Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

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Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

This topic contains 431 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  BrightonBelle 4 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 51 through 100 (of 450 total)

  • Day 2 Wisconsin USA FD500

    My fast day fizzled yesterday, although I kept it fairly controlled, so planning a fast today.

    We had 30mph winds gusting to 40 yesterday but I walked anyway and it was actually kind of wild in a good way. Much nicer weather this week, warmer and sunny, perfect for raking leaves, or at least the ones that are still in our yard after that wind.

    Plan for Day 2:
    Get in steps, yoga, meditation
    Avoid sugar (read – cookies)

    Great to read through all the posts, getting reacquainted with the details of regular posters and getting to know new members.

    @songbirdme, thank you for adding me to the ZBC pocket list!

    Good luck to everyone today, whichever path you are taking to good health.

    USA. Day 2. FD500

    Pocket list Day 2
    @dykask WFD
    @toady (Fast800)

    ZBC Day 2

    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December!

    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️

    I always find Mondays a good day to reset. Good luck in our new month, everyone! 🙂

    Day 2 – Rural Nebraska, USA – FD

    Yesterday turned out to be a good day: I’d eaten so badly on Saturday evening (pumpkin cut-out cookies, Halloween candy, a little Cointreau) that I had little interest in food yesterday, and zero interest in eating too much. I even lost interest in and didn’t finish the one beer I opened. So I guess over-indulgence does have its benefits??? 🤣😂🤣😂

    Today is DH’s day off, so he’s sleeping late and then after some time at the gym we’ll work in the yard, cutting back dead stuff, raking leaves, and generally cleaning up everything. It’s sunny and currently 41F/5C but is supposed to get to 68F/20C, so it’ll be perfect weather to work in the yard.

    Welcome back @bellyblast, @champinator, and @lilymartin!

    @snowflake56 Part of me accepts that I simply don’t burn 2K calories/day any more, but part of me rails at how much slower that makes weight loss. And, if I’m to be entirely honest, if I simply did a better job of picking up clutter daily instead of weekly, of frequently instead of occasionally sweeping the kitchen floor, vacuuming our few rugs, etc., etc., etc., I’d easily reach those 2K calories/day. So what I’m REALLY trying to persuade myself to do, and haven’t before said out loud, is to keep the house clean!!! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 That would be a double benefit, as I love a clean house, but simply have no interest in achieving one, and I’d burn the extra calories. I’ve always been in awe of people who just naturally clean and tidy; I certainly am not one of them.

    @i-hate-lettuce Last year was when DH and I went to Rome for three days and then on to Israel for ten days. Ever since Covid hit, I’ve been so thankful we went LAST year, and I’ve felt such deep sympathy for people who had big travel plans THIS year. I hope you and Mrs IHL are able to reschedule something glorious eventually!

    @at Happy, happy anniversary!

    @daffodil2010 I feel your pain about those delivered lunches!

    @northgeorgia So glad you’ve got your internet again!

    It’s time to make coffee and get this day moving; nice chatting with you all!

    Day 2 Minnesota, USA FD

    Introduction: I’m a retired nurse, a wife, mother to a daughter and son, and grandmother to 4 beautiful grandchildren: the lights of my life! I’m turning 64 in one month, 5ft 6.5 inches tall (169cm), and currently (today)at 163lbs, or 74kg. I’d like to lose 4-5 lbs (2kg) by December 2. My 2nd goal is to weigh 154-155lbs by Christmas, and go on from there. I wouldn’t mind maintaining at that weight while turning my focus on fitness and muscle strength for a month or so into 2021. I was a chubby kid until late teens, and then I was slim (BMI of around 19-20.5), and fit most of my adult life due to being very busy at work and at home, and working out. The weight started creeping up after age 56 or so, I believe.

    I have had much success in the past with 5:2. Like @songbirdme and @brightonbelle, I was one of the “original” members of @coda‘s first monthly challenge in May of 2016. I lost about 30 lbs in 6 months at that time and maintained that for awhile. I, like others, have hit my goal weight a couple different weight loss cycles, and then became complacent with my success. It’s all too easy to let down your guard, to allow yourself a few extravagances that turn into many, and before you know it, you have gained back the weight you worked so hard to lose, and are under the influence of sugars and bad habits, yet again.

