Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

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Controlled November Monthly Challenge 2020

This topic contains 431 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  BrightonBelle 4 years, 3 months ago.

Viewing 50 posts - 1 through 50 (of 450 total)

  • Hello My Friends,

    November is right around the corner and I have volunteered to host the month’s challenge. I am looking forward to a great month with all of you. The monthly challenges were started by @coda in May 2016; and many of us have found them to be crucial in staying engaged and motivated on our individual journeys. Some of us are in maintenance while others are on the path to finding our happy weight. Regardless of where we are, this is a safe space to share, vent, seek and find support and advice. We have members from all over the world and some of us have even used this forum to learn about the differences in each other’s cultures and languages.

    For those who are unfamiliar with how this works, the initial post begins with the Day of the Month, your physical location, and whether this is a FD (fast day) or NFD (non-fast day) some people may use the term CD (controlled day) which means they plan to stay under TDEE.

    If you care to, please share a little bit about your personal journey; however there is no pressure or obligation to do so.

    The link to the spreadsheet will be posted shortly by @at (thank you); feel free to enter as much or as little information as you want in it.

    Recently, there have just been FD pocket lists along with some other mini challenges/groups such as DTF (Dry ‘til Friday), ZBC (Zero Breakfast Club), and 30-minute exercise daily lists. In the past there were also pocket lists such as Egg fasters, Hula-hoopers, Plank challengers, and Club Tor-twah for those finding themselves in a super slow weight loss period! Anyone can start or join one of these groups or even start a Pocket List – it’s entirely up to you.

    You may have some questions that have already been answered, so try this wonderful thread from @simcoeluv below:

    Here’s the list of common abbreviations used throughout this challenge and added to on an ongoing basis:
    16:8 – 16 hours fast 8 hours non fast
    5:2 – 5 days NFD:2 days IF
    ADF – Alternate Day Fasting (FD – NFD – FD – etc. etc. etc.…….)
    B2B – Back to Back (consecutive FDs)
    BMR – Basal metabolic Rate
    CFD – Controlled Fast Day (a FD below your goal weight TDEE, whatever that is!!!)
    DH,DD, DS – Darling Husband Daughter, Son
    DTF – Dry ‘Til Fri (for those limiting the booze to weekend only ………….. & aiming for sainthood!!!!)
    EE – Emotional Eating (reflex grazing out of a need for instant comfort instead of satisfying hunger)
    EFS – Epic Face Stuffing (we’ve all had one of those days……………. Definitely due to a faulty OFF button!)
    FD – Fast Day (500 cals)
    HUNGER DRAGON – that dreadful psychological beast that sometimes cannot be satisfied. Some people even name theirs (e.g. @i-hate-lettuce has an inner warthog!)
    IF – Intermittent Fasting
    Keto – way of eating that generates Ketones
    K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple Stupid!!!………………or Sexy!!!
    LC – Low Carb way of eating
    LCHF – Low Carb High Fat way of eating
    LFD – Liquid Fast Day (incl. tea, coffee, miso, bone broth & water)
    LOL – Laughing Out Loud
    M/WOAM – Man/Woman on a Mission (courtesy of @i-hate-lettuce)
    MFD – Modified Fast Day (800 cals) on the new Fast800, it’s a FD
    NFD – Non Fast Day
    OH – Other Half (eg spouse/partner)
    OMAD – One Meal A Day
    PFDS – Post FD Smugness (courtesy of @penz)
    TDEE – Total Daily Energy Expenditure (see the ‘how it works’ link on the home page to work out yours)
    TRE – Time Restricted Eating
    WFD – Water Fast Day (Water only)
    WFH – Working From Home ……………….. Covid-19 enforced!!!
    WOL – Way of Life
    WOCA – Women Of a Certain Age
    ZBC – Zero Breakfast Club

    Remember, anybody can consume an elephant – as long as they are willing to take one small bite at a time. Speed is desirable but consistency will win the war every time.

    Let’s make November our best yet in 2020

    Hi @basyjames – I’m definitely in for November – let me know if you can access the link for the spreadsheet 🤗

    Hi @basyjames Thanks for hosting our next challenge! I’m also in!

    @at Thanks for making the spreadsheet again, it works for me.

