Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

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Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

This topic contains 431 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  BrightonBelle 4 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 151 through 200 (of 450 total)

  • Day 7 THIRD post, LOL!

    So many of you have mentioned a need to drink more water, sounding as if you feel drinking water is directly related to losing weight.

    Really? Or are you simply saying that by drinking more water it helps you eat less food?

    I’ve wondered this and always meant to ask and finally thought to put words to post.

    And now I’m going to go cozy up to the feathers; I’m beat!

    @northerndawn – There may well have been an administrative block on you. That has happened to me a couple times over the years. I never understood just why.

    Day 8 – NSW, AU – CFD

    What is it with weekends and EFS?? After a 13 hour fast I finished off the last 2 cinnamon scrolls for breakfast, something about them heated in the microwave so they’re nice and soft and gooey was perfect for a Sunday morning. A snack was a fruit bun before lunch of carrot sticks and the other half of the Eggplant Dip. Had a muesli bar for afternoon tea and a couple more fruit buns for an early dinner (before 4pm) and no content to fast til tomorrow and I’ll probably need it after this weekend.

    Day 8, Emden Germany, NFD

    Yesterday’s FD went well until I remembered we had ice cream in the freezer and I had to have it.

    @i-hate-lettuce We don’t have the starling murmuration here in town but saw it a few times as we visited my late MIL last year. Thank you for the link, you do live in a beautiful part of the world, not many can compete with that.

    @stitchincarol I’m glad to hear your DH also has been tested negative. I think most people don’t drink enough. I drink a lot in the morning but almost nothing over the rest of the day, I just forget it. For me, drinking to keep me from eating, doesn’t work. If I want to eat, I eat.

    @betsylee Definitely no house-cleaning for you, just read, it’s more important. I just found this on instagram: “Sometimes you just need to lay on the couch and read for a couple of years.” Perhaps that’s what we should do now and when we wake up, the world is normal again.

    @northerndawn I can’t imagine, you offended someone, you’re always nice and positive to us all. I got blocked out a while ago and asked the tech department, why I was blocked out. They didn’t know why and told me it sometime happens without any reason they know of and gave me access again.

    No lists for me today, breakfast in bed!

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 8 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    A bit of a gloomy morning this morning rather damp, managed some ‘bimbling’ time gardening yesterday as well as washing the cars, low mileage at the moment but still getting grimy! Left a shrub by the path for some judicious pruning sometime today so get some fresh air.

    Rather ironic isn’t it, for a number of years the medics have kept mentioning to me that I needed to ‘lose weight’ … now they’re starting to tell me not to lose any! I can see why, it’s just I love irony! I’ve worked my socks off over the last year or so to get to where I am now, not going upwards again. Although to be fair it would be a bit of a minor miracle if I did increase weight!

    Dull day, hmmmm need something to brighten up the day? Sort out ‘The Den’ brewery today move things around ….. then unpack my new very shiny stainless steel boiler and bits and pieces ready for when I can get back to brewing.

    I’m one for a drink or 2 but at the moment mouth and throat cannot take anything acidic and that includes beer, managed a glass last weekend but no more for the time being, think I’m now ‘dry’ until mid December. Still it will give the ‘stock’ in the storage cupboards time to condition in the bottles!

    Take care all

    Day 8. London. OMAD

    Hello. Just popped in to say hi. Still reading everything and my legs are mending… I now do an early morning ‘walk’ in my sitting room whilst watching The Repair Shop. How have I never seen this before!!!!! It’s just amazing. If you’re addicted like me you will understand, otherwise it sounds a bit dull, but I promise it isn’t. People bring in their broken stuff and the loveliest and most practical people fix them and give it back. It’s a real tear jerker, in the nicest possible way. Sorry, went off on one there.

    Day 8 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Sunday

    Paused for a moment in describing today’s eating…the simplest description just seemed “Sunday.” 🤣😂🤣 I’m always in such awe at those of you who plan and pull off a FD on a Sunday; somehow that’s simply not in my DNA.

    Woke up a half hour earlier than usual, and I’ve done my hair, gotten dressed, and am drinking my second cup of coffee before I head out the door to church. I always love to go over organ music long before anyone arrives for a worship service and I’ll have lots of time to “play” this morning before anyone arrives.

    @snowflake56 I smile every time you mention breakfast in bed on a Sunday; does DH do that for you? What a lovely treat for you, however it’s accomplished!

    @i-hate-lettuce I have all sorts of bushes that need pruning, but one in particular that that I have zero clue how to approach, so I’m envying what is clearly confidence on your part!

    @emma-taylor The Repair Shop, eh? I’ll bet I can’t get that here in the USA, but I’ll look on YouTube to see.

    Have a grand day, everyone!

