Constipation resolved

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  bigbooty 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • I’ve experienced a resolution of constipation with 5:2. This isn’t something that I’d usually discuss, but quite a few people have reported a problem with abdominal cramping and diarrhoea the day after fasting. Apart from bringing down my cholesterol and blood sugar, this has been the most significant benefit I’ve had from the diet.

    Drink more water to get relieved from constipation. Try to establish healthy diet to prevent constipation as much as possible. Supplements might be a good option providing tat it is an herbal. The Digestic by Mimonis is very known for this function. It already cleared me from constipation when it brings back my bowel movement to normal.

    Thanks Healthyme – these are good suggestions. I have an odd neuromuscular condition, and the usual things didn’t work for me. Not that I was ever particularly concerned about it because I had bigger issues…. And I guess because my gut had always been dead-in-the-water, I was baffled about why people were so fixated on their bowels. I suspect that the same mechanism causing cramping in healthy people on 5:2 actually gets my immobile gut to move, and it might be helpful to others.

    Emeralds, I have experienced the same thing! Even after my first fast day I was able to use the bathroom 3x in 2 days which is essentially unheard of for me… more than usual in a week. And I have tried everything too… I mean after the usual water/diet/etc. my doctor had me on a regiment of Miralax 2x a day with additional stool softeners and even that couldn’t get me on a regular cycle. I’m looking forward to keeping up with 5:2 and seeing if it can really help me long term!

    AbitunGraceful – it still works for me after 3 years on the diet, apart from the occasional lapse – my broader diet still has an impact on my gut, and eating poorly can still shut my gut down – it can take a month or so to get back on track. Having a properly working gut has had a significant impact on my own general health and wellbeing, so good luck – I hope the diet continues to work for you long-term.

    The adage “All things will pass” is true!

    Kjbusa – I don’t know whether you are still on the forum – I thought I’d write an update on the off chance you’d see it. My constipation eventually returned, and was no longer helped by 5:2. Recently I had genetic testing as part of an international effort to find new mutations for rare diseases, and I was found to have a much higher risk of Hirschsbrungs disease. You might wish to google ‘Hirschsprung Disease and Hypoganglionosis in Adults’ – it may or may not be helpful to you, but if you have had a lifetime of constipation, it might be worth exploring.

    Emeralds, I noticed increasing constipation as I aged. Have been Fasting for 5 years and saw no correlation. Recently I decided to take action in the form of ‘Green Milk’: at mid-day, I put 1 cup fresh spinach, one cup milk, and 1 date in the blender. You can add some apple if you wish. Whirr it all together until as smooth as you can make it. It is delicious and a little sweet and it does the trick — without drama or meds.

    Another factor which can affect transit is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, which occurs in men and women. It is resolved with specialized Physical Therapy. My husband had great success with this program.

    @pari. I think Dr Nitesh needs to lose a few pounds!!

    Constipation? Why not try increasing the amount of soluble and insoluble fibre in your diet. Fruit, cruciferous veggies and drink lots of water.

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