Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

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Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

This topic contains 431 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  BrightonBelle 4 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 251 through 300 (of 450 total)

  • Day 14 NFD UK Lake District

    Good morning everyone from this damp Saturday in the Lake District.

    No pocket lists for me today as I am planning on a mindful NFD but still TRE 16:8. I am so looking forward to my yoghurt, chia seeds, prunes, blueberries, flaked almonds and goji berries around 10am. This is my favourite breakfast.

    Going for a walk with DH to get my steps in this morning but will need to wear wet weather gear.

    This afternoon he has an opticians appointment so I will go with him and get a few more steps in.

    Have a lovely week end and good luck to those on the lists today.

    Day 14 Oxfordshire, UK NFD
    Quick check in. Grey here today so can’t avoid the housework anymore .
    Yesterday’s CD was NFD so will be more careful today. Someone got peanuts out, aghh

    Day 14 UK NFD

    In the middle of my *danger zone* aka the weekend , as we’re approaching mid month and I’m plateauing I’ve given myself a pep talk and set some end month goals – had a good catch up on the posts and feel for all you that have challenges at the moment -it does make me realise how fortunate I am

    Curry was lovely thanks @stitchincarol 🌶

    Have a good one all x

    Day 14 – NSW, AU – CFD

    Because dinner (and chocolate) was so late last night I only ended up doing a 14 hour fast (better than nothing, right?) Then broke it with some carrot sticks and spicy pumpkin dip… and the rest of the chocolate. Knowing an 800 fast day was out the window I ordered myself some pizzas (the lower calorie vegie ones) and ate some of them. Altogether around 1700 calories which is still below my goal weight TDEE so not quite a NFD.

    Next week should be better, going away for the weekend and even though I’ll be having a birthday on the Sunday I doubt I’ll go too wild, might get myself a small cupcake or something. Had planned to go on some hikes and take photographs but looks like it’ll be a wet weekend… always the way, isn’t it?

    Day 14 London OMAD

    @stitchincarol and @snowflake56 – we once had a cleaning lady who broke something every time she came, and they didn’t look like accidental breakages!!! Heavy stone bookends were somehow smashed to pieces! All really weird. My friend still employs her, and I think she breaks quite a lot of stuff there. Now we have an angel who is fantastic, recommended by another friend. A marriage saver, in my opinion. 😀😀

    Day 14 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Fast5

    Every year on the second Saturday in November, our church has a turkey supper. It’s held in the city auditorium for those who want to sit down and enjoy it, or you can go to our church two blocks away and get your meal to go. It was decided this year not to actually cancel it–since a sit down meal for 200+ was clearly not acceptable–but to do take-out only at church. In the past we’ve done a total of 500+ meals, and I’m so curious what our numbers will be this year. Many people from the surrounding area make it a tradition to come, but since they’ll have no place to sit and eat, and since the food will get cold if they drive it home, I’m not sure what people will do. But I’ve roasted my 24 pound turkey and it’s cool and ready to take over to church for the crew that carves the 30 or so turkeys (38??), and I have the last two pies in the oven so they’ll be cool by noon when the pie cutters arrive. Yup, we have people whose only job is to cut up the more than 100 pies, LOL! My usual Saturday piano lesson in Omaha is cancelled, so I’ll be here all day to help as needed. I’ll report tomorrow!

    @snowflake56 What a disappointment that your cleaning lady was so awful! Mine? I am still in slack-jawed-awe. The woman spent three HOURS in my kitchen alone, cleaning every surface there. She told me she doesn’t do windows; I said that was fine. She cleaned windows. I said she didn’t need to bother with the back stoop (it’s still filled with gardening stuff that I’ll still need one more time) and she said okay. And then apologized because she couldn’t resist spending just a bit of time vacuuming. And all of this for a flat $100. Yeah. She’s my new best friend, LOL! Actually, she’s really nice, and she doesn’t chatter incessantly, making it impossible for me to get anything done while she’s here, a fault I’ve found in other cleaning ladies I’ve had over the years; so while she was here, I was working just as diligently getting things done that needed doing. This gal is a true keeper and I keep pinching myself that I’ve found her!

    @i-hate-lettuce It delights me that this group is part of you feeling okay about the health journey you’re on. I have to admit my jaw dropped when you said a few days ago that you first learned about the cancer in July. I don’t believe you said anything to us until…October? Perhaps September, but not earlier. So, you’re clearly telling the truth when you say you tend to keep things to yourself! My DH tends to be the same way, so we’re the typical couple where I chatter incessantly and he just grunts his responses, LOL! I treasure those moments when he actually takes a breath, however, and I stop talking and just listen. 😍 Have fun brewing in your new stainless steel goodies!

    @emma-taylor Wow, you too? Over the 32 years of our marriage, I’ve had eight different cleaners for various amounts of time and I don’t believe I’ve ever had anything broken. Something else to be thankful for!

    Have a grand day, everyone!

    Day 14 – USA/GA – NFD

    Wonky weigh-in this morning, so I waited until after grocery shopping. I was ZBC this morning (no need to go on a pocket list now), and final weigh-in was on the lighter side of 235 lbs. (A few 234s showed up, but I had to be honest haha)

    I’m happy I readjusted my original goal of 230 for November to coincide with the new pace of weight loss (one pound less ambitious, based on my final October weigh-in) to 232 lbs. I think that’s in the realm of possibility.


    We finish packing our knapsacks and duffel bags and head downstairs to check out. As we head out to the car, Lola says, “Wesley, I have to commend you on the choice of this fabulous establishment. I feel so refreshed and ready for a walk in the park today!” I hum in agreement, “Yes, sir. That was just what we needed.” Wesley grins and says, “I thought we could use that little splurge.” I pop the trunk and we load the overnight luggage in the car. Wesley takes the knapsacks and puts them into the backseat, sliding in to fasten himself in next to them. Lola and I hop into the front seat. “230s Overlook, here we come!” I crank the car and we head out of the parking lot, following a few other cars onto Overlook Parkway at the next traffic signal.