    Day 8 Wisconsin USA OMAD

    Good morning! Happy to report that my eating was more controlled yesterday. I finished a successful OMAD by eating an evening meal, and stayed just under my TDEE. The beautiful weather allowed me to reach my walking goal and yoga and meditation were grand done in my backyard (in November! In Wisconsin!). Going to try for a similar plan today.

    One thing that really helped me stay on track – I went back to basics and drank plenty of water, coffee and tea. Amazed at how often I still forget to do that. Sometimes I think I’m hungry but when I have something to drink I realize I was thirsty instead. Anyway, that’s how it works for me. Also, the blanket I started knitting seems to be keeping my hands busy and away from snacks, lol.

    @northerndawn, hope your weather is still mirroring ours. This stretch of weather is like a little gift from the universe.
    @stitchincarol, you are one of the most supportive people ever, so glad you are feeling better now.
    @snowflake56, hope you enjoyed breakfast in bed, that sounds luxurious.
    @emma-taylor, the Repair Shop seems interesting, and I think I understand how it could be tearful if beloved items are fixed.

    Plan for Day 8:
    OMAD, avoiding sugar and processed foods
    Complete steps, yoga and my own SS Classic class

    Have a good day everyone.

    Day 8 Oxfordshire, UK NFD
    Wet and grey here today. So indoor jobs. Had a small leak whilst we were away so DH is fixing that while I clean up on the inside.
    @stitchincarol – re more water- in Fast800 book, Good Hydration, it says we need between 500ml to 1 litre extra fluid on fast days. This is because we miss out on water that would otherwise be in food we eat and also we lose water whilst burning fat. Therefore we drink more to make sure we don’t dehydrate.
    @markie99 – I also knit to keep away from snacks
    @EmmaTaylor – glad your recovery is going well.

    2nd post

    Inspired by @markie99, I’m knitting a scarf! The last time I did it must have been over 40 years ago. I wanted to make pompons but didn’t have the right wool to do it. I found pink and black acrylic to knit from my late MIL’s sewing table. It was in a basket haning under the table.

    @stitchincarol and @markie99 I love having breakfast in bed and my DH likes making it. This morning I had an omelette with bacon bits in it, filled with sliced button mushrooms. I’m so lucky to have him, not just for breakfast in bed.

    @emma-taylor We love The Repair Shop, it was on youtube a while ago, now you can only see a few minutes. They once had a ceramic bulldog I didn’t like at all but when it was repaired I absolutely loved it. I also remember a tattered blue teddy bear.

    Back to knitting again, it’s a pity I can’t knit and read at the same time so I’m listening to classical music now.

    Day 8 Canada NFD

    I went out for a walk last night after dinner and ended up with a large ice cream in my hand. Delicious but really didn’t need it and am feeling full today.

    The sun is shining so I’m off for a walk in the fall leaf covered paths. So pretty. Enjoy your Sunday!

    Day 8 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh in: 236 lbs. Can’t get my creative juices flowing right now, but will write more soon. Have a fantastic weekend! Going to get some fresh air.

    Day 8 Minnesota, USA NFD

    I meant to do a FD, but with the wonderfully warm weather we have had this past week and today, after the early cold and snow of a couple weeks ago, we spent the day scrambling (in a good way) to get a lot more outside work done. We even got some shed doors painted that we thought would have to wait until next spring. The only downside is that is was extremely windy.

    Then DH said, since this was the last day of his week off of work, that he would really love to order a pizza from his favorite place. Which we did. I have to say after about 8 months of not ordering it, it tasted wonderful!!

    So, no FD, and not even a CD. But we enjoyed it and sat outside as long as we could. It felt like the last day of summer/fall. I think it probably was. It was a nice way to end it!

    @stitchincarol, @snowflake56, @songbirdme…..I thank you for your kind words of support. I have no idea why I was blocked, but I’ll chalk it up to an administrative glitch.

    @northgeorgia I have put Christmas garland and lights along my staircases, and have some Christmas decorations throughout my home. It is mixed with Autumn and Thanksgiving decor, but it really doesn’t seem out of place, strangely enough. In reality, the seasons do overlap. Why not enjoy these things that give us solace and joy?!!

    @ suki2 I had forgotten that there is an actual scientific reason for drinking 2-3L of water on FDs….not just to fill you up but stay to hydrated! Thank you for the reminder!

    @markie99 I have more experience with crocheting, and my DD is amazing at it and makes blankets for everyone. I had a terrible injury to my Rt thumb years ago, and have struggled with crafts (not to mention work/nursing) But I wonder if Knitting would be easier. I never knew more than the basics, but maybe its time to watch youtube and figure that out. There are many studies that show: working with our hands engages the brain in so many ways, including de-stressing and being almost prayerful, certainly zen…….it seems a good thing to try, especially in these times. And when trying to keep our minds off of food.

