Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

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Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

This topic contains 431 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  BrightonBelle 4 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 101 through 150 (of 450 total)

  • Day 5 UK FD

    Morning – very quiet here today ? I suppose lockdowns and elections aren’t helping

    Have a good Thursday all x

    Day 5 UK NFD
    Very long stressful and emotional day yesterday. Constrained eating until confronted with a curry takeaway late last night. My hunger was quenched after half a plateful but my emotional hunger said finish it! Oh well today is another day, prepping for FD’s with soup making today.
    Have a good day all

    Day 5. Plot night, as we called it in Yorkshire. After the Gunpowder Plot, I suppose.
    The other part of that simple not drinking equation is that when I drink alcohol, I don’t sleep, and when I don’t, I sleep like a log. Hence two nights of brilliant sleep. Hurrah. OMAD still going ok. I occasionally have cream in my coffee at weekends, during the day, but otherwise I’ve got into the one meal a day habit and it seems to be sticking. Got to fast before my op tomorrow. If only they knew how easy that will be…

    Day 5 – UK – CD

    Thinking of all our American friends during this tense election time – praying that you all keep safe and healthy 🙏

    Day 3 was a FD800 and Day 4 was a CD – with a minimum of 1hr daily exercise, some days over 3hrs. Yesterday was such a beautiful sunny autumn day – I started the day with a energising yoga class followed by a 2hr hike making the most of the lovely sunshine 😎

    Today’s Broga class worked lower and upper body 💪 I then had to take the car to our local garage to check out a tyre problem – back home and FaceTimed with my DS in Melbourne – she’s just coming out of lockdown whilst we go back in – amazing how the different countries have handled this epidemic!! Good to hear that they are all keeping healthy and my niece who is expecting her first baby at the end of December is now blooming after an early pregnancy full of morning sickness 🤗 Going to be an Aunty Great Aunt for the first time!!

    So after an indulgent Day (thank you all for the wonderful wishes for our 40th wedding anniversary) 1 I have managed to stay controlled in my food intake and alcohol free….early days but plan is still to remain alcohol free to the end of the month!!

    Baked Millie Taylors BBBB yesterday and a batch of scones this morning – going to take a slice of that and a fresh scone to an elderly lady I keep an eye on and try to visit regularly to have an outside chat with as she is on her own and has been keeping isolated as she is a high risk with multiple health problems – she is mentally very strong and has managed to keep herself motivated and always appreciates a visit and a cake for her afternoon tea!!

    Glad to report that our roof problem has been dealt with, the chaps have been working on it for the last 2 days and should finish it off today or tomorrow

    @northerndawn – I hadn’t realised that you and @brightonbelle, were also “original” members of @coda‘s first monthly challenge in May of 2016 alongside @songbirdme 👏
    @suki2 – great to have you back after your French sojourn
    @snowflake56 – hope your friend who had go to hospital unexpectedly is doing OK – I have to agree with your ““I love a clean house, but simply have no interest in achieving one” I HATE housework!!!
    @northgeorgia – 236lbs – go you!!!
    @emma-taylor – will be thinking of you tomorrow – swift recovery from your surgery
    @i-hate-lettuce – sorry to hear that you had a rough few days – nearly the end of your 3rd week – stay strong and positive 🙏

    Pocket list day 5

    ZBC day 5

    Exercise day 5

    DTF🚫🍸 day 5
    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December!

    Right I’m off to get organised for a walk – cloudy day but dry – will miss that lovely sunshine we had yesterday!!

    “Some days you just have to create your own sunshine”

    Day 5 Wisconsin USA OMAD

    Wow, day 5 already. I think I completely missed posting on day 4. It’s been and continues to be a busy week. Our weather is beautiful and amazingly warm. (Yes, 70℉ and sunny again today in WI!). My DH had cataract surgery yesterday and is doing well, although he’s distraught about missing golf during this great weather.

    I’ve started walking very early in the morning, taking advantage of the light we now have at 6am since DST ended.

    Have had an odd food week – not very hungry, not very interested in cooking, and it has been easy to eat just below my TDEE.

    Still haven’t caught up with posts but hope to do that later today.

    Plan for Day 5
    Eat below TDEE, avoid sugar and processed foods
    Continue steps, yoga and include a brief meditation session today

    Pocket list day 5

    ZBC day 5

    Exercise day 5

    DTF🚫🍸 day 5
    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December!

    Thank you all for being here. This forum is a haven at times. Good day and good luck to everyone, no matter which path you are taking to health and fitness.

    Day 5 – USA/GA – NFD

    I’m having a bad week at work. I discovered I forgot to attach a document for our funding renewal and as it’s a couple of days past the deadline, it cannot be accepted. I’m hoping it will only ding us a point or two, and is fixable next spring, but now I have a heavy cloud hanging over my head for months. Trying to tell myself that worry will be of no help at this point. Lesson learned to check 50 times and check 50 more (the cover page of said spreadsheet made it appear to be complete, but the tabs were blank).