    Happy weekend, everyone!

    Day 14 USA (Illinois) OMAD

    I’m going to do supper only today, and will try to make the squash soup tomorrow. This temporary bridge I have in my mouth does not like hot soup or coffee. I’ve already had to have it re-glued once.

    All this talk of cleaning people has me feeling guilty. Some of my household chores I love doing (dishes, laundry, bathrooms) and put off dusting and floors. Think I better do some vacuuming and mopping today. Maybe because I enjoy water? Who knows.

    @toady – I am with you at TDEE @1700 or so. I still have to be careful that those calories are more heathy than not. You’re doing great.

    @stitchincarol – a local church just announced today that they are not doing their complimentary community Thanksgiving meal. Generally they would serve about 300 people who for whatever reason chose to eat turkey and the fixings together. As much as anything, I know folks who will really miss serving the meal to both needy and lonely people especially.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 15 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    A very lazy day yesterday, needed to get to opticians, I’m wearing my glasses out doing so much reading! Even the spare pair were going wobbly, odd bits falling off or loose. A ‘phone call to the optics shop and “just pop in and leave them for ten minutes and we’ll do them while you wait” ! Brilliant, got them back as promised, good as new (for Only Fools and Horses fans, they’re a bit like Triggers brush, lenses and rims original but everything else replaced FOC !)

    Rest of day was passed by doing not a lot, ended up planning my beer brewing session for today after finding my new shiny kit needed a bit of old shiny kit altering! Luckily my very good friend and neighbour is a plumber and likes beer! A quick look through his box of bits and found exactly what I needed so all systems go today!

    Start of week 5/6 tomorrow and doing well, getting more tired each day but still feeling otherwise strong if that makes sense. Can’t wait to get back to eating ‘normal’ food though, am able to swallow better now but very restricted on ‘solid’ food. Nothing spicy or acidic, so none of our veg curries and no fruit!
    It will be a gradual recovery after treatment stops, apparently starts to improve after a further 2 weeks for throat to start healing.

    Although the progress chart will be showing a steady line downwards it is certainly not an approved method of weight loss, but I might have to be careful about gain!

    Take care all

    Day 15 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Haven’t posted in a few days as my password was locked out AGAIN. So I have re-set it AGAIN and hopefully no more faff with it tomorrow.

    I am doing some research in menopause symptoms and circuit breakers etc etc as I feel this could help me in my weight loss journey or as it is now…my weight gain journey.

    Great to catch up with you all. Have a good Sunday

    Day 15 – NSW, AU – NFD

    Started off with a 15 hour fast, broke it with a Berocca and some left over pizza. During the course of the day I have probably eaten about 1800-1900 calories, so over my goal weight TDEE which means it’s a NFD here. I know these ‘binges’ are not a good thing – though a pizza with just tomato, red onion, baby spinach and the cheese on it is a much healthier choice compared to say a pepperoni or one with ‘the lot’… or grabbing something from McDonald’s.

    At the moment I’m suffering more stress than I would like to – I live in shared accommodation (run by a real estate) with someone who sleeps all day and has the TV going pretty much all night, my ear canals hurt from having to wear earplugs (he makes my skin crawl so no way I’m going to tell him to turn it down, he’s the type that would turn the volume up just to spite you) but only about another 6 or so weeks until he’s forced to move out and things should improve a lot by then… and it’ll be easier to focus on things without broken sleep or stress.

    On Friday my 2 books that I had ordered on Monday arrived – “The Fast 800” and “Life in the Fasting Lane”, given both a flip through but haven’t done an in depth read as yet. Maybe during the week I might try for a OMAD, or something like that.

    I did just watch a documentary on “Breatharianism”, or living on nothing but sunlight and breathing… it was kind of strange. No food or liquid for 7 days. Um, no thank you, if I end up doing a 24 hour (or longer fast) I’m definitely gonna be drinking something!!!

    Day 15, Emden Germany, CD

    What a beautiful day it is today. The sun is shining, a mild wind is blowing and we opened all windows to let fresh air in. Breakfast in bed was only a slice of buttered toast with a soft boiled egg. This afternoon video chatting and cocktails with friends again and we’re dressing up for it today as my friend is starting to let herself go. I’m even going to put on some make up, not something I usually do, I only use lipstick normally.

    Yesterday’s CD became a NFD, too much sweets in the house and a big jar of Nutella. I’m banning the sweets in the basement, if I don’t see them, I’ll usually forget about them. Made a plan for the remaining half of this month, only CDs and FDs from now on. It’s only 15 days so I should be able to controll myself (wishful thinking taken place here)!

    @stitchincarol I’m glad to hear your cleaning lady is such a pleasure to have around, she sounds like a good find. I only had one bad experience so not too bad, @emma-taylor had a lot worser one. What a pity the turkey supper couldn’t happen this year. How did the turkey take-out go?

    @songbirdme I never thought I needed a cleaning lady, others thought it would make my life easier. I can live with a bit of dust, I do most of the house work when my DH is at work. My favourite thing to do is washing up. Don’t feel guilty, the importance of a clean house is highly overrated in my opinion.

    @toady How annoying it must be to have someone like that in the building. Have you talked to him? “Breatharianism” seems very unhealthy to me, why would anyone do that?

    @i-hate-lettuce Have fun with your new brewing set!

    @northgeorgia Low 235 lbs and a few 234s showing up sounds great!