    @i-hate-lettuce I so enjoyed the links to your area. It’s absolutely beautiful! Why did anyone even leave England? Many of my ancestors were from England, and I don’t think they were even convicts! LOL! Some probably were….Not the Atwoods, from Surry, though? Or the Mullins (sounds Irish? Possibly were…. but they were in Yorkshire, forever, since before 1600; from Hart and another small village close, and Sheffield). Well, hopefully in the future, while you and Mrs. IHL will want to travel abroad, my DH and I will travel to your great country to look up our ancestor’s heritage.

    @emma-taylor I hope you had a good day and a nice walk. Listen to your body. Push a bit. But listen to it.

    Hoping for a great next 3 weeks of November for us all!

    Day 9 – Japan – WFD

    My Friday water fast was fine and I’m now doing another one. I was going to post earlier but my computer started an update that went on and on.

    What a week it was for people in the US. However I’m more concerned about the horrific increases in covid-19 cases there. Even though it isn’t as bad in Japan, I have lots of family in the US.

    Day 9, Emden Germany, FD

    I have a busy day planned, DH is at work so I’ll do house-work first. After that I plan to take off the wallpaper in one of the outer music/library walls to put insulation on. A good day to try a good FD. I don’t have any soup left in the freezer but I have boiled eggs, yoghurt and a few sachets of consommé so I should be fine.

    Pocket list day 9
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC day 9

    DTF🚫🍸 day 9
    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December!

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 9 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Warm very mild morning outside this morning, but it’s brought fog, well it is November.

    Starting week 4 of treatment, head is still in the right place though, getting through quietly. Managing to hang onto some weight, only dropped a bit so far but actually generally still feeling strong. Think the animal instinct of my ‘Inner Menagerie’ and sheer bloody mindedness will keep me going!

    @stitchincarol – The art of pruning! I was shown years ago how to prune trees shrubs etc. I always say think of it as surgery a) cut out the bad or old wood b) cut out dense areas to let air circulate c) then lastly cosmetics, prune to shape. That is my general principle, it doesn’t work for everything, but certainly works for a lot. Just need to check on which time of year is best and needless to say some plants do not like pruning at all.

    Take care all.

    Day 9 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Badly needed FD today. Seriously losing the plot at the weekends 😨

    Going to do some reiki before I go to work to bolster myself for the day. Have a good day all.

    Day 9 – NSW, AU – MFD

    Started the day off pretty well, started to get those tummy rumbles around 9:30am so ended up chewing on some sugar free gum which essentially is ‘dirty fasting’, but it worked to stem it and made it til our usual work lunchtime of 1pm. Soup and a bread roll followed by a yogurt topped muesli bar. Dinner was a Cottage Pie and another muesli bar, but got in below my 800 calories which I’m proud of. And despite the weekend binge I’m still hovering at 96kg.

    Tomorrow… hopefully gym in the morning depending on how I sleep tonight.

    Day 9 UK FD

    I had a great plan ! Rather than get down about another lockdown I was determined to use the time wisely and get in shape – then the weekend happened and my good intentions went straight out the window- Good news is it’s Monday I can press that trusty reset button and there’s still 3 weeks left for me to turn it round

    Have a good week all Glad to hear the weathers on your side @i-hate-lettuce

    Glad to have you back @flourbaby – are you still in temporary accommodation?

    Pocket list day 9🚦
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC day 9

    DTF🚫🍸 day 9
    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December

    Day 9 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    @snowflake56 thank you for putting me on today’s list.

    I have been reasonably controlled over the weekend……except for a big serving of chocolate pudding with cream on Saturday evening 😳 pleased to report that I drank only a third of the amount of red wine that I normally have over the weekend so booze reduction going to plan so far.

    Feeling ready for a good FD today 🙂

    Day 9 – USA/GA – FD

    Oh thank goodness the FD is here. Yesterday was “Sabotage Sunday.” I try to avoid those, but for some reason, I couldn’t stop munching yesterday. Result: a lot of calories and unneeded salt and sugar created a 238 lb. weigh-in this morning. YIKES! Got to jump back on the wagon fast and get back to practical at-or-below TDEE NFDs! The culprit? Netflix grazing (with surely some EE involved after last week’s debacle). My Netflix cancellation takes effect in ten days, so I’m trying to binge watch any of the shows that are of interest to me. Unfortunately, that can lead to snacking without real hunger if I’m not careful, and that’s what happened.