    I have learned that, for myself, as I get older, I will always have to check myself. I must remain vigilant against being too lenient with calories and celebrations, and all those insidious bad habits that worm their way back into my life when I’m feeling too confident or not paying attention. I know I will always have to be mindful if I want to cultivate my health.

    Plan for November:
    ZBC everyday
    TRE of either 16/8 or 18/6 or OMAD;
    5/2 every week, and maybe a FD800 as a third FD
    TDEE of 1500 calories on NFDs (my goal weight of give or take a few pounds around 145lbs)
    DTF most weeks (not this one), and/or only1- 2 days a week allowing alcohol
    Exercise daily, yoga daily, weights twice weekly

    Best of luck to everyone!

    Day 2 North Canton OH FD

    You really are the most wonderful group there ever was. Thank you so much for your understanding. Yesterday was really busy and today is shaping up to be more of the same.

    Great to see and feel the pervading sense of optimism that a new month brings. This year has been a doozy but we are still standing.

    Keep the faith

    Onward and downward.

    Pocket list Day 2
    @dykask WFD
    @toady (Fast800)

    ZBC Day 2

    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December!

    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️

    USA. Day 2. FD500

    Somehow I got knocked off the list, so here it goes again!

    Pocket list Day 2
    @dykask WFD
    @toady (Fast800)

    ZBC Day 2

    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December!

    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️

    Day 2 Canada CD

    It’s a beautiful blue sky day here so I am looking forward to some of the last warmth before winter settles in. Now I have more time on my hands I need to find some structure in my day- today is yoga and a walk and finishing off a mammoth storage cleaning project I started in August.

    @at happy anniversary, I am sure you have some delicious food planned!

    Pocket list Day 2
    @dykask WFD
    @toady (Fast800)

    ZBC Day 2

    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December!

    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️

    Day 2 – UK – NFD

    Thanks for the welcome @stitchincarol & @snowflake56 – happy to be here & for the support offered! I must have joined the website many years ago but never joined in before.

    So, although I intended to have a FD yesterday, as mentioned, I’d already promised other half I’d cook for him. Therefore I made it 24 hours out of the planned 36, but – kept it under 500 calories, despite eating with him.

    I knew I was holding a lot of water weight, & unofficially this is Day 4 for me, but I already managed to squeeze into the size 16 jeans. Yay! But by squeeze I mean SQUEEZE, with jumping and wriggling and fighting. But these jeans should fit me with a finger to spare once my penance is done!

    Starting to get hungry now, closing in on 5pm, and as this is a NFD, Imma start cooking now & to hell with the calorie count… however I MUST EXERCISE (& I haven’t) – so will be looking at that tonight.

    Day 2 Oxfordshire, uk NFD
    Hi all, good to see some old names as well as newbies on the forum.
    I’ve been off grid for the past 2 months in France, arrived back late last night.
    I havn’t weighed in yet and will give myself a couple of days to get back on track but my aim for November is to make a dent in any lbs I have gained.
    Need to Quarantine for 14 days so will need to be creative about exercise. Just checked my step counter and I have managed 5000+ so far just up and down stairs, sorting stuff out so not too bad.

    I’m a 59 yr old female, married with 2 children, DS lives with us and has been house sitting whilst we’ve been away which was great as we had a leak in one of our window frames. DD is in teh process of buying her first house, aghh how did she get to be a grown up.

    @msfriendly – DS mentioned NANOWRIMO to me this morning so i will take a look.

    Day 2 Second post

    @suki2 Welcome back! It’s good to have you with the group again.

    Day 2 Murrells Inlet South Carolina FD

    I am 20 hours into my fasting today. I do plan on having a light dinner tonight. The “I can have it tomorrow” is really helping me today. Very disappointed this morning as the scale did not move since last Monday. I plan to change my weigh in to Tuesdays instead on Monday after eating on the weekends.

    Great things never come from comfort zones. Stay safe everyone.

    Day 3, NFD, Aus

    PFDS. Phew!

    Blue sky here today which is lovely but the rain is due back by the weekend.

    What is NANOWRIMO, @suki2 and @msfriendly?

    Day 3 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Morning all. Well, I was pleased to see that the salmon salad bowl delivered for lunch was salmon and lots of greens, carrots and onions, so way lower in calories than I thought. I brought it home for my evening meal and instead had a small spicy lentil broth for lunch.

    Lost 2.5lbs overnight, but that is certainly weekend water weight, but it’s still encouraging to see.

