Consecutive fasting and lean muscle mass

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Consecutive fasting and lean muscle mass

This topic contains 8 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Vet272 11 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Evidence suggests that one day fasts cause no negative impact on lean muscle mass. However, can the same be said of consecutive day fasting?
    I follow a 4 3 plan, 2 days consecutive with a free fast later in the week.
    I would like some reassurance that this will allow me to maintain lean muscle mass.

    Hi again. If we are talking about fasting three days – each day for less than 24 hours – according to what I’ve read you are nowhere near putting yourself at risk of loosing muscles. In fact intermittent fasting is advocated by some for gaining (lean)-weight (Eat-Stop-Eat and Lean-Gains programs)

    PS I just read your profile and see that you exercise on a regular basis including strength. I wouldn’t be a bit worried about loosing lean weight on your program.

    Best of luck with your health improvements

    Two of those days are consecutive ie Sunday, Monday and then Thursday. So would that impact do you think?
    Ps I really appreciate you taking the time out to reply to my musings. Thank you.

    Nope, I wouldn’t be a bit worried about loosing lean weight on your program.

    Fasting 24 hours + training strength twice a week is what Brad Pilon advocates under the name of Eat-Stop-Eat. He says: you will loose muscle if you do not fast and do not exercise. You will loose fat and gain muscles if you fast and exercise (google “pilon birthday DEXA” to read his blog post on this)

    Vet 272,
    What do you mean – “I follow a 4 3 plan, 2 days consecutive with a free fast later in the week.” Do you for example fast on Monday and Tuesday, eat normal on Wednesday and fast on Thursday?
    Looking forward to your reply.
    Thanks, Ninna

    Yep. That’s about it Ninna

    Does it work? Do you loose weight?

    I feel better, my clothes fit better so I would say it works. Important to note that I’m not in this to lose weight particularly. I am aiming to enjoy the health benefits that fasting brings.

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