    I am in for this crazy November. Thank you @basyjames for hosting this months challenge.

    Hi Basyjames,
    Can I join you wonderful people for the November Challenge? I’ve got a bit podgy with a few extra Covid pounds plus those that seem to stick around as the years go by! I’ve got a big birthday next year and my son is hoping to get married in May (Covid dependent!) so I need to get a grip! I’m hoping that group support and reporting in daily will help to get me into good habits.
    Many thanks in advance

    Hello all!

    Many thanks for being the host this month @basyjames. May November be more successful than October! Looking forward to a mindful 30 days.

    Hi @basyjames – thank you for hosting. I’m one of the perpetual newbies – lurking often, but not posting much. Please know how much I appreciate this forum though – it really helps to keep going and to come back to this WOE again and again. Good luck to everyone in November and beyond!

    Thanks @basyjames for hosting November!!

    This will be my second month, although I tend to lurk and babble, I found that it’s good to have these Challenges and knowing that others alongside me are doing the same thing makes me accountable and not so lonely.

    I was happy with my progress in October (6kg – 13lbs) having started Intermittent Fasting again as well as trying a very loose Fast800. I think that my goal will be to see if I can lose another 5kg, as well as have fewer ‘cheat days’ and try to exercise more. Time will tell if that happens or not.

    hi Basyjames

    Thank you for hosting the Controlled November count me in.

    I am still still lurking and getting my head round things and may not post every day but I will be here in spirit (not wine)

    I’m in for Controlled November 🙂 First shot at dieting this year. Not weighing myself until I can fit back into my jeans, it’s more about shape than weight for me. IF throughout the month & hoping to keep the hunger dragon at bay.

    Morning ! Will have a good think today about my November goals See you tomorrow Thank you at @basyjames for hosting x

    Day -1 – Rural Nebraska, USA

    I’m in for Controlled November; thanks, @basyjames, for hosting! So good to already see familiar names, and we’re happy to welcome @podgepodge, @zzzzz45, and @msfriendly! This is truly a great group, full of support, wisdom, and–when needed–commiseration!

    Thanks for hosting November @basyjames. Looking forward to continuing the challenge in November with this great group of people.

    I’m looking forward to rejoining the challenges, thank so much @basyjames for leading us! Thanks as well @at for the spreadsheet.
    See you tomorrow 😊

    USA. Day 31. CD

    See you all in November! Can’t believe we are there already! :). Thank you, Basyjames for hosting this month!

    I’m IN @basyjames – thank you for taking the helm! @at – your spreadsheet is so appreciated too!

    Welcome to November; come one, come all. I will make every effort to log on at least once a day to comment, encourage and inspire.

    But I beg your understanding if I am unable to respond to every post; I am in the middle of preparations to take 2 weeks off to help my sister with her newborn. That includes getting my work team set up to succeed while I am gone, and setting my home up for success while I am away. Trying but exciting times.

    I am glad to see everyone here, and looking forward to the first day of November which should arrive in a few hours; unless a giant meteor hits us first ( a la 2020)

    Day 1, NFD, Aus

    Pinch and a punch, everyone! Gotta love the start of a new month and November HAS to be more controlled for me that Orful October!

    Day 1 Melb Aust TDEE

    @basyjames, I’m in, thanks for being our host.

    @at, no problem accessing the spreadsheet, except that it mentions goals for October. Not sure how to update it, and was wary of messing the spreadsheet up, so left it unchanged.

    My goals for this month – back to healthier eating, maintain walking but increase other exercise, practise thankfulness.

    We can do it everyone! November is a good lead up to the end of the year.

    Day 1 – NSW, AU – MFD

    Well off to a good start with a 19 hour fast, seeing as I had my timer set for 16 I think that was a good addition, but not as impressive as yesterday’s 21 hours. Had lunch – carrot sticks and the Spicy Pumpkin dip was a nice way to break my fast and did enjoy a small treat – some Loacker wafer cream biscuits – afterwards. Now I’m waiting for the next hour to pass before I have my usual early dinner, tonight it’ll be the Chilli Con Carne. No exercise today, enjoying a bit of a lazy weekend but hopefully back into it tomorrow!

    Day 1, Emden Germany, NFD

    Hi everyone!