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 15 – USA/GA – NFD

    Today’s weigh-in: 234 lbs. Code name “Italian Low.” LOL! On the 5th of this month, I tied my record low of the last four and a half years of 233 lbs. on December 18, 2016. 234 is my next to the last weight on record, hitting it a few days before and after the December 2016 date above, when I started increasing slowly again, but only ever again on 3/23/2017, surprisingly a few days after returning from a week-long trip to Tuscany where I ate my way through all the sight-seeing!

    Even more exciting is I’m doing ironing today. No. I hate ironing. But I decided to do a little try-on last night and couldn’t believe it. About 25 old items of clothing now fit again, including a pair of trousers, some shorts, lots of dress shirts, tee-shirts, and of course, the two souvenir tee-shirts from Tuscany I bought and had to put away a few months later. I’m wearing one today 😉 With ten old dress shirts to press and hang in the closet, ironing is kind of a special feeling now haha

    Lots to do today, so more Lola and Wesley adventures a little later.

    Take care, everyone!

    Day 15 Minnesota, USA CD
    Day 14 NFD

    Friday, day 13, was a great FD under 500, and it is so much easier to achieve that if I don’t eat until after 3pm or later and stop eating by 7pm. That makes two FDs under 500 this past week and one around 800. I’m not seeing a lot of motion up or down on the scales, but I haven’t been tracking calories on my NFDs for the last two weeks, and I know I am eating over TDEE sometimes. Or I think so, anyway. I must be. So, back to counting calories until I can intuitively keep to my TDEE of 1500 calories/day.

    I still haven’t caught up on posts so that is what my goal is today….to read all posts. I’ll probably be back on to comment a couple of times more this afternoon. It’s a gray, cold, windy day and I haven’t anything else planned. No patio time with DD and her family today. We will get together later in the week when it’s a bit warmer and less windy. Maybe, I’ll take a little nap with my cat this afternoon.🙂

    Planning a FD tomorrow and Friday, and ZBC, TRE of at least 18/6, and some form of exercise for 30 min, as well as yoga daily for the week to come.

    Have a good Sunday, everyone!

    Day 15 Canada NFD

    An amazing sleep last night and a stunning day, even when I am not working I love Sundays.@northernadawn I made a decision today to go back to calorie tracking,not my favourite thing but does keep you honest 🙂
    @northgeorgia what fun, well worth the ironing
    @snowflake56 the chat sounds fun, it is easy to get very “casual” at the moment. DH and I usually make an effort to get tidied up for dinner even when it is just us!

    Finally getting out for a ski today, there has been so much snow the roads have not been great. A roast chicken for dinner with lots of veggies, can’t wait!

    Enjoy the day

    Day 15 – Second Post

    Woohoo! Found two more pairs of trousers, a pair of shorts and two pairs of jeans in storage that fit nicely now.

    I’m motivated for the week ahead 🙂

    Day 15 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Very windy, rain/sleet, cold and cloudy today. Staying inside now that I’m back from church.

    @daffodil2010 – you are ever so wise to watch yourself for menopause gain. I had no idea that was my fate until it was already too “late” to stop it. I didn’t begin 5/2 until I was nearly 68. Smart gal you are.

    @snowflake56 – so right about a super clean house being overrated! When we lived in Wertheim (DH in American Army, 1969-73) I remember hiring a “putzfrau” to do final cleaning when we left quarters. Necessity to pass the inspection. Never had I seen such lime deposits from hard water as we had in Germany!

    @northgeorgia – hurrah for you finding clothes that fit now! I limit my ironing to pillowcases and pressing as I sew. Oh, an occasional other item gets ironed I suppose.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 16, FD, Aus

    Too much wine over the weekend, but that’s not unusual for me! Looking forward to today’s FD.

    “”Good morning,” I say. “Mmrph,” Wesley grumbles. “Cake?” I ask. “Coffee,” Wesley murmurs. I point him in the direction of the coffee machine.” This (Wesley’s reaction) describes me so well! I cannot do without caffeine to get me going each day.

    Way to go @stitchincarol!! Nothing like a successful FD to keep that mojo harnessed tight. And I hope your new cleaning lady went well. Isn’t it funny how we feel we need to tidy the house before someone comes in to clean it! (I’m the same.) So glad she’s turned out to exceed expectations. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all share house work – I don’t mind vaccuming at all, but I hate doing bathrooms!

    Day 16 – Japan – OMAD (Just today)

    My Friday water fast went well. Today I’m sort of taking a break from water fasting, I’m just going to water fast until dinner. Daughter’s birthday is more important than one day of fasting. 😀

    Day 16 – NSW, AU – MFD

    Started off with about half an hour at the gym and then went to work. 18 hours fasting and left over pizza for lunch. Ate the last few slices for dinner and therefore went over my 800, so a MFD it is. Now that the pizza is well and truly gone I should be able to get back to my 800 for the rest of the week. Still around the 95.3-.5 mark, so not bad after my weekend binge.

    @snowflake56 – It is annoying as anything because out of the 6 rooms in this house, my room and his are the only ones that share a wall, so his watching TV or movies (with the volume up) all night is easily heard in here. I ended up turning on the classical music station and had it up loud all night to drown out the noise. And I only talk to him in passing, if I really have to. He’s got a record and reckons women should be subservient. Even brushed off the warning from the real estate cause the agent was a woman. Roll on January when he’ll definitely be out!!

    Day 16, Emden Germany, FD

    How glad I am the cat woke me up in the middle of a nightmare. I had two nightmares tonight, fortunately I seldom have them. It could be caused by the alcohol and sugar I had yesterday. It’s really time to get back to healthy eating again so no sugar or alcohol for the rest of the month.

    @bellyblast It’s so easy to let things slip, isn’t it? How was skiing for the first time this season?

