Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

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Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

This topic contains 431 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  BrightonBelle 4 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 201 through 250 (of 450 total)

  • Day 1 – NSW, AU – MFD

    As usual ZBC as I did a 19.75 hour fast til 1pm and lunch was 3/4 of a “Fruit Platter” I picked up in the reduced section at the supermarket. Really all it consisted of was about 100g each of apple, pear, rockmelon (cantaloupe) and pineapple… ate all but the pear, it was too floury for my likings. As it was only 150 calories I shouted myself to a falafel kebab (about 5 falafel balls, lettuce, tomato and onion with hummus wrapped in a flatbread) but couldn’t eat it all so got a third left for lunch tomorrow.

    @stitchincarol – believe you me there’s times where I just want to eat several muesli bars at once, or attack the blocks of chocolate that I have hiding in a bag, but I know if I start a block of chocolate I won’t stop til it’s done, I just don’t have an off switch when it comes to that.

    Day 11 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    So annoying…the site did its usual monthly having to log in thing, (I have it set to remember me) but this time, for the first time in 3 years, I had to put in my password. Which of course what I thought it was was incorrect. So had to get a new password.

    Argh such faffing is so annoying.

    Welcome back @flourbaby, we missed ya!

    Going to my support bubble friend for dinner tonight so taking it easy on the food until then and just having a light lunch of sardines in a wholemeal wrap.

    Happy hump day 🐫

    Day 11 Melb Aust FD900

    Well, aiming for a B2B2B, first one done, two to go. Even if they are slightly above the FD or FD800, I don’t care, still better than a TDEE.

    Keep on the downward path everyone!

    Day 11, Emden Germany, NFD
    Day 10

    I didn’t have time to post yesterday, too busy with dancing, shopping and most of all: knitting. We hung up the winter curtains in the living room, they are a beautiful heavy burgundy cotton velvet, my parents had them made in 1965. They aren’t in a very good condition any more so we take them off in summer to protect them from the sun and now it’s always special when we get them hanging again.

    @missybear and @at You’re welcome, for me it’s better to know I have company, it keeps me more accountable, well mostly.

    @markie99 I’m not a skilled knitter either. The pink/black scarf became a loop scarf, I didn’t have enough for a longer one. I found lovely wool yesterday, after trying out a small 10×10 cm piece it looked so nice that I decided to knit a dress (I’m not the one for small projects). I tried all afternoon and evening to figure out how many stitches I would need, went from 75 to 60 but it doesn’t look that great so I’m going to make 2 scarves out of the wool. I looked up the basket weave pattern, it looks nice so I’m going to try it on the first scarf.

    @betsylee Our insatiable cat can sleep for hours on one of our laps but when he thinks it’s time to eat, he gets up, hops on the table and looks at one of us until we get up and feed him.

    @daffodil2010 Beware! If you start knitting, it soon gets addictive but it’s very relaxing and you can’t put anything in your mouth while doing it.

    @flourbaby Oh yes, go for Victorian! We lived in a house from 1894 for 10 years. It had very high, painted ceilings, crown moling, murals in some rooms and even a small turret. We sold it before moving to Emden but we still miss the high ceilings. This is a picture of it, ours was the second house on the row with the small round turret.,_Roonstrasse_41,_Elberfeld,_Architekten_Haude_&_Metzendorf,_Tafel_29,_Kick_Jahrgang_II.jpg

    @bellyblast We hardly had any snow the last 3 winters, I love sitting in front of the window and just look out to see the falling snow.

    Pocket list day 11

    ZBC day 11

    DTF day 11

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 11 UK NFD

    Feel back in the swing of things had a good NFD yesterday just aiming to have a few weeks of back to basics – 2 FDs and NOT go mad on the NFDs particularly at weekends .

    Love the repair shop but have to try and watch in on my own as I’m usually very tearful 😢

    Nearly forgot- Happy 🐫 day xx

    Day 11 UK

    Just signing in to let you know I am still here. I read the posts everyday and am very pleased for those making progress and of course great sympathy for those struggling.

    I feel I am in the the doldrums at the moment, have been for a little while and I it seems to be likely I will stay there. Can’t summon the energy to commit. . Not ill, but just bleagh if you know what I mean.
    My mind is just not in the right place. I think lockdown might have something to do with it although I am not badly off, have OH so not solitary, but life just seems to be at a standstill.

    On a better note I have made the Christmas cake that @i-hate-lettuce recommended and given it the first feed. OH watched me and said it looked a bit puddingy, if there is such a word, but I think it looks nice and moist. Can’t wait to try it.

    Have just bought a Velvetiser which makes the most delicious hot chocolate and am sure that is contributing to my lack of weight loss but honestly it is so moreish and yummy.

    A typical November day here, dull and damp, some nice sunshine would be nice.

    Will pop in from time to time but a bit like @penz feel I am coasting along until 2021. Stop that thought right now, it is too far ahead and defeatist.

    Off to make a hot chocolate ……oh dear…… but it will be my lunch.


    Day 11 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in: 237 lbs. Yeah, my body is acting weird: high 230s, low 230s, mid 230s, who can say? Well, I’ll do what I can do. I’ll increase water intake (decrease sugary drinks) on NFDs, watch out for in-between meal snacking and look how NFD meals may not be satisfying the hunger and end up eating more than I should. Time for a TDEE checkup and plan for Thanksgiving week. In a way, it’s a good thing we’re just doing immediate everyday family this year — no big gatherings also mean a lot less food to prepare and fewer leftovers! My goal is to get firmly out of the upper 230s by next week. Thank goodness for the odd 233 lb weigh-in day last week; makes me realize the weight loss is in there somewhere!


