Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

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Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

This topic contains 431 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  BrightonBelle 4 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 301 through 350 (of 450 total)

  • Day 18 – UK CD

    After Monday’s FD500 had a good CD yesterday, aiming for similar today ๐Ÿคž

    Had a great yoga class yesterday morning and again today ๐Ÿง˜โ€โ™€๏ธ definitely helps me to feel good whilst the weather is so dismal……

    Our local parish centre has restarted the hot lunch home delivery service 3 days a week – food is cooked by a local school and delivered to the parish centre; where volunteers portion out the food and pack them in bags ready for collection and delivery – all done by volunteers – I will be doing 2 days a week in the kitchen, portioning out the food which consists of a hot meal and a dessert – feels good to be helping others again ๐Ÿค—

    Cooked a yummy Goan fish and prawn curry for dinner last night – just perfect for the sort of days we have been having ๐Ÿ˜‹

    This month I have decided to avoid the scales until weigh in at the end of the month and to try and be mostly sensible in my food choices, I had wanted to do a Dry November but that did not happen but managing to stay DTF…….

    @stitchincarol @northerndawn @bellyblast @i-hate-lettuce @daffodil2010 – glad that quote resonated with you all ๐Ÿค—
    @bellyblast – Your skiing is such great exercise โ›ท and it must have felt so good to be out in the snow and fresh air
    @penz – OH and I feel so lucky to be able to get such good food from a two Michelin stars kitchen delivered to our home……..another meal to look forward to for the last weekend in November with a wine pairing this time ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿ˜‹
    @markie99 – I am so grateful to have been able to access my yoga and other classes via zoom – it has been a real life saver ๐Ÿฅฐ
    @stitchincarol – only saw your 2nd attempt at your Day 17 post
    @toady – feeling for your circumstance with your definitely uncaring, unsocial neighbour…..hope he is soon out of your house
    @kazoo – weather has been a bit grim the last 2 days but tomorrow looks very promising – let us look forward to that ๐Ÿคž
    @diana123 @i-hate-lettuce and @kazoo – thinking of you all and sending positive thoughts ๐Ÿ™

    Good luck to everyone on the pocket lists today!

    Pocket list day 18

    ZBC day 18


    Exercise ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ

    I initially thought of @i-hate-lettuce when I read this quote by William Boyland Jr. but as it seems to have resonated with so many on here I’m sharing it again
    โ€œToo positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.โ€

    Day 18 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Fast5, 800 cal

    Tried a new recipe yesterday that was reasonably fast, and quite good, and VERY calorie friendly. Even DH, who’s never fond of any squash, thought it was quite good. I had a few chips dipped in the salsa verde, but was otherwise well-behaved in my food choices. I was gone much of yesterday, between appointment and getting prescription (nothing serious), and will be gone much of today with teaching a piano lesson in Omaha and running errands, so should be able to have another successful 800 calorie day.

    @daffodil2010 Your description of your black bean and kale soup makes me want to race into the kitchen to make it…and I don’t even particularly enjoy soup! I prefer more substance in my meals, so always add lots of buttered bread to any soup dinner, which rather negates the whole point of a low calorie meal, right?

    @markie99 that’s a nice stitch and will make a lovely scarf. Knitting is just the best, isn’t it? My favorite is stockinette stitch in the round because then I don’t even have to look, but can watch TV or talk to people the entire time; I took many such projects to concerts back when I was constantly knitting, because it was silent, and there was no chance of dropping a needle! And keeping cookies and chips in your pantry is entirely reasonable, except I don’t have one which is why they’re in my basement, LOL!

    @bellyblast You hit the nail on the head: “I am rarely all that hungry but the urge to eat can be ridiculous.” That’s sure true of me, and I’m certain everyone on this forum! And, I’ve never had a chance to ski, and have always been intrigued; now I’m even more intrigued by the idea of xc skiing; DH just agreed that we’ll have to see if there’s a way close by for us to do that this winter.

    @ccco I’m so sorry about your family members who are sick with covid; are they terribly sick, or in the category of those who don’t have it very bad?

    @penz Hey there, hand-holding-buddy, how’d your OMAD go? And how’s that dog doing in obedience school??

    @i-hate-lettuce How lovely to be so close to the recovery stage of this journey! Is there any joy in those lost pounds, or do you feel too rough to find it joyful?

    @toady You just vent away; it’s awful that this housemate is so messy and loud and generally terrible to have in the house! I do hope you have someone wonderful in the next housemate!

    Pocket list day 18

    ZBC day 18


    Exercise ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ

    My goal for today again is to be โ€œToo positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.โ€ — William Boyland, Jr.

    May we all achieve today’s goals, my friends!

    Day 18 Wisconsin USA OMAD

    Good morning! Hope everyone is doing well.

    @at, so agree with you about yoga. It really lifts my mood and I try to do at least a short practice every day.
    @stitchincarol, I admire your ability to knit the way you described! I may get there someday.
    @i-hate-lettuce, take care of yourself and thanks for the update.
    @snowflake56, your cat sounds like a good soul. Iโ€™ve never had a cat but they seem to be a comfort to many happy cat people that I know.
    @kazoo, hope your osteopath is able to give you advice to help your muscle spasm improve.
    @daffodil2010 good luck w your b2b. Great that you can do that.

    Plan for day 18:
    Steps, yoga, tai chi

    Take care everyone.

    Day 18 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Quick check in. All is well.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 19, FD, Aus

    Hey there wagon buddy, @stitchincarol. OMAD yesterday was a success! ๏Š I swear my tummy is a little flatter today. And v proud of my dog. Last night was agility training (only up to week three) but he had no trouble running through the tunnel at a distance. He did get a little freaked by the dog walk which bounced under his weight, but Iโ€™m sure heโ€™ll get used to it. Obedience training is on the weekend. He much prefers the high energy โ€œworkโ€ of agility than the formal constraint of obedience.

    Nice to read about everyoneโ€™s volunteering; it does help make the world a kinder place!

    A beautiful warm sunny blue day here today which is always uplifting to the soul. I feel for those of you in colder climes sitting under a heavy grey sky.

    Day 19 CD country west Australia

    Day 19, Emden Germany, FD

    @markie99 I had a lovely dog once, dogs force you to go out. I liked it but don’t want to have one again. Cats make me calm and for a reader, a cat on my lap is the best there is.

