comments, side effects, progress and tips – please share!

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comments, side effects, progress and tips – please share!

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  franfit 10 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Hi,

    I am at the end of month two, and reflecting on my progress.
    1) ‘marmite tea’ has saved the day (fast-wise) it’s tasty and filling, and I feel like I had a meal because of the salt, but really only 10 cal at most!
    2) weight loss is just starting to kick in…very minimal. I have decided to cut out added sugars (yes to fruit and honey, no to chocolate and pastries), and I dont overfill myself at meal times on days off the way I have done all my life. I am not large or overweight, but there is a ring of fat around my gut which I would really like to shift!
    3) hunger which I expected to be a huge problem is not at all. On fast days or off.
    4) sometimes I have low energy when fasting, sometimes not, sometimes headaches, sometimes not. It may not be related.
    5) I have decided to kick start my gut fat burning regime by not overeating on non fast days, exercising more (work up a sweat at least 3 times a week), and as I mentioned, by cutting out my mouth watering sweet snacks. I have a stash of dried fruit bars and cacao beans for when I get desperate! Nerdy, perhaps, but I will hopefully be a slimline healthy and energetic one!

    Please share similar stories, would be great to hear successes, pitfalls and other such reflections.


    carmela2, it sounds like you have a great plan! I’ve lost 37 pounds in 38 weeks so far with an approach similar to what you have planned, only I just walk a lot more most days rather than formal exercise and I measure out my portion sizes of higher-calorie foods from time to time so that I don’t experience “portion creep”. I haven’t cut out sugars completely, use about 1 tsp. agave nectar to 6 oz. of greek yogurt and eat a scoop of ice cream when I want it, maybe 3 times a week, but I don’t have big-time carb cravings, so it’s not really a problem for me. I also got some smaller plates and bowls so that my smaller portions don’t look lonely on the plate. Good luck!

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