Close to target bingeing

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Close to target bingeing

This topic contains 20 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Iwillbe12st 10 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Hi I am an inch away from my target having lost 9″ around my waist. Am finding my feed days are becoming a binge fest.. and technically appear to be eating about one and half times my TDEE…

    am wondering if my metabolism has upped its game and my real TDEE is now higher rather than lower than it was.. ? I have since started based my TDEE calcs on my target weight .. 12 stone.. (NB don’t know what my current weight is as don’t weigh myself very often.. twice since starting and am really monitoring my progess by my waist size).

    Since starting the IF I’ve increased my veg and animal protein amounts and really worked to ensure optimum nutrition.. So I don’t think it’s a protein / nutrient deficit..

    Has anyone else once close to their target experienced the real drive to binge (on quite healthy stuff generally.. not sugary carby stuff) ? If so what did you do / change?

    Should I up the kcals / protein on my fast days ..?

    Yes thanks for your post, exactly the same is happening to me. Usually get through the day until sunset when the binge descends upon me. Get home from work head for the cupboard–the dates, the nuts, cheese, fruit. And last night resorted to old habit of wine cheese and crackers telling myself it isnt a fast day so its ok. But having got in a hare’s breath of my weight target feel I have self sabotaged and yes up a kg this week. Just dont seem to have the emotional energy to stop the train or to pick up some exercise. And it had felt so good to be in control. We got to get our mojo back–we can do it!!! somehow. maybe someone has been on our journey already and has some wise words for us.

    Hi double happy..

    mmm well we seem to have a dearth of helpful suggestions so I phoned my Sister!

    So the up shot is I think I’m going to try increasing my protein intake on both fast and non fast days.. blimme .. thought I already had..

    Sister also thought it might be a seasonal / end of winter / early spring thing… increaseing light ..

    Does anyone know if rates of metabolism increase with more daylight???

    What are you thinking of trying double happy?

    hello Iwillbe12st & double happy,
    im still about 25lbs off my target and yes still have times i over eat on my non fast days, i now fast 4 3.
    one thing that has happened is as ive lost the weight i just can’t eat as much as i used to so its never as bad as before, it took me 29 years of over eating to gain the weight i was at, im now the weight i was at 19, slowly, slowly im making better choices, i think time is the key here, its been 17 months and my cravings are still there but just not as strong or as often.

    thanks for joining in Fast for life, felt like Iwillbe12st and myself were the only ones with this problem. Must admit when those cravings came back after 3 months of cruising along it was a shock and I worry that i will end up back where i started,
    Your sister’s theory doesn’t work for me iwillbe12st–I’m in NZ so we have just had our first day of autumn ( ahh i am a squirrel preparing for winter!!)
    this week have decided to admit I hate lettuce however much I try to dappier it up–so going back to the cook book to find new recipes and really up the tastes. and thinking I am overeating because I am tired so yes up the protein. Have now eaten all treats that were in my cupboards so strategy 3 is not to buy any more this week (if visitors pop in then its a plain cup of tea no munchies.)
    let’s see how we go– and all the very best. keep me posted on anything you discover to keep us off the naughty kids chair.


    Binging/cravings often indicate the body needs something it is not getting. You have been eating less food for some time. You therefore have been getting fewer nutrients – both vitamin and mineral – than you used to get. I would find a very good (ie. not cheap) vitamin/mineral supplement and begin taking it. They don’t work ‘fast’, so you have to give them 3 or 4 weeks to begin to meet the needs of the body.

    Good Luck!

    Hi thanks @fast for life and @simcoeluv..

    I’ve been religious about ensuring high nutritious value for all food .. on both fast and non fast days.. but willing to give the vit/min theory a go.. Was wondering about polyphenol levels too.. mmm might have a go at upping these as well..

    @fast for life After starting IF in August I’ve really not had cravings at all.. even over Christmas and New Year I managed to put in some fast days and moderate the usual over indulgence .. compared to now I feel really different..

    @double happy mmm oh well the season thing isn’t the root then.. well I guess it may still be in my case but obviously not in yours..

