Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

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Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

This topic contains 431 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  BrightonBelle 4 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 351 through 400 (of 450 total)

  • 2nd post

    @stitchincarol I forgot, yes, I do crochet. I’m left handed and it always takes time to train my right hand something new. I’ll finish the scarf and then try out the other method with an easier stich. Thanks for trying to help.

    Day 22 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Sunday off

    It’s 5:10 and I’ve been awake for an hour. Somehow, though, I feel rested, so with a shrug I’m starting my day way early, lol. Yesterday’s eating was far more…shall we say “robust”? Actually, the eating wasn’t bad, but the drinking…let me just say I really like beer, lol. So I had way more calories than I would have chosen, but after all the discipline of the week, I wanted a second beer and then, later, a third. sigh. That’s a LOT of calories. Oh well, eh? I’ll behave today, and then tomorrow the discipline starts again.

    @songbirdme Well, a score of 41 to 23 clearly says I owe you a bottle of wine! 🍾🍷🏈 So how do you share your contact information with me so I can get it to you? This is the only fun part of the loss yesterday, LOL! (Oh, and our coach said on the news last night that Collin Miller can feel everything in his body and the outlook appears good for him; they’re still not saying precisely what happened that he was taken off the field on a stretcher so carefully.) How strange that the GP said to give you more sugar…or, at least, strange in comparison to what we know today. When I was 12 months old, the GP said to switch me to non-fat milk because I was too chubby. What we believe is right today is sure different from what was believed right when we were young!

    @northerndawn How’d the router/wi-fi installation go yesterday?

    @toady Happy, happy birthday! 🎶🎂🥳 What a shame, however, that your body chose this weekend to throw a fit!

    @i-hate-lettuce Happy, happy 40th Anniversary!! 💞💕💖💘 This is clearly not the way you ever would have imagined celebrating such a milestone, and yet you’re celebrating, and that’s the important part! Hugs right back to you and Mrs IHL!

    @snowflake56 I used to have a yarn/cross stitch shop and I’ve taught lots and lots of people to do all sorts of stitching; that’s the part I miss the most about the shop, so it’s fun to do a little “teaching” even if it’s a cyber approach!

    Have a grand Sunday, everyone; see you on the lists tomorrow!

    Day 22 Melb Aust NFD

    Just thought I’d briefly post to say “hi”. I’ve bene having the same problem this year as last, with more eating leading up to Christmas. Fortunately, under better control, so the gain has been less, and I’m now reining it all in, whew!

    Sorry, can’t comment on posts, very busy with study so no time to read. But I’m sure you’re all doing much better than me. 🙂

    @i hate lettuce, I gather there’s been a 40th wedding anniversary – happy anniversary! What a relief that you are here to celebrate it.

    Only 8 days left to the end of the month, so a good time to reflect on what the goals are for the remaining time.

    Onward and downwards!

    Day 22 Wisconsin USA OMAD

    Good morning everyone.

    To all of you who expressed concern, I wasn’t even going to mention the shootings, but thank you so much. We live in an interesting area just west of Milwaukee. Walking two minutes south of our home, I’m on a peaceful and beautiful river parkway with acres of land and actual wildlife. If I walk two minutes north, I’m in a busy business district that makes walking interesting and fun. The large mall just a few blocks west had an active shooter event on Friday. Eight people were shot, none fatally. The shooter is still at large. We were in our home at the time, stayed in our home, and are safe. I wish events like this didn’t happen so routinely in my country.

    Having some fun planning the smallest Thanksgiving dinner of our lives. DH and I will dine using our “good” china with our traditional meal, candles, centerpiece, background music, etc. Either before or after dinner, we’ll FaceTime with our kids and grandkids and talk about what we are thankful for. We’ve all remained healthy so far. I can walk 12,000 steps a day and barely give it a thought anymore. I enjoy the beautiful river parkway near our home on a daily basis in every weather. I keep in touch with friends and relatives via text and feel lucky to be able to do so. I have yoga and meditation to keep me sane, and a supportive group on this forum that I appreciate so much.

    Have a good day everyone.

    Plan for day 22:
    OMAD, avoid sugar and processed foods
    Steps, yoga, tai chi

    Day 22 – UK – TDEE

    Yesterday’s plans for a TDEE was scuppered when I decided to used two ripe mangoes to make a Mango Tarte Tatin for dessert but so worth it!!!!

    Today will definitely be a TDEE day 🤞

    Made another batch of scones early this morning before going out for an 11km wander – so glad I got out early as grey clouds seems to have appeared this afternoon – where is that lovely sunshine we were promised!!!!

    I found some Quince when shopping this week so have just cooked them following Nigel Slater’s recipe for Roast Quinces – Has anyone else tried them? If you leave a quince on a sunny windowsill it will slowly release a delicate fragrance of vanilla, citrus, and apple into your kitchen. We love it cooked this way and served with some Kefir yogurt 😋 The house is filled with the lovely smell of the quince cooking as I type!

    @kazoo – know that walk well – glad you got out to enjoy some sunshine ☀️
    @bellyblast – your dinner sounded equally nice 😋
    @northerndawn – 🤞 you get your new router system sorted and wifi enabled again!
    @toady – Happiest of birthdays to you today 🎁🎈 Shame about the upset tummy forcing you into a FD on your birthday but you can have a celebration when you feel up to it 🤗
    @i-hate-lettuce – great to hear from you today my friend – Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary to you and Mrs IHL – 1980 was a good year 🤵👰 Have a restful weekend and recharge those batteries for the last onslaught of your 6th week of treatment – Scotland v France or ATP Finals to enjoy this afternoon with your feet up!
    @stitchincarol – I was a bit like you yesterday, my planned controlled eating went out the window with some pistachios whilst I was cooking dinner and the Mango Tarte Tatin I baked for dessert… is another day…..
    @betsylee – good to see you popping in every now and then – good luck with the studies
    @markie99 – lovely to hear that you are safe and avoided the chaos around you – And yes we need to remember how much we have to be thankful for during these difficult times – your plans for your thanksgiving sound great! Your post has brought the following quote to mind….