    I cheated a little at Harold’s, and instead of just a salad, I ordered the baked chicken with steamed vegetables. “I don’t know what they used for marinade, but this is delicious,” I said. Wesley nibbled on his fried chicken tenders while Lola enjoyed a steak. “It is all very good,” Wesley said while Lola nodded in agreement with a full bite in her mouth. We ate our meal in relative silence, occasionally commenting about the places we see in the photos hanging on the walls, or the limited view outside. Several minutes later, the server approaches. “Did you save room for dessert?” Matt asks us after he clears our plates. Lola says, “oh, how about a slice of your chocolate cake — to go?” Matt nods and disappears into the back. “Chocolate cake?” I say. “I couldn’t eat another bite!” Lola grins, “Breakfast…” Matt returns with the bill and the cake. Wesley reaches for his pocket and I stop him saying, “please, let me pay for this.” I give my credit card to Matt, who promptly returns with a receipt and my card. “What now?” asks Lola. “Well, it’s getting pretty late,” I say, signing the receipt and adding a tip. “A walk around town?” Wesley asks. “I think the town rolls up its sidewalks at 9:00,” Lola says, noting most of the businesses look to have their lights off. “I have a pack of playing cards,” I say casually. Smiles appear on our faces as we walk out of the restaurant towards the car.


    Best wishes to everyone on the pocket lists today!

    Pocket list day 11

    ZBC day 11

    DTF day 11

    Day 11 Wisconsin USA OMAD

    So far it’s been a good week. Eating well, meeting exercise goals. DH has his second cataract surgery today, otherwise staying close to home as we have been.

    @northerndawn, I agree with your comments on the pandemic. We’re trying to follow guidelines because if our pace continues for even two or three more days in WI we will be rationing healthcare as well.

    @snowflake56, hope you enjoy making the scarf in basketweave. I’m still knitting along on my blanket. As our weather cools I guess it will keep me warm while I knit :).

    @annabelle48, glad to see that you are here.

    @stitchincarol, I understand your frustration at not knowing your schedule. Hope that can somehow resolve so you can plan your days accordingly.

    @northgeorgia, sorry you are bouncing right now but hang in there and you will soon bounce in the right direction.

    Plan for Day 11:
    OMAD, avoid sugar and processed foods
    Continue steps, yoga and one other class of my own to be determined, maybe tai chi

    Good luck to everyone, whichever path you are on.

    Pocket list day 11
    ZBC day 11
    DTF day 11

    USA. Day 11. FD

    Adding myself to the pocket list of accountability.

    Pocket list day 11

    ZBC day 11

    DTF day 11

    Hope everyone has a lovely day! It’s raining here!

    Day 11 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Fast5

    Okay, my discipline, self-control and will-power seem to have all fled. I start out the day with wonderful strength, and by the time I go to bed, I’ve, a-hem, to quote @daffodil2010, “seriously lost the plot”!!! I clearly need to keep busy until the last possible moment to cook supper (so I have no time to snack while I do so, and then begin to crave a beer to go with said snacks), and then have things to take me out of the house as soon as we’re finished eating, because being in the house too long is sabotaging my late-afternoon wavering will power. sigh. That goal of 141 by Christmas is looking a lot more difficult than when I was in the middle of October’s strength!

    @songbirdme I happened across a recipe for sheet pan chicken yesterday on Taste of Home’s site (or maybe it was on AllRecipes and was from Taste of Home??) and there was a comment by Songbird with some numbers following…that doesn’t happen to be you, does it? Either way, it made me smile.

    @ccco Oh, SUCH a bummer, and you were doing so very well! Hopefully your water fast has helped and you’re able to turn that gain around.

    @northerndawn We woke up yesterday to ice on everything…and had many, many branches–many HUGE–on the ground. DH filled the back of his truck with branches first thing before he headed to the office, and took them to the village dump spot for branches. Throughout the morning, we had many more break off with a loud SNAP!! and fall to the ground; by the time he came home for lunch, there were more branches than he’d cleaned up in the first place! It was rather terrifying to hear inside the house, and was also far too cold and icy to try to deal with branches covered in ice (the weight of which is why they broke off and fell in the first place), so he just moved the largest one so he could get up the front porch steps and we’ll deal with them together today or tomorrow, as it gets a bit warmer. It’s a hoar frost out there again today, but the sun is out, so things will melt by afternoon.

    @snowflake56 What a glorious house that was you lived in! I’ll bet it was just gorgeous inside! Say, for knitting a dress–or anything, actually–go to and create a (free) membership; there are thousands of patterns on there and you should be able to find a dress pattern in exactly the size yarn you want to use, and then directions to make it easy. The patterns used to all be free, and I’m noticing a trend now to charging for them, but they’re not high prices.

    My piano student in Omaha cancelled lessons because he has a bad migraine, so I’m not going to Omaha at all…or perhaps I’ll go today as a way to stay out of the house, LOL! Who knows; it’s clearly another up-in-the-air day! @i-hate-lettuce, I hope your silence is simply because you’re gone to a treatment and not because you feel too awful to post.

    Okay, today I’m going to double my efforts to embrace the hunger and celebrate the empty stomach. I will, I will, I will. It’s all good. Truly. It IS.

    And so goes my mantra for the day, LOL!

    And since it’s Veterans Day here in the USA, thank you for your service to all who have served to keep their countries safe!

    USA. Day 11. FD Second Post

    Stitchincarol, I am with you. I have the same problem. I am tempted to eat when I don’t have enough to do. It’s funny you have all that ice and snow out west. We are supposed to be cold, too, but instead our weather is more like Summer, very strange. We are out playing golf in short sleeved shirts. I’ve never played golf before after daylight savings time and that sun is blinding!! Today and tomorrow its rain, rain, rain, which means not a lot to do to keep busy! I’ve already done everything, so now I am making things up. My weight gain was due to drinking wine again, out of boredom but yesterday and today, I seem not to want any. Wine is my downfall!

