearly not a compliment, LOL), I would assert that “normal” is highly over-rated. ๐Ÿ˜

    @snowflake56 You’re right, those are lovely quotes. Sometimes we just need common sense phrased succinctly and cleverly, huh?

    Well, I have a kitchen that needs cleaning up (I’m one who’s happy to go to bed and leave the mess for in the morning), but I’m thinking I’ll wait until DH is up to help; right now I’m going to read my novel. So good to connect with you all again, and thanks for all the good wishes for Thanksgiving. It’s rather a silly concept when you analyze it–Let’s all choose a day and cook an insane amount of food and then do our best to eat three times the calories we normally consume in one day and then say we’re doing it in order to be thankful”–but it’s such an ingrained tradition that I love it anyway. It was rather sad not to have the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. When I was a little girl in California, I had to turn on the TV at 7am to watch it, and I always feel a huge connection with my four-year-old self when the parade is on as I’m starting in on the cooking preparations. Oh well, next year will hopefully be back to “normal.”

    Have a grand day, everyone!

    Day 27 Wisconsin USA OMAD

    Good morning everyone. Well, one of the major food holidays in the US is over and I was brave enough to weigh myself today since itโ€™s my designated day. No loss (no surprise) but surprisingly I didnโ€™t gain, so still at 3 pounds down for the month at 157. I feel energized in moving forward. I still hope to lose one more pound this month, but happy to move that goal on to December, when I hope to lose 4 more pounds.

    Belated Happy Thanksgiving to all my US friends.

    @ccco, although I didnโ€™t golf, we had many firsts in common today. We still managed to have a lovely day and it sounds like you did too.
    @i-hate-lettuce, over the moon happy for you. Youโ€™ve shown such grace in the midst of challenges. I send all best wishes to you.
    @snowflake56, love those โ€œrulesโ€. Iโ€™m going to keep them at hand. Thanks for posting them.

    Sticking to my same boring plan, since itโ€™s working.
    Plan for day 27:
    OMAD, avoid sugar and processed food
    Steps, yoga, tai chi

    Good luck to everyone today. Remember, we get fit in the gym, we lose weight in the kitchen.

    Day 27 USA (Illinois) NFD

    I’m right with @markie99 with no loss but also no gain. Yeah for that one.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 27 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in wobbled but settled on the 234 mark this morning. Lunch time and just finished off a Thanksgiving leftover plate. Waiting until Sunday to do a FD again. I’ll check in again soon! Yeah, the 220s are hopefully mine sometime next month, but I knew this holiday weekend would probably keep me firmly in the mid-240s most of this week.

    Best wishes, everyone!

    Day 27 – NSW, AU – NFD

    Another day off the wagon, started out innocently enough, some leftover pizza for a brunch. But after fighting the printer for about an hour trying to scrape off a sticker that had gotten stuck on rollers and had caused a paper jam I demolished an entire pack of hazelnut creme wafer biscuits. Still maintaining roughly the same weight, we’ll see if there’s anything after this weekend, maybe tomorrow I might try for OMAD, seeing as I’ve kinda cleared out all the junk food out of my room.

    Day 28, Emden Germany, FD800

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 28/11/20 – Lake District UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    First cold and frosty morning here this morning, the sun is creeping it’s way upwards, potentially nice crisp day.

    @stitchincarol – You got me regarding your comment “Your suggestion that youโ€™re not far from being โ€œback to normal,โ€ however, made me roar with laughter: you are NEVER normal, are you????? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ˜”

    Yup, well and truly ‘busted’ – normal and me seldom go in the same sentence ๐Ÿ˜‰ Been on a bit of a high since Wednesday morning, ticking the final boxes and ending treatment.

    Without the travelling back and forth I’ll be able to catch up on the posts for this month a bit better. First bit of ‘normal’ grab coffee, turn on tablet and catch up with a few things!

    So being the guy who brews craft ale for a hobby, despite the fact can’t I drink alcohol at the moment and been ‘dry’ for the last month, this morning will be bottling the Christmas brew I put into fermentation two weeks ago, a little ironic, but normal!