    The cloud took away from what should be emotional excitement today. The whoosh continued. Today, I weighed in at 233 lbs. This is a major milestone. There are no more records to break! The record low since I started tracking my weight loss 4 1/2 years ago was 233 lbs. on 12/18/2016. Today and that day are the only two days I have weighed 233 lbs. on that record, too. Anything lower is going to be “uncharted” territory (literally). I don’t think it’s hit me yet. I know there will likely be a bounce back to the mid 230s (I blazed right past them), but this is incredible. Thank you all, for your support on this forum. I really am on my way.


    Just as we pull into the parking lot of the Value Lodge, the sound of thunder cracks all around us. We had been such a good mood, we had not noticed that the skies above us had darkened with heavy clouds. It’s a good thing we found shelter! Wesley runs into the hotel lobby. “Good thing we didn’t head to the park right away,” Lola says. “Yeah, it would have been a mess with all that mud.” “Good evening for a nice meal. Where will we go?” “Well, hopefully not Burger World,” I say. Lola gives a polite chuckle. “I wouldn’t care where we go, honestly. Nice to be off the road and relaxing.” In a few moments, Wesley reappears. “Let’s unload the bags and you can go park the car,” he says. “I booked us a suite for the night!” “Seriously? Can we afford that,” I ask. Wesley laughs. “This is a no-name motel. Yes, we can afford it, and it’s surprisingly very well-kept!”


    Good luck to everyone on the pocket lists today!

    Day 5 UK

    Damp misty and cold here, quite a shock to the system.

    Small loss today which is pleasing. My usual few ounces at a time. Walked into town today to collect prescription. What a change. The last 3 days have been like Christmas come early with crowds and queues everywhere and now today it is like a ghost town. That’s lockdown for you.

    @northgeorgia …what fantastic news re weight loss. You must be absolutely chuffed. Well done.


    Day 5 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD

    It’s a FD but I’m not sure I’ll pull off the limited calories. I bought a frozen turkey and the only way to fit it in my way-too-full freezer was to pull out the Dutch oven with our leftover braised short ribs. That was clearly a stupid way to put them in the freezer, but I was rushed for time. So tonight we’re having leftover braised short ribs. I think the calories are way too high to qualify for a FD, but perhaps weighing them will give me a more encouraging answer.

    Had a lovely time meeting up with DS29 yesterday; he’s in college in Lincoln getting his undergraduate degree and surprised me by having time to visit, so we found a coffee shop with sidewalk seating and enjoyed the amazing warmth (80F/27C degrees!) and beautiful sunshine while I drank an iced tea with no calories, so I didn’t even have to break my fast early.

    @bellyblast I too rolled up my sleeves to clean yesterday, and accomplished it by finding a woman who will come clean for me! 🤣😂🤣 I pointed out to DH that cleaning the house always costs money: either to pay someone else to do it or to pay for the food because we’re hosting a dinner party and I’m finally cleaning myself. Isn’t that lovely logic??? 😜 The dear man just shook his head in wonder at my logic.

    @emma-taylor I have the same thing about not sleeping well if I’ve had a couple glasses of wine; that’s slowly having an influence on whether or not I have wine. I had to laugh at your comment about how easy fasting will be before your surgery: I had an afternoon doctor’s appointment a couple weeks ago and said, “Oh, and while we’re at it, let’s do a cholesterol test,” and it wasn’t a problem to do without planning ahead or making sure it was a morning appointment, LOL! There are definite advantages to OMAD, huh?

    Oh, @northgeorgia, I’m heart-broken for you and thrilled to pieces for you all at the same time! Such a huge irritating frustration on the missing attachment and such a huge beyond-believing thrill for you on the big whoosh!! Deep breaths, deep breaths…you’ll eventually move past the stress, and what a joy to have new and uncharted territory to move into!

    @annabelle48 So good to hear from you and congratulations on your couple ounces loss!

    @i-hate-lettuce Continuing to hold you up in my thoughts as you power through this challenging week. Or perhaps you’re limping through? Regardless how you accomplish it, the time will pass and you’ll begin to feel better, and hopefully that lump is gone, gone, gone.

    Well, I need to get walking with Leslie because I’d like to be at church at nine to do my secretary thing; then I have lots of tidying to do before piano lessons begin at three o’clock. Busy day, but all fun stuff as I adore teaching piano.

    Have a grand day, everyone!

    Day 5 Oxfordshire, UK NFD
    Fruitful morning spent in the garden, tidying up. Glad its relatively mild, although my toes went numb for a short while.
    Quick bite to eat then some ironing. Before yoga, soak in the bath and book club.