    Hope everyone is getting along well today! 🙂

    day 11 North canton OH OMAD

    I lost my post – which is never fun. But i will try to reconstruct it

    @ccco one day at a time- you have got this

    @northerndawn I agree with you. Most people are used to being able to access care when they need it, the concept that that may not be available to them is hard to understand until it actually happens. I pray that it does not come to that

    @stitchincarol try taking one day a time. The uncertainty of daily life is messing with mojo and willpower across the board; know your triggers and adjust to accommodate

    I have been working on wrapping up loose ends for my time away from work. I am beginning to feel good about where I am, just a little more effort to get there…

    @northgeorgia good plan to stay on top of your goals

    I am really looking forward to being a more present host. thank you all for being so gracious. We still have a lot of time to get caught up on our goals in November. take one day at a time and remember hope is only lost if you give up.

    second post

    Do we have any veterans on the forum? Thank you so much for your service, we owe you a debt of gratitude

    Day 11 Oxfordshire, UK CD

    Completed my gardening goals yesterday. Now have 4 Michaelmas Daisy plants and probably other bits left behind. The trouble was they were caught up amongst the Sedum which is looking colourful at the moment.
    Also met water goal and calories came in at 1092 just below goal of 1100. Forgot to add myself to DTF list though.

    Spent the afternoon re-instating my access to various accounts.
    (@Daffodil2010 I feel your pain) I’m sure they change my log-in details, its not me forgetting them.

    @stitchincarol – I don’t envy you having branches snap off. The garden behind ours had a very old beech tree. Late one night last year, in the pitch black, one of its main branches came down. This was due to being too heavy, but with water. Very frightening at the time. Its left a huge hole in the landscape too.

    @annabelle48 – it’s so easy to feel ‘bleagh‘at the moment. The weather, covid, etc. DH & I are quarantining because we have been out of the country, 5 days to go. As the time has gone on I am finding it difficult to get on with things. I made a list before we started and have to force myself to do at least one thing on it each day.

    Now I need to move.
    Enjoy the rest of the day.

    Pocket list day 11

    ZBC day 11

    DTF day 11

    Day 11 Canada NFD

    Not the easiest FD yesterday but I made it. I’m still feeling heavy so taking it easy this morning. -5 this morning so the snow is still hear. I was walking through beautiful fall colours now the view is monochrome, both equally beautiful ❄️🍁

    @at your hike sounds wonderful. I also really enjoy yoga but have no idea what Broga is.
    @flourbaby aka my drink more water adviser, nice to see you back here. Planning all of November meals, you are a champion 👏
    @stitchincarol we had way too much stuff, a clean out feels great when it’s done and donating means it gets used
    @songbirdme I never eat junk food and can’t understand how people enjoy it, or how bad they must feel afterwards. There are so many 5 minute meal ideas out there now it’s a shame things haven’t changed.
    @snowflake56 I hope this winter brings you some snow, yes it’s peaceful to look at. Thanks for sharing, what a beautiful building
    @ccco 🙌
    @penz don’t give up now, we all struggle and being here is the best way to turn things around 😊
    @toady sounds like a delicious lunch 🍎
    @daffodil2010 I looooove sardines
    @brigtonbelle basic is best sometimes

    Just turned down fresh waffles for breakfast, my DH can also eat anything and stay lean 😂

    Happy Remembrance Day, thinking of the sacrifices made by so many.

    Day 11 – Lake District UK – NFD

    @stitchincarol – I have treatment 5 days a week, Wednesday is my full day of chemo/radiotherapy, leave home 7.30am get back around 6pm, but feeling OK. But Monday and Tuesday I seem to run out of steam so a bit quiet.

    I joined this forum in July last year and the cancer hit in July this, but I really do feel the support from folk here helps me with ‘normality’ – calling in and reading the daily exploits and pretty soon I will be ‘back to normal’ wrestling the ‘Inner Warthog’

    Until then I may occasionally be just be sat quiet in the corner 😉

    Day 12, FD (yes it is!), Aus

    “Celebrate the empty stomach!” Yes, @stitchincarol, that’s the feeling I want to embrace today. I managed my OMAD yesterday (tho admittedly lunch was probably at my TDEE) and experienced some feelings of hunger last night. Ah, I thought to myself, that’s what that feels like. I’d forgotten.

    Thanks for the encouragement, @basyjames.

    Good to see you back @flourbaby, and your old house looks gorgeous, @snowflake56. I wish our house had high ceilings. One day….

    Hang in there, @annabelle48. We all have days when we feel blech, and for me, a day of grey overcast weather does nothing to lift my spirits. And with COVID lock-downs, you’re hit with a double whammy.

    Day 11 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Doing okay with temporary dental bridge. I have to be careful with crunchy or sticky items, the dental assistant told me, so no caramel for a while.

    @annabelle48 – I think you have given me the perfect Christmas present for DH. He loves hot chocolate but really isn’t fond of making a good cup. Our Keurig is okay for it (fast at least) but not really creamy. The Velvetiser sounds perfect.

    @stitchincarol – my comments on AllRecipes would be the full SongBirdMe or GwynneF, my real name. Sheet Pan Chicken sounds delightful, though. I get lots of my recipes from there and Taste of Home too.

    Onward and downward.

    UK FD Lake District

    I’ll start everyone off with the lists today.