    The full fitted grounding sheet has been on the bed for two nights now, and wow, talk about great sleep! DH had to wake me up this morning. And as I am a natural early bird who rarely needs an alarm, that was such a suprise. My skin looks better, nice rosy glow, so I am feeling happy and confident for the month ahead.

    I am following the mantra noted by @stichincarol “Delay, don’t deny” and it’s good so far.

    Happy anniversary @at, sorry I am a bit late, but sounds wonderful. 1980 must have been a good year, @ihatelettuce also coming up to their 40th 😍

    @suki2 welcome back, hope the motor home trip was fun. I am following a UK couple on YouTube who are camper vanning around the world, but currently in Spain, and yesterday they announced they are coming home to the UK to see their family, as Lord knows how this C19 will go. The world has changed so much.

    I too am thankful that DH and I did the long awaited trip to South America when we did, won’t be going back there for a long time to come 🤔

    Have a lovely Tuesday.

    Day 3 – NSW, AU – MFD

    Managed a 19 hour fast today, seems to be a lot easier to fast when I’m at work than sitting at home. Lunch was a rather calorie loaded Turkish roll and 2 boiled eggs crushed in it, was tasty though and dinner a frozen Cottage Pie – again under the 800 quite easily. Did about half an hour at the gym again this morning which made me feel pretty good going through the day even though I had one of the most boring jobs to do at work. Tomorrow… we’ll see what happens, must remember to pack something for lunch!!

    @penz – NANOWRIMO is National Novel Writer’s Month – a now International challenge for writers to write a 50,000 word story over the month of November. I tried it once, and got writer’s block 2 days in. Hope it’s OK to answer that question for you.

    Day 3, Emden Germany, FD

    No programm today as a friend suddenly had to go to hospital and we have to pick up books and other things at his house as his wife can’t find the books he wants. This is a bad time to go to the hospital, no visitors allowed, hardly any information is given to the family members. How good my DH can get the information they need.

    @at You’re welcome! I’m always glad to have company on the lists.

    @stitchincarol “I love a clean house, but simply have no interest in achieving one, and I’d burn the extra calories. I’ve always been in awe of people who just naturally clean and tidy; I certainly am not one of them.” That sounds like me, I never think about calories i burn while doing housework.

    @bellyblast and @suki2 Welcome back!

    @msfriendly You just can’t imagine how being on this forum has changed my life, without the given support I’d never have been able to lose weight. Every time I take a break from posting, I gain again so I try to post every day.

    Pocket list day 3

    ZBC day 3

    Exercise day 3
    @snowflake56 💃

    DTF🚫🍸 day 3
    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December!

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 3 – USA/GA – NFD

    Weigh-in this morning: 236 lbs.(my October goal — missed by just a few days)! My “obesity meter” is finally under 1/2 a tank! I’m slightly more than 1/3 of the way to my overall “ideal weight” target. Only three more records to match/beat since I started recording my weight in 2016, and I feel confident that will happen this month. Maybe the whoosh will continue a bit longer before the next stall out haha!


    Lola pays for a bag of granola while I wait in line to pay for a little gas for the car and a Slim Jim. As Lola finishes her purchase, I see Wesley walk up behind me with a basket full of chips, cookies, lunch meat, a loaf of bread, and other unknown things hidden beneath. His other arm is dropped down, holding a bag of ice. “Wesley, what are you doing,” I ask as I put my Slim Jim on the counter and tell the cashier which pump I am paying on. “I want to be prepared!” he responds. I shake my head, pay the man at the register and walk out to the car with Lola. “I see he thinks we’re going to get snowed in,” Lola smirks as we stroll back to the gas pump. I pop the trunk of the car, knowing Wesley must have a collapsible cooler in tow somewhere in that luggage, undo the gas cap, and pump in the set amount of gas I had paid for. While pumping, Wesley strolls out with two bags of groceries and a bag of ice. Lola, standing on the other side of the car with the door open shouts out, “I see you’ve gotten yourself a little snack for the road, Wesley. Do you think that’ll last you the next hour and a half?” “Be quiet, Lola,” Wesley says. “I’m just bringing us some food for later tonight.” Lola laughs, gets into the passenger seat, and shuts the door. While I finish the last few drops of gasoline and hang the pump into place, I peer at Wesley, who has indeed found a collapsible cooler and put the ice and the cold cuts, with some sliced cheese and some other assorted things into it. “Ready, Wesley?” “And you can shut up as well!” he says, zipping up the cooler. “What? I didn’t say a word!” Wesley scowled, “I could hear you thinking!” as he got into the back seat and slammed the door. So much for cheering up! I get in the car, crank it up, and continue out of the parking lot, north up the highway towards the hills.