    USA. Day 5. FD500

    Pocket list day 5

    ZBC day 5

    Exercise day 5

    DTF🚫🍸 day 5
    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December!

    Day 5 Canada NFD

    Another rainy grey day. Soup on the menu for lunch seems like an excellent idea and off to have dinner with a friend. Didn’t get all the cleaning done yesterday, don’t want to mislead you to think this is a full time gig for me. The last 6 months were so busy with work, and there was so much cleaning done there due to COVID, my home has been really neglected. Wiping away the grime is strangely satisfying! @stitchincarol that is the best logic I have heard, will put it in my pocket for later use.

    Day 5 Minnesota, US CD
    Day 4 NFD
    Day 3 NFD

    Beautiful weather here until next week when it becomes cold again, and probably for the next 5 months. We will be having some patio time with DD and her family. My DH has taken this week off work to travel to our farm earlier in the week and take care of things there for the winter. Now home and we are working on winterizing around here as well.

    @emma-taylor Good luck with your surgery tomorrow. Soon it’ll be done and you’ll be happy to have it behind you.
    @podgepodge I hope you have a much better day today!
    @markie99 This weather is incredible, isn’t it? A little gift to help us through the long winter to come. I’m glad to hear your DH is doing well. I’m sure he’ll enjoy the new brightness and more vivid colors he will see now!
    @i-hate-lettuce I hope you are hanging in there, and as everyone has said….it’s half way too the end of this cycle, and we are all sending you hugs and support.
    @northgeorgia Great on the weight loss and the milestone of 233! Try to focus on that and forget about the document… it’s beyond your control now, but you know next time to check again and so you’ve learned from it. Forgive yourself. Now, move on.
    @snowflake56 I love your “excuse” for not always having a clean house! I’m sure I have many, many books around……and not to mention hundreds on my kindle! I use to be quite a clean-freak, a regular Martha Stewart, but I have let that go in the last 6-8 years, and now with Covid and no visitors, it’s really hard to motivate myself to care very much at all.
    @daffodil2010 I’m glad you had such a lovely visit with your friend. It’s really a very generous gift of your time.

    Planning a FD tomorrow. Have a good day everyone!

    Day 5, London UK, FD

    Well ……………………………………………. I’m back!!!! @basyjames, thanks for keeping things going so that there’s a safe haven for me to return to!!!

    After about a month away, I’m back to challenge myself with getting back in the fasting groove, I haven’t been fasting, but I have been a bit more mindful and it helps that I was on this new diet, the “Appetite suppressing moving home stress diet” teamed with the “Lifting, carrying & lugging a lifetimes worth of ‘stuff’ up and down numerous flights of stairs exercise routine” …………….. catchy titles; I know!!!!

    I haven’t caught up with October posts let alone November, so forgive me if I stick my foot in it or appear a little bit lost, a LOT can happen in a month!! Today WILL be a FD and for the moment, that’s about all I’ll manage to contribute.

    Keep the faith folks & Happy fasting!!!!

    Day 5 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Sunshine and near 70′ (22C.) day today! Thursdays are laundry day, and oh so happy to hang sheets on the clothesline today.

    @flourbaby – wonderful to see you back in the fold! Everyone here is forgiving of any “stepping in it.” 🤣

    @northgeorgia – oh wow, what a great whoosh! I have every confidence that you won’t suffer too much with the document filing issue. Hugs to you.

    @northerndawn – I have to agree with no visitors and lack of cleaning. We had some dear friends for a weekend a bit ago, and it was wonderful to have an excuse to do more than cursory, necessary cleaning. Oh, and the books… we’ve got’em too. Far too many.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 5 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Late to check in as I have been busy having a lovely relaxing day. After giving cat her morning pills I went back to bed for a couple of hours and caught up on some sleep. Woke feeling refreshed. It has been a blue sky sunny day, warm for Wales in November. Loved watching cat amble around the garden then I went for a long walk on the beach. Simple pleasures that made me feel grateful and happy. I think I am recovering from the pandemic blues 😎 Oh and I have had a good FD and no wine since Sunday.

    @northgeorgia looks like you won’t be in the 230s very long. It might be time to try on some of those clothes you think are a bit small, you don’t want to miss the opportunity to wear them…..leave it too long and they will be too big for you 🙂

    @flourbaby good to hear from you 🤗

    Kitchen closed and I’m planning an early night so I’m off to get into my pyjamas 😴 💤

    USA. Day 5. CD

    I changed from a FD500 to a CD, as I felt compelled to eat the remaining leftover Halloween candy. I bought it feeling guilty if someone came to the house and I had nothing to give. On the other hand, I really didn’t want to open the door, so, even though Fauci said not to do this, I put the candy outside in a bowl. It appears no one came, which I agree with. If my children were young during Covid, I would not allow them to out either. But I hate throwing things out! Oh well!! Tomorrow I can do the FD500, as the candy is gone! 🙂

    Hope everyone had a great day! 🙂

    Day 6 – Japan – WFD

    Just finished a run so I’m feeling fine. Looking forward to my NFD tomorrow. Been spending way too much time watching election news.