    After some discussion, we pull up to a place called, “Harold’s,” a kind of American-style restaurant with dine-in only service. As it is a Saturday night, the parking lot is full, but the cars are starting to leave. I look at the console and see the clock reads a quarter past eight. We hop out of the car and walk to the front door. A smiling hostess greets us as we enter the restaurant, “Welcome to Harold’s! How many in your party?” “Three,” Lola responds. The hostess grabs three laminated menus from behind the counter and asks us to follow her to a table near a window. “Your server will be right with you,” she says as we take our seats. The place is much larger than I imagine, about twice as big as a standard chain restaurant, and although it’s getting late for dinner, they certainly have a good business here. A man in his early 20s approaches our table. “My name is Matt, and I’ll be serving you today. May I get you something to drink?” Wesley orders a soft drink and Lola requests a beer. I remember that I’m driving and I want to sleep well later this evening, so I should consider a lighter meal this evening. “Just water with lemon for me, please,” I say. “Thank you. Please look over the menus, and I’ll be back to take your order in just a minute!” The restaurant has unusual light-stained wood paneling with framed photos of the Overlook and historical scenes of Triplicity hanging on the walls. We can’t see much of a view this evening other than the main street of town, but the moon has broken through the rain clouds, and we can just make out the top of the hills on the horizon. Over the low murmur of dozens of conversations around us, Wesley says, “I really need this break. I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s visit to the park to get some fresh air.” Matt returns with our drinks and we choose some items from the menu. He thanks us and takes our menus. As he walks away, Lola picks up her beer and says, “A toast, everyone! Here’s to the weekend at the Overlook!” Wesley and I raise our glasses. “The Overlook,” Wesley says. “The weekend,” I say, as we chink our glasses together.


    Here’s hoping everyone has a successful week ahead! Best wishes to all of us on the pocket lists today.

    Pocket list day 9🚦
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC day 9

    DTF🚫🍸 day 9
    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December

    Day 9 Oxfordshire, UK FD Another week and another grey day here.
    Have now weighed myself and although I did do some damage over the last two months it’s not too bad.
    For accountability:
    Weigh in 60.5kg, up by 1kg (133.4lbs up by 2.2Lbs) from start of September. However, I’m now 2.5kg (%.5Lbs) away from my maintenance weight.

    Therefore, for the rest of November my goals will be:
    • 2 FDs (600cals), 3 CDs (1100) & 2 NFDs (max 1500cals) per week
    • Ensure I drink at least 2.5L water
    • Track my calories (nearly forgot that one)
    • This week 4 x yoga only (still got 7 days of quarantine left)
    • Future weeks back to dog walking and hopefully running, alongside the yoga
    • Weigh in weekly on a Monday which fits nicely with last day of November too.

    Pocket list day 9🚦
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC day 9

    DTF🚫🍸 day 9
    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December
    Have a good day everyone

    USA. Day 9 FD500

    Dropping in to add myself to the pocket list.

    Day 9 Pocket List

    @dykask WFD

    ZBC day 9

    DTF🚫🍸 day 9
    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December

    Have a great day, all!

    Day 9 Wisconsin USA OMAD

    Good morning everyone. OMAD is working for me right now, so I’m continuing. I must sound like a broken record, but I can hardly believe that our temperature will be 73℉ again today. In honor of that, I’ve increased my step goal to 12,000. Will see if I can keep that up.
    My knitted blanket is growing and possibly keeping me away from snacks.

    Plan for Day 9:
    OMAD, avoiding sugar and processed foods
    Steps, yoga, balance class

    @suki2, happy to meet another knitter. And @snowflake56, I like the idea of a pink and black scarf. A scarf is my next project and I’m thinking of using two colors. I’m not a very skilled knitter and specialize in simple rectangles, often using basketweave, which looks a little fancy but is not hard to do.
    @bellyblast, with the return of warm weather, ice cream has been on my mind but so far I haven’t succumbed.
    @northerndawn, sorry to hear about your injury. Challenging in any field, but must have been so difficult in nursing. I hope you give knitting a try. You’re right, it can be incredibly relaxing. There is so much instruction on YouTube. Look around and watch several different knitters and you will find one that explains it best to you.
    I-hate-lettuce, hang on to your bloody mindedness. We are rooting for you. I know it probably doesn’t help, but you are often part of the intention I set for my daily yoga.
    @daffodil2010, good luck today, we have your back.
    @toady, whatever works!!
    @brightonbelle, I love resets and use them often.
    @northgeorgia, good luck getting back on the wagon – you can do it.

    Day 9 Pocket List:

    @dykask WFD

    ZBC day 9

    DTF day 9
    @at until December

    Good wishes to everyone today!

    Day 9 Minnesota, USA FD

    Quick post to get on the lists. @markie99 Our weather will turn cooler in a few hours, when a cold front moves through with rain and wind. Snow tomorrow. Enjoy the warmth while you have it!

    Day 9 Pocket List:

    @dykask WFD

    ZBC day 9

    DTF day 9
    @at until December

    Good luck, everyone!

    Day 9 Canada NFD

    Having an easy eating day today and a FD tomorrow. I love the change of seasons, still warmth in the day but it won’t last long. I’m so impressed but anyone who can sew or knit, I certainly can mangle those crafts.