    @songbirdme I didn’t know, you lived in Germany for a few years. Did you like it? Have you lived in other countries as well? The degree of lime deposits depends on where the water comes from. In the town we lived before it came from 3 different wells and it was very soft, here the water is much harder and leaves stains on everything.

    Pocket list day 16

    ZBC day 16

    Exercise day 16

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 16 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    I have everything prepped for the FD today, spent a lot of time yesterday batch cooking etc, so this week will be a good one. Chicken salad for lunch when I break my fast, and evening meal will be a kale soup with black beans. I am going down the anti-inflammatory route as much as possible.

    @songbirdme thanks for your words. It kind of saddens me that there isn’t really anything out there about this time of life (except for hot flushes and going nuts 😄) and even friends of mine who gave been through it don’t really talk about it. So that’s why I am doing a lot if research now as its so much harder to lose the weight despite all the good stuff I am doing.

    I watched a webinar yesterday from this practitioner in NZ who has done a lot of work into understanding the menopause and what to expect. She does offer an online course, I might just do it.

    However the good news is that intermittent fasting, daily exercise, grounding, good nutrition choices….and a history of making mostly good food choices and daily exercise from my 30’s, means that I hopefully can get on top of this sooner rather than later.

    Great to hear from everyone, wishing you well @i-hate-lettuce for this penultimate week, and @northgeorgia, well done on the finding old clothes that fit. Yay 💃

    Have a great Monday.

    Day 16 – UK – FD

    Goodness I have been away from the challenge for a week…….still here, keeping up with the exercise classes via zoom, still enjoying life and maintaining……

    Weekend was a bit wet and dismal hoping to get out for a wander today!

    Had another wonderful meal delivery from Simon Rogan at home (L’Enclume) this weekend – All was 😋😋 but the dessert of a Verbena Posset, Camomile Cake and Preserved Blackberry, Bee Pollen and Verbena Crumble was especially memorable!!!!

    7am Broga Class ✅ 3pm Pilates and 6pm Yoga planned for today and hopefully a short walk of 5-8km to keep me focused on my FD

    @i-hate-lettuce – good to hear that you are coping with the rigours of your treatment regime – I saw this and it made me think of you “Too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.” – William Boyland Jr. I’m sure you and Mrs IHL will stay strong for the next 2 weeks 🤗
    @flourbaby – fab to be reading your entertaining posts once more x
    @annabelle48 – good to know that you are still hanging on with us – hot chocolate 😋 for me it has to be dark chocolate…….
    @bellyblast – Broga is the trademarked name for a type of yoga class specifically marketed to men, but a lot of women who want a more intensive class has joined in – it combines traditional yoga with functional fitness exercises and high-intensity interval training, It works on improving core strength, cardio, muscle-toning, stress-reducing, and clarity-building postures.
    @diana123 – tough times for your DH and yourself but you sound a strong and positive person and I’m sure you are a great support to him 🤗
    @kazoo – so nice to hear that you are starting to see that light at the end of the tunnel 🤗
    @northerndawn – I feel for you with your water leak in the basement – positive side is that you now have a lovely clean basement and a new functioning heater!!!
    @northgeorgia – what a great feeling rediscovering clothes that you love and now fit you as well 👍

    Pocket list day 16

    ZBC day 16

    Exercise day 16


    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. and when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 16 FD UK Lake District

    Pocket list day 16

    ZBC day 16

    Exercise day 16


    Day 16 UK FD

    Usual Monday reset for me ,aiming for a good week

    Pocket list day 16

    ZBC day 16

    Exercise day 16


    Day 16 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Day 16 already! This month is flying by. Strange how time does seem to have passed quickly since the pandemic began, maybe its the perception of time and not doing anything much to create new memories……days just blend into each other. I am looking forward to Christmas more than usual this year as even though it will just be the two of us and not going out (except for walks) it will be different with twinkling Christmas tree lights and festive food to enjoy. The prospect of Christmas treats is encouraging me through a controlled November.

    Wishing a successful day to my fellow Monday fasters 🙂

    Day 16 Wisconsin USA OMAD

    Good morning!
    OMAD continues to be my best way forward. Did not meet my step goal yesterday due to rain and extreme wind, but I did a Leslie Sansone walking class which helped. Thanks to this group for letting me know about Leslie – I have sent a link to her classes to several friends who are enjoying her too.

    Still knitting – the blanket is almost done – and have yarn and plans for a couple of scarves.

    I’ll be doing an online reading later this month with a group of poets who were accepted into a project by the WI Fellowship of Poets. Today is an online practice, so I’m excited about that.

    Plan for day 16:
    OMAD, avoiding sugar and processed foods (for me sugar is cookies and processed foods are crisps; I do very well w the processed foods part, not so well w the cookies! If I didn’t have a DH, I would try not to have either around the house!)
    Steps, yoga and tai chi

    Take care. Remember, we get fit in the gym, we lose weight in the kitchen.

    Day 16 – USA/GA – FD

    Looks like another Sabotage Sunday! Weigh-in this morning was 237 lbs. Odd because I somehow steadily lost a pound each day from Friday to Sunday morning, then boom! It’s OK. I understand that’s how our bodies work. No more Sabotage Sundays this month! I’m planning a Sunday/Tuesday FD week next week, then starting another 4:3 or staggered 5:2 that starts on Nov. 29 for the last part of the month.

    Really enjoying my “new” wardrobe. I must have put up 30-35 pieces of clothing (I made another trip to the storage bins and found a couple of shorts and another shirt I could wear). I may be wearing my newly purchased belt before the year’s end! Now to figure out what items I bought before the pandemic have too baggy on me and box them up.