    Day 6 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Friday again, the weeks are flying. Looking forward to doing nothing much this weekend.

    Have a good one, thinking of you all.

    Day 6 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    End of week 3 of 6 and half way stage !!!

    Without doubt that was a rough few days ….. BUT feeling much better this morning.
    Had a very good meeting yesterday with specialists, got some really good tips and advice (plus some new meds) A good nights sleep and for the first time for a few days can actually swallow food reasonably well this morning, new meds almost instantly working.

    The grey matter between the ears is in a much better place this morning, think it’s linked to the @Inner Warthog’ who has not been happy at all recently! Mind you a good sleep and a rather large bowl of porridge and honey for breakfast helps.

    The medics are pleased with my weight, I’ve lost 2 lbs over the last week (I’d normally be rather pleased with my weekly weigh in dropping) but to be honest I’m glad it’s only 2 lbs, got to try and keep it slow over the next 3 weeks, in fact going to try and feed up again over the next few days while the goings good!

    Nice mild morning so off out for a meander (later treatment today) then weekend off!
    Did manage some ‘Bimbling’ in the garden yesterday, plus some planning in the Den/garage as I took delivery of some new nice and shiny stainless steel bits and bobs for the brewery.

    Thanks for the support and it is nice knowing that my internet buddies are thinking of us. I can’t wait until ‘normal service’ is resumed, but it will come!

    Day 6 Oxfordshire, UK NFD
    ood morning all.
    Glad @ihatelettuce- you’re over the worst of this cycle.
    Lovely catch up last night with book club buddies via Zoom, so no extra calories of wine or nibbles.
    Setting up my own spreadsheet today ready for next week. I must say though with no alcohol this week so far I’ve slept well. Almost don’t want to spoil it by drinking tonight.
    Take care all.

    Day 6 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Another beautiful bright sunny day here in Pembrokeshire. Just been for my flu vaccine and now waiting for a grocery delivery. Will go for a good long walk later while the sun still shines 😎

    Achieved a well controlled start to November, 2 good FDs, DTF and daily exercise gone to plan.

    Just heard a rumble from the tum, time to break the fast. Enjoy the day everyone.

    Day 6 – USA/GA – NFD

    Yeah, the body freaked out and rocketed back up to 236 lbs. today. Then again, I had some leftover Chinese for lunch yesterday, so no telling how much is water swishing around in there! And I have to consider with all the prayers for me, angels were probably lifting me up on Thursday’s weigh-in LOL!

    Anyway, mid-230s is a speedy start downwards for early November, and I’m pleased. I’ll have to be careful not to over-celebrate over the weekend! Since I technically beat all my records, I erased the old records “to break” on my whiteboard and replaced them with sub-233 lbs. milestones (232 lbs. is next). Halfway down the list I can see the 100s in sight! Whoa!


    I park the car just as the first raindrops start falling from the sky. I lock my car doors and head to Lola and Wesley under the hotel awning with the bags. Just as I reach the awning, the clouds let go and a heavy downpour ensues. I pitter patter through the quickly puddling sidewalk and grab a few bags. We go into the hotel lobby. The lobby is surprisingly well-appointed, with a side breakfast buffet room, a pamphlet display, and comfortable seating surrounding the check-in desk. While we wait for the elevator, I grab a brochure from the display about the Overlook, as well as other attractions and restaurants in Triplicity. The elevator dings, and we enter, packing the standing room between ourselves and our bags. The doors close and the floor vibrates and hums as we ascend a floor. Ding! We file out and turn left down the hall to the last room on the right. Wesley opens the door with his key card and the lights automatically turn on. A beautiful living room and kitchenette with a view of the hills appears before us. There is a large bathroom on the left, and two bedrooms on the right, one with a spectacular view. A small bowl of snacks and three bottles of water sit on the small dining table with a card that reads, “Our Compliments.” “Wow, Wesley, you’ve done great!” Lola says. “I knew you’d love it! You take the room with the view. We’ll take the other room that has two standard beds.” We take our bags into the rooms and I open up the restaurant pamphlets. “Now, where to eat?”


    Good luck to everyone on the pocket lists today!

    Day 6, Emden Germany, NFD

    @at Thank you for asking. Our friend is still at the hospital, he feels fine again but they still don’t know what caused his problems. I bet the elderly lady was pleased with your visit and a slice of Milly Taylor’s BBBB (had to look that one up). Thanks for putting me on the ZBC list.

