Confused about fast exercise

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Confused about fast exercise

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bigbooty 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Hello,

    First of all I want to thank Dr. Mosley for his work, I started with HIT yesterday after reading about the results(I have already watched the video before), and to be honest after 40 seconds I knew I had to keep doing it. Because my goal was 60 seconds devised in 20 seconds(on the bike), no trouble right? I almost puked after 40 seconds. I am 28 years old and I thought I was in an OK shape haha, guess not. But the day after I feel so fit, its already had an impact.

    Here’s what i’m confused about:
    In the book there is a mention to do HIT 3 times a week with a day rest between in, but there’s also the advice to perform fast strength on those supposed rest days.
    If I look at the suggested strength training and perform them with only 10 seconds break, it seems to me that I am doing HIT again. So now I am doing HIT 5 days a week?
    I thought it was best to always have a rest day after exercise but now I am not so sure. I want to progress, but at the same time I dont want to kill the progress by working out each day, because what i understand from fitness you shouldn’t overdue it.

    Second of all I hope someone can give me some advice on the strength training, because I want to increase my muscle mass and therefore I have a tailored eating schedule, but the problem is this schedule is differentiated between training and rest days. So my questions:
    1. If I only follow the fast strength training advice with the exercises suggested, and my eating is correct. Will I grow the same muscle mass as I would when working with weights?
    2. Is it best to perform HIT on my eating “rest day”? I suppose it will require less calories than Fast Strength or Weight lifting.

    Thanks in advance for any responses

    You may be working at cross purposes as 5/2 is ganerally not recommended if you’re trying to build muscle mass.
    Anyhow, I do cardio HIIT a few times a week – generally at end of strength training. I don’t do HIIT strength training per se, but do limit time between reps to max 1 minute, which does get my heart rate up.
    I do weights to maintain muscle tone vice gain bulk.

    From what I’ve read, you should be ok doing HIIT everyday as long as you give specific muscle groups sufficient time to recover from a workout, so at least 48 hours between any group of muscles is ok (legs, back, shoulders, etc). I would treat cardio HIIT as 1 group.

    Since you’re trying to gain muscle mass, while doing IF, I’d check out a LCHF diet. Think I read somewhere that a ketogenic diet is good for gaining mass while doing IF.
    Here’s one site – haven’t reviewed for this topic.

    Most people that say they are doing HIIT aren’t really doing HIIT. Theyre just exercising at an elevated rate. If you can sustain that elevated output for more than 20-30 seconds then it is not HIIT. HIIT can only be maintained for about 20 seconds. You are 100% anaerobic. If you do not feel physically ill afterwards then it wasn’t HIIT. HIIT is not pleasant. I usually finish my 50km bike ride with a 20 second sprint. It is 100% maxed out riding. It is as hard as I can push. I feel physically ill as I pull into my driveway. The rest day is required so that the muscular glycogen can be topped up.

    I don’t think that HIIT will necessarily produce muscles which appears to be what you are primarily after? Maybe rotate which muscle you are performing HIIT with and coordinate it with your muscle building.

    Tried to find a particular paper on the topic and I seem to have misplaced it. I did find another by Jensen which is related. Fasting depletes glycogen stored in your liver, about 65% depletion after 24 hours. However muscular glycogen is NOT reduced by fasting. Very little is in fact consumed. The majority of muscular glycogen can only be consumed by exercise. Hence HIIT would be a convenient means of consuming muscular glycogen. Fasting will consume liver glycogen. Both of these depleted glycogen stores will be replaced by adipose (fat) stores overnight as you sleep. Gluconeogenesis. Endurance trained athletes store more muscular glycogen than non trained subjects. An excess consumption of carbs does not result in more glycogen storage. This gets shunted to adipose (fat) cells.

    Glycogen stores in your liver is associated with “survival during starvation periods”. Glycogen stores in muscles are associated with energy for “fight or flight” responses.

    Thank you for replying!

    After reading your posts, I’ve decided to do HIT on the same days as my strength training(and include shorter breaks). This way I always get enough rest the day after. Luckily I’m not the only one who feels ill after HIT training, i’m glad that it means i’m doing it correctly.

    In terms of my strength training routine which I perform at home, can you give me some tips on whats the best exercises to perform a full body workout?
    (I know I have to eventually switch it up because of the plateau, but its nice to have a solid baseline)
    I currently perform below exercises which I enjoy and they are not time consuming, but I doubt it can be classified as full body:

    Push ups
    abb crunches
    Lifting dumbells

    So what i’m looking for is an exercise with a few workouts, but still train a lot of muscles, I guess you can say that I’m more in Michael’s corner in terms of exercise. I want to get the best possible workout in the least amount of time. But since the Fast strength exercises seem to be more about toning than building muscles I guess I need a different flavor.

    Cant really help with the muscle building aspect. Don’t really do any strength training. Ive got more of a bike riders build. Maybe try a body builder forum or get a good book on the subject?

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