    As our car heads up the Overlook Parkway, the road begins to get curvier and curvier. A beautiful mountain stream soon appears rushing downhill below the left shoulder of the roadway. The wind rustles the leaves of the treetops that drop a leaf or two into the churning waters of the stream. Lola takes out her sunglasses and pops them on as the sun peaks over the hills. I drop down the sun visor, forgetting the little mirror was open on it; in doing so, I catch a glimpse of Wesley in the backseat sipping on a second cup of coffee he grabbed from the lobby before we headed out. Unlike yesterday, the sky only has a few wisps of clouds that seem to melt away like cotton candy as the sun rises.

    Traffic is not very heavy. I see maybe three other cars in the caravan headed towards the park entrance. Every now and then, there is a break in the canopy of hardwoods and we see amazing views to the left of our ascent. Wesley spots a hawk circling above the treetops. Lola glances down at the Overlook information brochure we found in The 240s Club and then picks up the newer one from the hotel lobby. In five minutes, we should be pulling into the gates, and stepping out into the real outdoors. I think our little group is going to have a great but relaxing adventure.


    Good luck to everyone on the pocket lists today!

    Pocket list day 16

    ZBC day 16

    Exercise day 16


    USA. Day 16. FD

    Oops! One pound up today! Don’t want to rejoin the Ferris wheel going up and down, so joining today’s pocket list!

    Day 16 Pocket List


    ZBC day 16

    Exercise day 16


    Have a great day, everyone!

    Day 16 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD

    Okay, today I’m officially taking a firm hand on my behavior, climbing back onto the wagon, grasping Penz’s hand with a death-hold, and not letting up on my determination. I’ve ceased caring about losing weight, and I simply cannot accept that; waiting for the caring to return hasn’t been effective, so I’m going to “fake it until I make it” as the phrase goes. And, no, my eating hasn’t been out of hand, and my weight this morning was 151.6, so it’s not wildly awful, but if I don’t stomp my foot in determination, it soon will be awful. So that’s my plan, and I hope you all will hold me to it!

    The turkey supper went nearly perfectly. We serve from 4 to 7…except, we ran out of food at 5:50. Yup. Not even six o’clock, and we were out. We were all slack-jawed in astonishment because we’ve NEVER run out of food in the 25+ years we’ve been doing this. As someone pointed out, however, where else in this little village can you find a drive through with a glorious turkey dinner for $12? Everyone was so very excited at the wild success, and there’s talk of always doing a drive-through in the future. Who knows, but it was a lovely event.

    @penz Well, in my case, tidying was required: there was no way for her to dust surfaces covered with my stitching stuff (coffee table), with yet-to-be-dealt-with mail (dining room table), or with piano music that needed gathering and putting away (piano), you know? And kitchen counters accumulate stuff that again gets in the way of deep cleaning, and I’d rather she spend all her time cleaning, rather than moving stuff in order to clean. So I resisted the temptation to CLEAN before she came, but knew I needed to TIDY.

    @dykask Happy birthday to your DD!

    @toady That man sounds a real treat, and it sounds as if the wise decision is indeed just to ignore him as best as possible until he’s forced out in January. Hopefully the new renter is far, far better!

    @snowflake56 Yuk, nightmares are awful! So glad your cat woke you up!!

    @daffodil2010 It never once occurred to me that my weight gain was connected to menopause, but it certainly is the time period when fifteen pounds climbed on and held tight. What a smart woman you are to have had this occur to you and to be learning all your can! Are you not doing the lunches at work anymore that you’ve made your own chicken salad?

    @at I was wondering what was keeping you away from the forum. 🤔 “the dessert of a Verbena Posset, Camomile Cake and Preserved Blackberry, Bee Pollen and Verbena Crumble was especially memorable!!!!” Oh MY! It sounds amazing! And that quote? Perfect. I’m adopting it as my own until I’m back firmly in the groove!

    @markie99 My DH also adores his chips and I finally figured out a way to have them in the house with little temptation for me: I buy the little individual bags of them and keep them in the basement. Thus I forget they’re there, and even if I do decide to trek down to grab a bag, I’m not likely to have more than the one bag, and he’s content to be limited to a bag’s worth of chips at a time. Would that work for your DH?? (And thus help you?)

    @northgeorgia I don’t think there’s any greater joy connected to weight loss than pulling out clothes that used to be too tight, and packing up clothes that are now too baggy; congratulations!

    Day 16 Pocket List

    ZBC day 16

    Exercise day 16


    My goal:
    “Too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.” – William Boyland Jr.

    Day 16 Minnesota, USA FD

    @snowflake56 Thank you for putting me on the pocket lists! I’m glad your cat woke you from a nightmare……they are so intuitive in regards to our thoughts and feelings. I also find that sugary foods eaten too much or too late cause unpleasant dreams sometimes, as well as heartburn. It’s one of the reasons I try to be done eating by 7 pm and eat only “healthy” carbs at dinnertime or after.

    @diana123 and @i-hate-lettuce and @kazoo Thinking of you and your spouses, and sending hugs. You lift the spirits of all of us with your positivity and strength.

    @at What a wonderful quote by William Boyland Jr. So appropriate for our forum friends.

    @northgeorgia I also can go up and down 5 lbs within the same week. It depends on my salt, water, and carb intake, I assume. Congrats on finding all the “new” old clothes. How fun!

    @dykask I wish your DD a Happy Birthday and many more to come. I hope you enjoyed the celebrations without guilt…..much more important than a single FD.