    Hope everyone has been keeping safe and well

    Stay positive and test negative

    Take care all

    D28 UK Lake District

    Going for a walk today with my next door neighbour and dogs.

    Belated Thanks Giving wishes for everyone who celebrates it.

    @snowflake56 DS and partner flew out to Poland yesterday and both myself and DH feel much better about it now. Yesterday was always going to be bad. They have gone to live in a town called Lodz which is smack bang in the middle of Poland. It is where she comes from and her family and friends are. She also has a flat there so that is where they are going to live for a while while they get sorted. It will depend where they can get jobs if they stay there. First thing he has to do is a crash course in Polish.

    @at must try your scone recipe

    @i hate lettuce Enjoy your bottling. Like your saying stay positive and test negative.

    Have a good weekend everyone

    Day 28 – USA/GA – NFD

    Oops, Thanksgiving is taking its toll. Barely managed to weigh in this morning at 235 lbs. But, so nice to fit into those faded jeans again! We took a selfie of the immediate family portrait around the table, and I could see how much thinner I looked compared to the past few years!

    Going to focus on the positives. Have a great weekend all!

    Day 28 – Japan – NFD

    Water fast went well.

    My problem with doctors is my wife doesn’t trust me to make my own appointments. I don’t have Japanese insurance since I’m working for a US company but the local government will pay for the appoints with doctors they have chosen. However all the documentation is in Japanese. Speaking is one level of pain but reading Japanese is a crazy amount more painful. Even when the Japanese is written for preschoolers I’m painfully slow. Really great when you can’t keep up with a five year old.

    Day 28 USA (Illinois) NFD

    I’m in the same ballpark with @northgeorgia that it seems Thanksgiving has caught up with me. The mincemeat pie I made especially for DH is going into the freezer for special treats, not normal dessert eating. Also the normal meal and leftovers have far too many carbs. Need to workout as well. Oh, just a minor setback. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Onward and Downward.

    Day 28 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD800

    Yesterday wasn’t strictly a FD because I allowed myself a beer with that turkey-on-rye sandwich (possibly my favorite part of Thanksgiving, LOL!), and I had a piece of pumpkin pie also, but I was down to 148.4 this morning, so I’m headed back in the correct direction. DH is quite content to have leftovers in a YOYO fashion (“You’re on your own”) so I’m planning on the same today and am hopeful that tomorrow I’ll be 147-point-anything.

    The temperature is supposed to be around 57F/14C today so I think we’ll take this afternoon to put up Christmas lights. It’s always challenging to find a day at the right time where we have time AND the weather is reasonable, so although we neither of us feel much like dealing with lights, all the requirements are met (timing, sufficient time, decent weather) so we’ll just dig in and do it.

    @toady Clearing out all the junk food is a huge part of discipline, LOL–there’ve been many an evening when I would have snacked but I couldn’t find a single thing!!! So now your challenge is to only grocery shop when you have every bit of your discipline in play so you don’t buy more. Good luck with something I’m not always successful at! ๐Ÿ˜‚

    @i-hate-lettuce Another thing to make me laugh out loud: “Stay positive and test negative” GREAT phrase! Have fun bottling!

    @dykask Yet another phrase to make me laugh out loud: “Even when the Japanese is written for preschoolers Iโ€™m painfully slow. Really great when you canโ€™t keep up with a five year old.” You have my full sympathy! I was actually in Japan in 1971 for just over two months, in a Tokyo suburb called “Musashi Koganei.” I THINK that’s how it’s spelled; it’s pronounced moo SAH she ko gah NAY. It was easy enough to communicate because everyone either already knew English or was in the process of learning and was eager to practice with this random American girl. Fun summer!