    “Be present in all things and thankful for all things.” Maya Angelou

    Day 22 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Church shortly, and likely just a normal eating day today. Yesterday, I went a bit over TDEE, but I think it was the nervous eating popcorn during our football game (could we hang on to win? we did!) likely gave me water weight gain from the salt I always put on it. Then didn’t want to cook dinner, so had a frozen pizza. Oh well.

    @markie99 – so glad you are safe. We’re also looking at a very small dinner and FaceTime as well. Not sure I will get out the fancy china though.

    @toady – happy belated birthday! ♫♪♫♪ (that’s me singing to you)

    @at – I bet your scones are just delicious. Do you have a special recipe?

    @stitchincarol – hope you’re able to get a good nap in today. I hate waking up too early myself. So relieved to hear Miller’s prognosis is good! Here I was all set to send you a nice local winery bottle (they even have rhubarb wine in season) so we need to connect. My email is – have had that email for over 25 years.

    Onward and downward.

    2nd post

    @at, thank you for the Maya Angelou quote. I love her writing and the words are such a good reminder.
    @songbirdme, glad your team won – sadly, our Badgers did not but we have hopes for the Packers today!

    Day 22 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 234 lbs. again (barely). Great way to start a Sunday FD! A little over a week left this month, and Thanksgiving challenges ahead.


    As we wait for a chipmunk to finish crossing the path, we see a small gathering ahead in an fenced-in, open patio area. One family is posing for a photo while others are leaning against the fence. “There must be something interesting ahead,” Wesley says. A bit of white noise starts to fade in and Lola gives me a puzzled look. We continue towards the patio as a few bits of laughter and voices are added to the ever-increasing static-like sound. The humidity gets really damp as we step onto the patio. “Oh wow,” Wesley says, approaching the wooden fence. Before us was a small but wide waterfall, crashing down into the babbling brook we had been following alongside the pathway. “Let’s take a selfie!” Lola says. All three of us somehow manage to squeeze our heads into the picture with the waterfall prominently behind us. Lola and Wesley continue to gaze over the fence, pointing out different types of wildflowers growing alongside the creek. I fall back onto a bench, take off my knapsack and enjoy a few moments of serenity.


    Good luck to Markie99, AT, myself, and anyone else doing a FD, OMAD, or TDEE today! Not sure who else might be Sundaying it today, so I won’t make a formal pocket list. Best wishes!

    USA. Day 22. OMAD

    My kitchen is closed and I am taking some time to try to read and comment on posts while my grandson naps!

    Happy Birthday, Toady! Happy 40th wedding anniversary, I Hate Lettuce! That cruise sounds like it will be fabulous! This year would have been my 40th, as well, so my heart goes out to you!

    Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend! This weather here has been so unusual this year that even though we are coming up at the end of November, I am still play golf LOL! Yesterday and the day before I played. I’ve played after daylight savings time before and am grateful to have this exercise during this time, even if it is short-lived! Some of you seem to have some beautiful and interesting places to walk. I envy that! I have my neighborhood, which is pretty, but a bit boring, but I do get to meet and greet neighbors.

    I won’t have much of a Thanksgiving or Christmas this year, since my family opted out of getting together thanks to Covid! I have begun to purchase Christmas presents online and have them sent to my family’s homes. I am sorry I will miss seeing my grandson at this time because he is now old enough for this to have some meaning! We will zoom for the holidays and that will at least be something!

    Take care, everyone, and stay safe! 🙂

    Day 22 Houston Texas

    What a terrible host I have been. I have been with my sister helping her with the baby, my routine is completely off; and I have been unable to log on to the forum prior to this day.

    Newborn babies are extremely time consuming, he is super cute though!

    I have been sticking to OMAD at my sister’s place but last night I had a late glass of wine with some crackers; I felt awful afterwards. Not sticking to plan does not feel good physically or mentally. I will try to remember that.

    Quick check in to say hi and then I have to run, baby calls. Keep up the good work everyone. I will keep you all in my thoughts💞

    Day 23, NFD, Aus

    Or maybe a CFD.

    Day 23 WFD #92 in 2020

    My Friday WFD when well, I expect I’ll be fine today too.

    @kazoo — 5 fast days in a row is impressive. I have done multiple days in a row for over a year now.

    Day 23, Emden Germany, FD

    Busy day ahead so just a short post.

    @stitchincarol It seeems you’re doing a lot of things that are good for the brain, playing the piano, stitching, knitting.

    @betsylee I thought of you this morning, good to hear from you.

    @basyjames Don’t worry. Newborns are there to enjoy, they grow so fast.

    @markie99 I’d love to see the wings on the Milwaukee Art Museaum go up, it must be so spectacular to see.

    Pocket list day 23
    @dykask WFD
    @kazoo FD800

    ZBC day 23

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 23 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Great to catch up with you all, and thinking of you especially @ihatelettuce for this final week, and the fab 40th anniversary cruise celebrations to look forward to later.