    @northgeorgia I’m sure you’ll be back at 233lbs soon, you’re doing ao well.

    @i-hate-lettuce The weeks seem to go so fast, you’re half way already.

    @northerndawn A long time ago, when my German wasn’t that good, one of the neighbours came over for a chat and when we sat down with a cup of tea, she suddenly said: Gosh, you have dust bunnies (in German they are called wool mice)! I had no idea, what she was talking about so she had to explain. I just thought, who cares, you don’t have to eat from the floor. With cats, books and a wood burner you can’t avoid them without becoming a clean-freak, I guess.

    @flourbaby Welcome back!

    Pocket list day 6
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC day 6

    Exercise day 6
    @snowflake56 💃

    DTF🚫🍸 day 6
    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December!

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 6 = Rural Nebraska, USA – who knows

    Well, true confession: this week has been an eating disaster and I’m now up three pounds. Not “real” weight, I know, but I’m not going to be surprised if at least one of them is real weight. It started with the glorious sunshine and warmth and DH and I couldn’t resist “meeting in the back yard at four” to sit in the shade and have a beer together. It continued with some bad news yesterday morning that irritated me beyond patience, and ended with the Halloween chocolates that DH hid, but very badly, so that they were within reach.

    And how can bad news irritate? Because a member of our congregation tested positive for Covid. The problem? He told everyone he’d been in contact with…except me and DH. WHY????? DH did several visits this week to shut-ins, which he’d NEVER have done had he known there was a chance he was infected. When I suggested to the member, via text, which is how we were communicating, that he may want to let everyone know, he actually said, “Oh, I already did let everyone know, except you and Pastor.”

    Truly, I am still dumbfounded that it wouldn’t cross the man’s mind that he needed to let EVERYONE know, and ESPECIALLY the man who may visit those with compromised health.


    Rant over.

    So DH and I made Herculean efforts yesterday to find a testing site where we could get in immediately, and found one and drove the 45 minutes to get there, and I got my results already and am negative; DH has to check his email at work so doesn’t yet know, but I’m guessing he is as well. The problem, of course, is that while we’re negative now, that doesn’t mean we won’t test positive any time within the next, what, ten days? And my frustration isn’t fear I or DH might get sick with Covid, but the worry about what to do with our worship services and the worry that DH may have carried the virus to people while he was visiting them.

    And thus went the poor eating. Amazingly, I had a glass of red wine last night, and not only didn’t get/don’t have a headache, but slept like a log despite it, so that’s lovely.

    And what will today be, food-wise? Well, we had plans to go out to dinner tonight, but potential infection and the need to be cautious has put the kabosh on that idea. I should fast, but know I won’t pull off a FD on a Friday, and especially not this week. So I’ll do my best to pull in my emotions and get a grip.

    Thank you for letting me rant; I can’t do so around here for obvious reasons. Maybe I’ll just go into my sewing room this morning and pretend I have no other responsibilities?? 🙂 Have a grand day today, everyone, and I’ll do my best to do the same!

    Oh where to start from….
    So glad this week is ending; it has been an incredibly stressful one.
    @Northgeogia I am so excited for you
    @flourbaby we all missed you
    @stitchincarol and @i hate lettuce I will keep you both in my thoughts
    That is all I can do for now folks, I will try to catch up over the weekend.

    Day 6 Murrell’s Inlet SC CD

    Wow where did this week go? I have been super busy this week and really missed hopping on here. Maybe this weekend I can find the time to go back and read all the posts that I have missed.

    I did have two fast day’s this week that went well for me. The scale still is reading the same on weight loss this week, might have to eat more this weekend in hopes of a Woosh.

    If you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain. Have a great day everyone.

    Day 6 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Just home from my every-8-weeks blood pint donation. Yeah! I KNOW I lost a pound. (The mnemonic “A pint’s a pound the world around” always rings true!) But of course, I have to make up a lot of water right away. That’s fine. I am fully convinced, as are many phlebotomists, that I am healthier because my body has to regenerate that blood.

    Right, @stitchincarol ? I sure hope you stay healthy. Pastoral visits amid this pandemic must be scary but certainly welcomed by the parishioner. When my DH had to quarantine due to contact tracing a few weeks ago, he was not permitted to get tested. They said it likely wouldn’t be accurate anyway.

    @i-hate-lettuce – oh so glad you got a good night’s sleep and making good progress. Hugs to you for health!

    @justdoitsolutions – generally we don’t post any type of advertising for products.

    @northgeorgia -I bet your small gain will be gone before you know it.