    I’m a Dutchwoman living in the North of Germany, married, owner of an adorable cat, 64 years old, 163 cm/5’4″ tall. My weight was 56 kg/123.5lbs all my adult life until starting a new job in 2011 where my weight crept up to 72.9 kg. I read the book and joined the challenges on and off from March 2017 on. I lost 20 kg very quickly but gained half of it back after retirement in March 2018. I’m in maintenance again, my goal weight is 60 kg/132.3lbs, my weight today is 59.7 kg/131.6lbs (BMI 22.8).

    My plans for this month are:
    – eating less sugar
    – signing in every day
    – 5:2, ZBC (except on Sundays, breakfast in bed), 18:6
    – daily planks, squats and balance exercises, dance class 2/3 times a week

    @at Congratulations on you and your husband’s 40th wedding Anniverary, enjoy this day!

    @podgepodge and @msfriendly Welcome!

    @zzzzz45 Welcome back, I remember your name from previous challenges.

    @betsylee I changed the October goals to November goals on the spreadsheet.

    @basyjames Just enjoy being with your sister and her newborn, there will be enough enthousiastic posters to give support.

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 1 – Rural Nebraska, USA – CD

    Good morning, everyone! It’s 3:30am as I type and I’ve been awake for several hours. So much for that streak I was having of excellent sleep! 🤣😂

    I’m a 61yo woman, 5’4″ and currently 149. I weighed 132 for years and then multiple moves put on weight, and then lack of self-control put on more until I was 166. I lost almost all of it in 2015, but gained it back. Now I’ve dropped 17 pounds and have another 17 to go…or perhaps more. We’ll see. I started doing Fast5 (19:5) in late July and am finding it works for me; my self-control is the most challenged in the evening, so if I save all my calories for then, it’s easier not to go nuts.

    I’m still thinking through exactly what my goals will be for November. October didn’t result in much loss, so I’m trying to figure out what I can commit to doing that will increase my calorie burn sufficiently to reach 2K per day. I mean, I KNOW what I can do in theory, but I’m struggling to figure out what I can actually COMMIT to, a very different question.

    For those of you who are new (or are returning), let me encourage you to stick around, post and chatter as if you actually belong here, BECAUSE YOU DO. This is the kindest group you can imagine, and we treasure our international support!

    Okay, I’m going back to bed; I need to be up in three hours so I can get dressed and over to church early and finish my own organ preparation in time for DS24 to join me at 8 in order to practice his trumpet part for today’s hymns. I adore when he plays with me!

    For those of you already up for all day, have a grand day! I’m hoping to post later with actual November goals.

    Day 1 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 NFD

    @basyjames thank you for hosting at such a busy time for you, enjoy your time with your sister and new family member.

    I’m a 61 year old woman living in Wales with DH and our gorgeous elderly cat. Discovered 5:2 and this forum in summer 2017 and lost 30 pounds and reached goal in summer 2018. Maintenance went well until this year. I have gained 6 pounds since March and despite a half hearted attempt to get back to goal weight last month I am maintaining the gain so I need to do better this month. Going back to basics, I have dusted off my copy of MM’s Fast 800 to read this week and making a promise to myself to reduce wine consumption.

    Welcome to everyone new to monthly challenges.

    Day 1 UK NFD

    Thanks for hosting @basyjames but please don’t feel pressured into taking on a lot of work, I don’t need a personal responses – just do whatever you can 💕

    I’m in my late 50s ( just realised it’s the last year of being able to say that so I’m making the most of it ) Lifelong yo yo dieter , Joined codas challenge got to a happy weight , plodded on for a couple of years then a few holidays/ celebrations and wham ! I’d put around 20lb back Around this time last year decided to do something about it but it wasn’t until March ( maybe lockdown was a factor ) I started to see results I’m now nearing my goal and now want to concentrate on lifelong health Going to set myself some exercise goals for November and will continue <500 cal FDs 2 days a week .

    Looking forward to sharing the month with you all xx

    Day 1 – Lake District UK – NFD

    Good morning everyone

    Late on parade today, got caught up with a bust morning!

    @basyjames – thanks for steering the 5:2 wagon this month, helping us along the straight and narrow, but as @brightonbelle suggests don’t worry about being in the driving seat all the time!