    Good luck to everyone on the pocket lists today!

    Day 3 Wisconsin USA NFD

    Yesterday’s fast went pretty well but was more of an 800 than a 500 day. Busy day today, volunteering for some election activities. No plan, whatever I get done is fine today.

    Take care everyone, see you tomorrow.

    Day 3 Election Day USA and FD for me
    @northgeorgia congrats! Better late than never imho
    @stitchincarol I love a tidy and clean house and I am unable to sit still until it happens. Even when I feel like I do not have the time, I automatically begin tidying and cleaning. OH on the other hand does not believe in storing things away, he likes to keep things where he can quickly find them: on the floor. Makes for quite a combo and interesting times- we had to work it out and now he makes attempts to put his stuff away, and I try very hard to leave his stuff alone
    Welcome @msfriendly and @suki2
    @diana123 “I can have it tomorrow” mindset really does help when cravings threaten to overtake. One of the reasons why I really love this WOL and why it is so manageable.
    Work calls as usual and I will see you all tomorrow

    Pocket list day 3

    ZBC day 3

    Exercise day 3
    @snowflake56 💃

    DTF🚫🍸 day 3
    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December!

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 3 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Fast5 / 800 calories

    DH and I worked hard in the yard yesterday and nearly everything is done for winter. But since there are still quite a few leaves left on the five large trees in our yard, we’ll have another day of raking, etc., and can finish up what we didn’t do yesterday. Good thing I like yard work! I did manage to hit 10K steps–and only 1994 calories. Even with all that hard work, I didn’t pull off 2K? And yet there’ve been other days in the past couple of months when I’ve reached 2.2K. The relationship between activity and calories burned is a complete mystery to me, LOL!

    Today is election day here in the states. I’m praying that, regardless of the outcome of the voting, there is no violence or ugly behavior, and that both the winners and losers accept the results graciously. That used to be the norm, graciousness at election results. Whatever has happened to this country??? Heart breaking.

    @basyjames I can see that there had to be some adjusting given how different your and your DH’s styles are, LOL! As I sit on my sofa typing, there’s a pile of recipes beside me, two piles of piano music DS got out on Sunday (and neither he nor I have put away)…actually, I see yet another mess he made and didn’t clean up before going back to his apartment. Hmm. I clearly need to be more diligent about making HIM pick up, since he doesn’t even live here anymore, LOL! And I clearly can sit down just fine without cleaning up clutter, LOL–more’s the pity!

    Pocket list day 3
    @stitchincarol (FD800)

    ZBC day 3

    Exercise day 3
    @snowflake56 💃

    DTF🚫🍸 day 3
    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Day 3 UK NFD

    We go into lockdown again on Thursday ( hopefully for just 4 weeks ) so I’m taking the opportunity to practice yoga for 14 days and as I’ll have to plan meals a bit more carefully I’m aiming for super healthy Let’s see what I can achieve in 4 weeks.
    I’m with you on the housework front @stitchincarol so Im hoping to try and get everything I need to do in an hour window each day which should free up time for more life enhancing activities

    Day3 UK

    Thought everything had gone quiet here and maybe you had all folded your tents and slipped away.

    No it is the pesky computer again. It has unticked the box AGAIN so I didn’t get any notifications.
    Never fear I am still here and trying to fit everything in with friends and appointments before Thursday lockdown. Will catch up then.


    USA Day 3. WFD

    First WFD of the month and adding myself to the pocket list.

    Pocket list day 3
    @stitchincarol (FD800)

    ZBC day 3

    Exercise day 3
    @snowflake56 💃

    DTF🚫🍸 day 3
    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December!

    Day Murrells Inlet South Carolina CD

    Had a great FD yesterday and planning to keep today in check. The weather here is getting cooler average winter temps in the high 40’s which is why me moved south. Going to take a long walk on the beach today and refresh my soul. Life could be a whole lot better for DH and myself but still finding Joy in our Journey as with everyone tomorrow isn’t promised to any of us.