    @stitchincarol You will get back on track, I just know it! I can’t remember what your goal weight is, or where that puts you on BMI measurement now, but remember…..The closer we get to goal weight the harder it is to drop the few extra pounds.
    And yes, most women gain weight during and after menopause just from the fact that all the energy (calories) our bodies once required to be “reproductive” ….from making hormones, to monthly menses, to maintaining strength and bone density (in order to be able to take care of children) is no longer required. Energy = calories. So, we need to either reduce the amount of calories we eat now from what we use to be able to eat during our reproductive years, or get even more active than when we were still reproductive (@at comes to mind).
    I find that I absolutely can NOT increase the calories I allow myself to eat based on what any app tells me I’ve used in exercise for that day…..most are not very accurate and in the end it is a very individual thing, how each person burns calories. I’ve noticed you have said you try to exercise enough to allow 2000 calories? Or maybe I read that wrong? but I advise against trying to figure that out or to depend on it. I use my goal weight TDEE (1500/day for 147lbs) at sedentary, not even for lightly active. Because then any extra calories burned from exercise is a bonus. And any bad day of indulgent eating doesn’t come as such a shock on the scales. Just a couple thoughts for you to consider.🙂

    @toady I am sorry for you to have to put up with that terrible man next door to your room. I hope you can get through the next couple months without too much stress until he is gone for good!

    @emma-taylor and @flourbaby My DH is now a fan of The Repair Shop, and has been watching several episodes on Netflix over the weekend. They do a great job, and it’s very heartwarming. Thanks for mentioning it!

    @penz I am the same way in the morning before my first cup of coffee…..even though I’ve cut the amount of caffeinated in proportion to decaf grounds, I still need that little bit to get going.

    @daffodil2010 Planning really helps for successful FDs and CDs, and you remind me I need to get more serious about planning my week in advance than I have been.

    Let’s have a good week, everybody!

    Day 16 Canada FD

    Ready to join the FD crew and start the week. Logging into MFP has been an eye opener, I think I knew that but am glad to be using it again 🙂

    Had a fantastic ski yesterday @snowflake56, the trees are covered in snow and the trails are in great shape. So lucky to have this close by, it is a perfect COVID activity, good for the body and mind. Walk and yoga today!
    @dykask hope your daughters birthday was filled with joy
    @missybear I am looking forward to Christmas as well, bring on the season of joy and peace
    @stitchincarol the turkey supper sounds like a fantastic success, you can “make it”!!
    @ccco I am walking away from the ferris wheel as well

    Day 16 Pocket List

    ZBC day 16

    Exercise day 16


    @at‘s goal:
    “Too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.” – William Boyland Jr.

    Day 17, NFD, Aus

    Feeling good this morning. Yesterday’s FD was relatively easy. Good to feel like things are back in control. I swapped out the winter doona on our bed for the summer one and had a much better night’s sleep. How did you go, @stitchincarol, my little co-wagon buddy?

    We have an abundance of kale (different varieties) in our vegie bed at the moment. Would you be willing to share your kale and black bean soup recipe, @daffodil2010? Sound like a good way to use up our surplus stock. (I make a lot of pesto with the kale which is yummy.)

    I miss fine dining @at. That posset dessert sounds scrumptious! And with bee pollen!

    Go well internet friends.

    Day 17 – Japan – NFD

    OMAD was easy, but that was just one day. Doing that everyday for months would be a different issue.

    Day 16 USA (Illinois) OMAD

    Doing a nice dinner with DH this evening before a Zoom meeting. I’ve gotten lazy with store bought frozen lasagna when we get hungry for that. DH’s not chewing very well yet, so this ought to masticate well.

    @snowflake56 – after DH’s tour in Germany, he went to Korea for almost his last year, so no, we’ve not lived together any place except the USA. Well, unless you count California as somewhat ‘other worldly’ for a few years.

    @bellyblast – did you mention if your skiing is downhill or cross-country? I am sure you found good exercise with either one. We are looking at doing x-country this winter more than our normal downhill, but still not sure. We won’t have skiable snow around here for at least a month, so we can decide.

    @stitchincarol – after my ILLINI actually got a win against Rutgers last Saturday, I have renewed hope that we can give your Cornhuskers a good game this weekend!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 17 – NSW, AU – MFD

    Proud of myself today, I managed to keep under the 800… just. A lunch of soup and bread roll as well as a muesli bar, then my usual frozen dinner – this time Butter Chicken. I only have a few kilojoules left so that’s why I said ‘just’. Not much else to state about today, really tempted to try and do a OMAD on Thursday, but all depends on what tomorrow brings.

    Day 17 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Morning all. Hope everyone is well today, can’t believe how quickly this year has flown. And like a few of you I am really looking forward to Christmas. I was tempted to start putting up some fairy lights at the weekend but held myself back. Maybe weekend after next 🎅

    @stitchincarol, yes, we are still having the daily lunch delivery but now I know what to expect…so the chicken salad was lots of green leaves such as spinach, lambs lettuce, a few slices of chicken breast and a lemony vinaigrette. Yum.

    @penz my kale and black bean soup was literally a clear out of the fridge. I had loads of curly kale which I threw into a large pot with some onion, garlic, a couple of carrots, red lentils, and good chicken stock. A few herbs, salt and pepper. Meanwhile Insoaked and boiled the black beans separately. I whizzed the kale soup once cooked, threw in the black beans, and a very filling and anti-inflammatory power soup was had.

    @bellyblast how lovely to hear of you skiing. That is NOT an option in my country 😄

    Day 17 – USA/GA – NFD

    Quick check in. Weigh in this morning at 234 lbs. Month is half-way over with Thanksgiving Day challenges ahead, but I feel confident. More Lola and Wesley tomorrow, as I am running a little late this morning.

    Good luck to everyone!

    Day 17 Wisconsin USA OMAD

    Good morning. Clear and crisp in WI today. Getting ready for my walk. I finished the knitted blanket and I’m happy with it. It’s café au lait in color, basketweave in design and measures about 40 x 60 inches (102 x 152 cm). I have a scarf in a tweedy brown for my daugher-in-law planned next. For you knitters, the scarf uses a pattern called cartridge belt rib which uses knitted and slipped stitches to make the pattern.