    I’m continuing to pop in this month, aiming to maintain weight, but have been warned the next 4 weeks are going to be rough! BUT, it seems I’m generally seen as being rather strong and relatively fit, with a fair bit of determination and humour, so will get through this. Odd, nobody mentions charming good looks and handsome features for some reason 🙂

    However, will ‘see you’ all this month.

    Take care all.

    Day 1 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – NFD

    Popping in to say hi on Day 1 and looking forward to a good November. I posted yesterday but the forum gods did not post it, so I thank you again @stichincarol fir your gracious hosting in October

    @ihatelettuce and @at I had also wished you the best for the rugby whilst hoping that Ireland could deliver….well, a day later….congratulations to England….👍 It was a disappointing Ireland game, I even dozed off at the end!!!

    Talk tomorrow

    Day 1 Wisconsin USA FD500

    Good morning everyone! Happy to be here for Controlled November. Thank you @basyjames for hosting and @at for the spreadsheet.

    I’m 71, a wife and mother and nana to our two grandchildren. A few years ago I retired from nursing, arrived at our local YMCA and became certified to teach yoga, yoga for seniors, basic tai chi and water aerobics. I also did indoor bike workouts almost daily for myself.

    Work at the Y came to an abrupt halt in March because of the pandemic. I taught a weekly outdoor yoga class throughout the summer for 10-15 people in my neighborhood. Outdoor yoga and outdoor biking have ended due to our cold weather.

    I miss my past exercise activities, but work out daily in other ways. Currently I walk outdoors whenever possible and supplement outdoor walking with indoor walking programs I found online thanks to this group. I also try to do at least a brief yoga practice as well as one other exercise activity. Beside walking, I try to do an hour of additional movement each day.

    I participated in a few challenges here several years ago, got very close to my goal weight and maintained until recently. While maintaining I often came back to the forum to read your posts for inspiration. My current weight is 157 lbs thanks to a three-pound loss in October. I hope to lose 4 more pounds in November and my ultimate goal is to weigh between 140-145 lbs.

    16:8 or even 18:6 has worked well for me, and the more I prolong my overnight fast the better. What I eat affects my success greatly – eating sugar and processed foods results in cravings that I find hard to resist. I’m a permanent member of the ZBC and Exercise pocket lists, but depending on what time of day I post I may not add myself to the lists.

    Three Things I Know:
    Intermittent Fasting offers health benefits.
    Avoiding sugar and processed foods helps me control my appetite.
    Exercise is beneficial for my mood and body.

    Plan for Day 1:
    10,000 steps, yoga, my own balance class
    Avoid sugar and processed foods

    Good luck to everyone on our first day of the new challenge. Going back now to read everyone’s posts!

    Remember: We get fit in the gym, we lose weight in the kitchen.

    Day 1 – UK – FD

    Hello fellow November No-Weight-Gainers

    I started fasting on 30th October. Ate yesterday afternoon around 4pm and heading up to 24 hours on my first fast day of November.

    Our chickens are still laying, so there’s plenty of eggs around, and I am not stressing too much over lockdown.

    Ideally, I go through until tomorrow morning, but OH is visitng tonight and I’m probably going to cook for him.

    Not feeling particularly hungry, and good energy. Remembering that Mormons all over the world are also fasting today… and without water! … so at least I’m in a more luxurious position than them.

    First day is always a breeze. It gets harder as time goes on.

    Just remembered that NANOWRIMO is starting today, so may try and do that this year and distract myself with that.

    Good luck all!

    Day 1 USA (Illinois) NFD

    November greetings! I am Gwynne, 72-year-old woman, live with my DH(73) in northwestern Illinois, rolling hills, farm and dairy area. I’m a retired school music teacher, still do private piano lessons and church music. Once we are able to meet again, I will sing with our local Choral Society and work at our children’s museum.

    I’m a ‘true original’ having joined @coda in May 2016 for her first challenge. Been on every one since then. Started 5:2 March 2016 at nearly 200# (90kg) and lost 40# down to 72.5kg by January 2017. It’s been pretty much maintenance since then. At my age, a 25BMI keeps most of the wrinkles away. I’m a little more than I want to be right now but mainly happy with 6:1 these days. I do Silver Sneakers 3x a week pretty faithfully.