    @missybear – Pembrokeshire sounds so lovely! The Google search showed your seacoast. Wow. Gorgeous. When we were in the Cotswolds, they told us when out on a drive that we could see Wales in the distance, but we never drove over to it. I am sorry. My given name is Gwynne – always was told it was a Welsh name.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 6 Wisconsin USA OMAD

    Hello everyone, this week has flown and I have little to show for it. Eating has been hit or miss. I seem to go from overeating to not wanting to eat at all. Today was my weigh-in day (a different day this month) and my progress in October has been eliminated, as I’m 3 lbs up.

    Not giving up, of course, just continuing to move forward. Weather remains absolutely beautiful which has been so nice for getting out and about, walks to the library, the market, the coffee shop and along the river.

    Plan for Day 6
    Steps, yoga, balance class
    OMAD, avoiding sugar and processed foods

    Have not focused on reading posts, but hope to do better with that soon. On a positive note, I’ve started knitting a blanket which has proven to be quite relaxing once I got into the rhythm and stopped pulling each stitch way too tight!

    Take care everyone.

    Day 6 – NSW, AU – MFD

    Started the day off with 20 minutes at the gym, bit of cardio before work. Managed to get to 1pm before having lunch (19 hour fast), a small tin of spaghetti as a sandwich. Had a pack of Belvita minis as afternoon tea and a cottage pie for dinner before starting the whole cycle over again. Weighed myself after the gym but before work -96.0kg, a drop of 700g since Monday, go me!!

    Pocket list day 6
    @dykask WFD
    @toady (F800)

    ZBC day 6

    Exercise day 6

    Day 6 Minnesota, US FD

    I’m late checking in, but have read the posts……..It’s almost 5 pm as I type, and I will have about 300 cals and be done for the evening.
    @snowflake56 How incredibly rude your neighbor was to comment on your “dust bunnies”! I can hardly believe someone would do that (maybe a mother-in-law, I seem to suddenly remember such an occasion😉). I hope you didn’t have to host a tea for her after that!
    @i-hate-lettuce It’s good do hear you were having a good day today.
    @suki2 It sounds like you are doing well, and have some momentum! Good luck!
    @stitchincarol I’m sure if your DH wore a mask when he visited people they will be fine. Prayers for all of you to stay healthy.
    @songbirdme That your DH was refused a covid test sounds more like a local or state issue. It sure doesn’t make sense.
    @markie99 I have actually gone up a couple pounds as well, even with a great FD earlier in the week. I often think weight is more a result of what I ate and did two weeks ago instead of just the past week. Like you, I will just plod on.
    @flourbaby So glad you are back with us! I’ve missed your humor.
    @basyjames I hope you have a much better week, and soon can enjoy your new nephew in person.

    Have a great weekend everyone!!

    Day 6 UK NFD

    Just off to bed and remembered I’d not checked in , wow a lot going on for many of you , hope we all get through this month in better shape than we started x

    @northerndawn – could be that DH was told he couldn’t get a COVID test because of local issues. It was just from contact tracing, and he had no symptoms.

    Day 7, Emden Germany, FD

    It’s getting colder and lots of geese are coming in to stay over the winter. I love the sound they make when flying over.

    I’m joining the ones that gained weight over the last few days so today seems a good day for a FD as DH is off to work. I have a lot of things planned to keep myself busy and out of the kitchen and already took the chicken broth out of the freezer.

    @stitchincarol I hope your DH will have a negative test too. It was quite mean, not to inform you at once as he knows your DH is visiting the shut-ins.

    @northerndawn She wasn’t our neighbour for so long, the couple parted and she moved away. Germans are often rude, they call it honest. If they compliment you, they often criticize you in the same sentence, like: You look great in that evening dress but the next time you show so much skin, make sure you get a sun tan first.

    @emma-taylor I hope everything went well yesterday.

    Pocket list day 7

    ZBC day 7

    DTF🚫🍸 day 7
    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December!

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 7 UK FD
    Day 6 NFD
    Putting it down on paper.
    Wishing all the best.

    Day 7 – NSW, AU – NFD

    OK so I went a bit overboard today. Managed a 16 hour fast but I went to the supermarket early to get some carrots with the hope of having some carrot sticks and dip… but the bakery section had iced Cinnamon Scrolls and Fruit Buns (like hot cross buns without the cross) reduced, so I ended up getting 2 lots of the Cinnamon Scrolls and a 6 pack of fruit buns… so you can guess what I had for a late breakfast and lunch – 2 scrolls and a bun. Dinner was a Butter Chicken meal and some of the wafer biscuits. All in all 1850 calories and my goal weight TDEE is 1790, so can’t even say a CFD, it was totally a EFS day. Will only have a 14 hour fast tomorrow as I had some wafer biscuits late but I think I just needed that indulgence.

    Day 7 Melb Aust TDEE

    Managed a FD700 Thursday, yesterday was a NFD and today a TDEE, so not B2B2B, but hey, I managed a FD, so that’s a victory. It didn’t help that we had an unexpected cold snap, and I had to be up 2 hours earlier then normal each day because plumbers were coming (excuses, excuses! 🙂 ). I’ll have another try this coming week.