    I have started on the course re menopause and so far very interesting. This week it’s all about sleep and nutrition. Since getting the grounding sheet my sleep is not a problem thank god, but certainly the nutrition part is eye opening. I generally so eat fairly well but I am going to up my diet to more plant based with proteins being plant, and animal proteins twice a week or so. That’s supposed to get years of inflammation down and help with the oestrogen weight gain around the tum.

    And the great thing is that this WOL is also the way to go. I even had DH doing IF yesterday with no weekend breakfast…..we really enjoyed our brunch at 1pm instead ☺️

    Have a great Monday.


    D23 FD800 UK Lake District

    Good week end managed a couple of lovely walks and the NFD’s were ok.

    Planning on another week of B2B2B2B2B FD800’s this week to take me to the end of November. Just hope i can make it but I will give it my best. I always feel better on a FD

    @stitchincarol. I used to make my Christmas puddings then one year for some unknown reason when I came to cook it on Christmas day it had gone mouldy. Good job I had a spare. It put me off so I buy ours now.

    @toady belated birthday greetings

    @i hate lettuce Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday. I wish you well with your treatment this week. Take care

    @snowflake56 You had me worried for a moment Go ahead and moan. As far as sweets go my eldest son tells me when I have a craving set yourself a time scale say 24 hours and eat what you are craving for to get it out of my system. Perhaps that might work for you.

    @at Potter Tarn was lovely. Not been before very wet under foot getting there and our dry afternoon turned out wet. Off down Langdale today

    @basyjames. Just enjoy the baby. Time flies so quickly my babies are 31 and 28

    @dykask do you eat on your fast days or are they just water? At the moment I am doing FD800’s. Not been running for awhile either following a back back. Been walking instead

    @daffodil2010 Your course sounds interesting. I have started introducing more plant based meals especially on fast days as they tend to be lower in calories.

    Pocket list day 23
    @dykask WFD
    @kazoo FD800
    ZBC day 23

    Have a good day everyone.

    Day 23 – UK – FD800

    Pressing my RESET button after an indulgent weekend by joining @kazoo with 4 x B2B2B2B FD800

    Did some lovely walks on both Saturday and Sunday and started Monday with my regular Broga session at 7am – Pilates to follow at 3pm and ending with a yoga class at 6pm

    @songbirdme – Spelt Sultanas Scone recipe = 250gms Wholemeal Spelt Flour + 100gms Self Raising flour + 50gms Sugar + 1tsp Mixed spice + 1 tsp Baking powder + 88gms Butter + 150gms Sultanas + 125mls milk + 1 egg. Mix flours, sugar, mixed spice and baking powder. Add cubed fridge cold butter and mix with your hands until crumbly. Mix in sultanas. Beat egg, then add milk. Add to mixture, (save a small amount to brush over scones) using a knife to mix in then finish off with your hands to form the dough, don’t overwork the mixture! Put on floured surface and using your hand flatten mix to about 1″ thick, cut out scones – brush with left over egg/milk mixture and cook in hot oven 200C for about 15-20mins until golden brown – Enjoy!
    @basyjames – Good to hear from you and no need to apologise – we knew you would be a bit busy with your nephew 👶
    @snowflake56 – thank you for starting the pocket lists and adding me 🤗

    Pocket list Day 23
    @dykask WFD
    @at FD800
    @kazoo FD800

    ZBC Day 23


    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️

    Anyone thinking of taking on hosting December??

    “Remember your dreams are as hungry as your demons. Make sure you are feeding the right ones!”

    Day 23 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Checking in for accountability and to delay brunch. Plan for today is eggs with mushrooms for brunch and chicken with green beans for dinner. Weather isn’t very appealing today, drizzly and heavy cloud, one of those dreary days that never seem to get properly light. Forecast for this afternoon is a little better so l will go for my walk after brunch.

    Hoping for a strong finish to controlled November. Have a good day everyone.

    Day 23 – USA/GA – NFD

    Decent FD yesterday; always harder from home, but doable. Another one planned for tomorrow. Today’s weigh-in wavered a bit, but settled at 233 lbs.


    We continue up the trail, having enjoyed the waterfall, and spy a woodland clearing. A groundhog out in the distance wobbles towards the forest. The sound of a wood-hen clattering against a pine tree is first heard, then spotted by Lola just a few feet ahead of us. The bird stops momentarily, peeks at us with its bright red head, and shifts higher up the tree and onto the other side to continue its task. “Must be shy,” Wesley comments.

    “Do you think there are any bears or wolves out here?” Wesley asks. “I’m pretty sure,” I say. “But unless they’re hungry for a human buffet, I really doubt we’ll see them out here on a crowded Saturday morning.” Lola laughs and Wesley looks around nervously while pretending to chuckle. Up ahead, there is an outcropping of rock that undoubtedly allowed many a hiker wannabe to seek shelter during a sudden downpour. A family has just posed for a picture and thanked the passerby for his help. We decide to take another pause, looking at the wooded valley downhill on the other side of the path.


    Good luck to the many pocketlisters today!

    Day 23 UK FD

    I’m with you @at on pressing the reset button , doing lots of good things this month but unfortunately seem to have got In the habit of having very indulgent weekends Aiming for a good week …..and then it’s December!!!

    Pocket list Day 23
    @dykask WFD
    @at FD800
    @kazoo FD800

    ZBC Day 23


    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️

    Day 23 Houston Texas FD

    Just typing the words above felt good!

    Thank you all for being so understanding. Baby is sleeping right now and I am up early, so I thought I would take a peek at the forum.

    @i hate lettuce thoughts and prayers for your treatment this week

    @daffodil2010 that menopause course sounds interesting, and I am intrigued. Can you share where you found it? and is it open to everyone?