    I’m looking forward to getting to know you newbies. @basyjames – I know you will manage us very well. We truly can go pretty much on our own!

    Onward and downward.

    Day 1 Murrells Inlet South Carolina CD

    Wow it’s here November is going to my good to me. Goal for this month is to stay on track and get these last 5lbs of. With no real plans for the holidays and family unable to visit I should be able to slide right thru unlike years past with all the sweets and baked goods.

    Lets HOPE that LOVE is the next pandemic.

    Stay safe everyone.

    Day 1 – UK – NFD

    40 years ago darling OH and I got married – it’s been a blast so far 👩‍❤️‍👨 so let us hope for many more to come ❤️ @snowflake56 – Thank you for the good wishes

    Started the day with a 9am HIP/Yoga workshop via Zoom – 45 mins of HIP with a Physiotherapist friend of my yoga teacher followed by 45min of stretching yoga moves with her 🙏 Lovely start to the day

    A big welcome to those new @podgepodge @msfriendly or returning @zzzzz45 to these challenges and lovely to see our regulars signing in too 🤗

    @betsylee – I see someone has posted your goals in for you 🤗
    @missybear – you know you can soon shift those 6lbs and join those of us in maintenance once more
    @daffodil2010 – re the rugby – I was actually rooting for France v Ireland 😆 as I have some french background and my Irish friend and I always have a banter via texting whilst watching…….
    @songbirdme – you must be the only “true original” left in the challenge???

    For those new to these challenges a little bit about myself:-
    I am a 62y.o. female living with my OH, we have a married daughter who has 4 fur babies – 3 cats and an adorable beagle called Archie.
    Height = 165cm/5ft 4in
    I started this WOL on my own in January 2016 as I was fed up with being overweight and wanted to get fitter!
    I decided to join the challenges in November 2016 as I had plateaued for around 3 months and managed to reach maintenance in early December 2016 with the help of these challenges and have remained in maintenance range of 54-56kg/119-123.5lbs and a BMI of just over 20 since then!
    Total weight loss = 22kg/3st 7lbs
    I retired in December 2013 and moved to the Lake District – best decision we ever made – OH and I love our new life here!
    In my retirement discovered a love for exercise, currently doing yoga 🙏 which I discovered over 5 years ago and it has just been the best thing for me, both physically and mentally. I also do Broga, pilates, aerobics and hiking on the fells in my beloved Lake District ⛰ and in my spare time do some volunteering in my local community
    My personal motto since reaching maintenance has been “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. and when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    I picked this quote by Henry David Thoreau for November as it mentions wine that I have bravely (or foolishly) set as a goal to forego this November after today 🤣🤣

    “The thinnest yellow light of November is more warming and exhilarating than any wine they tell of. The mite which November contributes becomes equal in value to the bounty of July.”

    USA. Day 1. CD

    Can’t believe another month has gone by! Anyway, maybe, if I am lucky, I will lose another 7 lbs. or at the very least, maintain the pounds I lost.

    Good luck, everyone, and wish you a lovely Sunday!

    Post 2 – Day 1 – Intro

    Dropped in late this morning, sat down with coffee, checked emails, just about to log in to the forum ….. never got here! Lots of bits of things needed attention, next thing its lunchtime! One of those silly mornings.

    However, a bit about me ….

    I’m Barry, a 65 year old very happily married guy who since discovering the monthly challenges just over a year ago has managed to lose 41 pounds, have settled into this WOL. Food and drink and I are getting on much better!

    I was very much a ‘grazer’ and ‘finisher’ grazing between meals and at mealtimes, no waste, ‘not worth leaving that in the pan, I’ll finish it off’ as for putting the top back on half a bottle of wine …. don’t be silly!

    My weird sense of humour comes out occasionally, often read about me battling with my ‘Inner Warthog’ but summed up my trawling habits around food in the kitchen or fridge.

    5:2 WOL suits me fine, 2 FD’s normally 4 days calories up to 1500 and Friday, well get to keep the Inner Warthog happy, BUT don’t go too silly!

    Exercise = walking, gardening and bimbling, I really enjoy them, pretty good at them too, been doing it a while!? MOAM walks have developed into wanders for now, but I’ll be back!