    @songbirdme Yeah, the leftovers…yikes, but it’s a lot of food, LOL. I managed to send home the homemade dinner rolls with our two boys, the dressing was a disaster so it got thrown away (very sad story, and the punchline is: if you’re going to use stale bread you must still dry it completely, or use less broth…lesson well and firmly learned!) and I love the idea of freezing the leftover pie. I’m looking forward to Monday when our eating should be back to normal with all leftovers either gone or frozen.

    @northgeorgia Bummer on the weight bumping above 232, but it’s only a minor set-back; the lovely contrast to that disappointment certainly had to have been how much thinner you looked in the family selfie!

    Okay, time to get up and get some work done. Have a grand day, everyone!

    Day 28 Minnesota, USA NFD

    Many calories consumed Thursday and also with the leftovers yesterday. Today DD and family will come over to “walk” and we will do a little pie exchange: a couple pieces of pecan and pumpkin pie for a couple pieces of cheesecake. I will finish out the wine I have here, tonight. And DH is getting the majority of leftovers cleared from the refrigerator, so by Monday I should be ready for a FD.

    December is a difficult month for weight loss……the first week both my DH and I celebrate our birthdays, and the last week is Christmas and New Year’s Eve. I had better plan carefully if I want to maintain what I’ve already lost. Then I must get serious in January. In the mean time, I’ll be spending too much time online to get Christmas shopping done and also trying to get some family history booklets put together for my children and nieces and nephews for Christmas gifts. That’s a lot of sitting…..and probably snacking if I’m not careful.

    I have decided to volunteer for hosting the challenge in January…….It should help me, as well, to stay focused on 5:2 and like @at 2:5 with alcohol. That’s the goal. December will be too busy for me to host, I’m afraid. Really, though, I think we all participate and encourage each other, so maybe we can all be co-hosts together?

    Have a great weekend, everyone!

    Day 28 – NSW, AU – NFD

    Well I finished off the pizza and the last of the chocolate today, so those temptations are no longer in the house (@stitchincarol now I’ve just got to keep them from jumping into my shopping basket!!) probably a bit over my goal weight TDEE, so calling it another NFD… tomorrow shall be better, I need to behave myself! Here’s hoping for a OMAD, or at least a 20:4.

    Day 29, Emden Germany, FD800

    @kazoo It’s good the most difficult day lies behind you now and you can look forward again. I looked up ลรณdลบ, it’s a large town with an interesting history and lots of cultural activities. I hope your son will be happy there but it’s really important he learns the language fast to feel more at home.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 29 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Should’ve made the best of yesterdays cool but sunny start, by the time I’d finished bottling the beer the clouds had come over and it had gone from dry cool and nice to cool and damp feeling! However, beer is in bottles and set for first conditioning and I am told by Mrs IHL, my sense of taste is quite dull at the moment, tastes really good already!

    Planning for Christmas is normally a big thing with us, feeding and watering us, ‘the kids’ plus friends and visitors (Mrs IHL is a ‘feeder’) is quite a lot of fun. But this year, the Kids aren’t coming due to travel restrictions, but as they live in the same city, son and DIL have invited little sis to theirs and we’re on for a virtual Christmas Dinner etc. I’ve not seen them since last Christmas, although been in touch regularly.
    I really feel for people who have struggled on or live in isolation, we have counted ourselves very lucky indeed! Our many plans for 2020 have gone by the wayside, but we’re still here, bimbling along waiting for the tide to turn.

    As for 5:2 WOL, that’s been turned upside down for me, actually trying to maintain weight ATM and stop losing! But, it was to be expected during treatment so I’m not particularly worried as listening to the ‘inner me’ I actually feel quite well, not sure where the ‘inner warthog’ has gone, but he’s very quiet!

    @toady – Advantage of not being allowed to go shopping, lack of temptation (and gravity) stopping the basket filling up, although I have been known to put things back when unsupervised!

    @stichincarol – Similarly with home made things, the spare freezer will be kicked into action very soon and all the Christmas foody treats will be small portions and not for ‘general’ consumption.

    Hope all our friends over the pond had a Happy Thanksgiving, don’t worry too much about short term weight gain, DIL always reckons quickly on quickly off!