    @northerndawn Like you, I have problems eating sugary things later in the day. At the moment I’m not tempted to eat sugary things or drink alcohol at all as flashes of the nightmares I had keep popping up. Sorry for putting you on the FD pocket list yesterday, I meant to put @northgeorgia on it.

    @kazoo I’m joining you today and tomorrow on your FDs so let’s go for it.

    Pocket list day 19
    @kazoo 4th of B2B2B2B2B
    @daffodil2010 2nd B2B
    @snowflake56 2nd of B2B2B2B

    ZBC day 19

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 19 – Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช – FD
    2nd B2B

    Very cold this morning but after the extremely strong winds last night it promises to be a bright winters day. We need it after the grey days just had.

    Yesterday’s FD went well, no swerves in the wrong direction, though I do have a little devil on my shoulder whispering wine at dinner time, but luckily DH solved that by plonking a big glass of water beside our settings at dinner ๐Ÿ˜†

    @stitchincarol…yes, soup is also a buttered bread meal for me too BUT I get over that by having my own home made oat bran bread which is quite dense and not great with butter so I often just have a scrape of relish ๐Ÿ‘ As I need to start upping my intake of oily fish I might put some sardines on that bread tonight to have with the final tranche of the kale soup.

    I am not counting calories, it’s soul destroying right now, but I am concentrating on good nutrition choices to keep me healthy.

    Like you @at I might avoid the scales until month end.

    Have a great Thursday, I love hearing how everyone is getting on โ˜บ๏ธ

    Day 19 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Quick check in again this morning then on the road, the remainder of my daily appointments are all mornings! Only 7 more …. downside is it takes me an hour to ‘get going’ when I get up! The upside is when I get back I can have a ‘power nap ‘ (more like a lack of power nap) then maybe a stroll?

    Scales have me as only losing around 7 lbs / 3 kg over the last 5 weeks, I’ll take it, but will not recommend the diet! The first two weeks after treatment should start to show gradual improvement and heading for ‘normal’.

    Still going well to be honest, not lost the sense of humour!

    Have jotted down the recent quote to take with with me today, I have my weekly review and it sums me up pretty well!

    Take care all and thanks for being right there spurring me on.

    Day 19 – NSW, AU – OMAD

    Well… as you can see I actually did it!! Last night I did end up getting a ‘Frozen Fanta’ from McDonald’s, mainly cause I needed a larger note broken down but I didn’t drink it and instead left it in the fridge and had it with lunch today. Hit the gym for a half hour workout around 10:30 and then came home and relaxed for a bit before my boring lunch, just the frozen cottage pie (and my mostly defrosted frozen Fanta). I’m not sure if those doing OMAD have a lunchtime meal or dinner, but by the time 1pm came around I knew I couldn’t take a few more hours… and no amount of chewing sugar-free gum could fix that! Hopefully I can make it through til 1pm tomorrow and actually have done a 23 hour fast.

    I’ll be going away for the weekend and might not be able to give as good an update, but as Sunday is my birthday I will be shouting myself some little baked treat (cupcake or something equally gooey).

    Pocket list day 19
    @kazoo 4th of B2B2B2B2B
    @daffodil2010 2nd B2B
    @snowflake56 2nd of B2B2B2B
    @toady (OMAD)

    ZBC day 19


    D19 Uk Lake district FD

    I have done 3 B2B fasts this week and was wavering a bit this morning then noticed that @snowflake56 had added me the the pocket list (thank you, we can do this) so I am going for a fourth.

    Got on the scales this morning after a few weeks and I have not put on as much as I thought but they were not kind to me so I am really going to put my heart and soul into getting off as much as I can this month.

    @at it is great work you do at the Parish Centre I wish I could join you but I have to keep away from people due to DH

    @markie99 Osteopath worked wonders. She did her magic tricks and some acupuncture and I got up this morning with no aches or pains. I do sleep on a grounding sheet as well.

    @daffodil2010 I too am fed up with calorie counting. So I have a plan. For November I am going to do Monday to Friday FD’s with the weekend off (5 fast days) Then December I hope to do Monday & Tuesday FD’s Wednesday NFD Thursday & Friday FD’s Saturday and Sunday NFD’s. (4 fast days a week). January Monday, Wednesday and Friday FD’s (3 fast days) and then February back to 5:2.

    @i hate lettuce Keep it up you are nearly there. My DH finds after chemo he loses about 2/3Kg and then spends the next 2 and a half weeks putting it back on so the he is always the same weight for the next round. It is a year yesterday since he was diagnosed.

    @toady keep going.

    Pocket list day 19
    @kazoo 4th of B2B2B2B2B
    @daffodil2010 2nd B2B
    @snowflake56 2nd of B2B2B2B
    @toady (OMAD)

    ZBC day 19


    Better weather today so will be going for our usual walk.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Day 19 – UK – CD

    What a difference a day makes – blue skies and sunshine…..who cares if it’s a bit colder……the sun makes you feel good….

    7am Broga class followed by 9am Aerobics class (called Happy Hour ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ – my teacher has a sense of humour!!!) Now showered and enjoying a cup of tea whilst I log on the forum for a catch up – endorphins flowing so feeling ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

    @ccco – I seemed to have missed about your family members suffering from Covid – hopefully they are not too ill with it – thinking of you x
    @stitchincarol – thank you for that recipe – looks very healthy and delicious too – will be trying it soon
    @markie99 – discovered yoga after I retired some 6 years ago and it really has been the best thing for me both physically and mentally ๐Ÿ™
    @lilymartin – lovely to see you popping in – hope all is going well with you
    @i-hate-lettuce -Thinking of you on those early starts but the nice thing is to get home earlier as well – 7lbs loss over 5 weeks of intensive treatment is not bad – I’m sure Mrs IHL is trying to find lots of nutritious foods that you can tolerate and enjoy – take care ๐Ÿค—
    @toady – Birthdays are always to be enjoyed and celebrated with no guilt so look forward to your birthday weekend away with pleasure and enjoy!
    @kazoo – It’s lovely to see you on here once more – been missing you – great to hear that your osteopath sorted your back out – back pain can be a real downer and before I forget go you and @snowflake56 with your B2B2B2B2B FDs this week – you can both do this!