    Pocket list Day 12


    ZBC Day 12


    Day 12 – NSW, AU – CFD

    So… after I finished writing yesterday’s entry I had a fail, that block of chocolate was much too tempting and I ended up having 2 rows (an extra 250 calories) and of course broke my fast 2 hours in… so ended up doing 14.5 hour fast instead of a 16.5, oops. The rest of the kebab was eaten, as was the remaining 2/3s of the chocolate block for ‘lunch’ and alongside dinner that put me at 1200 calories, it’s well below my goal weight TDEE (even below my goal weight BMR so even more happy with that!!)

    Also going to try and weigh myself tomorrow morning, here’s hoping it’s 96kg or below!!

    Day 12 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Pocket list Day 12

    ZBC Day 12

    Together we are stronger 🙂

    Day 12 Oxfordshire, UK FD
    A sunny day here in Oxfordshire. The rain last night has virtually stripped our red acer of all its leaves. DH & I were standing at the landing window discussing it when someone walked past and took a photo. 🙂
    @ihatelettuce – your Wednesday’s really are the ‘hump day’🐫 as @funshipfreddie would say. Keep on keeping on.
    I almost feel I should make my days more interesting to keep your spirits up.;-)
    Well, yesterday DH decided he would start to knock down a piece of wall/old building at the back of our garden. When we moved in there was a Summer House in the garden and at one end was a fake fireplace. The summer house went years ago as the glass was becoming an issue and wood was rotting. The ‘fireplace’ filled an awkward triangle left by the side and back walls. Progress so far – he’s discovered a large slab of concrete supported by lintels and a cavity filled with what look like old tiles.

    Yesterday’s CD became more of a NFD calorie wise but it is what it is.

    Pocket list Day 12

    DTF Day 12

    ZBC Day 12

    Day 12, London, UK, FD

    Thanks for the ‘Welcome backs’, it feels like home!!
    Today will be a modified FD at about 800cals, smoothie for lunch, soup for dinner……………..maybe it’s a LFD!!!. They don’t really suit me, but I’m easing myself back into my favoured 500cal FDs then onto the ‘easier than I thought’ <100kcal LFDs.

    @snowflake56, wow, what a fabulous house!!! I love quirky, unique and generally anything a bit unusual!! I would love to transplant that house to where I live now, the views from the turret would be spectacular!!!

    @brigtonbelle, I’m with you on the blubbering😭, such fantastically skilled people not just restoring old stuff, but memories & lost history!!!

    @bellyblast, I’ve been forgetting to follow my own advice, the water intake has been minimal, probably only enough to keep me alive😜!!! I’ve added water intake to my meals plans now, 2-3L MINIMUM!!!!

    Pocket list Day 12

    DTF Day 12

    ZBC Day 12

    ‘Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory’ Dr Seuss

    Day 12 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 235 lbs. (barely). Well, anomalies aside, I’m on the right track again, hoping to be 3 lbs. lighter by the end of the month! Since recording my efforts in 2016, there are only 12 days where I’ve been 235 lbs. or lighter, and this is one of them, so there is still plenty to be proud of!

    I’m going to take Wednesday off before the Thanksgiving break (last Thursday and Friday of the month), so I’ve been trying to figure out how to manage this. Thanksgiving this year should just be pared down with not as much food or leftovers, so that’s a plus on the side of keeping the course! I think what I’ll do is shift my Monday FDs to Sundays on the weekends sandwiching Thanksgiving. That will let me fast on Tuesday of Thanksgiving week and leave Wednesday open for cooking and “testing” the food LOL, and getting back on track with a weekend FD. Then I’ll either do a 4:3 the first week of December or just have two days between my FD, just like I used to do when I first started in May.

    Checked my TDEE, and I should be at or under 2300 calories a day. That’s something I need to be mindful of, as it’s around 250 calories less than when I first started. That’s half a FD allotment! Actually, it wouldn’t hurt to cut out an entire FD allotment, which would be closer to the TDEE of 200 lbs. Nice. I think I can visualize that. Now to find the hidden calories lurking on NFDs 😉


    As we pull back into the parking lot of the hotel, Lola opens the glovebox and pulls out a pack of cards. We head back up to the room, trying to be quiet and respectful of the guests who have already turned in for the night. We open the door to our room and flick on the lights. Wesley puts Lola’s “breakfast” chocolate cake into the mini-fridge. Lola clears the small table and takes the deck of cards out of the box, placing the deck in the center. I grab a bottle of water from the mini-fridge and take my seat between Wesley and Lola. “Let’s play a game of Blackjack first,” says Wesley. We end up playing, talking and laughing until midnight surprised us. “I guess we better head to bed if we’re going to see anything of the Overlook tomorrow,” I say. “I’m going to brush my teeth,” Lola announces. “Well, hurry! I want to take a shower tonight so I don’t run out of hot water in the morning!” Wesley calls out. I put the cards back into the box and leave them on the corner of the table. I catch Wesley doing something on his phone, so I decide it is a good time to pull out mine and check my email. Junk mail, junk mail, electric bill due, chain mail, junk mail, that’s it. I put my phone away and walk into the double bedroom. “What time are we getting up in the morning,” Wesley asks. “Probably 7:00. That should give us time to get ready, pack, check-out, and head to the park.” Wesley says, “I’m going to set the alarm on my phone for that time.” I shrug as I had already set the bedside alarm clock for 7. I guess I’m old-fashioned that way. Within 30 minutes everyone has finished getting ready for the night and we close our eyes, awaiting tomorrow’s adventures.


    Good luck to all on the pocket lists today!

    Day 12 Wisconsin USA OMAD

    Good morning everyone.

    I think OMAD is working well for me, mostly because delaying eating a meal until late afternoon/early evening keeps me from mindless eating throughout the day. I weigh tomorrow, and hoping that my three pound gain of last week is erased or at least partially gone.