    Take care all

    Day 29 – NSW, AU – CFD

    I did a 20 hour fast overnight and ended up having a noodle bowl for lunch (410 calories) and a couple of muesli bars that I had floating around which was another 500 odd calories… it’s the weekends that get me, cause I usually stay at home and just chill out and once I eat something that awakens the beast and I just want to keep eating. So, by the time 4pm came around I wasn’t really hungry for my usual early dinner, so started fasting early, if I make it to 1pm tomorrow it’ll be a 22 hour fast… that I’ll be proud of. Today was under 1000 calories which I am proud of after my week of excess, now to keep it up (and weigh in tomorrow morning – only about 4kg-9lb til I’m out of the ‘200 club’)

    @i-hate-lettuce – I know what you mean, sometimes think if I had ‘supervision’ I probably wouldn’t eat half the crap that I do, but it is my fault for piling on the pounds due to bad food choices.

    Day 29 – USA/GA – FD

    Well, Thanksgiving weekend has been a disaster. Fell into old habits really quickly and the scales refused to budge from 236 lbs. this morning. It’s a reminder of how 5:2 is a WOL, and I’m so thankful to be hopping back on the fast train this morning. I was surprised how sugary drinks that I really didn’t want were my downfall this time. Good to note for the upcoming Christmas holiday. I’ll be attempting a 4:3 this week to get myself back on track for December and firmly keep pressing the weight into the lower 230s. My goal is to be firmly in the 220s by the end of the year. So, who is hosting December’s Challenge? ๐Ÿ™‚


    “We’re just kidding, Wesley,” I say. “There is no way we’re going to struggle up the orange trail to get to the Overlook. We’ll keep to the green trail. It may take a little longer to reach the Overlook, but better to keep a steady pace and enjoy the walk than to get all frustrated and be out of breath by the time we get there. Besides, it would likely take the same amount of time in the end!” Lola pats Wesley on the back as we walk past the crossroad and continue upwards through a patch of hardwoods.

    “I just didn’t want to hold you all back,” Wesley says. Lola looks at him, “what, you think we wanted to go up the orange trail? No way. That may work for some people, but I think none of us wanted to experience sliding down in the mud and grabbing hold of tree roots to lift us along the way.” I look back at both of them and say, “who really cares if it does take us a little longer to get there? This isn’t a race! This is something we are doing for ourselves. A little walk in the outdoors to enjoy the view of the Overlook. No one is going to give us a prize for getting there a little early or demerits for arriving late. We’ll get there just fine on this path. I’m so happy to have good friends to enjoy this little journey with!” A chipmunk suddenly chatters on the rock beside us and scurries off.

    “OK, let’s go,” Wesley smiles, now full of confidence. His stride quickens and soon he is leading Lola and I up the hillside along the green trail.


    Happy final November days!!

    Pocket list – Day 29




    Day 29 – UK – TDEE

    The last couple of days have seen some great food and wine consumed but also 9+km walks both yesterday and today

    So today sticking to below TDEE in preparation to a last FD tomorrow for this Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

    @northerndawn – Thank you for offering to host the January 2021 Challenge ๐Ÿค—
    @i-hate-lettuce – Good to hear from you and healing vibes coming your way – shame about the mizzly weather today – I managed a just over 9km wander with a friend this morning – at least it’s not cold and it was lovely to catch up with her

    I’ll set up the December Challenge sometime today as I noticed no one has volunteered as yet and I’m sure we will all play a part in hosting this most challenging of months – It’s my 4th maintenance anniversary month – so grateful to have found this WOL ๐Ÿ™

    Day 29 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Did just OMAD yesterday, and lost overnight. Back to an acceptable maintenance weight.

    Our church is joining another for a Christmastime Handbell Choir, first rehearsal is this afternoon. After not being able to sing in a choir for 9 months, it will be great to make music in a COVID-acceptable manner. I’ve never played with these players, so who knows how it will all be!