    Volunteering with the lunch service again today so need to get myself sorted out before heading off to the Parish Centre to get organised

    Pocket list day 19
    @kazoo 4th of B2B2B2B2B
    @daffodil2010 2nd B2B
    @snowflake56 2nd of B2B2B2B
    @toady (OMAD)

    ZBC day 19


    Exercise ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ

    โ€œIf I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am nowโ€

    Day 19 UK FD

    Pocket list day 19
    @kazoo 4th of B2B2B2B2B
    @daffodil2010 2nd B2B
    @snowflake56 2nd of B2B2B2B
    @toady (OMAD)

    ZBC day 19


    Exercise ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ

    Day 19 – USA/GA – NFD

    I dreamed about all of you last night, well sort of. I was at a non-COVID crowded work function, and they had served some random fast food chicken sandwiches. I had devoured half of mine when I realized, “oh no, it’s my FD! What have I done? I will have to confess to this and balance out my calories the rest of the week.” So hilarious when I woke up and realized it wasn’t true, and my subconscious is worried about that. The good thing about this WOL is that a one day mess-up isn’t a problem at all! It’s the second or third time I’ve dreamed about munching something good on a FD evening. Maybe my body is munching on fat cells that have stored some conscious memory of where they got the fat from LOL

    Anyway, today’s weigh-in was a lovely 234 lbs. Two pounds away from my goal, and because of Thanksgiving, my next FD will be Sunday. Have a birthday meal with my sister-in-law who lives next door tonight.


    As we enter the visitor center, we find ourselves in a very impressive lobby area with a ceiling to match the height of the three-foot windows. Large deciduous trees have been planted in open spaces in the floor that reach near the top of the second floor. Elevators and restrooms are to the left, and the stairs are off to the right. In the middle of our line of sight is a very large counter with an individually-lettered sign about half our height that reads, “230s Overlook Visitors’ Information.”

    “Come on,” Lola says, leading us to the smiling young lady at the counter. “Welcome to the 230s Overlook,” she says. “Have any of you visited us before?” Lola nods. I say, “a few years ago” while Wesley shakes his head. “Well, I’m sure you know something about us, but we’ve made a few changes. Our new visitor’s center just opened this year, for example.” She provides us with an updated brochure and highlights some of the trails and features in the park. I open the pamphlet and peruse the information.


    Good luck to everyone on the pocket lists today!

    Day 19 Wisconsin USA OMAD

    Continuing what seems to be working.

    Plan for day 19:
    OMAD, avoid sugar and processed foods
    Steps, yoga and meditation

    @kazoo, glad your aches and pains are gone! Please, what is a grounding sheet?
    @snowflake56, we too had a dog until a few years ago – a border collie husky mix, sweet and smart. We have a dog in our neighborhood now that resembles her so closely that I get teary-eyed every time I see her. I love the thought of you reading with a cat on your lap.
    @at, ๐Ÿ™
    @northgeorgia, loved the story of your dream! And congrats on getting so close to goal – youโ€™re doing it!

    All best wishes to everyone today!

    Day 19 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD

    Yesterday’s 800 went well, except for the piece of bread with raspberry jam I had “for dessert.” Even so, it’s possible I was still at 800; the leftover spaetzle makes it difficult to know just how many calories I had, but I’m calling it a successful day. AND I weighed in at 149.8, so it’s nice to drop back into the 140s again. Today should be another good day, and then I have the weekend facing me; those NFDs are always a challenge, aren’t they?

    @markie99 Do you knit holding the yarn in your right hand or your left hand? It’s much tougher to knit without looking if you “throw” your yarn using your right hand; if you “pick” your yarn, holding it in your left hand (as I do), you’ll be surprised how easy it is to feel your way through the stitch and learn to do it without looking, or at least with only looking a little bit.

    @penz Love the description of the agility and obedience classes your dog is taking, and so glad OMAD is working for you!

    @snowflake56 I so admire how you can keep track of what everyone’s doing and get them on lists!

    @i-hate-lettuce I smiled to read that you’d written down that quote; I put it into a Word document, chose Papyrus font at 48, and printed it, then stuck it up in my kitchen. I smiled every time I noticed it. Not sure it changed any behavior on my part (since I ignored it as I went to get that piece of bread and put some jam on it), but I noticed it, LOL!

    @toady Yay for you for giving in to the temptation but still delaying it; well, well done! And happy birthday on Sunday!

    @kazoo That is a truly impressive and ambitious plan for your FDs. I wish you well in achieving it!

    @northgeorgia Funny dream! I’ve been dreaming like crazy for the last few nights, which is unusual for me…and I’m TIRED of it, both mentally and literally, because I’m sure not sleeping well with all the constant dreaming. Oh well, eh?

    @markie99 Grounding pads came up back in…oh, maybe August? Someone read a book about grounding (where you walk with bare feet on the ground) and the benefits of that, then reported that her DH had great improvement of sleeping that night after she persuaded him to walk barefoot in the afternoon (who WAS that???). Turns out you can buy grounding mats: small pads to put at the bottom of where you’re sitting, pillowcases, sheets for your bed–all sorts and styles. Those of us who tried them have experienced varying degrees of benefits, some dramatic, some not. My DH and I both see some benefit (his slight snoring is improved and my spot of arthritis in my knee quits hurting). There, more than you wanted to know?? ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

    Pocket list day 19
    @kazoo 4th of B2B2B2B2B
    @daffodil2010 2nd B2B
    @snowflake56 2nd of B2B2B2B
    @toady (OMAD)

    ZBC day 19


    Exercise ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ

    My goal for today is to be:
    โ€œToo positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.โ€ โ€“ William Boyland Jr.

    Good luck, everyone, with achieving today whatever defines success for you!

    USA. Day 19. OMAD

    Quick checkin to add myself to the pocket list.

    Pocket List Day 19

    @kazoo 4th of B2B2B2B2B
    @daffodil2010 2nd B2B
    @snowflake56 2nd of B2B2B2B
    @toady (OMAD)
    @ccco OMAD

    ZBC day 19


    Exercise ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ

    Have a great day, everyone! Congratulations to everyone I read about who is on or near their goal! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 19 Wales ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ FD

    Beautiful cold but bright and sunny day. I have enjoyed a lovely relaxing walk on the beach and now sitting with cat on lap so I canโ€™t get to the kitchen despite a rumbling FD tummy……so I will have to wait till dinner.

    Sticking with the theme of control this month and it is going well. Making good food choices and wine consumption is significantly reduced. I am not worrying about the scales or calorie counting, I am focusing on positive thinking, mindful choices and feeling back in the rhythm of 5:2 after struggling for a few months.