    @northgeorgia 233 pounds? The downward trend continues- good on you

    @at I love scones, and I am saving your recipe to try this weekend. Thanks for sharing.

    Another beautiful day to be awesome, do your best to make it so 🙂

    I hear my nephew, so gotta go. Best!!!

    Day 23 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD

    Woo-HOO!! My discipline was in full display yesterday: after a lovely brunch with DH and DS24, I pretty much didn’t eat anything else for the rest of the day, and the scale was at 148.8 this morning. That is unheard of for a Monday morning, to be only slightly above where I was after my M-Th efforts, so I’m thrilled, and even more motivated to “behave” today.

    @betsylee So glad you’re not gaining like you were a year ago! When you have time, tell us about your studies; I don’t remember reading anything that would explain what you’re doing and I’m intrigued.

    @markie99 What a lovely list of things to be thankful for!

    @at I happened upon quince a week ago and brought one home with no idea what to do with it. I’ll look up Nigella’s recipe and adjust it to reflect my one single quince; thanks for the idea!

    @songbirdme I’ll email you right after I’m done posting here!

    @ccco How fun to be golfing in late November! 2020 is simply not a typical year in any way whatsoever, is it?

    @basyjames Enjoy that sweet baby nephew!

    @i-hate-lettuce I imagine this will be the toughest week yet for you, but I’m certain you’ll do well…and then it’ll all be done and you’ll be starting in on the recovery stage! I’m thinking of you and Mrs IHL and praying for total success with your treatment!

    @annabelle48 You’ve been very silent for a long time now; I hope all is going well!

    Okay, time to tidy up this place and get my pie crusts made and in the freezer…but, first, a walk with Leslie! Have a grand day, everyone!

    Pocket list Day 23
    @dykask WFD
    @at FD800
    @kazoo FD800

    ZBC Day 23

    @stitchincarol (except, only until Thursday this week)

    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️

    And again, my goal for today is to be:
    “Too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.” – William Boyland Jr.

    Good luck, everyone, with achieving today whatever defines success for you!

    Day 23 Canada NFD
    Heading out the door soon for a skate ski which requires more energy, it should be fun. A quiet weekend as is the way at the times we are living but enjoyed my home and chats with family and friends.

    @at I love quince, there is a family who live an hour away who have quince trees lining their driveway and each fall I go and pick a boxful. Work was out of control this year so I missed getting their. I make quince paste, slow roast them or make quince, orange and cardamon jam. Their smell in divine

    @stichincarol Nigella Lawson has a Christmas cake/pudding recipe that gets great reviews

    DH is ready to get out the door, I will catch up on posts when I get home:)

    Take care where ever your day takes you!

    Day 23 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Just home from Silver Sneakers and happy to be healthy as I am. My Medicare Supplement provider, Aetna, is supposed to send a medical professional here shortly to tell me what I can do to be healthier. Curious to hear what he has to say. I’ve had this type of review in previous years, even though I get my annual physical.

    @i-hate-lettuce – happy belated anniversary! Sure sounds like your health attitude is wonderful. Kudos and prayers for you.

    @at – thank you for posting that scones recipe! Now for me to try it. It will take finding spelt flour which I think I can.

    @basyjames – glad you’re around and doing well! Catch getting back in here whenever you can. We can cope pretty well.

    @markie99 – sorry your Packers could not win. ☹ Packers defense is on my fantasy team, and that team also lost. And that Wisconsin game truly was a battle of defenses!

    @stitchincarol – so wonderful to connect with you!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 23 – NSW, AU – CFD

    Feeling a lot better than Saturday night and managed a 20 hour fast. Lunch was a small tin on spaghetti and bread as a sandwich as well as a cupcake from the 4 I shouted myself. Dinner – a satay chicken followed by a few squares of chocolate before starting my overnight fast a bit later than normal.

    Might try the gym tomorrow, although my legs are still complaining from the bushwalking I did on Saturday, going downhill wasn’t too bad, walking back up was the killer!!!

    Day 23 Minnesota, USA. CD

    Hello everyone! I haven’t caught up on posts yet but wanted to check in. This may end up being a FD, so we will see.
    I did get my new router/mesh wifi system up and running. It was actually pretty easy and the directions on the App were great (brilliant)! It has made an immense difference in the speed of our internet services, including loading web pages and downloading books. It has a dashboard that at any time I can see what is hooked up to my wifi and it has amazed DH and I how many devices are on our network. ….it seems some of our appliances are “smart” appliances that try to “call home” occasionally to their manufacturer…….even though we did NOT enable them. There is increased security for our network, and that’s always a good thing.

    @i-hate-lettuce and Mrs. IHL, congratulations on your 40th anniversary….I meant to get on the forum to tell you yesterday.

    @markie99 I’m glad all is well for you. The area you live sounds lovely.

    I’ve been doing my grocery shopping today and expect my order any minute, so I will sign off and try to do some quality post reading tonight after dinner. It’s about 3:30 pm my time. I’d like to do a good FD tomorrow. OMAD

    Good luck everyone!

    Day 24, Emden Germany, FD800

    Just a quick post, have to get ready for dance class. This is what we do today:

    @kazoo After one week without sugar, the cravings have gone. Next time they come, I’ll try our your son’s advice, it might help, I’ve never done that.

    I’m joining @kazoo and @at on their FD800’s this week.