    @snowflake56, I have about 13 bookcases full of books – does that let me off the house-cleaning?

    @at, we are very thankful here in Melbourne to be finally coming out of lockdown, have had zero virus cases for the past 7 days, hope it continues.

    @stitchincarol, brilliant solution to the house-cleaning problem! 🙂

    @northgeorgia, yay for 233, even if it bounced back a bit, but alack for a missed attachment. Hope that sorts itself out in spring.

    @i hate lettuce, sorry you were having a hard time, but glad it seems to have eased somewhat. And, you’re halfway there now.

    Okay, after a TDEE tomorrow, I’ll have another try at B2B2B Monday to Wednesday. Just want to push myself down a kilo or so as motivation to continue.

    Onward and downwards, everyone.

    Day 7 – Lake district UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    What a fabulous morning, frosty first thing, but not a cloud in the sky, beautiful and fresh. Will have to be a stroll out later, too good to miss, but not too far, sounds daft, but it’s hard to consume calories and don’t want to burn too much off. I need to maintain weight as long as possible. Fresh air will do and I can bimble in the garden with secateurs in hand.

    Had a better day yesterday, have been given good sound advice from the medics and the tools (meds) to deal with things, feel as though we’re back in control rather than firefighting. Feeling really good and positive again bouncing around on life’s bungee rope!

    Even better news, it’s our 40th wedding anniversary later this month and we had booked a couple of extra special holidays, got a ‘phone call and was told the main holiday (we’d planned this in Sept 2018) will now be available to go ahead in May this coming year. Plus we will be getting all the ‘bells and whistles’ we had been promised to belatedly celebrate the occasion 🙂 One very happy MrsIHL yesterday.

    @snowflake56 – Geese, we live by the Kent Estuary in the South Lakes, we get huge flocks of geese passing through, the numbers have increased rapidly in the last week or so. We also have Leighton Moss RSPB reserve just down the road where we get a huge murmuration of starlings every winter. We’re right on their flight path, some days they’re literally just above the rooftops in massive groups one after the other in the early evening, leaving the estuary daytime feeding area then to Leighton Moss for bedtime. A spectacular sight.

    Feel very lucky to live here a fabulous place with an equally fabulous community, couple of links which may be of interest.

    Take care all

    Day 7 London OMAD

    All went fine yesterday, thanks. I look like a mummy, with both legs bandaged up, but otherwise I’m ok. Private healthcare, which in principle I’m not really happy with, is rather different from our lovely, if flawed, NHS. Anyway, it’s done.
    Sending best wishes to everybody, esp @ihatelettuce. You are probably the only person on here who is trying to stop losing weight! And lovely photos. Thanks. Let’s hope the second half of your treatment goes well.
    It’s a beautiful day in London, and quiet, so I’m going to ‘walk’ in the cemetery opposite our flat, which is lovely, and then do some potato printing, which I’ve just discovered and I really like. Have a good weekend everybody.

    Day 7 Second Post

    @emma Taylor, so glad the op went okay, and you are able to both walk and enjoy a new hobby.

    @i hate lettuce, good that you’re doing okay. Can I send you some of my weight? You gain, I lose, sounds good to me 🙂 . Great that your cancelled trips will be happening after all (finally!).

    Day 7 Wisconsin USA OMAD

    Good morning!

    Yesterday actually went fairly well after my dismay over weight gain. I’ll wait until next week’s weight result to worry about weight and just focus on eating well for now.

    Since delaying eating works well for me, I will move towards OMAD for a few days to feel more in control. Another beautiful day, and planning to walk after I finish this post.

    Plan for Day 7
    Steps, yoga, meditation
    OMAD, avoiding sugar and processed foods

    Finally caught up on posts and see that I’m not the only “gainer” this week. Glad we’re going to keep on moving forward together.

    @i-hate-lettuce, wonderful to hear that things are going better for you and so happy you can look forward to a trip. Thank you for the links you provided. I drank in the lovely and peaceful scenes. I’m going to visit them several times, especially since no other travel is possible for me at this time.

    @emma-taylor, glad everything went well and hope you’re back up to speed soon.

    Good luck today everyone. Thanks for being here.

    Day 7 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Fast5

    Well, I think I’m finally over my pout. The election will be what it is, I’ll live through whatever results we have, and my daily activities don’t need to change in the least. Yesterday was another day of bad, bad eating, but this morning I woke up feeling once again in charge instead of indifferent…WHEW! And DH got back his test results and they’re negative. Honestly, the more I thought about it, the more I was sure we’d be fine, and I’m thankful that’s true.