    Keep on keeping on everyone ๐Ÿ™‚

    Day 19 Minnesota, USA CD? OMAD

    I hope to do a CFD today, even though DD and family are coming over for an hour or two to sit around the fire table on the patio. It may be the last time I see my little granddaughters (8 and 4) in person for awhile. I believe starting Saturday such a get together will be prohibited, with the new restrictions the Governor announced last night to try to stop the surge in the numbers of hospitalizations and deaths in our state.

    I have been absent from the forum for a couple of days, and must admit I haven’t had the best NFDs. I seem to be resisting the calorie tracking that I know I have to do on NFDs. I think the bad news all around us lately is really starting to affect my attitude. My DH is also becoming weary of the PPE he has to wear at work, the special precautions when seeing patients, the short staffing at the hospital where he works because so many are sick or have been exposed, and just the overall uncertainty of Covid spread from his patients. He has several underlying health issues.

    My DS just told me last night that his wife’s father is positive for Covid, and has moderate symptoms. So, I’m hoping he will recover without the sudden turn for the worse that some have.

    Also, the last couple days I’ve been trying to watch the live streaming of my Granddaughter’s State dance competition, both solo numbers and performances with her High School team. It’s been fun, but frustrating, as the streaming has glitches and if I sign out it takes forever to get back on and find the proper stream. I’m not sure if it’s my ignorance of the technology or their poor website and streaming capability. I missed her solo this morning and so bummed! Apparently, I can buy a digital copy after the first week of December, though. So that has been my online focus these past days.

    I’m hoping to catch up on posts either this evening or tomorrow morning. I will plan a FD for tomorrow.

    I hope everyone stays healthy and determined! Best of luck!

    Day 20, NFD, Aus

    So glad itโ€™s the weekend. Been a long week! And Iโ€™m away travelling next week.
    Jumped on the scales this morning. Shows Iโ€™m down 2kg since October! Woohoo! I know itโ€™s โ€œfake weightโ€ but Iโ€™ve not seen those numbers on the scale in around a decade. I should be happier but Iโ€™m not. I think itโ€™s a stark reminder that when I stick with 5:2, it works. But sticking with it sometimes is hard. The proof was right there on the scaleโ€™s display but a little evil voice inside me said โ€œis it worth it?โ€

    So today I am concentrating on positive thoughts. Last night for example, my OH tempted me by saying โ€œIโ€™ve put the glasses in the fridgeโ€ which is our code for โ€œletโ€™s have a martiniโ€. I said no, Iโ€™m on a FD, and sticking with the FD will just make our Friday night pizza and red wine taste even better. Was that hard? Really? No, it wasnโ€™t hard. It was a small moment of will power, one instant of activating my resolve, and that small effort made yesterdayโ€™s LFD a success. So, single instances of โ€œhardshipโ€ do result in longer term benefit. And thatโ€™s what I need to concentrate on. Yes I love my food and red wine and martinis and I do not want to give those up. Yes, I want to lose weight. And the only way thatโ€™s going to occur is to partially give up my indulgences, but only partially. Twice a week! Not too hard, is it!

    Right, stern talking to over. Sorry for burdening you all.

    @northgeorgia โ€“ how are your folks going with 5:2? Are they matching your success?
    Lucky number 7, @Ihatelettuce!

    Happy birthday for Sunday, @toady! (I tend not to post over the weekend so Iโ€™m getting in my best wishes today). You certainly deserve a treat!

    Have a great weekend everyone.

    Day 20 – Japan – WFD #91

    It has been a week since my last full fast, ~36 hours.

    Covid-19 cases are spiking in Japan too. When I run I don’t wear a mask but I try to direct my breath to the ground when I going past someone. Otherwise I’m always wearing a mask outside home. The problem with running is the mask gets wet and then it is like worse than no mask as once it is too wet air moves though the mask. It is also hard to run hard as breathing tends to be a bit limited. Those limits on air flow aren’t a problem unless one is working really hard.

    Day 20 – NSW, AU – MFD

    A 23 hour fast feels odd, but glad I did it. Was chatting with my mother on the phone & had to explain that my body’s not about to go crazy cause I ate 1 meal yesterday. Tink I’ll bring some books when I visit at Christmas, maybe hearing another health professional’s opinion might change her mind (she was a nurse for 30 odd years)

    Today’s lunch was a serving of Moroccan Medley Couscous & a muesli bar. Then I drove just over 2 hours to Katoomba where I’m staying for the weekend & had another Cottage Pie for dinner… and was able to have a few crฤ“me wafers without pushing my limit. We’ll see what tomorrow brings.

    Day 20 – Ireland ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ช – NFD

    Hi all. Have a good Friday

    Day 20, Emden Germany, FD

    Covid numbers seem to be rising fast everywhere. I hope all family members or friends mentioned here will come out of it without ongoing problems afterwards. The only thing we can do, is trying to stay safe.

    @kazoo I think those prolonged FDs are so much easier when having company.

    @stitchincarol I’m mostly only once a day on the computer so I’ll have to read the posts of the previous day and know who has fasting plan the next day (unfortunately sometimes I forget someone) and I take a look on the spreadsheet.

    @at I’m only doing 4 FDs this week, I need them!

    @penz 2 kg is great, I would be so happy if that happended to me. I often have the same thoughts and sometimes struggle to do 2 FDs a week. Although there are only 2 days out of 7 I have to do it, I often think: I don’t want to do this, I want to eat whatever I want and stay slim.

    @northerndawn My DH has no underlying health issues but has a feeling of breast tightness after wearing a mask all day at work. I’m glad he’s only working 2 days a week at the moment. I stopped listening to all the bad news and don’t want to hear reports on rising Covid numbers anymore. It’s enough my DH knows them and gives me a brief report. What kind of dance does your granddaughter do? It must have been exciting to see her dance, are we able to watch it somewhere too?

    @toady I hope you get a good night’s sleep when being away. Enjoy your weekend!

    Pocket list day 20
    @dykask WFD
    @kazoo 5th! of B2B2B2B2B
    @snowflake56 3rd of B2B2B2B

    ZBC day 20

    Exercise day 20
    @snowflake56 ๐Ÿ’ƒ

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 20 5th FD UK Lake District

    Good morning everyone

    I am just starting my 5th FD in a row and looking forward to my NFD tomorrow. Fast days for me are not a big problem, as with many in this group it is the NFD that are my biggest issue. My plan is to do 5 FDโ€s a week this this month and then 4 FDโ€™s a week during December so slowly introducing more NFD’s.