    Pocket list day 24
    @at FD800
    @kazoo FD800
    @snowflake56 FD800

    ZBC day 24

    Exercise day 24
    @snowflake56 💃

    DTF day 24
    @stitchincarol (except, only until Thursday this week)

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 24 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Unfortunately I was the little devil yesterday evening, throwing my planned FD evening meal back into the fridge and putting on pizza for myself and DH instead. AND wine 😨 On a Monday….bad Daffodil.

    Still, onwards we go and today is an FD, salmon salad bowl for lunch, kefir, blueberries, walnuts and seeds for anti-inflammatory dessert, and lentil soup for evening meal.

    @basyjames this is an online menopause course, lots of webinars, and takes 12 weeks. There is a fee to be paid which took me about a couple of weeks of research to decide whether I wanted to trust the coach enough to to put my money out. I think I made the right decision, there is LOTS of info, a bit overwhelming right now but isn’t that the way with courses?

    Let me know if you want me to post the link, and enjoy your baby nephew while you are in Houston ☺️

    Day 24 – NSW, AU – CFD

    An 18 hour fast til lunch which was Tomato and Capsicum (Pepper) soup and a bread roll, alongside another belated birthday cupcake. Dinner was a Thai Green Chicken Curry… and I was on my way to a 800 day… then chocolate. Still about 1400 calories which is below my goal weight TDEE, so CFD it is. Darn you half priced chocolate!!!

    Day 24 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in at 234 lbs. Last FD today until next Sunday. Ah, a lighter, smaller Thanksgiving may have benefits this year for the waistline! I have high hopes for tomorrow’s weigh-in, but will feel good about this month regardless of what the scales read in 24 hours.

    The rock outcropping was really beautiful, and Lola also ended up asking a passerby to take our photo. The lady obliged, taking three to make sure “we had a good shot,” smiled and continued up the trail with her husband. I looked at the pictures. “Wow, I want to get that one framed to put on my wall,” I say. “That’s a good idea. I know a place that will take care of all of that when we get back to town,” Lola responds.

    We continue inching our way up the trail, slowly ascending to the Overlook. We come across a crossroads with an orange marked trail. “Taking the orange trail will shave a mile off our trek,” I say. “No way!” Wesley responds. “Do you see how steep that is?!” Wesley points at the narrow trail, heading up a cliff that must have been a 50 degree angle to the path we were currently pursuing. I look at Lola, “what do you think?” Lola ponders the two paths, Wesley’s eyes full of desperation…


    Best wishes to us Tuesdayers below!

    Pocket list day 24
    @at FD800
    @kazoo FD800
    @snowflake56 FD800

    ZBC day 24

    Exercise day 24
    @snowflake56 💃

    DTF day 24
    @stitchincarol (except, only until Thursday this week)

    Day 24 – UK – FD800

    Lovely Yin Yoga class this morning, followed by some housework then lunchtime volunteering at the Parish Centre and now back home having a cup of tea and catching up on the forum.

    Grey and drizzly day but not particularly cold but the weather is set to improve over the next few days😊 Planning on meeting up with DD for a dog walking few hours in the morning 🐕 be nice to catchup as have not seen each other for a couple of weeks 🤗

    @brightonbelle – hopefully you too had a good FD yesterday – I’m joining @kazoo for 4 x B2B FD800, although I think she is going for 5 💪
    @basyjames – the scones are mainly for my OH, he eats a couple of them without any butter/jam after his runs or sometimes even before for some Carb loading!!
    @bellyblast – lucky you having Quince so readily available – they are a transient thing in my local shops and I always keep an eye out for them as OH loves them!
    @snowflake56 – thank you for sharing that video – your dance sessions looks like fun 💃🕺for yourself and OH and great to have you join @kazoo and myself on our FD800 week
    @i-hate-lettuce – thinking of you during this hardest last week of intensive treatment – sending positive and healing vibes your way 🙏

    Pocket list Day 24
    @at FD800
    @kazoo FD800
    @snowflake56 FD800

    ZBC Day 24

    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️ Day 24
    @snowflake56 💃

    DTF🚫🍸 Day 24
    @stitchincarol (except, only until Thursday this week)

    6 days to go in this Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020 – still time to make a few changes before December – anyone willing to host that most challenging of months?


    Day 24 Wisconsin USA OMAD
    Good morning everyone. Continuing with what is working for me in this challenge. I will be baking and doing special cooking (and eating!!) in the days ahead, so sticking to my plan for the next two days is important to me.

    Plan for day 24:
    OMAD, avoid sugar and processed foods
    Steps, yoga, balance class

    Hope everyone has a good day – planning to go through posts to read them more thoroughly soon.

    USA. Day 24. FD

    Pocket list Day 24
    @at FD800
    @kazoo FD800
    @snowflake56 FD800

    ZBC Day 24

    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️ Day 24
    @snowflake56 💃

    DTF🚫🍸 Day 24
    @stitchincarol (except, only until Thursday this week)

    Day 24 Minnesota USA CFD or FD800

    I had a healthy foods day, yesterday. Under TDEE though not as few calories as I was aiming for. No chocolate, which I’ve allowed myself to nibble a bit (or more) lately, in the evenings ( @toady…you are not alone 😉). Someone once told me, or I read, that craving chocolate can mean you need magnesium. So, I took some Mg last night instead. I use to take it every night and for some reason I stopped doing that, just forgetting, I guess. Hopefully, that will help me swerve the chocolate because it always comes with sugar…..another trigger for cravings.

    @snowflake I enjoyed the YouTube video…..I wish my husband liked dance, but he never has. What great exercise you get doing that, and a lot of fun together!