    Much cooler here now, but brilliantly sunny. Looking forward to bundling up and getting out of the house for a walk along the river.

    Activity is going well, using every opportunity to walk and move. DH had his second cataract surgery yesterday. Since I couldn’t enter the surgi-center, I stayed and walked the grounds until it was time to pick him up.

    Just an aside, cataract surgery is so speedy now. An hour from drop off to pick up. When I started working in the operating room (in the last century) it was so different. General anesthesia, hours long procedure, days in the hospital. And no lens placed in the eye, of course. I appreciate all of the advances in science and technology that have made this almost 100% successful procedure possible.

    Plan for Day 12:
    OMAD, avoid sugar and processed foods
    Steps, yoga, my own balance class

    Have a great day everyone.

    Day 12, Emden Germany, NFD

    @bellyblast, @stitchincarol, @penz, @flourbaby Yes, it was a beautiful house to live in but also an absolute money pit. I don’t think we’ll be able to buy another one like that. All the houses in the neighbourhood had interesting quirky things and the nice thing about that neighbourhood was that everyone was interested in renovation work and often had great advice. A lot of houses were demolished until 1972, no-one wanted to live there in those days so they were empty and rotting away. Buying old, dilapidated houses is what we like to do but the house we live in now will be the last one, we’re getting too old for this and after retirement we can’t go on spending lots of money on a house without getting anything out of it after selling it.

    @stitchincarol “Okay, my discipline, self-control and will-power seem to have all fled”, that’s me at the moment. My DH took a few days off and we’re enjoying cooking and eating. Will get back on track from next week on, I hope. How scary this breaking off branches thing sounds, I wouldn’t have any rest at all. Thank you for the pattern adress, I’ll have a look later.

    @markie99 The basket weave pattern doesn’t work on the wool, it’s color changes from grey to pink,red, lilac, purple, blue and green and then back again so you could barely see the basket weave pattern. I’m now knitting in something called (in Dutch) a patent stitch.

    @bellyblast When does the skiing season start?

    @kazoo Welcome back!

    @suki2 Old tiles sounds very interesting, how old was the summer house? I’d love to have an octagonal summer house but what to do with it? Please keep us updated on the progress!

    DH is trying to make waffles, the first one came out tasty but a bit dry. The second one is delicious, no wonder I’m gaining. This afternoon we’re having dirty Martini’s while doing a video chat with Dutch friends.

    Pocket list Day 12

    DTF Day 12

    ZBC Day 12

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 12 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD

    Well, my mojo is still tentative at best, but yesterday’s eating was far better than Tuesday’s, so I’ll just keep celebrating the tiny victories. The great closet organizing adventure is nearly complete; I’m not getting rid of nearly as many clothes as I was hoping to, but I’ll reconsider everything again in a couple months after I’ve had a chance to see what I actually wear in these cold months, and perhaps I’ll be more ruthless in purging then. And perhaps by then I’ll fit nicely into several slacks that I’m getting excited to finally wear again.

    @ccco We had summer last week (election week) but that was the last we’ll see of that until next summer, I’m sure. Did you really never get the cold front that hit the midwest? I thought it was supposed to be in the entire US.

    @suki2 I can well imagine just how scary the sound of that big branch breaking off was! Your talk of gardening reminded me I have a dozen trillium that I ordered and still haven’t planted, and now it’s freezing out there, literally. I need to get them in the ground before that ground is frozen!

    @i-hate-lettuce Wow, Wednesdays are as bad as being back in the work force instead of retired, aren’t they? That’s a long, long day of treatment. If I remember correctly, this is week four of six–yes? I’ll bet you’re looking forward to being done with the daily treatments!

    @penz Supper last night was a garden salad with sauteed shrimp on top; the only “wicked” thing about is was how much blue cheese dressing I put on it…but I have no feeling of empty stomach this morning, so I have a ways before I get to enjoy that feeling again. Hopefully today’s FD will accomplish it. That certainly is one of the best parts of 5:2, though, isn’t it? And who knew, before starting this, that the feeling of an empty stomach was so glorious? I think you and I should hold hands because I think we’re having similar struggles!

    @songbirdme I was guessing it wasn’t likely, but it was certainly fun to wonder if I’d run across you elsewhere in this internet world!

    @toady Falls seem to be common in my own life these days, so I hope you can resist that chocolate today, and that your weight is again wonderfully rewarding as it was last time!

    @northgeorgia Thanksgiving is truly a challenge to 5:2 goals, isn’t it? I have blood drive on Tuesday of that week, so can’t fast the day I give blood, but don’t plan to cook at all until Thursday (we’ll eat around five to accommodate DS29 who is a server and won’t be off until three), so perhaps I should be mentally gearing myself to fast on Wednesday. Thanks for talking about that! And it turns out my two sons and DH all have different things that “Thanksgiving wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without,” so I’ll be making the entire range of food, LOL. Oh well, I love to cook, DS24 will be cooking right alongside me, and it’ll be a grand dinner.

    Pocket list Day 12

    DTF Day 12

    ZBC Day 12

    I’m already hungry and it’s only 7:25. I clearly need to get the coffee made, LOL, and here’s my chance to remember my new mantra of “embrace the hunger” and “celebrate the empty stomach”! Soooo much easier to say it than to do it, LOL!!

    Okay, I’m off to continue this very busy day; the gal who’s going to clean for me comes tomorrow so I have lots of picking up to do today so she has clear surfaces to clean!

    Day 12 – second post

    Oops, @snowflake56, our posts crossed, so I’ll fix the lists, and I’ll include the exercise one that I forgot myself.