    Higher protein levels and vit/min supplements here I come

    Hi I have lost 1/12 stone and have 7 pounds to go but have hit a plateau on this for about 3months going up two pounds down two pound etc. I have now started to binge eat badly on some of my non fast days 3 chocolate bars, bags of crisps and normal food too. I am not putting on weight too severely because I am still fasting. I find this is very much linked to my menopause and mood swings. Beginning to get a bit concerned that in the early days I just couldn’t over eat because I was full on a small amount but now can easily over eat.

    I think that it is psychological. I’ve been fasting since mid november without much trouble and am now only 3 kilos off my healthy weight range.

    While I haven’t had problems with the fasting and normal day eating, it does sometimes feel like a bit of a chore to get done. I really enjoy cooking and eating.

    My body is now at the point where I feel pretty darned good about it. I no longer see myself as fat, and have had a compliment or two on how fit I am looking (one from a random stranger on the street).

    It is at this point with every diet/exercise program that I have ever done that I find my committment slips and it becomes so much easier to eat the treats, to miss the gym, I stop weighing myself religiously and the scales start creeping up and the body fat builds and the gym membership slips.

    The health benefits of this way of eating don’t keep me committed to it. They are hard to see and realise so I am afraid that I have to admit that in a large part it is vanity that keeps me going.

    This time around I am working really, really hard to try and stay committed to making it into the healthy weight zone (I haven’t made it there in the last ten years), to keep this up through the coming autumn and winter so that I may actually have my fit lean body for summer – rather than getting it respectable as we roll into winter with it’s bulky clothing and stodgy comfort foods and losing the benefits of all that hard work and having to start again in Spring or summer with trying to get back to where I am now.

    So try to find what motivates you and keep it front and centre.

    @ghostgirl .. yes I think you’re def right about the psychology of it.. I think I am going to watch Eat Fast and Live Longer again and dip back into the book.. catch up with Dr Longa’s youtube stuff.. etc etc to pshyche myself up and get tough re the bingeing mind wise..

    I take it your are Southern Hemi as you say you are going into winter.. I’m Northern.. so comming out of Winter and have been A OK thro our long dark (far N of Scotland) winter..

    And like you the vanity thing is a motivator but am also keen to continue the fasting habit to keep IGF1 down etc post reaching target size / weight.. You say you feel so much better as if that is really only related to the “looking good” thing.. but it really is health that underpins the “looking good” so hope that helps you..

    Iwillbe12st yes I’m an Aussie living in Sunny Melbourne 🙂 with our not so cold and not so dark winter soon approaching. Looking forward to doing more soups for fasting day dinners. How many hours of sun would you get on a winters day in far north Scotland winter?
    What I do love about looking good for me at the moment is that it is built on being fit, strong and healthy. It is hard work staying that way, and unfortunately the body very quickly depletes the fitness levels if you stop using them.
    I would love to be motivated by improved blood sugar and cholesterol levels and the IGF1, but all those things would involve blood testing and I hate needles so they stay as theoreticals for me. Yes I’m a wimp.
    I did however pull the pushbike out for the first time in way too long last weekend and found that the rolling hills on one of my local rides no longer intimidated me. Being 10 kilos lighter makes riding up hills so much easier – so another tangible/vain benefit from this way of life for me to keep dangling in front of myself.

    Hi Iwillbe12st, it’s not just you guys. I’m being a bit ‘naughty’ recently too. Maybe it is a seasonal thing, although I didn’t notice it last year.

    I was putting it down to the fact that I’ve upped my exercise regime by 400% in the past month. I don’t think I’ve genuinely eaten ‘under’ my TDEE on any non-fastday in the past month and may well have gone a couple of hundred ‘over’ it on a few occasions!!! It IS naughty but I wasn’t too concerned until I got my results from this months weigh in.

    I weighed on Saturday and I’m down 3lb over the same period, so I think for me it is the increase in exercise that’s sending my metabolism into overdrive. I do need to address WHAT I’m over eating though. I’m a ‘sweet tooth’ girl and I’m totally hoovering up the chocolate & sweeties when I binge. I don’t want to remove that stuff from my diet completely (or I’d hate my life) but I DO need to try and ‘fill up’ on stuff that’s better for me and keep the sweet stuff as a treat.

    @tracyj .. mm chocolate.. which takes me back to the polyphenols am really wondering if they (or lack of) are driving some of my binging .. had a complete pig out on chocoloate nuts and olives this weekend??? go figure..