    November is nearly done. Wow. And winter is soon upon us. Hugs to you all as we move into “Dangerous December!” Thank you, @at for agreeing to lead us. Of course, everyone on this board is most helpful to all our efforts. Congrats on your 4 years – I’m right there with you!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 30, FD, Aus

    It should be a FD but I’m tempted to get a ham and cheese toastie, and do a FD tomorrow to kick off the first day of the month.

    The weekend involved far too much red wine.

    day 30 – Japan – WFD #94

    Still early in the day. A lot of work going on keeping me busy.

    Day 30, Emden Germany, FD800

    Another month is almost done, it went quite well but my weight stayed the same.

    @basyjames Thanks for hosting this month’ challenge and @at and @northerndawn for offering to host the next two months so the challenges can go on.

    Pocket list day 30
    @dykask WFD
    @snowflake56 FD800

    ZBC day 30

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 30 – Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช – FD

    Maintained for the month of November, not that I want to be at this weight, but at least I am not gaining. Finish off November with an FD, it’s going to be DTF, then Fruday morning see how I got on with my new mainly plant based food diet.

    Restrictions are lifting in Ireland from this week, still restrictions on travelling inter county, but by the time Christmas comes we might have a bit of normality……then back to restrictions from January 6th.

    It’s gets so tiring doesn’t it?

    Thank you @basyjames for hosting November, and @at for setting up December….we will all keep it going together.

    Great to hear you back @i-hate-lettuce ๐Ÿ‘

    D30 F800 Lake District UK

    Canโ€™t believe how quick November has flown by. Not been a good month for me in many ways so I am just drawing a line under it and tomorrow is the start of a new month.

    Did a couple of nice walks over the weekend and hoping to get another in today.

    Thank you @basyjames for hosting and to @at for hosting December.

    @at Congratulations on 4 years of maintenance.

    Pocket list day 30
    @dykask WFD
    @snowflake56 FD800
    @kazoo FD800

    ZBC day 30

    Have a good day everyone

    Day 30 – NSW, AU – MFD

    I did it!! For the first time in like a week I kept below the 800!! Weigh in was about the same as last time, so at least eating too much hasn’t made me put anything back on. Lunch was some homemade soup with a bit of sesame and garlic turkish focaccia kind of bread… and a small fruit scone and then a Cottage Pie for dinner.

    I really do eat better when I’m at work, and surprisingly I’m not getting the light-headedness that I used to get if I didn’t snack on something sugary.

    Better get my hindquarters over to the December thread, thanks @basyjames for hosting November!!

    Pocket list day 30
    @dykask WFD
    @snowflake56 FD800
    @kazoo FD800
    @toady FD800

    ZBC day 30

    Day 30 – Lake District UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone,

    Doesn’t look like a day for bimbling in the greenhouse or garden today, it’s still dark and raining quite steadily, might be a dodging showers walk sometime today!

    Thank you @basyjames for hosting this month, although I’ve not contributed much, I kept popping in to ‘keep in the habit’. I think it actually helps if you can make something a habit, although you may not follow the regime to the letter (5:2 is flexible by nature anyway) it’s very easy to return to.

    @toady – Hmmm the ‘sesame and garlic turkish focaccia kind of bread’ sounds interesting. I bake all our bread and it’s one of the things I’ve missed doing this last 6 weeks. Never find it a chore and love experimenting. The only one I haven’t mastered yet, Dark Rye bread ….

    My weight has dropped significantly this last month, but not really in a good way, my main objective was to try and maintain, but this has been impossible. I was warned it would happen and feel a little ‘punch drunk’ at the moment.
    Quietly trying to build things up again but will be back once the throat starts healing properly.

    Typical though, already looking for ‘house jobs’ seeing as it’s ‘Fairy Tale’ weather (Grimm) but even Mrs IHL has put a stop to that one, rest and recovery for now.