    Pocket list Day 12

    DTF Day 12

    ZBC Day 12

    Exercise 30×5

    Day 12 Murrells Inlet SC FD

    Hi everyone I have wanted to pop on here but over the weekend my husband went thru terrible withdrawls from his steroids. And now his aphasia is really hitting us hard. He started his new treatment and that is taking a toll on us as well.

    I have to say my relationship with my scales is recovering LOL. I have lost a total of 6lbs since the first of October. I am sure a part of that is the stress levels I am having.

    Remember is in a world where you can be anything BE KIND. Have a great day.

    Day 12 UK

    Just popping in quickly.
    @penz thank you for your encouragement.
    @songbird me Hotel Chocolate, which makes the Velvetiser, has an offer on at the moment with a £20 discount. You might like to look at their site. Cheaper than Amazon.


    Day 12 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Keeping pretty true to my ZBC although not always adding myself to the list. Off for a massage shortly – I try to have one once a month to treat my body. Just very glad they’ve been open for us to be treated.

    @diana123 -hope your hubs is able to get his treatment and conditions back to normal. Hugs to you.

    @flourbaby – yes, this place is like a “home away from home” isn’t it? Hope and pray you’re getting all the care you need.

    @northgeorgia – Yeah! You’re doing very well, and I bet you do reach your goal for November!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 12 UK FD

    Kept myself very busy today, which I find helpful on FDs Won’t say it’s been easy but just one coffee , broth at lunch time and plenty of water to keep me going but really looking forward to a Thai Red curry tonight It’s from the Ultimate 5:2 recipe book by Kate Harrison I think it was a freebie on my kindle years ago and it’s got some great recipes

    Friday tomorrow and that’s when I need to stay firm

    Pocket list Day 12

    DTF Day 12

    ZBC Day 12

    Exercise 30×5

    Day 12 Canada FD

    Not enough sleep by any stretch last night so will need to be on watch for grazing today. It’s only 10am and I am yawning:)

    @snowflake56 we have some cross country skiing opening tomorrow. The alpine resort is being cautious with the pandemic and waiting until next month. Our cases are jumping up so anything is possible.
    @diana123 hope you husbands new treatment becomes easier for you both x

    Pocket list Day 12

    DTF Day 12

    ZBC Day 12

    Exercise 30×5

    Day 13, NFD, Aus

    Not so much PFDS today but post FD relief. I did it!! Clutching at your hand @stitchincarol – how did you go?

    V glad it’s Friday – it seems to have been a long week.

    Many of you seem to have been busy with interesting home projects, or busy with not so interesting medical treatments. I wish all of you success in these endeavours!

    Day 13, Emden Germany, FD!

    I really need a FD today, my weight is going up too fast. Dance class at 8:30, that’s always a good start of the day.

    @i-hate-lettuce I hope this week wasn’t too bad for you and you can enjoy the weekend. Only 2 more week to go.

    @diana123 I hope the new treatment will improve your DH’s condition. Aphasia is difficult to deal with, it makes everyone so helpless.

    @penz Post FD relief sounds good to me, I hope to have that tomorrow or perhaps even PFDS.

    @markie99 I hope your DH’s cataract surgery went well, I also remember how long patients had to stay in hospital after having surgery when I started nursing. Nowadays it’s sometimes scary to see how fast everyone has to go home again.

    @stitchincarol Even a tiny victory is a victory!

    @bellyblast Everything is so different this year, everything has to be ajusted depending on Covid 19 numbers, they are jumping up here also.

    @msfriendly Are you still with us? How are you doing so far?

    Pocket list day 13

    ZBC day 13

    Exercise day 13
    @snowflake56 💃

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 13 – Japan – WFD

    Deep into my fast and doing fine. I did run for 5.5km, so I think that helps even out the fast.

    On Monday I’m probably only going to do 1/2 a fast or just skip it. Family birthday.

    Day 13 – Lake district UK -NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Friday weigh in day, bit different for me as the medics don’t want me to lose weight during treatment. But it’s pretty well unavoidable due to the fact swallowing is a problem! However, the body needs nutrition and between MrsIHL and a supplementary high protein drink, managing to lose slowly!

    But another milestone crossed for the first time I’ve broken the 100 kg barrier ….. down to 99.8kg

    So since joining the monthly challenges and 5/2 WOL on 26/7/2019 I’m down by a total of 45 lbs or 20.4 Kg and I’m convinced that losing the weight etc has been a massive help through the last few weeks! Great news from yesterdays review with Oncologist with two more weeks to go then starts recovery! She has weighed us up very quickly, between us the consulting room is far from miserable, sometimes it’s about attitude, we ended up laughing like drains (again) the poor nurse who was in with us couldn’t believe it!

    Overnight downpours have ‘washed the air clean’ so going for an amble this morning for half an hour blow away the cobwebs, managed a bit in the garden yesterday but had a quick powernap afterwards, energy a bit low, but got on top of gardening jobs early with a bit of forward planning!

    Neighbours, we’re lucky to live where we do and have fantastic neighbours. 3 of our closest, who are very much our friends, readily volunteered to help with anything we need. Typically we are very independent, but on this occasion the 3 guys have been providing transport one day a week are doing today and Monday as well, which gives MrsIHL a four day break break over the weekend ready for the finishing straight!

    Well blethered my way through that, but thanks for your comments and across T’internet, it’s surprising what spurs yiu on, those of us (and partners) who have health problems. The section of this forum is for ‘Support, chat and encourage’ which it does very nicely indeed!

    Take care all

    Day 13 – NSW, AU – CFD

    Again I started off OK this morning, 95.3kg weigh in this morning during my 18 hour fast and an early lunch of instant couscous and a chocolate Nut Bar… I had to do 3 tours of the yarn mill in which I work from 1pm through til 5:30 and afterwards went down and saw the old train that brought 2 of the tour groups in and met some of the people doing the 5 day train tour. Didn’t get home til almost 8pm and had a Chilli Con Carne for dinner. No worries there, got in under my 800… but then cause it was such a long day on my feet, my throat hurt a bit from talking loudly I discovered the chocolate… and fail. Still under the 1400 calories though.