    The harder you work for something, the greater you’ll feel when you achieve it. Stay safe everyone and go enjoy life today.

    Day 3 Canada FD

    I have realized I need to monitor how much time I spend reading the news. The pandemic, politics and lockdowns portray a foreignness that is too much to comprehend. An update from the daily papers is more than enough.

    Was feeling down all day yesterday and by evening needed to pick myself up. Cooked a lovely cous cous chicken dish, bright with lemon and mint and sparkling with pomegranate seeds that did the trick. Controlled portion size and a glass of wine and felt much better.

    First FD in a while and looking forward to it and the light feeling it brings. Have a safe and happy day 🙂

    Pocket list day 3
    @stitchincarol (FD800)

    ZBC day 3

    Exercise day 3
    @snowflake56 💃

    DTF🚫🍸 day 3
    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December!

    Day 3 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Busy day of housework has kept me on track today following a good FD at 500 calories yesterday. Went to bed feeling hungry last night but slept really well and lasted till midday today when I broke my fast with brunch. Feeling more positive.

    @bellyblast you’re so right about the news, lately I just skim the headlines and its all too depressing.

    @diana123 hope you enjoyed a lovely beach walk. Our weather forecast is looking good for tomorrow so I’m looking forward to a walk on our local beach…..definitely food for the soul 😎

    Keep on keeping on everyone 🙂

    Day 3 USA (Illinois) NFD – Election Day

    Ran to our local apple orchard and bought a dozen apple cider donuts and a quart of cider for our poll workers. DH has always bought them donuts ever since he was on County Board to thank them for their long day. One gal even said “I hoped you would do that again.” Trying to be good neighbors. But then came home and made an apple pie with other apples we got – crumb crust top this time. All-American: the flag & apple pie.

    My FD went well yesterday with supper soup made of broth, leftover meat & vegetables, figured it to be about 400 calories with the apple I ate.

    @northgeorgia – congratulations on your great progress! You’re doing it!

    @annabelle48 – glad you’re still among us.

    UK friends, sure do hope your lock-down isn’t too bad. We have British cars, and last time I was at the service department, they said it was getting very difficult to get parts from England. So sad for all of you. We pray all the time for a vaccine to be made soon.

    Onward and downward.

    Day 4, NFD, Aus

    Thanks @toady – perfectly ok for you to answer my question; that’s what this group is about, we all pitch in and help each other! Sounds like a fun challenge. I wonder if @northgeorgia should enter his Lola and Wesley story?

    Sending thoughts to all our American friends. No matter the outcome of your Presidential election, I hope everyone stays peaceful and safe, and can move towards unity.

    Happy Wednesday everyone. (@Funshipfreddie: drop in and say hi!)

    @penz – move toward unity is a noble and wonderful prayer. 🙏🙏🙏

    Day 4 CD country West Australia

    Day 4. London OMAD

    Please count me in for November. I forgot to sign up!!! Going in for my varicose vein operation on Friday so had a COVID test today. Got to isolate from everybody for three days, and stay at home. Is anybody else fed up? I feel quite hacked off. Partly because my operation mysteriously went up by 50% from £2000 to over £3000 during lockdown, without any reasonable explanation, but I daren’t put it off in case I never get the chance again….

    Day 4, Emden Germany, NFD

    Day 4 UK NFD
    Day 3 NFD
    Day 2 NFD
    Staying reasonably controlled by sticking to 16:8. Fast days will be Friday and Saturday.
    Thanks @penz for the spinach ideas, still have my soups to make as life has got in the way of my plans!
    Wishing you all success in achieving your mini goals for today

    Day 4 – NSW, AU – CFD

    Managed a 20 hour fast before lunch which was a small tin of spaghetti and a couple of slices of bread. Quite happy with that, definitely not missing breakfast any more and the prolonged fasting is probably better for me than the food anyway. Dinner was a Chilli Con Carne which and I was still below my 800 but a dessert of some cream wafers put me up to 860, so calling it a CFD rather than an MFD. Am seriously tempted to shout myself a falafel kebab over the next few days, probably use all my calories in the one day.

    Day 4 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Having a zesty lemon chicken salad delivered for lunch today, no idea what’s in it but at least today is an NFD. Going to my friends house after work for dinner, although Ireland is in highest level of lockdown for 6 weeks, we can have social bubbles, so I see my friend every Wednesday (she loves alone).