    Looks like feet up and reading today ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Take care all

    Day 30 UK FD

    November has been another yo yo month so weight more or less where I started so not a disaster but going to try and get my act together for December

    Day 30 – USA/GA – NFD

    Ugh, I woke up yesterday with a light sniffle and it progressed overnight into full blown congestion, sneezing, watery eyes, and a runny nose. Sounds like my seasonal allergies (although you always wonder, could it be COVID)? Taking a sick day from work today and will have to wait until fully recovered to return.

    Oddly enough, my weigh-in this morning was 232 lbs., meaning I actually met my goal for the month again on the final day of the month! That makes me feel good, well figuratively (achoo!)

    Going to spend the day drinking lots of liquids and resting.

    Good luck to everyone on the pocket lists today!

    Day 30 USA (Illinois) FD

    End of November. Wow. Keeping at maintenance. Hope to get in a good FD or MFD today.

    @basyjames – thank you for being here for us this morning. Looking forward to December with @at for sure.

    @i-hate-lettuce – sure do hope your throat heals quickly and completely. Hugs to you.

    @northgeorgia – the dreaded cold and congestion, eh? Ugh. No fun, but you’ve got a great attitude.

    See you over in December!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 30 – UK – FD500

    Here we are – the last day of this Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020 – what better way to end it than with an old fashioned FD500

    First of all a big THANK YOU to @basyjames for hosting us whilst helping out with her new nephew ๐Ÿ‘ถ These are for you ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’ and hope to see you in the December Challenge

    A drizzly grey day here so no walks but a 7am Broga class followed by a 3pm Pilates one and ending the day at 6pm with a Yoga session – enough to keep me focused and on track hopefully ๐Ÿคž

    @songbirdme – loved your “Dangerous December” I wish I had thought of that when I was publishing our December Challenge……
    @penz – you could join me in doing a B2B FDs to end the old and start the new challenge on a positive note???
    @kazoo – I was out trekking the fells on both Saturday and Sunday too – Thank you for your good wishes re my maintenance – I have to stay vigilant to remain there as I love good food and wine perhaps a bit too much…….
    @i-hate-lettuce – great to hear from you and am glad that you are listening to Mrs IHL “rest and recovery” is as important a stage as was the intensive treatment you have undergone in your fight against the cancer – let her feed you up and use all your energy towards healing your body ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค— these virtual hugs are you both – hope to see you in the December Challenge
    @northgeorgia – way to go ending the challenge on 232 – 230 is definitely yours before Christmas!!!

    Looking forward to seeing you all in the December Challenge and perhaps some new names joining us – as @songbirdme said it’s “Dangerous December” but we can support each other through this most tempting of months ๐Ÿค—

    Pocket list day 30
    @dykask WFD
    @snowflake56 FD800
    @kazoo FD800
    @toady FD800

    ZBC day 30


    Exercise ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ

    It’s great to know that we have @northerndawn lined up to take us forward with the first Challenge for 2021 ๐Ÿค—


    USA. Day 30. FD

    Good morning, everyone! Just checking in and adding myself to the pocket list.

    Pocket list day 30
    @dykask WFD
    @snowflake56 FD800
    @kazoo FD800
    @toady FD800

    ZBC day 30


    Exercise ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ

    Day 30 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD

    Well, I thought I was doing well, and then yesterday hit. Or, I should say, “the munchies” hit. Yikes! I was in that kitchen constantly, and ate far too much, and the scale showed it today at 150.4. I know exactly the reason I was in there constantly, however, and that’s a bit of insight I should remember, because it’s been true over and over: we didn’t have an actual brunch when we got home from church but did YOYO (you’re on your own). I’ve learned that I crave a range of flavors combined on a plate, and a presentation, and when I don’t get that, I keep going back to the kitchen in search of satisfaction. Had I simply done a “real meal,” I’d have been content, I believe. I’ve learned that lesson many, many times; think I’ll ever apply it without fail, LOL?

    @toady Well done on the FD800!

    @northgeorgia, you have my full sympathies on your seasonal allergies as well as my delighted congratulations on your 232!!!