    I did the F800 for 12 weeks and got down to my goal weight, although when I look in the mirror I donโ€™t see a slim person but donโ€™t see the fat me as I was either. Coming off the 800 calories a day was not easy although I know that in the long term staying on 800 is not the right thing to do.

    Since January 24th 2020 (this is when I reached goal) I have struggled to maintain my weight. Up and down like a yoyo. I did make a new years resolution of never making another resolution to lose weight and this WOL is going to be my WOL forever.

    So my plan is laid down on paper and I will try my best to see it through.

    @at I am going to follow you
    โ€œIf I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am nowโ€

    Thanks @snowflake for keeping me on the straight and narrow.

    @northerndawn Have a great time making memories with your grand children

    @penz Congraulations on your loss 2kg. How good it that!

    Pocket list day 20
    @dykask WFD
    @kazoo 5th! of B2B2B2B2B
    @snowflake56 3rd of B2B2B2B

    ZBC day 20

    Exercise day 20

    Sorry for the long post. Have a good week end everyone.

    D20 F800 UK Lake district

    2nd post

    @markie 99 sorry I missed your post about grounding but see that @stitchincarol has mentioned it. Was it @EmmaTaylor who read the grounding book (sorry if I have got the wrong person).

    By the way where are you @EmmaTaylor. Not seen you for a while or have I missed something.

    Have a google.

    Day 20 – UK – CD

    Yesterday’s CD ended up as a FD800 despite a lot of exercise – 45 min Broga – 60mins Aerobic and as the day was such a beautiful sunny one it called me to go out for a walk as well and what started out as a 5km brisk walk ended up as 12.9km in total – was pleasantly tired and slept like a log last night ๐Ÿ˜ด

    Woke up really refreshed and enjoyed my 9.30am yoga class – todays Asana practice concentrated on the Warrior pose sequence – these are great postures for building strength, confidence, and body awareness.

    Baked a batch of spelt flour raisin scones for OH – I keep telling him how spoilt he is ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ

    @northgeorgia – your dream made me laugh – maybe we are your guardian angels ๐Ÿ˜‡
    @northerndawn – ๐Ÿคžyour DS stays Covid free and that his father in law recovers well
    @dykask – stay safe with those spiking figures around you
    @penz – 2kg loss – how good does that feel!
    @kazoo – You are right 5:2 has to be a WOL if we are not to regain the weight we lost – I have been in maintenance since December 2016 and don’t intent to ever go back to where I was – I like this WOL as it allows me to have treats and I never feel deprived as I know that I can have what I’m missing out on today tomorrow or another day and often when the time comes I don’t fancy it anymore!!!!!!

    DTF๐Ÿšซ๐ŸธGANG – @brightonbelle @ccco @stitchincarol @bellyblast it’s FRIDAY so we can enjoy a glass of ๐Ÿท or ๐Ÿฅ‚or ๐Ÿธor๐Ÿบ with dinner depending on what the menu is tonight……๐Ÿ’ƒ

    Pocket list day 20
    @dykask WFD
    @kazoo 5th! of B2B2B2B2B
    @snowflake56 3rd of B2B2B2B

    ZBC day 20

    Exercise ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ day 20

    Only 10 days to go to the end of the challenge ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ฎ who is game to host December – last challenge for 2020 – let us end the year on a high……

    โ€œIf I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am nowโ€

    Day 20 Wisconsin USA OMAD
    Good morning everyone. Today is the day I weigh, and Iโ€™m down a pound. This brings me to 3 pounds lost in November, which brings me to where I was at the end of October. I have one more pound to lose to meet my November goal.

    Plan for day 20:
    OMAD, avoid sugar and processed foods
    Steps, yoga and my own SS classic

    @stitchincarol, so interesting that you asked that question. I do in fact hold the yarn in my left hand and have never โ€œthrownโ€ the yarn over. I know exactly what you mean about learning to knit without looking much. Iโ€™m knitting while watching TV occasionally, and maybe Iโ€™ll get better. I noticed that when I went online to refresh my memory of knitting, nearly every video showed the yarn thrown over technique. I much prefer threading the yarn through my fingers, which I believe (feel free to correct me) is called โ€œcontinentalโ€.
    @northgeorgia, I hear you, I feel you, take care of yourself and stay healthy. Such a sad time. Hope you can look forward to a digital form of your granddaughterโ€™s performances. Iโ€™ve attended so many events online, including our grandsonโ€™s birthday, and soon Thanksgiving, that itโ€™s starting to feel normal to do so.
    @penz, congratulations on your loss and your exercise of will power too!
    @kazoo, thank you I will look it up! Now that you’ve mentioned more, I actually think I know what it is, but we call it something different here in the states.

    Take care and stay safe everyone. We might feel done w Covid, but unfortunately itโ€™s not done w us.

    Day 20, London, UK, FD

    Iโ€™m truly looking forward to todayโ€™s FD!!! Maybe because Iโ€™m desperately in need of one!!! The last week has been fasting free, not that I havenโ€™t been tryingโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ just not succeeding!!! ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ Anyway, we can only keep keeping on, so my determination, willpower, mojo & general stubbornness have joined forces & today WILL be a FD!!! ๐Ÿ™

    1 cup of coffee & 1 peppermint tea down, creamy cabbage & chorizo soup for dinner and that should be that!!! Still no broadband, so my posting will be sporadic, I hope everyone is staying safe in this โ€˜not particularly safeโ€™ world, & Iโ€™m looking forward to getting back on track with daily posting & regular fasting.๐Ÿ˜

    “When youโ€™re at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on.” – Theodore Roosevelt

    Day 20 – USA/GA – NFD

    Caught a stomach bug somewhere yesterday and working from home this morning. Feeling about 75% better, so I think it’s one of those 24 hour nasties. Naturally, weight loss for a post-NFD looked pretty good — still at 234 lbs., but certainly not the way you want to do weight loss haha


    “Are the trails very rigorous?” Wesley suddenly asks. The attendant behind the counter smiles and says, “there are all types of level of difficulty in the park. Each trail is color coded and labeled by guideposts and you’ll see those indicated also on the map in your brochure. Green is the easiest, and red is the most challenging.”