    Pocket list Day 24
    @at FD800
    @kazoo FD800
    @snowflake56 FD800

    ZBC Day 24

    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️ Day 24
    @snowflake56 💃

    DTF🚫🍸 Day 24
    @stitchincarol (except, only until Thursday this week)
    @northerndawn (DTThursday)

    Day 24 USA (Illinois) FD

    Need to do a FD today. That’s my 1 of 7 to make 6:1 in maintenance. DH always likes to have a dessert in the evening, so I always have to remind him “not today.” Some days I think his memory is really fading. 🙂

    @snowflake56 – your ‘cha-cha’ lessons look fabulous! Although, I do have to say some of that hand movement reminded me of the “Laendler” from “Sound of Music” that DH and I did as The Captain and Maria in 1985. We were on stage, not in the movie. Ha ha!

    Pocket list Day 24
    @at FD800
    @kazoo FD800
    @snowflake56 FD800

    ZBC Day 24

    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️ Day 24
    @snowflake56 💃

    DTF🚫🍸 Day 24
    @stitchincarol (except, only until Thursday this week)

    Onward and downward.

    Day 24 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD800/blood drive

    Yesterday’s FD went well. In the middle of the night, I got up to potty and weighed myself before going back to bed (please tell me someone else is as obsessed as I am!) and was 148.0. I was so pleased, knowing I’d be in the 147s when I got up and pottied this morning. Then, when I got up, just to verify, I weighed myself FIRST. 148.6

    How do you gain 6/10 of a pound while sleeping????? Scales and bodies are both strange!!! 😂 I did weigh 148.0 when I was all done, and that’s good, but understanding the silly scale and my silly body are clearly beyond me this morning!

    Today is blood drive. I’m both the coordinator (I welcome every donor during the six-hour drive) and a donor myself, and there’s the problem: I can’t really fast and donate blood. So I’ll figure out the least I can eat and still be reasonable, and I’ll be certain to drink loads of water.

    @bellyblast Thanks for the suggestion on Nigella’s recipe; it does look very intriguing! It sounds as if the pedro ximenez sherry is crucial to having it taste “ultimate” so my challenge now is to see if I can find it.

    @northerndawn so glad the new wifi installation went so easily and gave such wonderful results!

    @snowflake56 I am in AWE. That looks truly difficult…but totally fun!!!

    @songbirdme that’s such a lovely scene; I’ll bet you have very fond memories of dancing that with DH!

    Well, I have the pie dough made and chilling; now to roll it out and put the crusts in the freezer (to make it simpler on Thursday morning) and walk with Leslie, shower and get to church for the blood drive, all in 2½ hours. Busy morning, but then a casual day, I imagine, chatting with people and checking them in. The Red Cross is checking all donations for Covid-19 antibodies, so lots of people are eager to give, which is a lovely thing!

    Pocket list Day 24
    @at FD800
    @kazoo FD800
    @snowflake56 FD800
    @stitchincarol FD800 if I’m able

    ZBC Day 24

    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️ Day 24
    @snowflake56 💃

    DTF🚫🍸 Day 24
    @stitchincarol (except, only until Thursday this week)

    And again, my goal for today is to be:
    “Too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.” – William Boyland Jr.

    Good luck, everyone, with achieving today whatever defines success for you!

    Day 24 Houston Texas OMAD

    Another busy day with my dear nephew

    I had the worst carb headache yesterday, I’ve eaten more carbs than I usually do in the past 4 days. I will need a detox when I return home next week.

    @daffodil2010 please share the link, I’m very interested in getting up to speed on what my body is prepping to go through – knowledge is power.

    @i hate lettuce happy belated anniversary

    Enjoy the day my friends

    Day 25 – NSW, AU – CFD

    Went to the gym before work this morning, did some rowing followed by an upper body workout (much needed). An 18 hour fast followed by soup and a slice of bread, followed by the final cupcake for afternoon tea. Got some vegie pizzas, so that put me over my 800 limit, but still a CFD according to the calorie tracker.

    Not sure what tomorrow will bring as it’s my day off and that’s usually the day I boredom eat, have to wait and see. But I still seem to be loosing weight despite the fact I’ve had more CFD than FD’s lately. That’s the main thing, right??

    @northerndawn – Chocolate is an evil tempter/temptress, but so delicious!

    Day 25 -Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Good FD yesterday, not looking at scales though (but yes @stitchincarol, I would often weigh in the middle of the night too 😀), as they aren’t moving, but as I am doing things slightly differently (with IF still happening) I will wait to see how I feel as the weeks go on.

    @basyjames here is the link
    ha, the name says it all. The webinar on sleep was very interesting, next one now to watch is the one where it figures out whether I am oestrogen dominant right now. Things I never heard of before! Going to watch a few minutes of it now before work.

    Have a lovely hump day 🐫 everyone, the sun is rising here, it’s cold but going to be a fabulous day ☺️

    2nd post @basyjames the correct link should be

    Day 25, Emden Germany, FD800

    At the moment I’m reading very interesting books by Michael Pollan. One is called “The food rules”, 83 personal policies to eat better. It’s worth to read it as every rule makes sence. If someone is interested, I could post a few every day.

    @kazoo I’m missing your posts, I hope, I didn’t put too much pressure on you. Just do what you feel is good for you.

    @at, @northerndawn, @songbirdme and @stitchincarol The two on the video are a joy to be with, they are a lot of fun, don’t take everything serious and are very patient when we just don’t get it. We did the cha-cha moves last Friday. In the afternoon we still knew them, on Sunday we had forgotten the end moves and had to look at the video. Yesterday they it well and we moved further to do some lovely new steps on the waltz.