    Currently, as we all do in life, having a ‘bit of a do’ healthwise, but still finding that the 5:2 WOL is helping, being more aware, healthy eating and maintaining weight at the moment is very important.

    Being a member of the Monthly Challenge group is a great support, especially while going through Lifes Bunjee jump!

    Finish on a good note…. treatment is progressing well, 4 weeks to go !

    Take care all

    Day 1 Canada NFD

    Thanks for hosting this months challenge @basyjames, it is good to be back!

    I took last month off as work was getting too challenging, thankfully my seasonal contract has now finished and I can focus more on me for the winter. I am a 59 yr old woman who loves to eat, cook and be active. I am in maintenance at 60kg and am going to use 6:1 this month for all the health benefits it brings. FD’s feel great when you get them right and I like the structure it brings!

    Day 1 UK NFD
    Thanks for the welcome to all the newbies.
    Been a busy day here so I have been distracted and avoided eating left over Halloween sweets and even managed an OMAD, significant win! Not drunk enough water, again down to being busy. Have a garden full of beetroot and spinach so will make soups for FD days. Main goal this month is to get into the groove with this WOL and take things steady.
    See you all tomorrow.

    Day 2, FD, Aus

    Feeling like my mojo has returned. Simple goal for this month – actually complete 2x FDs per week! I did not do that in October and I can feel the difference!

    @podgepodge – I also have heaps of spinach in my garden at the moment. I’ve been making pesto with it (like how you’d make normal basil pesto). You can then have it with anything – a rub on chicken, with pasta, as a spread on toast. And it freezes very well too.

    Day 1 Brazil NFD
    Hello everybody,

    I would like to join the monthly challenge

    I restarted the 5:2 diet last Week. I intend to lose a few kilos before Christmas

    Day 1 Minnesota, US CD

    Thanks for hosting November, @basyjames! I am in for this month with some serious intentions! I’m going to focus on 5/2 and daily exercise, ZBC, NFDs under TDEE of 1500, and doing all the things I know will move me forward in my weight loss. DTF, for sure, except for this week……Election week. I might just have a glass or so in celebration, or in grief, whichever the outcome warrants.

    Eating mostly proteins today, low carb, and 16:8 to prime myself for a good FD500 tomorrow. It’s now 5 pm and I will not eat after 7pm at the latest.

    See you all tomorrow.

    Day 2 country west Australia CD
    Thanks @basyjames for hosting.
    I am a 60 yo female health professional ( who should and does know better).
    It is exactly 4 years since I started this WOL – November 2016.
    Managed 5:2 WOL for some time and lost weight.
    After sitting on a plateau for months, lost heart, lost hope, fell off the wagon, Rolled down the hill and in to the land of uncontrolled eating and put on far more weight than I ever have in my life.
    Did 5:2 intermittently ( sadly not enough in the fasting department!) and very halfheartedly.
    Popped in and out of this wonderful forum for the past 3 years
    Fast forward to November 2020 and I now have 23 kgs to lose!!!!!! 😲😲😲😢😢😢
    Motto – do NOT give up or give in.
    So, hi to all the oldies and the newbies. Here for the long haul.
    Goal for November – to exercise daily ( have become VERY sedentary having previously been fairly active) and to lose a modest 2 kgs.
    Thinking of all our friends in the UK facing a 4 week lockdown.😲
    Melburnians just coming off a 4 month lockdown which would have been pretty hard.
    Here in WA we have been very lucky with hard borders ( very difficult to leave or re-enter the state without an exemption) but relatively safe so far,😷🤞
    Happy November all.😎

    Day 1 – Second post

    Thankfully, I got back to sleep around four or four-thirty and pretty much stayed that way until six-thirty. I never take good sleep for granted anymore!

    Okay, my November ACTION goals:

    1. Continue Fast5: FD500 on M,Th, and no more than 800 on Tu,W; Friday and Saturday a limit of 1,000; Sunday is free to do as I wish, perhaps a dangerous diet attitude, but a good life attitude, so there you go.
    2. DTF every week with the exception of November 26, Thanksgiving
    3. 6K steps six days a week
    4. 30 min exercise five days a week.