    Today is not about counting calories due to this but mental health and staying connected is more important.

    My Weight….grrr…..but every other part of me feels amazingly good, I feel so well and healthy.

    Thinking of all our friends in the US, and echoing the thoughts of others, I wish whatever way the results go that things remain calm. Best wishes.

    Have a great Wednesday Hump Day 🐫

    Missing quite a few regulars this month, not least @flourbaby ☹️

    @daffodil2010 – are you sure your friend ‘loves alone’? Maybe too much detail. Hahaha.
    Caught an Uber yesterday and the driver was on the phone telling his doctor he’d lost 4 stone due to intermittent fasting and had reversed his diabetes. His doctor seemed incredulous. We had a fascinating discussion for the rest of the journey. It was a fortuitous meeting actually, because he put me back on the straight and narrow. I’ve been a bit liberal with the Gin Stephen’s philosophy ‘Delay, Don’t Deny’ recently …

    Day 4 UK NFD

    Ouch – the legs and the wallet @emma-taylor Hope all goes well

    An unintentional typo jokes are the best @daffodil2010

    Hoping things are ok with @flourbaby and @i-hate-lettuce

    I know I should be paying more attention to the election but can’t bring myself to watch the news just now , echoing early posts in hoping the outcome doesn’t cause any new problems

    Day 4 – UK

    Good morning everyone

    @brightonbelle et al

    Full day today, currently undergoing treatment, had a couple of rough days, which is to be expected. Today’s chemo is halfway point, doing OK so far!

    Managed a reasonable walk yesterday afternoon when it finally stopped raining.

    Take care all.

    Day 4 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    Didn’t sleep much last night as our elderly epileptic cat was really unwell with cluster seizures. She has recovered now and has eaten her breakfast and enjoyed a wander around the garden but I feel shattered, probably a lazy day for me then.

    @emma-taylor I invested around £3000 getting varicose veins removed 2 years ago… well spent! Hope all goes well on Friday.

    Happy Hump Day all 🐫🐪🐫

    Day 4 – USA/GA – FD

    Weigh-in this morning wavered between 237 and 236. I choose 236 lbs. That’s pretty impressive considering I had a helping of potatoes and fried chicken last night and not much sleep due to wondering about election results every three or four hours.


    With the sun low in the western sky, we continue up the highway, passing farms and small towns along the way. Slowly, the landscape becomes hillier, as the straight highway begins to twist and curve. Thankfully, our snacks keep us from becoming motion sick. The beautiful scenery lessens the foul mood and a few “oohs” and “ahhs” escape everyone’s lips. We slowly move into some small comments and conversations. We reminisce about our past adventures and everyone begins to laugh and feel better about life in general. As the sun gets closer and closer to the horizon, Wesley speaks up. “I’m sorry about my attitude earlier. I’m hungry, and I don’t think I’m going to get much sleep tonight because we only woke up a few hours ago. What if we forget the sandwiches tonight, head to a restaurant and enjoy the evening? We could stay at a motel or something and head to the park’s gates in the morning. What do you think?” Lola’s eyes widen in disbelief, and after a second of incredulous muteness, stutters, “y..y..yeah, sure! I think that’s a fantastic idea!” “That’s perfect timing because we’re just entering the last medium-sized town before we turn off onto the road to the park. A sign welcomes us to Triplicity, which made me instantly wonder about the origin of the name, but more importantly, plenty of signs for gas, food, and lodging! We continue into town…


    Good luck to all on the pocket lists today. I didn’t see one started yet, so I’ll put myself down.

    Pocket list – Day 4


    Day 4 Melb Aust NFD

    Planning B2B2B FDs for the next 3 days – there, it’s in print, so I have to do it! I have to break the cycle I’ve gotten into, and that’s the best way (well, in my opinion).

    @snowflake56, noted your comments about your exercise machines – same problem with me, except mine are in a room built into my garage, so if it’s raining – don’t want to go out there, if it’s hot – don’t want to go out there, etc., etc. But, really do need to push myself aerobically more than just by walking, so WILL DO IT!

    @stitchincarol, sympathise with the house-cleaning, not my favourite chore, either, and as I live alone, need even more motivation to do it. I’ve found having guests over is a wonderful motivator, though (but a bit hard with Covid-19 around).

    @northgeorgia, continuing to enjoy the saga of Lola, Wesley et al, and kudos to you for the weight coming off.