    @northerndawn My husband also never wanted to learn how to dance. When my 50th birthday and a wedding came up, I asked dance lessons as my 50th birthday wedding present. From the first lesson on he loved it. Perhaps try out one lesson together?

    @songbirdme What a beautiful dance but so difficult do dance. You and your DH must be way better dancers than we are. I don’t think, we can ever achieve that level. Turns and arm movements are so difficult to get into your head.

    Pocket list day 25
    @at FD800
    @snowflake56 FD800

    ZBC Day 25

    DTF🚫🍸 Day 25
    @stitchincarol (except, only until Thursday this week)

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 25, London, UK, FD

    I’m traveling this path with one foot in the fasting lane and one foot (unfortunately) in the boozing lane!!! The red wine has taken hold ……………………. again!!! Anyway, there’s no significant weight gain, but my FD efforts are getting cancelled out!!!

    I hope everyone is doing well and reaping some pre-Xmas benefits, it’s always a good idea to bank a few extra FDs before the madness begins!!! Covid or not, there WILL be some excesses over the holiday!! 🎂 🍷 🍾🥂 🍗 🍟🍫🍩

    I’m planning to be more present in December, but I’ve vowed to end November with daily posting, staying completely Dry and banking 3 500cal FDs. It’s a plan I WILL fulfill!!!

    I’m hoping to catch-up on the last week’s posts tomorrow, coffee in bed catching up sounds about right!!!

    This is particularly apt for my November challenge……………………… or is it my challenging November? 😜

    “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S. Lewis

    day 25 – japan – NFD

    Water fast on Monday went well.

    Trying to cut back a bit on NFDs … it isn’t fun for me.

    @flourbaby that is a great quote.

    Day 25 – USA/GA – NFD

    NOVEMBER GOAL MET! Weigh-in: 232 lbs. Celebrating now because who knows what will happen on the 30th, after the Thanksgiving weekend LOL

    I am now “off the charts” as far as my long-term records go. I started keeping track of my weight (almost every day) in a spreadsheet on August 8, 2016, when I weighed 247 lbs. By December 18, I had gotten down to 233, plateaued for a few months, then steadily increased with a few sad attempts to lose weight until I peaked at 279 lbs. on January 21 of this year.

    I may have weighed more, because I immediately got disgusted with myself and refused to weigh in most of February. Then when the pandemic hit, I realized by late March that maybe I already had a history of overindulging at home and should go the opposite direction of the rest of the planet. So I started another sad attempt and did OK, losing about 10 lbs. by early May. When the weight loss was starting to curve back into weight gain, I desperately searched online for something that would keep me on track, and that’s when I found the 5:2. Couldn’t have been more timely! I’ve lost at least 47 lbs. this year and plan to keep going until I’m at a healthy weight. So officially, I have no idea when I last weighed 232 lbs. Maybe 2016 or 2015.

    Lola and Wesley can continue their hike, and I’ll pick up on their adventures soon. So happy to have met my goal this month (thank goodness I readjusted it after October’s slow-down)!

    Best wishes to everyone on the pocket lists today!

    Day 25 UK NFD

    Just don’t seem to be able to get in a decent rhythm I have a couple of good days then go off the rails …….I’m with you on the drinking too much @flourbaby I thought with everything being closed I’d have the perfect opportunity to cut down but it’s gone the other way

    Well done @northgeorgia 👏

    You did make me laugh @stitchincarol – I and I’m guessing a few others have got weighed in the middle of the night 🌚and yes I’ve been astounded at how much eighty can fluctuate in a 24 hr period I try to stick to once a day now

    Trust your week is going well @i-hate-lettuce

    Off to try and formulate a plan for December Have a good day all and hope all the Americans have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow x

    Day 25 UK NFD

    Just don’t seem to be able to get in a decent rhythm I have a couple of good days then go off the rails …….I’m with you on the drinking too much @flourbaby I thought with everything being closed I’d have the perfect opportunity to cut down but it’s gone the other way

    Well done @northgeorgia 👏

    You did make me laugh @stitchincarol – I and I’m guessing a few others have got weighed in the middle of the night 🌚and yes I’ve been astounded at how much weight can fluctuate in a 24 hr period I try to stick to once a day now

    Trust your week is going well @i-hate-lettuce

    Off to try and formulate a plan for December Have a good day all and hope all the Americans have a great Thanksgiving tomorrow x

    D25 CD UK Lake District

    This week is not the right week for me to do 5 B2B’s like last week, so I am just going for a few controlled days instead. I have been so cold this week so decided to let myself have a few more calories. Thats the good thing about this WOL you can just adjust it when life gets in the way.

    Been really busy this week and not had time to post although I have been reading all your posts.

    @snowflake56 You have not put any pressure and I am grateful for the nudges. As you know I have not been in a very good place what with covid and everything else that life has been throwing at me at the moment. I am OK and not depressed just busy helping our eldest son. His business (which we have heavily invested in) has just gone into liquidation a couple of weeks ago so supporting him and getting all the legal stuff done for this takes up a great deal of time and has been very stressful. Also he is moving to Poland on Friday to live so we will be very upset that day. We know it will be a new beginning for him and his partner (who is Polish, hence the move) . He has been so stressed getting tenants to rent his house, getting rid of furniture that is not going to Poland, selling his car and just tying up the final business issues. So my life has just been put on hold.

    We have never been to Poland before and so look forward to getting to know the country.

    Bring on December!!

    Day 26, Emden Germany, FD800

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating it!

    We don’t celebrate it in Germany but we always watch “Trains, planes, automobiles” with John Candy and Steve Martin, it’s such a lovely film.