    @suki2 great plan. I’ll join you on weigh in day 💪
    Good stuff @missybear I’m not great at controlling my wine consumption 🍷
    @brightonbelle lots of us need to stick together as lockdowns are put in place. Together we are stronger
    @dykask praying your family in the US are okay. The rise in cases is such a concern
    @northerndawn the pizza sounds perfect

    Lots of water to be drunk today, definitely been dehydrated lately. Take care

    Day 9 – UK – FD
    Day 6-7 – NFDs
    Day 5 – TDEE and Broga class and 9.6km walk

    Last post was on Day 5 which was meant to be a CD but ended up around 200cals below TDEE!

    I then fell off my Dry till December wagon but at least stayed DTF so perhaps that is the way forward for November and the weekend was definitely NFDs so pressing my RESET button today!

    Did a great 15km hike up Nab Scar to Alcock Tarn with a friend on Saturday – such a beautiful sunny and warm autumn day and best of all we had the tarn to ourselves to enjoy the scenery whilst having a socially distanced cup of tea and some banana bread – back down towards Grasmere and home via the Coffin Route (@kazoo and @i-hate-lettuce you probably know this route?) We both felt so grateful to have our health and friendship and to be able to enjoy such a perfect day together 🤗

    Started today with 7am Broga class followed by a 15+km hike late morning – so peaceful and quiet!

    @markie99 – hope your DH is recovering well from his recent cataract surgery
    @northgeorgia – I felt for you about your missing attachment……but well done on your continuing downward weight trend!!!
    @flourbaby – great to see you back on the challenge
    @i hate lettuce – good to hear that you felt better over the weekend and 🤞for your 4th week!
    @songbirdme – well done on continuing with your 8 weekly blood donation – I’m sure the blood bank there is very grateful to you 🤗
    @emma-taylor – glad the op went OK – hopefully the bandages are now off and you can wear those delightful pressure stockings instead!!
    @stitchincarol – good news re you DH Covid test – For me drinking plenty of water helps to reduce the appetite and ensures that I’m are well hydrated
    @northerndawn – 🤗 I think it was just a glitch in the system – I doubt that you offended anyone or were blocked intentionally 🤗
    @snowflake56 – thank you for adding me to the various pocket lists – however I need to change Dry till Dec to DTF I think 🤣
    @daffodil2010 – I was with you re “Seriously losing the plot at the weekends 😨” this last one!

    Day 9 Pocket List:

    @dykask WFD

    ZBC day 9

    Exercise day 9

    DTF day 9

    Today’s walk made me think of this – “It looked like the world was covered in a cobbler crust of brown sugar and cinnamon.” Sarah Addison Allen

    Day 9 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD

    Woke up to gloomy skies that are now dropping rain. So much for thoughts of doing a little yard work this morning while the temps are still in the 60s; a cold front is coming sometime this afternoon. We used nature’s leaf blower yesterday: the 50mph winds blew away many of the leaves that had dropped since we did the big yard clean up a week ago, LOL! DH and I are both thinking we’re ready to go downstairs and tackle the basement mess. That will entail getting rid of a lot of “treasures” that simply aren’t, but it’ll still be hard to let go. When we truly pull it off, however, what a joy to have so much less STUFF down there!

    @northerndawn I smiled at your description of your day yesterday; our weather this past week here in the midwest has been truly glorious, hasn’t it? DH and I haven’t had pizza delivered in fourteen years, however, the number of years we’ve lived here: no one delivers to our little village so when we want pizza, we either have to go out, get it and take it home (and have it be really cooled off by then), or get the kind we bake ourselves. Someday, I want delivery pizza again, LOL! OH! And if you truly do learn to knit, know that you can either do it holding the yarn in your LH (as you do when you crochet) or in your RH (which is often called “throwing it”); holding it in your LH is not only a faster way to knit, but it’s less for your fingers to learn since you’ve had experience crocheting. Eventually, if you really get into knitting, you can learn to knit both ways, and do color work by holding one color in one hand and the other color in the other hand; a VERY handy skill, indeed! Too bad you’re not closer to me; I’d have you over and have you knitting in an hour or less!

    @i-hate-lettuce I love your description of the basic of pruning; I’ll have to go outside and stand and contemplate the particular bush that has me frustrated with its shape. If all else fails, I know someone in our congregation who could perhaps be bribed with a loaf of homemade bread to come give me some tips. 😎

    Day 9 Pocket List:
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC day 9

    DTF day 9
    @at until December

    Exercise 30×5

    May this be a day where little food and an empty stomach is EXACTLY what appeals to every one of us (all except for @i-hate-lettuce, for whom I wish mouth and throat tolerance for the food Mrs IHL comes up with for him!) Little food…empty stomachs …ahh, but that’s the life, right??