    @i-hate-lettuce – CONGRATS on getting under the 100kg mark!!! It’s a bit of a peacock moment isn’t it? Just wanting to strut around thinking “I did it!!” And you can, 20kg is an awesome weight loss!

    Day 13 Oxfordshire, UK CD
    Not a bad 2nd FD this week. I always find the second one harder than the first. Going to try for a CD today and limit the wine.

    @ Diana123 thinking of you and your DH
    @ihatelettuce – we too have lovely blue skies, such a mood booster at this time of year.
    @ Snowflake56 – summer house was probably as old as the house. Built late 1960s. We’re not sure where the tiles have come from, maybe there was an older building on the plot before our house was built. Can’t get to them at the moment DH hasn’t chipped away enough of the top slab.

    Day 13 FD UK Lake District

    I got up yesterday and felt that my depression was begin to lift and I can see light at the end of the tunnel (that’s how I describe my depression. It’s like being in a tunnel and I know there is light at the end of the tunnel but I just don’t know how long the tunnel is.). I have no control over it.

    I am not going to put pressure on myself as I have one more hurdle to face this month when my son leaves the UK to go to live in Poland with his partner (she’s Polish).

    As far as the lockdown goes not much has changed for us. Only go out for doctors/hospital appointments. DH on 16th round of chemo today.

    I have done 3 MFD’s this week and plan on doing today as well. Being in control of my eating helps my mood. I am fed up with eating ice cream and chocolate which is what I have been doing for the past few weeks. Can’t say that I even enjoyed it but it is what I do.

    i have been following you all but forgive me for not replying.

    Today I aim to join the FD pocket list and ZBC and hopefully the exercise list next week.

    Pocket list day 13

    ZBC day 13

    Exercise day 13

    Day 13 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 236 lbs., just a few ounces tipped me over. Kind of a plateau week, but expected that after the very low weigh-in date. Good to be averaging in the mid 230s! Lost 1/2 an inch from my waistline in the past month.


    The next morning, I get up early, shower, and put on my rugged outdoor wear. Today’s the day we go to the Overlook! At the table, Lola is eating her chocolate cake for breakfast. “Good morning!” I say inquisitively. Lola quickly hides her lips, as if they have betrayed her secret. “You caught me with a mouthful of cake,” she mumbles. “Do you want to finish the rest?” I take a bottle of water from the refrigerator and an apple I brought with me. “No thanks! Maybe Wesley will want it, though.” Lola dusts herself off and heads to the bathroom. “My turn,” she says, closing the door. Wesley stumbles out of the bedroom, buttoning up his shirt. “Good morning,” I say. “Mmrph,” Wesley grumbles. “Cake?” I ask. “Coffee,” Wesley murmurs. I point him in the direction of the coffee machine. Yep, going to be a great day.


    Good luck to everyone on the pocket lists today!

    Day 13 Minnesota, USA FD
    Day 12 NFD
    Day 11 NFD

    Tuesday, the 10th, turned from a CD into a great FD of under 400 calories.

    Wednesday, our 40 gallon water heater leaked all over the basement furnace/utility room and the day involved a search for an available plumber (None available that day until after hours with “emergency” service and billing), and a lot of moving “stuff” around and mopping. It was a holiday (Veteran’s Day) and my DH was home, thank goodness.

    Thursday, the plumber came with a new water heater, but DH had not told them we have a special kind, so that slowed the replacement process down. In the end, they called around and found the right one, had it delivered in a snow squall we were having, and got the new one installed very efficiently. What a nice young man the plumber was! Knowledgeable, clean, polite…’s always lovely when you find a tradesman who you feel you can welcome into your home without any hesitation, and know you can depend on in the future.
    So, I have hot water once again….How spoiled we are these days, and I thought of the calories people use to burn hauling hot water from a stove to a bath or for laundry, or whatever. And how grateful I am for the modern conveniences I enjoy!

    I will catch up on posts today and that will keep me strong for my planned FD.

    Pocket list day 13

    ZBC day 13

    Exercise day 13

    Day 13 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Fast5


    Okay, I’ve giving in to reality, LOL! I get that feeling every single day when I type what day of the month it is; time really is flying past.

    The gal who agreed to clean for me is coming around 9:30. This house is picked up and put away, the closet project is complete (I had to get the rest of the clothes out of the bedroom, you know), and I’m remembering why I love having a cleaning lady: it forces me to pick up and tidy up in a substantial way instead of the cursory way I typically do. Fingers crossed that this gal cleans well!

    Yesterday’s FD was nearly flawless, and I was still 150.0 this morning, so I clearly gained weight from my EE last week, and that weight is clearly not in any hurry to go away and let me back into the 140s.

    @diana123 I’m so sorry to hear of your husband’s problems; I hope everything settles smooth soon and that he feels much better!

    @brightonbelle How was the Thai Red Curry?

    @penz Huge thanks to you for reaching out; I happened across your message just at the moment when my will power was faltering, and thanks to you, I stiffened up and powered through! So here’s my hand reached out to you for your own will-power-strengthening!

    @toady YAY for you and getting below 96kg!!

    {{{{{{{{{{ @kazoo }}}}}}}}}}

    @northerndawn Bummer on the hot water heater, and glad you found a terrific plumber

    Okay, time to get dressed and ready to welcome the cleaning lady! Woo-HOOO but I’m delighted!!