    @i hate lettuce, glad you’re doing okay so far. Good you’ve kept your sense of humour.

    @at, Thanks re the spreadsheet – I actually put in my own goals, it was just along the top that was reading October goals. I noticed someone has changed that, but I didn’t dare for fear of messing it up. It so good having you available to set up the spreadsheets, though, especially for us more techno-challenged 🙂

    Okay, well, taking in @at‘s mantra, and @stitchincarol‘s wise words, the next 3 days will be good days. I’ll try to post, to stay accountable.

    Keep on the downward path everyone.

    Day 4 North Canton OH NFD

    quick check in on a busy, stressful day 😭

    keep on the downward path everyone

    Day 4 – Rural Nebraska, USA – Fast5 800

    Yesterday did not go as planned food-wise, but I’ve shrugged and moved on. Thankfully, it takes far less food to feed my depression after all these months of disciplined eating, LOL! And, although it’s so incredibly hard to wait for ballots to be counted, this is a new day, and I’m determined to be cheerful. So, first a Leslie walk. Second, I believe I’m going to have an adventure. DS29 never got any pumpkin cookies (you know, those pumpkin-shaped cut-out cookies that I’ve made every Halloween for 30+ years and keep talking about), and I have some paperwork that needs delivering between here and where he lives, so I’m going to combine those two and drive to Lincoln, the capital of this fair state, and maybe listen to a book on Audible as I drive. Sounds like a good way to get away from it all, right? 😎

    @i-hate-lettuce You knew, we knew, that bad days were coming, but I’m still sad you’re having bad days. I continue to think of you often, and pray for you to have your treatments stomp that cancer into oblivion!

    @emma-taylor Glad you remembered to join us in November! So sorry your surgery is going to be so horribly costly, but so glad there’s a solution for you; how long will you be convalescent? And how totally delightful that your Uber driver was a fellow IFer!

    @daffodil2010 I love hearing what you get to order for your lunch every day, LOL! You’re making just the choices that I’d make, I think! Have fun with your friend tonight. Would it be too weird to tell her I said “hi”? 😁

    @missybear My heart goes out to you for the troubles your cat is having. I’m not a pet person, but we got a dog for our daughter when she was in high school, and I was astonished to learn how they move into your heart and take up permanent residence there. Hugs to you as you nurture your cat. 💖

    @northgeorgia So good to have Lola and Wesley back, and so good to hear you’re at 236!

    @betsylee Isn’t that the truth, that having company makes all the difference for having a clean and tidy house! Our dearest friends all live 40 miles away, so impromptu, and frequent, gatherings just don’t happen…and my home suffers the consequences! On the other hand, my waistline and hips benefit, since we’re not eating great feasts produced by four great cooks!

    @basyjames Hugs to you to cope with your stress!

    Okay, I feel far less stress myself having forced myself to pay attention to someone besides myself. That’s kind of key in all of life, huh? So, onward and downward!

    Day 4 Canada NFD

    PFDS, it felt good to have a good old fast day done yesterday. Delicious chicken noodle soup for dinner, lots of peppermint tea and water. No breakfast this morning, maybe an egg for lunch….

    @emmataylor that is a jump in costs, sounds like it is going to be money well spent though. I can easily get too liberal with fasting principals as well 🙂
    @i-hate-lettuce I am glad you have reached the half way mark and still getting some walking in- sending you all the best
    @missybear sounds like you had quite a night, enjoy some rest today and hope your cat is ok
    @northgeorgia you are an amazing loser (said in the nicest possible way!)
    @betsylee hitting that reset button and putting it in writing is a smart move, you can do it
    @basyjames remember to breath

    I am going against the cleaning chatter and rolling up my sleeves for some deep cleaning! It’s a rainy day and the alternative is following the news. Committed to a walk regardless of the weather and an hour on my yoga mat.

    Take care, and take care of yourself everyone!