    At any rate, so I’ll be telling myself all day! 👍

    Day 9 USA (Illinois) OMAD

    Quick stop in to say hey — had a good Silver Sneakers this morning, so I’m going to wait to eat one meal at suppertime.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 10, FD, Aus

    I treated myself to a day off work yesterday so my usual Monday FD has slipped right.

    I love the mental image of wool mice!

    Day 10 – Japan – NFD

    Water fast went well. I’m trying to curb my eating today a bit. I’ve been eating 2500 to 3000 calories worth of food on NFDs, trying to cut back to 2000 to 2500 range. That shouldn’t be too hard. More about not gaining vs losing. It is just my eating has been slowly increasing.

    @bellyblast thank you for your concern. Yes things are bad in the US right now and not likely to improve too quickly. So far my family there has been okay, but I have a large family so it is only a matter of time.

    These days I’m just feeling more and more grief for the people suffering. Not sure if that is just a part of getting older or what. It is only a small part of my life but I think about it. Similar to the weight crisis the world has too. Partly it is our own fault, but it is also the fault of governments promoting poor diets for decades. At least in the US, there is too much profit from selling people junk food and health care to deal with the impacts of that.

    @dykask – I could not agree with you more. One main pre-disposition to COVID19 complications is being overweight. Diabetes too. We tried so hard in schools to teach children proper nutrition, but we knew they relied far too much on junk food for their meals. I taught mostly 5-8 graders (ages 11-14) who we thought we could still change their ways. Far too many Americans just don’t want to eat healthy, and neither do their children.

    Day 10, Melb Aust CD

    Haven’t tried for a FD yet this week – still hanging out waiting to hear when the last bits of the plumbing will be finished, so I can relax and think :that’s a good job done!”.

    @snowflake56, would love to spend 2 years on the couch just reading ( 🙂 ), but alack, who would feed me, or the ruler of the house, my ginger cat Wilbur?

    @i hate lettuce, with all your activities, it seems the treatment isn’t slowing you down all that much (except for your MOAM walks). You’re doing so well!

    @northerndawn, I think we all get blocked out at one time or another. I’d read of it happening to others and thought “oh, that hasn’t happened to me”, and then it did. It seems to be an occasional blip in the system, nothing to do with any of us posting inappropriately, so rest easy.

    @toady, your writing of cinnamon scrolls reminded me that I’ve a few donuts frozen awaiting a NFD for me to eat them – and now their siren call is wafting in my direction! Not sure if I’ve the strength to resist. We won’t say anything about WHY they’re in the freezer to begin with, but as I’m the only one in the house who buys food …… oops!

    @emma Taylor, great that your legs are healing well.

    @stitchincarol, agree with you re Sundays – haven’t pulled off a single FD on a Sunday since I started this WOL 2 years ago.
    By the way, one reason drinking more is encouraged seems to be to encourage fat cells that the body isn’t dehydrated so the cells let go of their liquid and deflate more quickly (that’s my simplistic description of what I’ve gathered from others – those more knowledgeable, please correct me or add your wisdom).
    Also, as @markie99 wrote, our bodies often signal that we’re hungry, when really we need more fluids, and @suki2, that we don’t receive the liquid from foods when we’re fasting so have to up the fluid intake.

    @dykask, I’m with you re being concerned about the Covid-19 crisis in the States, having family in Arizona. They’re all trying to be very careful, but I’m still concerned about them. Also, as @songbirdme wrote, obesity and diabetes are 2 of the pre-disposing factors to more severe Covid-19. When will we ever learn? The obesity rate in Australia is also one of the highest in the world.

    Well, at least we’re all trying to buck the trend – onward and downwards, everyone!

    Day 10 – NSW, AU – MFD

    Another day under 800 calories (including a couple of treats!)

    Ended up going to the gym this morning, only half an hour-ish but better than nothing considering I didn’t get to sleep til almost 2 hours later than my usual time. Managed to fast again til lunch (with some Extra sugar-free gum around 9:30am again), that was my serving of soup, a bread roll and the last packet of Belvita Mini’s. Dinner was a Thai Green Chicken Curry and had enough left for a choc chip muesli bar before starting my fast period again.

    Day 10 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Trundling along steadily I think is the best way I can describe things at the moment!
    I’m taking it steady to be honest and it seems to be working out OK so far!

    Going to be a ‘busy’ few days this week, but so far so good.

    Take care all

    Day 10 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Day 10 already? So my FD yesterday got derailed at the end of the evening by a cold glass of creamy Guinness as we had to celebrate a new ECU in our camper van and now she can do up to 110kph! Previously she was limited to 80kph, so on Irish country roads that’s not a problem, but we were the slowest vehicle on French and Spanish motorways 😀

    The shame of being overtaken by a fully laden milk truck 😆

    Anyway, not going to fret as life is life and moments need to be marked. I still feel so well in myself, really content and happy, no sign of my menopause anxiety, hot flushes, restlessness, sleepless nights, I could go on….is it the grounding and/or the red clover and hops supplement I am taking?