    My hope is that I burn 2000 calories per day; the reality I discovered in October is that I’m just as likely to burn only 1750 or 1800; spread over a month, those fewer calories burned plus more calories eaten than I’m realizing equal far less weight loss than hoped for. I started this post around one o’clock today and I’m only finishing it now at 8:30. The delay? I kept trying to talk myself into making some grand plan of extra exercise that would help me hit 2K calories a day; the reality is that my life is too busy to try to commit to extra time beyond what I have here, and I really don’t want to make an empty promise to myself. So I’m leaving those action goals as they are because I know I can do those. And if I have to count calories to ensure I stay below my calorie count on the various days, then I’ll just have to count calories.

    So there they are: my goals along with lots of reflection. 😁 “See” you all tomorrow!

    Day 2 – Japan – WFD #87 (more or less)

    Just got out of the shower after a run. I was feeling the lactic acid build up before I hit the 3k mark. So now I’m feeling fine, probably much higher blood glucose than before the run. I was making good time but into my forth kilometer I clipped a tree with my right shoulder, I was focusing on not quitting and clear not paying close enough attention to where I was. I still had my fastest run this year, but it could have been better.

    I did have a cup of black coffee this morning, but I still count that as water.

    Day 2, Emden Germany, NFD

    @champinator and @lilymartin Welcome back!

    @stitchincarol Every day I start out with a lot of things I want to do and mostly end the day with only a few of them done. Everything seems to take more time than I thought. As long as I’m active enough, I don’t care about the amount of calories I use, I know it’s always less as expected. We have a rower, an elliptical trainer and an exercise bike in the basement but it’s just too time consuming and boring to do so yesterday we decided to bring everything to the charity shop along with other things we sorted out.

    Today’s plan:
    ZBC, 18:6, no sugar but a dirty Martini while view WhatsApp (forgot what it’s called) with friends 🍸
    8 minutes planks, 100 squats
    work on doorposts

    Pocket list day 2
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC day 2

    Have a nice day everyone!

    Day 2 – Lake District UK – CFD

    Good morning everyone

    What an odd weekend, I was really looking forwards to the 6 Nations Rugby matches (albeit on TV) …. Maybe because of the gap since March or lack of spectator background, the matches just didn’t seem to get going. Must have been very difficult for the players in some respects, yes they focus on the game but the lack of crowd support must be very odd?

    Rain stop play this weekend, very wet here, garden very soggy, so took a lazy day yesterday and just relaxed. Planning a few meals in order to maintain weight for this month.

    How things change, ‘Life’s what happens while you’re making plans’

    This month is our 40th wedding anniversary …. we should’ve just got back from a long planned ‘special’ holiday and next week a cruise, but we got a real double whammy with C19 etc. Things could be worse, all you can do is shrug the shoulders and remember after all we are very fortunate people!

    Take care all

    Day 2 – Ireland 🇮🇪 – FD

    Well, I plan an FD but this is going to be hard as, due to lockdown, my company has reintroduced the daily lunch delivery. This was the best thing about the first lockdown in work, yummy lunches to look forward to, BUT it started the lockdown weight gain for me.

    Today I have ordered a seared salmon salad bowl…..I know, I know, I don’t have to eat it……I could bring it home …..have it another time, give it to DH, so many options…..but I know I will eat it.

    Have a good day

    Day 2 UK FD

    Morning all aiming to be positive as we enter another lockdown,as it will hopefully be just 4 weeks I’m setting myself a goal of exercising daily and brushing up on my Italian – along with losing a few pounds 🤞

    Pocket list day 2
    @dykask WFD

    ZBC day 2


    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️

    Day 2 – NSW, AU – MFD

    I missed the ‘bit about me yesterday’, so here it is. I’m a 37 year old female, Aussie born and bred, 168cm and at my heaviest weight was 105kg (230lb) just a few months ago. Starting going to a gym and reducing myself to 1800 calories a day but wasn’t seeing many results so I decided to give intermittent fasting a go again after trying it for a few weeks a couple of years ago and reactivated my account here. I started again at the beginning of October and have stuck with it, my shortest fasts were 13 hours and my longest (so far) was 21.5 on the 31st Oct. I’m teaming this with a rather loose version of the Fast800, most of the time try to keep to the 800 but have had a few ‘cheat days’. I’m hoping in the next 12 months with a combination of fasting and reduced calories (and regular gym exercise) to get down to 65-70kg (143-154lb).