    Day 3 Oxfordshire, UK NFD
    Day 4 Oxfordshire, UK NFD
    Decided that this week I would concentrate on getting back into the swing of things so will be ‘Dry till Fri’
    Spent some of yesterday and today planning meals for the coming month. Relying on DS for shopping at the moment.
    @Stitchin Carol – thanks for the welcome back
    @toady – thanks for answering the NaNoWriMo question.
    @penz – I belong to a writing group but this year I haven’t felt much like writing. However after my time in France my head has started to buzz quietly with some ideas so I’ll see what I can do.
    @daffodil2010 – a low key but enjoyable trip this year. We stayed on the west coast of France enjoying lots of sea air that we don’t get in Oxfordshire. Ate and drank too much though.
    We met a couple who were heading to Spain and I’ve been wondering how they were getting on. THB I’m glad we were due back anyway. French lockdown feels worse than a UK one for me anyway.
    @EmmaTaylor – its frustrating staying in when you feel well but it will be worth it after your op. Hope all goes well on Friday for you.
    @betsylee – my excuse for no housework is that my DS is working from home so i can’t vacuum during the working day and I don’t feel like it after 4pm.

    Thanks for the good wishes from everybody. That’s really kind. I seem to be going into this with my eyes half closed – I don’t know what the surgery entails and I don’t know how long I’ll convalesce. Normally I’m fairly on the ball, but I just want to get it over and done with. I’m here all the time, just not posting much as I’m in the OMAD groove with food, but drinking too much and addressing that, as it’s halted my weight loss. It’s such a simple equation…..🤪🤪🤪🤪

    Day 4 Birmingham, UK NFD
    Day 5 Birmingham, UK NFD

    Total food eaten over 48 hours: 1 medium pizza & half a pasta dish.
    Lets say 2K calories.

    Pizza was Election Night Pizza. Didn’t go to bed til 9am.
    Pasta was “I ordered pasta with the pizza and don’t want to waste it”

    I have 24 hours now before Bonfire Night – which will also be a NFD – typical hot dog and burger celebration.

    Thursday night to Saturday morning fast day ahead!

    Well done everyone so far.

    Day 4 USA (Illinois) NFD

    Doing okay, health-wise. Still nervous about election results, but I know we will survive and thrive.

    @emma-taylor – good to see you here and posting. I know you’ll do just great and get through your surgery. My DH had his veins stripped years ago, and was very glad to be out of pain. I also had to be COVID tested and isolate before my colonoscopy last month. Yes, we’re tired of all these restrictions too.

    @msfriendly – welcome to our most wonderful troupe. I remember post-baby getting into jeans, laying on the bed, squeezing into them. But with the weight loss, I had to buy new trousers cuz the old ones wouldn’t stay on/up!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 5 – NSW, AU – CFD

    After a night of tossing and turning I started off well with a 19 hour fast, ran out of carrots so lunch was apple slices with the Eggplant dip. Then I had a bout of EFS with some delicious Loacker wafer biscuits… meaning instead of 800 calories for the day I went up to 1350, but still below my goal weight TDEE so calling it a CFD. But back onto goodness tomorrow which is easier to do when I’m at work and there’s no snacks available.

    No gym for the past 2 days but I think work has given me enough of a workout to make up for that, but hopefully tomorrow morning before or maybe afterwards, I’ll see how well I sleep tonight.

    Day 5, Emden Germany, NFD

    About a clean house: “You can identify a reader’s house by the books-to-cleanliness ratio.” Ha, I have an excuse, you just have to find it.

    @betsylee I only think of the exercise machines when I see them, so not often as they are in the basement.

    @missybear I hope your cat is fine this morning and you got a good sleep.

    @stitchincarol Did you make the trip to deliver the cookies?

    @emma-taylor My DH had the surgery last year on both legs. He found it not very painful, just a bit of twinging where the cuts were. He had to wear very tight stockings for 6 weeks but after a few days he got used to it. We wish you a speedy recovery.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 5 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Good night with my friend (the one who “loves” alone 😂 ha ha…sorry for typo yesterday ), and she really looks forward to this one day in a week to cook for somebody else and chat. I enjoy having food handed up to me too (it was pork chops and mash, something I never make for myself)….and we are connecting during this lockdown, so I feel good this morning.

    FD today…….it will be 16:8 as usual, and today’s lunch delivery is vegan falafel salad bowl…..again, haven’t a clue what’s in it apart from falafel but going by the other delicious salads it should be yum, and full of greens.

    @emma Taylor hoping all goes well tomorrow, seems to be a successful operation so it should help
    @i-hate-lettuce thinking of you, half way there, we are all behind you my friend
    @missybear hope your cat is ok now. My Missie has had a few seizures and it’s terrifying to watch and the stress ☹️ Take care b

    Have a great Thursday FD

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