Cold on fast days

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  issu 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • I apologize if there has already been a discussion on this somewhere and I missed it.I’ve been on the 5:2 for just over a month now and doing great so far but I’ve noticed an interesting side effect that I didn’t have the first couple of times I’ve fasted: Cold hands and cold feet! I live in a warm climate and have a healthy circulatory system but I’ve noticed my hands and feet get very cold on fast days. Has anyone else experienced this? Does it go away over time? I have a little mini heater I put under my desk at work and it is on all day when I’m fasting. I found little information about this online and what I did find didn’t seem very reliable. Does anyone have anything to share that relates to this? Thank you.

    Hello! 🙂 I think I quite common. I use to be cold on my fast days, don’t notice it so much anymore so it does go away·… Drinking hot, herbal, fruit teas helped me, and an extra layer or two 🙂 good luck!

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