    “And where can we find the most stunning views?” Lola asks. “Well, to me, the whole park is beautiful,” the attendant responds. “However, there are certain popular overlooks and points of interests that have also been labeled on the brochure. Signs are posted throughout the park trails that indicate the distance and direction of these locations. Naturally, the main overlook, providing a 230 degree panorama of the hilly horizon is our most popular location for taking photos. There you will find a small concession stand, restrooms, and picnic area. In addition, this site is easily accessible by a green trail.”

    We thank the lady for her time and glance once more around the grand lobby of the visitor’s center. “It appears to be a combination of museum, gift shop, restaurant, and visitor’s information,” I say. “Yes, yes,” Lola responds impatiently. “Let’s check it out AFTER we venture out. I can’t wait to see some of this in person!” Wesley and I nod in agreement and we all walk out of the visitor center, finding a large sign pointing left to the trailheads.


    Have a fantastic day, everyone!

    Day 20. OMAD London

    Yes, it was me who wrote about grounding. We still have the grounding sheet on the bed but itโ€™s a bit cold to walk barefoot at the mo. I think walking barefoot worked better than the grounding sheet, but at the mo Iโ€™m having to sleep in these VILE pressure stocking so I guess they arenโ€™t helping. After today I only have to wear them during the day ( only! ). Iโ€™m here anyway, all the time, reading everything, but OMAD is so basic that I donโ€™t have much to report. Except to say that, on the odd occasions that I do have lunch with friends, and itโ€™d be weird not to eat, I treat them as โ€˜planned lunchesโ€™ and donโ€™t feel at all guilty. Which makes going back to OMAD the next day much easier.

    Day 20 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Fast5, or perhaps another 800?

    Another good FD yesterday and I was astonished to find myself at 148.0 this morning; such a treat! I know it’s largely water/waste weight that’s gone, but it was still a pretty number. I’m thinking I’ll pull some pork cutlets out of the freezer for supper tonight and steam some veggies to go with them; that’ll feel a treat, but will again be fairly low calorie, especially if I can talk myself into skipping the beer I allow myself on Friday/Saturday/Sunday. It makes me grin that wine and G&T is the downfall of so many of you, but craft beer is my temptation.

    @penz How is weight “fake weight”??? I’m completely stumped what you mean, but am simply thrilled for you that you’re down 2kg since October! And well done on resisting DH’s temptation! Your talking-to sounds like the talking-to I was giving myself last week. My favorite way to gauge whether or not to eat/drink any given food/drink is to ask myself if, in a month or two, I’ll look back on that food/drink and remember it with pleasure or with disappointment in myself. Thanksgiving dinner? Of course I’ll eat it, and with pleasure and not with limitations. The beer DH suggested we have outside in the lovely weather yesterday? Nice idea, but no.

    @dykask I fully understand why you can’t wear a mask while running; I can’t even bear to wear a mask while playing the organ.

    @snowflake56 “I often think: I donโ€™t want to do this, I want to eat whatever I want and stay slim.” Yeah, me too. Me too, me too, me too. Except that I do actually feel better when I’m actively fasting and I never feel good when I’m actively eating. It’s a lot of mental discussion with myself to remember the advantages of 5:2.

    @kazoo Your will power and determination are so impressive to do five FDs in a row!

    @markie99 It is indeed called “continental knitting” to hold it in your LH; it’s also described as the German way of knitting.

    @flourbaby Here, grab my hand; I’ll hold tight and keep you on the wagon!

    @northgeorgia So glad you’re feeling better!

    I got lots done on my to-do list yesterday, and I’m hoping to be equally productive today. @songbirdme I think we have a game tomorrow!

    My goal for today is to be:
    โ€œToo positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.โ€ โ€“ William Boyland Jr.

    Good luck, everyone, with achieving today whatever defines success for you!

    Day 20 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Been eating OMAD for a few days, but generally also having some dessert DH insists on making for me. Oh well. Still at maintenance.

    @northgeorgia – sure hope you continue to get better and better each day. You’re doing well into the 230’s!

    @stitchincarol – oh my, yes… our much anticipated meeting tomorrow! Hope at least our ILLINI give your Huskers a good game. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿˆ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿงก

    Onward and downward.

    Day 21, Emden Germany, FD

    @i-hate-lettuce You got through the fifth week of treatment, only one week to go! I hope you and Mrs. IHL enjoy the weekend.

    @stitchincarol After almost 4 years, I still don’t see this as the way I want to live my life. I’m feeling deprived of the things I really like to eat. I know how to eat well to stay healthy and I do feel better doing that but I don’t like it. It takes the pleasure of eating away.

    @stitchincarol and @markie99 I never heard of German or continental knitting and had to look it up. I now know I’m using the throw method, not the continental one. My SIL uses the German one, she uses round needles and knits extremely fast. I’m rather slow and use straight needles and the result looks a bit messy. I think, I prefer to do stitching and sewing.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    D21 NFD UK Lake District

    Iโ€™m suffering from PFDS today after my 5 B2B fast800 days and looking forward to breaking my fast at 10am with a slice of sour dough toast a scraping of peanut butter and a banana. Knowing I was having this today kept me going yesterday.

    It is wet here today so plan on going for our walk today this afternoon when is should be a bit drier.

    @markie99 Well done on your loss your November goal is so close now.

    @flourbaby Good luck with your mojo willpower and stubbornness. Hope you were successful in your fast yesterday.

    @northgeorgia Hope you are feeling better today not far to go to be in the 220โ€™s

    Glad to hear from you @EmmaTaylor

    @stitchincarol How was the pork cutlets? We have got pork belly today.
    I total agree with you about fasting. I too feel better when fasting. Itโ€™s the NFDs that are my problem.

    You have been a great support to me since I joined the group in August. Adding me to the lists when I am floundering and just generally boosting me up. Good luck with the fast day today I will be joining you on Monday.

    Just remember
    โ€œIf I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. And when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am nowโ€ curtesy of @at.

    Pocket list Day 21


    Enjoy your week end everyone.

    Day 21 – UK – TDEE

    Another good CD yesterday and guess what I didn’t feel like that glass of wine I had been hankering for!!
    Today is a TDEE day, got a Eye Fillet with mixed green vegetables planned with a lovely glass of ๐Ÿท for me and other half will have Trout Almondine with the same vegetables.