    Just as the pandemic was starting here, I anticipated that my SS yoga classes might not be meeting for a while and created a handout my participants could use at home. I’ve heard from several who are using the handouts daily, trying to keep their strength, flexibility and balance. I miss them so much.

    Plan for day 17:
    Continue OMAD, drink lots of fluids and avoid sugar and processed foods.
    Steps, yoga and my own balance class.

    @stitchincarol, I think your plan is sound and am sending you support for sticking to it. Also, thank you for the suggestions about the chips (crisps). I try to keep cookies and chips out of sight as you mentioned but currently put them on an upper shelf in a pantry that I have to access throughout the day. You’ve got me thinking about alternative storage.

    @northgeorgia, you have such a good attitude, and happy to know you are moving into a “new” wardrobe. Also, I haven’t mentioned lately how much I enjoy following the adventures of Lola and Wesley.

    Good luck to everyone today!

    Day 17 Canada NFD

    A good FD yesterday to start the week off, I do enjoy the self control aspect of fasting. I am rarely all that hungry but the urge to eat can be ridiculous. I did 2 online yoga classes during the day and that really helped, not just as a distraction it adds a huge sense of calm to the day.

    Another ski today, @songbirdme I cross country and downhill but the xc trails are all that are open at the moment. I skate and classic and love them both, on Sunday the parking lot at the trail head was full, but after setting off DH and I didn’t see a soul. Great for exercise and for connecting with nature
    @markie99 you must have inspired your students to keep going at home, that is fantastic
    @daffodil2010 shhh I have gone ahead with some fairy lights 🙂
    @flourbaby hope you are doing ok?

    I already wrote this, hours ago, but don’t see it on the forum. Thankfully, I ALWAYS highlight and do CTRL-C my message before posting, and thankfully I hadn’t used the control button since, so here it still is. Does someone else already see it???
    Day 17 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Fast5, 800 cal

    Yesterday was a perfect day in all ways: I walked 45 min with Leslie (instead of just 30), DH and I got all sorts of additional yard work done, we got to go visit his mom, and we had Jimmy John’s sandwiches for supper that were the correct calorie count…a taste-treat but still decent behavior. I’m feeling almost back to my in-control-self.

    @northerndawn Thanks for the encouragement. The 2,000 calories-burned goal I have been striving to reach was not in order to eat that many calories, but simply in order to lose weight faster. (And to think that years ago, I bemoaned the fact that I was “only” burning 2400 calories a day, and sometimes, on “bad” days, only 2200…sigh….) I went and played with the calculator on this site, and putting in my lowest goal weight of 125 and choosing sedentary, my BMR is 1100 and my TDEE is 1300. Putting in “real” numbers for my current weight, my BMR is 1200 and my TDEE is 1700. No wonder I was gaining weight before I came back to 5:2. My new goals–as of yesterday–are assuming I’ll only burn 1700 calories per day; that still allows a one-pound loss each week, with a little wiggle room to spare. Sure wish I could understand why sometimes I burn 2200 calories in a day for what seems to me to be the same effort I expended, say, yesterday when I was working hard for several hours and reached 10K steps–and I only burnt 1972 calories. Oh well. At least I no longer weigh 166!

    @penz I thought of you multiple times yesterday; this hand-holding thing seems to be working well for us!

    @songbirdme And the entire state of Nebraska is still swooning with joy after the Huskers’ win over Penn State! Looking forward to “our” game this Saturday as well! It will be delightful to be watching, knowing you’ll be watching as well!

    @toady DS24 mentioned to me many months ago that he’d read fasting is far easier if you eat fewer carbs the day before you intend to fast. I’ve had that in the back of my mind ever since, and have discovered it’s very true. So if you decide to do OMAD, try eating more protein than carbs the day before, and that should help the cravings on the OMAD day. Good luck!

    @northgeorgia, glad that your weigh-in was back down! I too am thinking ahead to Thanksgiving, and if I’ve a prayer’s chance of losing a pound that week, I’m going to have to figure out how to have three FDs, and that’s a challenge as well, just because of life. We’ll pull this off, however!

    Have a Dr’s appt today and want to tackle a portion of my perennial bed before I go, so I’d best get a move-on. @i-hate-lettuce, I hope you had a fun drive with your neighbor yesterday, and that the treatment isn’t proving too awful in this penultimate week! @diana123 I hope your DH is doing better now. @kazoo You’re in my thoughts as well, that you and DH both are doing well.

    Hugs, my friends.

    My goal for today is to be:
    “Too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.” – William Boyland Jr.

    Day 17 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Sunny and bright today, like @markie99 is having up in Wisconsin. Putting out some Thanksgiving specific fall decorations that won’t be up long before we change over to Christmas/winter decs.

    @daffodil2010 – I had to look up “lambs lettuce” as I don’t think we see that around here. One search location said it can be switched out for arugula that we do use. Also baby spinach. It looks like a great leafy green! Your lunch delivery made me hungry for chicken salad.

    @bellyblast – we decided long ago that to tolerate winters, we needed to find something to enjoy it. Skiing is terrific, but as we have gotten into our 70’s the balance isn’t quite as good as it used to be. Our Silver Sneakers teacher says you can regain it with practice, but even the practice is hard!

    Onward and downward.

    USA. Day 17. OMAD

    An OMAD always works well for me if I eat in the middle of the day. I won’t be hungry again until tomorrow but drink plenty of water.

    The weather has not been good for taking walks lately and we are really looking more and more like late Fall. Many of the leaves are down now. As more and more people I know are getting Covid, I am not certain I will take anymore outside walks. I even wear a mast to walk to my mailbox. Two more members of my family are sick and tested positive, which is very disturbing. One of them is believed to have gotten it at the grocery store, although we can’t be sure. He always wears a mask.