    Dunno, but it’s working.

    Yet my weight is a factor that needs to be dealt with. Going to have to get serious about this. I am 3 years on this WOL and I am on an upward trajectory.

    I love all the knitting talk! Seriously thinking of getting the needles out again,it’s been 10 years since I knit little cardigans for my baby nieces and nephews. I remember I knit myself a black mohair polo neck back in the late 80’s (mohair was all the rage 😀) and I loved that jumper 👍

    Have a great Tuesday everyone.

    Day 10 Oxfordshire, UK CD
    Hi all
    Managed my water goal yesterday. Calories came in around 650.
    Spent the evening knitting – a little jacket for my great niece.
    CD today so aiming for a light lunch before some salmon for dinner. Might try to get out in the garden this afternoon, still some weeding to do there and some Michaelmas daisy to move.

    Day 10 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in: 236 lbs. My weight has swung wildly in the past 7 days, from a 233 lb. low last Thursday to a 238 lb. high yesterday, both anomalies on my slow trend downward. I’m optimistic at a mid-230s range with the 233 lb. record low, that another drop into the lower 230s should happen soon and then stabilize by month’s end (232 lb. target for November).

    More Wesley and Lola tomorrow…

    Good luck to everyone today!

    Day 10, London, UK, NFD,

    Did I fool y’all with my Day 5 teaser?? I AM Sooooooooooo missing you guys!!!! The die is cast & it’s time to surgically remove the finger😀!!!!

    I’m glad to see the ZBC is still up & running, when I introduced it in Auspicious August I thought it was a win-win for me since I never have breakfast (Like having a breathing club😂)!!! Roll on November & there HAVE been regular fry-ups, omelettes, & porridge pre 2pm which is the time I used to break my fast…………………….. I’ve got to get a grip!!!! So………………………………
    As of today, I’m getting back on track; planning, planning, planning, I’ve completed my November menu, locked the vino filled garage (which is now, a 10 min drive away!) & pledged to NOT enter until December and most, most, most importantly ……………………………. Logged in here!!!! Broadband connection is proving…………………….. ‘problematic’, yes, that would be the polite phrase, so my posting may be sporadic, but if y’all try hard enough you can send your mojo & positive thoughts my way; I’m BOUND to feel it & join you in spirit …………………….. Can you feel me???!!

    The roof repairs won’t be complete until mid-January (Yes ……………………. I do live in Buckingham Palace!!) Anyway, moved out to a huge flat with Victorian architecture to die for, original features, super high ceilings, views over the South for miles (Crystal Palace provides the best views!), I’m planning to buy a house next Spring, so I’m getting ideas on what I want, having lived in a super modern flat for 20+ years!!!

    @northerndawn, it’s a regular occurrence, just to check that you aren’t a robot, no report necessary, sometimes you just randomly get blocked, swear & curse at technology then JJ lets you back in!!!! No doubt, He/she is reading this and laughing his/her a*se off!!!!

    @i-hate-lettuce, bimble on my friend, bimble on!!!!

    @emma-taylor, go steady on those fabulous new pins!!!! Just an aside, if Will were 20, years older……………………………????? What a lovely man and so good with manipulating wood!!!! NO, NO NO……………………. I mean timber!!!!

    @brightonbelle & @daffodil2010, we’ve walked the same path for years!!! I’m back on it beside you, holding your hand whether I post or not ……………………………… You know there’s no alternative unless you want to alienate yourself from everyone dear to you (lockdown does that without our added effort!!!) We’ve got this, seriously, WE’VE GOT THIS!!!!!

    I’ll try to be present and posting, but you know how it is, bloomin’ technology!!!!

    Stay strong everyone, we can ………………………………………………………. & we will!!!!

    “It’s going to be hard, but hard is not impossible.” Chuck Palahniuk

    Day 10 Wisconsin USA OMAD

    Good morning everyone. Quick check in today for accountability. Met plan yesterday, so I’m continuing OMAD and increased steps.

    Plan for Day 10:
    OMAD, avoiding sugar and processed foods
    Steps, yoga, online aerobic class

    @northgeorgia, going in the right direction, good for you!

    Warm wishes to everyone for a successful day.

    Day 10 London OMAD

    Thanks for the kind wishes. One leg is now encased in the worlds most revolting elastic stocking, and the other is a very tight sticky bandage which I will attempt to soak off in the shower on Thursday. Should be fun. I’m making some Eve trousers today ( Merchant and Mills pattern – don’t look them up, they are addictive), even though I don’t really wear trousers. I think my right leg will be very battered and bruised for a while. OMAD still going well, and had a dry week, which always lifts my spirits ( is that the right term?). DH has somehow,without any effort whatsoever, managed to lose his fat tummy. How did he do that? Very annoying.
    Hope everybody has a happy Tuesday. X

    @flourbaby – I just read your post. I know what you mean about Will…say no more. I met my great sewing friends when I did a course at West Dean college, which is next door to the place they film The Repair Shop. Near to Chichester. Lovely part of the world. But of course, I’m only watching to see how they repair stuff….