    Today! @songbirdme, it’s TODAY! Today is the college football (American, of course) game between my Nebraska Cornhuskers and @songbirdme‘s Fighting Illini! The game is at 11am CST and I believe we have a virtual bottle of wine resting on the outcome–or is it a real bottle??? 🙂 I’ve walked, run the dishwasher, and done a few other things, and will be ready to sit down to enjoy the game in two hours!

    Have a grand day, everyone, and @i-hate-lettuce, I’m delighted you’re feeling much better!

    @stitchincarol — wait, wait! Our game today is against Minnesota (@northerndawn) – it’s Nov 21 for the Cornhuskers! (Nebraska today is against Northwestern – the other Illinois school ha ha!)

    Day 7 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Had some delicious lamb chops grilled last evening. We get them at Costco (Australian lamb it says) and I adore them. We know our days of being warm to grill are waning, so getting them in while we can. Another 70’s (22C) day today here. Sunny and beautiful.

    @emmataylor – I remember those Ace bandage wraps from my DH’s vein surgery. I had no clue they came that long! May your recovery be swift and wonderful.

    @stitchincarol – so glad your DH’s test came back negative. One of the families where I teach piano, the mother is a nurse. She lost her senses of taste and smell but the test came back negative. We surmised this virus is mutating. She’s not terribly sick, but still isolating.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 7 Canada NFD

    I’ve decided to ditch the wine for a while, it doesn’t help make the best food choices and does interrupt my sleep. Off for a long walk and a quiet weekend. Relaxing is something I don’t do enough 🤷‍♀️

    @stitchincarol so glad you are both ok and you as well @emmataylor and @i-hate-lettuce

    Day 7 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in (after the ZBC run to the grocery stores) was 235 lbs. I decorated the porch for Christmas last night, including lights and garlands! LOL! Helped me get over my worries.

    Will pick up with Lola and Wesley tomorrow morning. Have a great weekend!

    Day 7 Oxfordshire, UK NFD
    Started the day with yoga then tried to help DH put glass in greenhouse. Something’s not quite right. We got said GH second hand and I’m not sure all the glass belongs with this one. Never mind. I came indoors and have baked a cake instead. Smells delicious but I’ll keep away. By the time DH & DS have had what they want I don’t think there will be much left anyway.
    Hoping to video chat with DD later. Saw her briefly this morning at zoom yoga but then we all turn our video off to save on bandwidth.
    Today I’m focussing on upping my water intake in preparation for fasting on Monday. I think this is the first and only time in my life where I have really prepared before starting/restarting any dieting.
    Have a good weekend all.

    Day 7 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Sipping a glass of red wine, first since Sunday and it tastes all the better for the wait 😋 and looking forward to watching Strictly in a little while. Simple pleasures 😊

    Have a lovely weekend everyone.

    Day 7 Minnesota, USA NFD

    Wow, I’m on here late, even for me! Almost 8:20 tonight. I had a good NFD day, I think. I was blocked from the site most of the day. I tried over 5 times to get on. I have never, ever had that happen and I still don’t know why that did happen.
    I meant to do a FD today, but my blocked post kind of through me for a loop, as they say here. I still made it controlled. I will try to do a FD tomorrow.

    2nd post Minnesota, US
    If I’ve said anything to offend anyone here, I haven’t a clue what it could be. Certainly not intentional as I think everyone here is a wonder!……….Just a great group of supportive and caring people. So, again, I’m just in a total confused state why I’d ever get blocked from the posts I’ve made to this group. Love you all, virtually. And apologies to anyone I’ve somehow offended.

    Day 7 – Second post

    @northerndawn I can’t think how you’ve possibly offended anyone either; it simply HAD to have been some sort of fluke, don’t you suppose? At any rate, I certainly haven’t been offended, and I’m so glad you were finally able to get a post written!

    @songbirdme I was so embarrassed and amused when the game started and I realized it wasn’t your team, LOL! The news this week has been so election-focused that I heard nothing about football earlier, and then I simply turned off all news on Thursday, so I was relying on some inner belief based on made-up facts, LOLOL! And, let me be the first to say that, if we play you the way we played today, you’ll be the winner of that bottle of wine!! GAH but we were awful!

    I’m so happy to report I’m back to my disciplined self. The Halloween candy is still here, but I had no interest in it. I toyed with multiple options to eat extra calories, but lost interest. Supper was left-over-salmon sandwiches (think tuna sandwich, only even yummier) with crisp lettuce, and one single beer, and two little caramels. That was it. Whew. I doubt it was below 500 calories, and I’m not even sure it was below 800 calories, but I’m certain it was no where near how many calories I’ve had over the last few days!

    And thanks for all the good wishes, everyone. I was really thrown off my stride this week, and am so happy to feel like myself again. I treasure how kind this group is and supportive and encouraging. Thank you all for being you!

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