    In any case, be safe and well, everyone!

    Day 18, NFD, Aus

    I’m going to try for an OMAD again today. Wednesdays make it easy as I have dog training tonight and it’s at a time which makes overlaps dinner time. It’s too late to eat by the time I get home, and I don’t want to eat before hand. So if I have lunch I should be able to get through tomorrow’s FD until Friday! Well, that’s the plan anyway. It worked last week so should work again today.

    Day 18 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Just popped in and heading off for a ‘day out’.

    @at …. Love your quote …

    “Too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated.” – William Boyland Jr.

    Entering final stages, bit ‘bashed about’ and tired now, but still doing OK. Lost a few pounds now, but to be expected. Only 1 more chemo after today and 7 more radio, then recovery and no travelling every day!

    Not long before I return to ‘normal’ ?!?!

    Take care all

    Day 18, Emden Germany, FD
    Day 17, CD

    @i-hate-lettuce good to hear, you’re having your final chemo today. Take care!

    @stitchincarol What a success the turkey supper take-out has been, great response.

    @stitchincarol and @northerndawn That’s what I like about cats, they know how you feel and react to that. I’m glad he woke me up and took my attention away from the nightmare.

    @toady I’m glad the awful man has to leave in a few weeks time. Do you have any influence on who’s living in that room next?

    @bellyblast I’m always amazed by the silence snow gives. It dampens all the noise and gives such a peaceful athmosphere.

    @songbirdme I imagine living in different states in the USA is like living in different European countries: different rules, different habits.

    Pocket list day 18

    ZBC day 18

    Have anice day everyone!

    Day 18 – NSW, AU – MFD

    Got in a 20 hour fast today. Soup and a roll for lunch, cottage pie and 2 muesli bars and still under my 800!! And I’m going to be a good girl and NOT get anything from McDonald’s while I’m waiting in the carpark at like 8:30 tonight to pick up my snake food as the supply guy drives past, as tempting as it is a frozen coke is way too many calories and it’s not worth it! Maybe tomorrow instead of a OMAD I’ll have a ‘soup day’, got some instant miso soup and cup-a-soups, have a liquid diet day as a change.

    @stitchincarol – Thanks for the tip, as mentioned might leave the OMAD for another time and have a liquid day tomorrow.

    @snowflake56 – those currently living here get no say in who moves into the room (unlike regular sharehouses), as long as they ‘check out on paper’ the real estate who leases the rooms separately doesn’t care – like this guy “Looked good on paper” but we swear someone was lying for him because he has had 2 jobs (for only days cause he quit them both) and is noisy, obnoxious and regularly leaves the kitchen was a mess of his dishes that hadn’t been touched for weeks, the other full time housemate and I (another female) have now got our own dishes and stuff which we keep hidden so we know that mess is definitely not ours… even the cleaners who come in once a week to mop the floor and so forth have complained about the state it’s left in.

    Sorry for my ramble, it’s frustrating but good to vent it out!

    Day 18 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Planning a B2B from today, which should see me nicely finishing off my kale and black bean soup. My social bubble friend asked if we could postpone our usual Wednesday meet and eat until Friday so that suits me fine……means I can choose my own food and stick to DTF 👍

    Did a quick Leslie boost this morning (I only have time for the quick 10-15 mins with Leslie in the morning), but something she said resonated.

    “It’s expensive to be sick, it costs nothing to be healthy”….so going to try to stick to that!!

    Loving @at quote too “too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful, and too determined to be defeated” -William Boyland Jr

    Happy Hump day 🐫

    D18 FD Uk Lake district

    Miserable day here today don’t think it will ever get light.

    Going to see my osteopath today as I have had a muscle spasm in my lower back. It is OK now but a little work on it will make a lot of difference.

    Tried an open water swim on Monday morning but it was far too cold, think we will be hanging the wetsuits up till next spring. Been doing a 2 hour walk instead.

    Thanks @snowflake56 for adding me to the pocket list. I plan on doing Monday – Friday b2b fast days if I can manage it till the end of November with saturday and sunday NFD’s. Hopefully this will get me back on the wagon. I am always better on FD’s than NFD’s.

    Still thinking of you @i Hate Lettuce

    Pocket list day 18

    ZBC day 18

    Have a good day everyone

    Day 18 – USA/GA – FD

    This morning’s weigh-in: 236 lbs. The two-week mini-plateau continues at the mid 230s, which is a nice place to plateau, but hoping for a drop into the lower 230s by the end of the month.


    As we round the next corner, we see a huge sign saying, “Welcome to the 230s Overlook Park, next right.” Lola and Wesley break out into spontaneous cheers and then applause as I put on my turn signal. The parking lot is still mostly empty, but there already appears to be around thirty cars here for the pretty weekend ahead.

    I put the car into park and switch the engine off. Lola gets out of the car and Wesley hands her the knapsacks one by one. I walk around and put mine on my back. Wesley gets out and shuts the door to the car, first helping Lola put on her knapsack, then allowing Lola and I to help get his on. “Ready?” I ask, locking the car. “You bet,” Wesley responds. “Wow, look at that visitor’s center,” Lola says, pointing to the modern three story facility that greets us. The facade is a mixture of stone and logs, framing a beautiful towering multi-paned window that narrows to a point at the top center. The sunlight’s reflection creates the effect of a glimmering gemstone as the light is refracted on the panes.

    We follow the other tourists up the sidewalk to the grand entrance of the park’s visitor’s center. “So nice to get out of the city,” Wesley remarks.


    Good luck to everyone on the pocket lists today!

    Pocket list day 18

    ZBC day 18

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