    @i-hate-lettuce I hope you’re not feeling too bad, 2 more days and the healing can start.

    @northgeorgia You did it, well done!

    @at I forgot about the quince. I don’t like the texture and taste of it but my DH does. Last year we planted a young tree, it blossomed well but after two nights of light frost, the buds fell off. This year things looked better, we had 14 small quinces but suddenly they all fell off or were rotten. DH makes a sort of spread from it.

    @kazoo You do have a stressful time at the moment. I hope things will calm down when everything has been taken care of. In what town he’ll live in Poland, some towns must be beautilful esp. Krakau and Gdansk. I’ve never been to Poland either although it’s not to far away from us.

    Pocket list day 26
    @at FD800
    @kazoo FD800
    @snowflake FD800

    ZBC day 26

    DTF🚫🍸 Day 26

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 26 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Very quiet on the forum, must be the lead up to Thanksgiving for our US friends? Have a great Thanksgiving all who celebrate it. It’s not an Irish Holiday, but somehow the Black Friday shopping phenomenon has taken hold here.

    Slight movement on scales but still switching things about, discovering things like sunflower and pumpkin seeds and they are delicious. Huge kale and spinach salad last night and really enjoyed it. Just spending a lot of time figuring out the new foods to eat and when, and looking forward to this new journey I am on.

    Thinking of you @ihatelettuce

    Well done @northgeorgia, fantastic work.

    Hey @flourbaby, glad you are still here, albeit arriving late with glass of wine in hand ha ha 😆

    I was thinking of @ciren2 and @michelinme this morning. I hope both are fine.

    Day 26 – UK – FD800

    Happy Thanksgiving for all our friends on here who celebrate it – I found this beautiful quote for us all by Randy Pausch “Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other”

    4th B2B FD800 today before our treat delivery tomorrow from Simon Rogan at Home…….will be worth the fast days!

    Had a lovely day yesterday meeting with DD for her dog walks – did over 10km doing 4 walks at varying sites – beautiful autumn day with blue skies and sunshine highlighting the autumn colours!

    Started today with a 7am Broga class and will then do my aerobic session at 9am so enjoying a cup of tea whilst I log on here in between

    @snowflake56 and @songbirdme – I am a bit envious of your musical/dance abilities – unfortunately I am tone deaf and cannot carry a tune but I do enjoy listening to music (all sorts but especially jazz) or watching dance (especially ballet) OH is musical, has a lovely singing voice and plays the guitar which I love listening to…….
    @stitchincarol – our bodies works in mysterious ways when it comes to the scales 🤣🤣 and certainly I find mine can vary by up to 2kg!!!!! especially when eating salty meals/a bit too much wine but it luckily mine settles back to maintenance with a few good FDs
    @flourbaby and @brightonbelle – I know what you mean by the wine 😈 I was planning a Dry November but soon found that was not going to work so opted out for a more manageable 5🚫:2🍷which I have managed to stick to so far (although I admit the odd extra meal was so tempting to add a glass of wine!! and I struggled but kept reminding myself that I would enjoy 🍷🥂 even more on Friday and Saturday nights)
    @northgeorgia – congratulations on losing 47lbs so far this year and hitting that 232lbs target…….Aim for 230 for December!!!!
    @kazoo – sorry to hear about the extra pressures in your life at the moment – good on you for staying with us and in control – big virtual 🤗 coming your way
    @i-hate-lettuce – you are in my thoughts as the end of your intensive treatment regime is nearing the end and then you will be heading towards the healing and recovery phase – this made me think of your mental fortitude in the face of everything you have been going through “The devil whispered in my ear, “you’re not strong enough to withstand the storm.” today I whispered in the devil’s ear, “I am the storm.”” by Sophie wardle – brain cancer fighter – virtual 🤗 for you and Mrs IHL and your family

    Pocket list Day 26
    @at FD800
    @kazoo FD800
    @snowflake56 FD800

    ZBC Day 26

    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️ Day 26

    DTF🚫🍸 Day 26

    4 DAYS left in this Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020 – let us all try to finish it with a controlled weekend – TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!

    Day 26, London, UK, FD

    Yesterday’s FD turned into a OMAD, but that OM was fish & chips with lashings of tartare sauce and the last 1 ½ glasses of Shiraz that was knocking about!!! There is now NO vino left in the house and since moving, the garage, cum cellar, is a 20 min walk away …………………….. Small mercies🙏!!!!

    The soup I had defrosted for yesterday’s FD will be very welcome today with a small crab salad for lunch or it could end up being a 2 course dinner OMAD, who knows.

    You’re never far from my thoughts @i-hate-lettuce, keep on keeping on and I’m looking forward to some more MOAM stories from the Lakes!! 🙏

    @at & @brightonbelle the vino just becomes an excuse to deal with stress, but sweet oblivion is NOT the answer, but I know what is ……………………………………………..

    ……………………………………………………………I woke up this morning with an aching jaw and recently my teeth have been ‘not quite right’, I’ve been trying to figure it out and I think I may be showing signs of anxiety and stress …………………………… and grinding my teeth at night 😀😁!!!!! I’ve never done this before but I think this may be the result of the leaky roof, work deadlines, not fasting, moving etc, etc. etc!!! I’m working today, but I plan to get my headphones & trainers on and go for a long walk, I need to destress …………………………… without resorting to the demon drink 🍷🍷🍷🍷!!

    Another apt quote for today’s situation, I’ve definitely got to get moving …………………………………………………

    “Food is the most widely abused anti-anxiety drug in America, and exercise is the most potent and underutilized antidepressant,” by Bill Phillips

    Stay strong everyone!!!

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