    Wet and miserable morning here but the sun came out to play so out for a brisk walk with great views to appreciate – @kazoo hopefully you got out too to enjoy the lovely sunshine

    Now back home, showered and enjoying a cup of tea whilst watching the rugby ๐Ÿ‰and tennis ๐ŸŽพ

    @flourbaby – hopefully you managed your FD yesterday
    @northgeorgia – ๐Ÿคžthat tummy bug has settled down
    @i-hate-lettuce – thinking of you this weekend – hope the cumulative effects of your treatment is not causing you too much grief – one week to go – stay strong and positive

    I’m hoping to have a TDEE weekend and to stay feeling in control ๐Ÿคž

    Have a good weekend wherever you are in the world and 9 days to go to the end of this challenge – remember that TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!

    Day 21 – USA/GA – NFD

    Tummy troubles are over. Hooray! Didn’t like my morning weigh-in, so did a ZBC today and after the supermarket run did another weigh-in. 234 lbs (just barely, but it counts)! Otherwise, it would have been a three-Saturday streak of 235s LOL. Going to enjoy today as tomorrow will be a FD on my adjusted Thanksgiving week schedule.


    “I beg you not to take me on the red trails,” Wesley sheepishly whines as we study our trail maps. “Of course not,” I say. “We want you to enjoy this trip, not collapse into a puddle.” Wesley shoots me an evil look as I grin at the map. Lola speaks up, “well, we know the beauty of the main overlook is a ‘must,’ so why don’t we take the direct green trail there? It’s the easiest hike and is just under two miles to reach.” “Perfect,” Wesley says.

    We tuck the maps away and shift our knapsacks as we follow several groups of people up the wide concrete sidewalk labeled “Main Overlook Trail.” The conversations of the groups get quieter and quieter and are slowly overtaken by the sounds of songbirds and woodland rodents within a shady green canopy towering overhead. The concrete trail narrows into a very comfortable recycled rubber mix that pushes back against our soles with a bounce in each step. “Wow, this stuff feels awesome,” Lola says. “I wish they had this kind of material in the greenway path near our apartments.” Wesley and I nod in agreement, feeling the cool air brush our faces and rustling the leaves around us.


    Best wishes to everyone this weekend!

    Day 21 – Rural Nebraska, USA -Fast5/1100 calories

    Yesterday was more calories than I wanted, but was still reasonable, especially since I gave in to having a beer, but not a second. The scales rewarded me this morning with only going up .4, so that’s motivating me to be really well-behaved today with my food choices. The feast of Thanksgiving is fast approaching, remember, so I need to be as disciplined before and after as possible to mitigate the effect of the day, which I refuse to skimp on. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I’m planning on making the first of three Christmas puddings tomorrow. Yup. Through a long mess of bad communication from the company where I ordered my Christmas pudding pan, I got not only the first one I ordered from the them, the one they sent me to compensate for not getting the first (even though I let them know I’d finally received the first), and the one I ordered in indignation from a different company. Any tips from you all?

    @snowflake56 Do you crochet? If so, transitioning to knitting with the yarn in your LH is rather easy; you should try it sometime to see if it brings you more pleasure. I’m sad that you feel the pleasure of eating is taken away with 5:2. Someone once described their urge to misbehave with food as her four-year-old self inside, stomping her foot, and demanding what she wanted, when she wanted it, and as much as she wanted it. That feels pretty accurate to how I experience food, and my 4yo self has the same sort of naughty stubbornness about eating badly and in high quantity. My adult self, however, is so thankful to have discovered 5:2 and can mostly control that 4yo inner child. Mostly, LOL!

    @kazoo The pork cutlets didn’t thaw in time, and I found an already-marinated pork loin on sale when I was getting other groceries, so we had that and it was delightful. I also made a recipe I got 15 years ago but have never made: cook sweet potatoes until soft, mash with some butter to taste, add in a cup of chopped fresh cranberries, a tiny amount of brown sugar (although I think I’ll leave that out next time as unnecessary) and a splash of vanilla, then bake it until heated through and the cranberries are cooked. That and green beans and a red-cabbage slaw made a colorful and healthy dinner. Tonight I’ll make the pork cutlets with Brussels sprouts.

    @northgeorgia Sure wish I was on that walk with you, Wesley and Lola; it sounds delightful!

    @i-hate-lettuce I hope you’ve been enjoying rugby and that you’re doing okay. So thrilled that you only have one week of treatment left!

    @songbirdme As I type this, it’s 10:59, with one minute before the game broadcast begins. Whoever wins, it will be a delight to think of you watching from Illinois!

    And again, my goal for today is to be:
    โ€œToo positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.โ€ โ€“ William Boyland Jr.

    Good luck, everyone, with achieving today whatever defines success for you!

    D21 NFD UK Lake District

    2nd Post

    What a lovely day it has turned out to be. This morning was damp and drizzly but this afternoon the sun was shining.

    @at Yes we did manage a walk. Did about 7km. Up through Skelghyll Woods to Jenkins Crag then went up to the top, across towards the path that goes up Wansfell turned down towards Ambleside passed the waterfalls and then back home. Like you we settled down to watch rugby. Plan on walking to Potter Tarn tomorrow.

    @stitchincarol. Your pork loin recipe sound delicious will give it a go.

    Day 21 Canada NFD

    Sorry I haven’t posted in a few days. I started a facetime yoga practice in the morning with a friend and am still sorting out my schedule. Yesterday I was near the end of a long post and somehow brush the screen and ended up looking at the 5:2 Twitter feed……poof the post had vanished.

    It’s a lovely day here and the sun is out. Planning on skiing and walking and soaking up all the calmness being out in nature brings. We have entered a 2 week lock down which as most of you know brings anxieties.

    @at I had a glass of white wine with a lovely chicken dish which was accompanied by an eggplant salad and cumin mayo…enjoyed every mouth full. Your dinner sounds delicious….cheers:)
    @snowflake56 I often feel the same, unfortunately my body would balloon without this WOL. I know I go through the same struggles with easier periods
    @kazoo bravo to your fasting
    @emmataylor glad your recovery is progressing along
    @i-hate-lettuce sending you strength for the last week.

    Take care out there everyone!

    @stitchincarol – yes, delightful to think of both of us watching! Like I told Mr. SBM “I have skin in this game!” He forgot about the wine wager. Or whatever. It’s halftime, and our ILLINI are playing well. Good to see for a change! Now looking for what I can eat… nervous energy. Popcorn maybe? Ha ha!