    Day 10 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Fast5,aiming for 800

    Yesterday’s FD went well and I’m still up, so last week’s EE netted a one or a one-and-a-half-pound gain, sad to say. Oh well, I’m back in control now, so that extra weight will be quickly back off.

    @toady You’re doing so well, sticking to 800 calories, or nearly! I’m always a bit slack-jawed at all the treats you eat, because I certainly wouldn’t be able to stop with just one, for example, muesli bar, but it’s working for you, so you deserve huge kudos of praise!

    @flourbaby Soooo lovely to hear from you, and what a delightful flat you described! I would love that too!!

    @emma-taylor Your DH sounds as irritating as my own, LOL! I’ve worked our entire married life to ensure I weigh less than he. Well, no, I used to work to ensure I weighed at least ten pounds less than he…sigh…those were the days! He’s gained about ten pounds since then, however, so I’m finally weighing less than he is! Those lucky-duck husbands with far higher calorie burns than we!

    @northerndawn So have you decided to learn to knit?

    We didn’t accomplish a miracle in our basement tidying yesterday, but it’s certainly vastly improved. Today, I’m taking all my summer clothes/shoes out of my closet and putting in all the sweaters; it’s time to acknowledge I won’t be needing any capris or sandals for awhile!

    I think my Saturday piano lesson in Omaha is moving more or less permanently to today or Wednesday; that will make the errands I run far faster since there won’t be so many others out as there are on a Saturday. But until I know if I’m going in to Omaha (about a 40 minute drive), I’m kind of in limbo as to how to plan my day…oh well!

    Embrace the empty belly, everyone!

    Day 10 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Good FD yesterday – going to the dentist shortly for my first new bridge appointment. Hope I can eat some lunch when I get home to break my fast. Or I will make a protein shake from powder I got to use after my last tooth extraction.

    Hope to catch up on posts later on.

    Onward and downward.

    USA. Day 10 WFD

    I unfortunately have gained a few pounds, so today is my first water fast in quite awhile. Hope everyone is doing well!

    Day 10 North Canton OH OMAD

    checking in for accountability and slowly getting through my to do list. Friday will be here soon and the Joy will begin

    Day 10 Minnesota, USA CD

    @stitchincarol Yes, when I have some time, I intend to watch YouTube videos on knitting….I have plenty of knitting needles I’ve inherited from my mother and mother-in-law, so now I just need some yarn and time. Since you mentioned cleaning out closets and reorganizing for the winter season, I’m feeling inspired to do the same today….. while it’s snowing and blowing. We are in a Winter Storm Warning now. 😢 Getting pizza delivered is something I guess we take for granted! We should be more grateful for small pleasures!

    @flourbaby and @emma-taylor I had to look up “The Repair Shop”. We can get the first 2 seasons on Netflix, so I’m looking forward to something uplifting, something not about politics, of which I’m so very weary.

    @dykask Best wishes to your family in the US, as well as to @betsylee and her family in Arizona. We have a big announcement/update from Governor at 2 pm. I think the governors will soon have to mandate masks in more states. It’ll be interesting if there will be compliance now, because of heated political views.
    It’s very scary when there are no beds left for anyone, and not enough staff to work because they are sick or quarantined. Also, very scary when a state such as Utah talks about choosing who gets care based on their age and health. I guess a lot of people still don’t understand the logistics of health care these days. Because of the profit and efficiency models in healthcare, there are so many fewer beds than just 30 years ago. People just don’t realize until they or their family members need a bed, and there isn’t one.

    Thanks to everyone for your reassurances regarding my recent block from the site. It’s good to know it happens to a lot of people occasionally. I’m glad the administrator does what he/she does to keep the site secure!

    Stay determined! We will get there, in time.

    Day 10 Canada FD

    Feeling heavy today so it’s time for a FD 🙏

    A blanket of snow on the ground the seasons have changed and it’s so beautiful. @snowflake56 I agree, I going to spend the ❄️ reading and playing in the snow hoping when I’m done the world is back to normal.

    Day 11, Remembrance Day, Aus

    Can’t work out if today will be a normal day, FD or OMAD. Yesterday’s planned FD didn’t.

    I can feel myself leaning towards abandoning 2020 and waiting until the new year’s resolutions kick in to get properly back on the wagon. But having now posted that, I’ll be bound to commit to sticking with it!

    USA. Day 10. WFD

    WFD was a success. Tomorrow I won’t eat until noon, as I plan an OMAD. It is my wish to get rid of the weight gain asap! 🙂

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