Consecutive 72 Hour Fasts

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Consecutive 72 Hour Fasts

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  dykask 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Hi there,

    I have previously experimented with IF however I find as soon as I eat something I just crave more food, so i’m currently trialling this method;

    72 Hour Consecutive Fasts

    – Unsure of starting weight as I was in a right state after getting back from holiday, but I estimated around 90kg at 5,11″. I have been in very good shape before but it has slid in the last few years. My peak condition was 78kg with significantly more muscle mass. This was through a strict diet and exercise regime whilst I was working in the desert without the temptation of city life.

    Daily Intake:
    – 2 Litres Water (1L with added electrolytes)
    – Multivitamin
    – Glucosamine
    – Caffeine tablet first thing A.M.

    Daily Activity (Recorded with Garmin):
    – Work, walking between 12-20km today. (Once clocked 28km!)
    – I have not undertaken any strenuous exercise during this first cycle as I need to work out how I respond to such a change.

    _First 72 Hour Fast_

    Completed last night. I felt great throughout the 3 days; increased energy continuing throughout the day, mental clarity. I had one period on the evening of the second day when I was craving food but I kept myself occupied and forgot about it.

    72 Hours (Weight 86.7, perhaps I was lower than 90kg initially as that seems like a lot.)

    Once 72 hours was hit I decided to eat. I could have continued but the reason for this is that I want to go straight into another fast after getting some nutrition. I ate:
    – 2 Baked salmon fillets (roughly 400cal combined)
    – Steamed Veg (broccoli, baby sweetcorn, a red chilli, spring onion, spinach)
    – 2tsp of Soy Sauce.

    Every bite tasted absolutely fantastic… Could have eaten it raw!

    After consuming this I rather stupidly read up about breaking fast, in which I was worried because that meal was considerably heavier than the broths or carrot juice being mentioned. I felt fine until I got up for work the next morning where I felt a little bit sick, but that soon subsided.

    _Second Consecutive 72 Hour Fast_

    Day 1:
    – Feeling fine. Back to mental clarity and alertness. Some hunger but completely manageable.

    Even if I feel like I can go further this time I will still break fast after 72 hours with a nutritious meal, and depending on how I feel I would be keen to get into a 3rd cycle.

    Does anybody have any suggestions or see any health risks with this kind of rotation? I am struggling to find a rotation like this on the net.

    My only side effect is that I feel slightly short of breath which I have read could be a lack of electrolytes. I have been smoking also as I stupidly put a cigarette in my mouth on holiday but I will be kicking that again on a day of my choosing, most likely Monday. I’m not worried about it as I have strong willpower and when I want something i’ll really put myself out for it (as long as it isn’t detrimental to myself or those around me).

    Thanks for reading,


    While you have body fat you are probably fine. The problem I have with your approach is I really love eating. Most weeks I think two 36 hour fasts is enough because I want to eat. Anyway if you keep this up you will probably lose a lot of body fat over a few weeks. Not much fun though.

    Sometime I do push longer fasts, adding a second full day pulls me up to 60 hours and a 3rd day 84 hours. I don’t do it too often though. My longest fast is 7 days.

    I really don’t think nutrition is much of an issue for a healthy adult. There are people that water fast for weeks at a time. Besides if you get into trouble you can always break the fast.

    One caution, if you don’t exercise you will lose lean body mass. The fasting probably helps protect it, but taking it easy too long will take a toll at some point. Walking 20km is certainly exercise.

    I think people are often too cautious with breaking fasts. While I think it is wise to go a little slow, if you body is comfortable with the meal why not? I actually tried breaking my 7 day fast by eating watermelon first, the only reward was a case of the runs, but it didn’t last too long. However it isn’t a good idea to lose more water when one is already dehydrated. I moved onto a huge salad, a few eggs, a bit of sausage and then my problems stopped. For a 36 hour fast I just typically eat a few bites and then I have some appetite 15 minutes later, something like a small handful a walnuts or almost anything.

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