    Day 13 Wisconsin USA OMAD

    Weight is down 2 lbs today. At 158, I’m just a pound away from where I was at the end of October. Two more pounds to lose this month, to meet my November goal. Final goal remains 145 pounds and although I’d like to keep going in the right direction, I’m in no hurry to reach that goal.

    The volunteer work that I was doing during the hours our library is closed to patrons has been cancelled because of the horrible virus surge here. It was one of the last things still on my calendar and I will really miss it.

    Today is our grandson’s 10th birthday and we’re looking forward to FaceTime with him, our granddaughter, who is 8 1/2, and our son and daughter in law this evening. Since our grandchildren are exactly 18 months apart we’ve started celebrating their “half” birthdays on each other’s birthdays, so each child will have some presents to open. We’re so proud of how they are handling everything during the pandemic, including attending school virtually and being unable to play with most of their friends, sports teams, etc. Our grandchildren have always been good friends and have become even closer during this time.
    I have empathy for everyone who has been affected by the pandemic. Although we miss activities, friends and family, we know we are among the fortunate who are healthy and relatively safe right now.

    Plan for Day 13
    OMAD, avoiding sugar and processed foods
    Continue increased steps, yoga and some other activity to be determined.

    @diana123, thoughts are with you, take care.

    Good luck to all.

    Day 13 Canada NFD

    Yesterday’s FD was an epic fail. The lack of sleep was to blame and I knew by lunchtime it just wasn’t going to happen. Oh well, today is a new day and I had a fantastic sleep 💤 last night 😊
    Fresh snow overnight and DH is out shovelling our path. First cross country ski of the season is on the schedule ❄️

    @markie99 enjoy the 🎂celebrations, your grand kiddos sound like they are both great.
    @i-hate-lettuce your attitude is amazing and makes me give my head a shake. Love reading your posts
    @kazoo I hope you are getting all the support you need, it’s good to hear your spirits are lifting. Take care 🙏
    @northerdawn what an ordeal, glad all is sorted out now!

    Going to have a controlled few days. Monday is weigh in day right @suki2 and I think I am not going to be where I want 😟 Take care and have a happy day 💪

    USA. Day 13. OMAD

    I am adding myself to the pocket lists today for accountability. This system really does work! I weighed myself this morning and I have lost the weight I regained! Yay! Now to move forward! There is lots of time left in this month to take advantage of!

    Pocket list day 13

    ZBC day 13

    Exercise day 13

    Good luck everyone and have a beautiful day!

    Day 13 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Sunny and cold here in N IL today – invigorating to get up and exercise. Yeah. A Facebook friend had posted squash soup made in the crockpot, so bought an acorn squash and am going to try the recipe tomorrow. Cold weather is so good for soup.

    @northerndawn – oh so sorry your water heater had to be replaced. Sure sounded like ours just a month or so ago – leaking all over the basement floor. Can’t complain, though, as I calculated that one had lasted nearly 27 years! Good brand (Harvestore) but the new one did require quite a change in piping and venting. We LOVE our local plumber guys, and you’re so right about finding quality workers.

    @i-hate-lettuce – still sending hugs and prayers to you.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 14, Emden Germany, CD

    I had a good FD yesterday but not much change on the scales. Next FD will be on Monday, I need 2 FDs a week to keep the weight off.

    @kazoo You do have a hard time at the moment, I’m glad to hear you’re starting to feel a bit better now. Take care.

    @stitchincarol How was the cleaning lady experience? I had a cleaning lady only three times and after breaking something without telling me and scaring the cat so much that he didn’t even wanted to come to us when we got home, I didn’t want her in the house ever again.

    @markie99 What a lovely idea to celebrate “half” birthdays. I don’t like the internet at all but in these days it’s the best way to keep in touch with everyone you love.

    @northerndawn How annoying and how good there are still good workmen around although they are hard to find.

    @suki2 Do you know if there was another building on the site once?

    @bellyblast Enjoy skiing!

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 14 – Lake district UK – day 14

    Good morning everyone

    Amazing what a couple of good nights sleep does! Feeling rather well this morning, but rain might just stop a decent walk. Very mild recently, I might even just have to top the lawns, the grass is still growing, albeit slowly.

    However a couple of indoor jobs to do but might have a sneaky brew-day down in ‘the Den’ brewery. I took delivery of some nice new shiny stainless steel kit recently assembled and cleaned ready for use.
    Although I can’t drink at the moment I can build up ‘stock’ for a Christmas supply for friends and neighbours.

    A decent rugby match on TV yesterday, the Autumn Internationals, Ireland vs Wales. Well done Ireland, excellent first half, plenty of fast play of the ball. They also defended well when Wales started strong in the second half, good entertaining rugby!

    I’ve been blethering on about my health recently and I hope others and their families who have ongoing health issues and their families are coping.
    Typical bloke, I’m actually quite a private sort of person (bit of a lone wolf) not very good at ‘voicing’ what’s going on, especially health-wise, but have found I can ‘say’ things here and it’s a release of some sorts and have found it really helps?

    @bellyblast – Mentioned it last winter, I really envy the idea of cross country skiing, nearest we got was a few years ago in Norway, dog sledding and a snowmobile trip. The dog sledding was brilliant, the scenery fantastic, all the dogs wanted to do was run run and run again! But the snowmobile trip ….. wow.

    We were out for a nice long trip out from Alta, we were togged up and had a snowmobile apiece accompanied by a guide, we left the lodge travelling through the forest trails getting higher and higher. Once above the tree line we were on the Finnmark Plateau high up and crystal clear views for miles, just fabulous.
    When we reached a high point we stopped and turned the engines off, the total silence and the air so clean, just stunning, a trip of a lifetime!

    Well that’s me now going to look in the diary and some ‘photos later.

    Take care all

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