    Day 21 Minnesota, USA OMAD

    Hello everyone. I’ve just caught up on posts for the last day or so. We’ve been having internet issues and think it might be that we have added a couple devices in the last two weeks onto our wifi network, and it’s too much for our old router. We have picked up a whole house router mesh system that will supposedly boost the signal strength throughout the house and into the garage (to work with the new opener and garage door that will finally be installed the first week of December).
    So that is on the agenda today… the app, set up the three bases through-out the house, unplug the old, install the new, and hope it all works. I get so nervous about doing this tech stuff, and DH gets frustrated also. I expect it to take most of the afternoon ( It’s 1 pm now).

    Glad that everyone seems to be doing fine and still plodding along.
    I so enjoyed my time with little granddaughters on Thursday afternoon and evening.

    @i-hate-lettuce I hope you are doing okay and hanging in there for this final week.

    @markie99 I’ve been thinking of you since yesterday afternoon, and if I’m not mistaken, the shootings at the mall in Wisconsin were very close to the suburb you live in, maybe the same one? I hope you are safe and sound. I haven’t heard yet today if they found the shooter…..I certainly hope so! Very scary, and prayers and positive vibes sent your way.

    Fingers crossed that I get this system installed and DH doesn’t have to go without tv or computer for more than into the evening!

    Have a good weekend everyone!

    Day 21 Second post

    Oh dear! @markie99 I hardly watch the news any more so didn’t hear about the shooting in the mall. I hope you are safe!

    @songbirdme You’re a model of kindness in your post. A more accurate way of describing the game is to say you’re STOMPING us! Partly it’s because your Illini are playing well; partly it’s because our Cornhuskers seem to be dozing through much of the game. It’s making me happy to think of the joy you’re experiencing. It doesn’t compensate for my irritation, frustration, and astonishment, but it helps! ๐Ÿ˜œ

    Day 21 – NSW, AU – MFD

    Those wafer biscuits were too yummy, ended up eating the rest of the pack while on a hike, only did a 12 hour fast overnight.

    Lunch was a Greek salad and ended up grazing on plain donuts til 7pm (an early birthday treat) to myself. But as it turned out either the salad or the donuts didn’t agree with me and ended up with several trips to the loo overnight, think my body had a real good purge. Hopefully tomorrow is better.

    Day 21 Minnesota 2nd post

    @toady In case I totally mess up my wifi today…….Have a Happy Birthday, tomorrow!!

    @stitchincarol – well, I am just thrilled that Illinois won! You’re right, though, that certainly Nebraska thought maybe my ILLINI would not be as good as they turned out to be. Sure do hope the injured Husker defender (Miller) is okay. That is always so awful to see a player taken off the field that way.

    @markie99 – sure do hope you are safe. I remember visiting the Mayfair Mall. Back in the day it had the only non-Illinois Marshall Fields. I was on the Fields High School Fashion Board back in the day and still miss that brand (instead of Macy’s).

    Day 22 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Well todays the day we ‘Celebrate’ our 40th Wedding Anniversary !

    Although not a lot of celebration today as such (we should just have been returning to the UK following a special celebration cruise) but have cards and gifts from friends and family and a whole load of memories and a small family of whom we are very proud.

    Luckily, the cruise company we deal with have basically ‘saved’ our celebratory booking with all the bells and whistles and we head off in May for the delayed fun.
    Plus another which they are also still looking to fulfil once we’re fully fit and ready, so something to be optimistic about.

    Our daughter moved from her flat this week, which was a first time buy (she is single and very independent) into a newer and a better location lots of green space around. As she put it, a brilliant stress free move, due to good solicitors and even better removal men! They were excellent by all accounts even tightening loose joints on furniture they came across.

    Now heading for my last week of treatment, been more tired fighting the treatment than the cancer I think, but getting through steadily. Only on a liquid diet for the moment with high protein drinks and soups, this might be for another couple of weeks including after radiotherapy ends but will start to heal and move on.

    All in all going well to be honest, thanks again for the support and thoughts, it’s nice to know that there are a lot of nice and decent people around. I’ll soon be back to normal service, including beer and rugby (well I managed one of those two yesterday!)

    Take care all happy hugs from me and Mrs IHL x

    Day 22 Wales ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ NFD

    @toady Happy Birthday ๐ŸŽ‚
    @i-hate-lettuce best wishes to you and Mrs IHL enjoy your celebrations

    I drank a little more wine than I intended this weekend and have a muzzy head this morning…..must do better next week.

    Hope youโ€™re all enjoying a relaxing weekend.

    Day 22, Emden Germany, CD

    @toady Happy Birthday!

    @i-hate-lettuce Congratulations to you and Mrs. IHL! What lovely plans you have for the next year, something nice to look forward to is so motivating. How nice to hear, your daughter had a stress free move. We moved house with a company once, it was terrible. We now only hire a company for transporting the piano and a grand piano, we had them 5 times now and they are just great.

    @markie99 I hope everything is well.

    @kazoo and @bellyblast I think I’m just moaning on a high level, with a BMI of 22.5 I shouldn’t be complaining and be pleased with what I have. But I WANT sweets! I’m sounding like an addict, so I must be one.

    @kazoo We’re here to support each other and I’m always glad to have company. I plan to make next week a good one and I’m glad to have you with me.

    @stitchincarol At home we didn’t have many sweets and I didn’t miss them. My Dad was the eldest of 11, we went to my grandparents or other family members every weekend and every holiday. There was a lot of cooking and baking going on, one of my grandmother’s sisters had a bakery and one of my uncles had a drugstore with lots of sweets so I always had plenty of it. When I was 12 y.o. our GP gave my parents the advice to give me more sugar (no idea why) and I had sugar in everything. I always was slim and very active as a child. It could be that eating sweets brings back the happy feelings I had then.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 22 – NSW, AU – CFD

    As mentioned before not a fun start to my birthday with 2am toilet visits needed. My plan for another hike along a trail was cancelled and I ended up coming back home… via a few Bunnings (think hardware store with attached garden centre) and got myself a couple of plants for my birthday. Ended up fasting for about 17 hours because I just wasn’t hungry after last night, grazed through a 400g tub of Roasted Vegetable Couscous during my eating hours, and a few muesli bars put me at 850 calories, so just about my 800 limit. And no birthday cake, maybe another time.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes @northerndawn, @missybear, @snowflake56 and everyone else who chimes in after I write this. Not the best birthday I’ve had but also not the worst, I must admit that!!

Viewing 50 posts - 301 through 350 (of 450 total)

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