    @i-hate-lettuce I keep wondering how much more weight you’d been planning to lose, and how the weight loss over the last six weeks impacts that. Is it better to gain a bit of weight now, for healthy body reasons, and then gradually begin to lose again, or what? I do hope your throat is healed in no time at all!

    @basyjames Thanks for hosting November, and @at thanks for hosting December!

    Pocket list day 30
    @dykask WFD
    @snowflake56 FD800
    @kazoo FD800
    @toady FD800

    ZBC day 30


    Exercise ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ

    This weight I’ve gained will come off quickly I know, but I’m sad that I’ll be nowhere near 140 by the time Christmas arrives, the goal I’ve had since September. On the other hand, neither will I be anywhere near 166 at Christmas, which is where I was last year…OH, but that made it hard to dress in a way that looked lovely and felt lovely! So I’ll continue my FD500-FD800-FD800-FD500 approach to life on M-Th, and as decent behavior on weekends as I can and call it good. I am clearly not good at disciplined “dieting” because I don’t lose weight fast at all, but I liked @northgeorgia‘s point in the story, that there are no demerits if I arrive late, LOL! Like @northerndawn, I have a December birthday (on a Thursday FD, no less, unfortunately, LOL!), so that will interrupt my eating plans, but the rest of the month should be reasonably controllable.

    So have a grand day, everyone, and see you in December!

    Day 30 Wales ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ FD

    @snowflake56 thank you for putting me on todayโ€™s list, itโ€™s good to have company ๐Ÿ™‚

    November has been good as I regained some control, only lost half a pound though so still weighing in at a few pounds over goal. I have accepted that I will not lose weight by next weigh in at the end of December so I am going to be careful and try not to gain too much over Christmas ๐Ÿคž

    @basyjames thanks for hosting, hope all is good with your family.

    Day 30 Minnesota, USA FD

    It was an up and down month that has ended slightly up. I’m determined to do better this next month even with holidays and celebrations. I am planning another FD for tomorrow, either 500 or 800, and again on Thursday and Friday.

    @basyjames Thank you for hosting this month, and I hope you’ve been enjoying your time with your sister and new nephew! I’m sure she feels you have been a huge support and help.

    @at Thanks for hosting December and Happy 4 year anniversary of achieving your maintenance goal and staying there! It really is an amazing achievement that alludes so many of us! Congratulations!

    Pocket list day 30
    @dykask WFD
    @snowflake56 FD800
    @kazoo FD800
    @toady FD800

    ZBC day 30


    Exercise ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ

    Day 30 UK

    Still here but not been posting for a few weeks. I have been reading all the posts however.

    My end of month report is Must try Harder.

    I have just been jogging along and getting nowhere. I just canโ€™t get my mind in gear and motivated at the moment.

    The freezer is on the blink and we have ordered a new one but we are having to run down stock in the old one prior to the arrival of the new one. I have several friends on standby to keep some bags of frozen food while the old one is defrosted prior to collection and the new one comes on line. This has resulted in eating what I have so no calorie counting. I canโ€™t bear to waste food so it is what it is. On the plus side we have had to sort the garage out and get rid of a lot of things that should have been jettisoned long ago.

    Also had a call from my rheumatologist re the steroids. She wants me to go for an even slower rate of reduction which means i will still be on them next Autumn. She also said it would be several months after that before I would begin to see a reduction in the weight gain. It looks like Dangerous December will be a trying time and I donโ€™t expect any change except probably some gain. Not complaining just stating a fact.

    I will be checking in from time to time and of course reading all your posts.


    @annabelle48 – good to see you pop in! After your previous post about the hot chocolate maker, I did order one for DH for a Christmas present from I’m anxious for him to try it as he just loves that beverage.

    Making acorn squash bisque for my FD meal. I’ve never made it before, but thought it sounded like a good fall, cold day soup.

    Thanks for hosting @basyjames Youโ€™ve certainly had a hectic month ๐Ÿ™Œ

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