    On to Day 2 – After I typed in day 1 I kinda had 2 nut bars that pushed my 800 calories up to about 950… oops, but I wore it off this morning by going 20 hours and 15 minutes fasting wise, I just kept working and didn’t eat anything until lunch. I did stick below my 800 today though and did half an hour at the gym this afternoon. Oh and 96.5kg (212lb) on the scales today, which means in the space of the 32 days I’ve lost 7kg!

    Pocket list day 2
    @dykask WFD
    @toady (Fast800)

    ZBC day 2


    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️

    Day 2 – UK – FD

    Had a lovely day yesterday for our 40th wedding anniversary ending with a delicious home cooked meal at “Chez AT” – my present to OH was a meal of his choosing – Butternut, Orange and Sage Galette from “Ottolenghi’s Flavour” followed by a mixed berry Pavlova with a fresh passion fruit coulis all accompanied by a lovely bottle of Champagne – and I see that @i-hate-lettuce and Mrs IHL are also having their 40th anniversary this month too – was obviously a good year!!!

    So the weekend ended up being uncontrolled NFDs but all very enjoyable so pressing my RESET button today with a good old fashioned FD500 and starting my dry November 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 – it will be tough with ?4 weeks of lockdown starting this week but what better time to make my physical and mental well being a priority 🤗

    🤭 🤭 I have to own up that for the first time I slept in this morning and missed doing my 7am Broga class with OH – forgot to set my alarm last night and did not wake up until 7.30!!! However I will be doing a Pilates class this afternoon and a Yoga class this evening 🙏

    @bellyblast – lovely to have you back after a short absence – I have a few years on you but I also love to eat, cook and be active!
    @champinator – welcome back – I think you were with us back in June/July
    @lilymartin – lovely to see you back here – go back to the basics of 5:2 and remember to drink plenty of water and you will shift those extra kgs – you know what to do and you can do it!!!
    @snowflake56 – thank you for adding me to the pocket lists
    @i-hate-lettuce – thinking of you today at the start of your 3rd week of treatment – safe driving to and from the hospital
    @toady – congratulations on shedding those 7kg/15.4lbs in a month!!! 👍

    Pocket list Day 2
    @dykask WFD
    @toady (Fast800)

    ZBC Day 2

    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December!

    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️

    “If I quit now, I will soon be back to where I started. and when I started, I was desperately wishing to be where I am now”

    Day 2 Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 FD

    Happy Monday everyone.

    I have reflected on where I have been going wrong and I think the weight gain has been mostly down to the increased amount of wine since March… I am going to control that this month. I would like to think I could commit to a totally dry month…..but baby steps….. I will just take it a day at a time.

    So my plan for Controlled November:
    Fasting at up to 800 calories every Monday and Thursday. Tuesdays and Wednesdays will be CDs. Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays NFDs with little or no red wine, depending on just how much control I can muster. Daily Pilates and an outdoor walk.

    Think I just felt a nudge from my mojo 😉
    Have a great day everyone.
    Together we are stronger 🤗

    Day 2 – USA/GA – FD

    Well, I actually have my internet up and running again and a few minutes before work starts! I missed yesterday’s intro, so I’ll do a quick one and then check in. I’m a 47 year old man north of Atlanta who always inched up every year (save once about four years ago, where I lost a little weight over a period of four months). Staying on track was so difficult until I found 5:2 in early May. This year, I have lost a little over 40 lbs., most of it through 5:2.

    My weigh-in this morning was 238, yesterday’s was 237 lbs. My goal for the month is 232 lbs.

    The adventures of Lola and Wesley will continue tomorrow. Sorry — got to run to work!

    Pocket list Day 2
    @dykask WFD
    @toady (Fast800)

    ZBC Day 2

    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December!

    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️

    Day 2 USA (Illinois) FD

    Jumping in to join the FD pocket list. The weekend eating was a bit more than my usual, so going to re-set hopefully just with today’s FD. Off to Silver Sneakers shortly.

    Onward and downward.

    Pocket list Day 2
    @dykask WFD
    @toady (Fast800)

    ZBC Day 2

    @at 🚫🍷🥂🍸🚫 until December!

    Exercise 🏋️‍♀️

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