    @ghostgirl I haven’t done any blood analysis so have no idea what my igf levels are or were .. I just work on the basis that there is scientific evidence to support fasting as a means to reduce igf levels..

    I always assume that the IGF-1 thing is working if I get the health benefits still.

    I’m still getting those, so hopefully IGF-1 remains on target. I don’t think IGF-1 is something that an NHS doctor would automatically want to test, so I doubt many of the Brits on here have had their tests done.

    This is such a good and timely thread–we can get there as a team. I had a successful fast day yesterday and no cravings at all, that got me thinking back about triggers over the past week–that saw the fridge and pantry doors worn off their hinges ! one trigger is glasses of wine that maybe start up a sugar craving.
    The other one can be no planning on non-fast days, get home too tired to think and cook–so need to address that.
    I agree that there are emotional reasons for eating, that can be a high mountain to climb so thinking having really tasty food so we are eating very satisfying meals–out come the recipe books–I’m going to spice up my life. Here in NZ I see a new range of spiced couscous packs (Alexanders) so I now have a few of those in the pantry. figure having a good base for a meal could help.
    Thanks for the mention about multi- vits, it’s a reminder to eat a balanced diet–and not cheese and crackers and wine every non-fast day.
    My next strategy is to give away–made a yummy date loaf for friends visiting–the half left over went to my son–in–law (so saved my hips and gained brownie points )–though I did regret it at 10 ‘clock that night–had an image of myself going to their place knocking on the door and asking for a piece.
    let’s hear from each other about our successful strategies and small achievements each time the binge comes a calling–it’s not going to define us!!

    I’m on fast day today and tomorrow..

    So tonight I have borscht .. lots of veg and nutritious stock for a base ..

    Tomorrow could be salmon and salad + steamed broccoli or 2 egg spinach omlette and salad + steamed broccoli.. that’s my standard Mon Tues fast..

    Last Tues had a meeting at work with catering.. disaster ..

    Planning to eat sensibly and nutritiously within TDEE on Wed (Quorn and flageolet bean chilli . ) and probably stick a fast day in on Thu eat sensibly on Friday.. probably not until evening so extending Thursday’s fast into some of Friday .. so will probably do a prawn stir fry Friday night..

    What I might do on Wed and Fri is do some maths and calculate a portion of nuts (Almonds, Walnuts and Hazel) to take into work.. and see if I can add in some olives.. This is me trying to up my polyphenols

    Re polyphenols… was searching for an article I read on the beeb news site a month or so ago about them which gave a table of food with high polyphenols values.. couldn’t find it but found this

    So I am going to be adding linseed / flaxseed in and think I will add some cocoa powder to the chilli… am I mad / obsessing.. ?

    Another nutrient I am wondering about is calcium.. mmmm and remember ther was a programme which found that calcium blocked uptake of fat … so in theory you can pig out on cheese (for instance) but not be able to get at the actual calories contained in dairy because of the high calcium content.. ahhh ha

    not that I’m about to test the pig out on cheese theory… but it’s another nutrient to think about.

    Yep! But you’re in the right place 😉 Hehe

    Well have stuck to my plan…

    I ate 300kg of salmon with a big green salad (water cress, spinach rocket and tomatoe) and steamed broccoli on Tues (fastday) and had the Chilli yesterday (non fastday..) added in Cocoa powder and black olives and felt more satieted than I have recently.. so I do think nutrition has been driving some of the bingeng..

    Today was spinach and feta omlette with salad and steamed broccoli..

    I also took some nuts and an apple into work and again I think these have helped.. particularly the nuts..

    So this week have eaten plenty of omega rich food, ensured I’ve eaten veg of many different colours, plenty of greens, fish and veg protein (quorn and flageolet beans in chilli) and upped my polyphenols considerably with nuts and black olives and cocoa powder (also in the chilli).

    tomorrow planning on prawn stir fry.. lots of veg and more omega oil rich food.

    Will report back on what happens at the weekend…..

    Hi Iwillbe… so good to hear you are back on track–like you I made a plan for the week, and it’s been much better. not a strait jacket counting all calories kind of plan but a plan that had an array of yummy meals for all the week, rather than leaving it to chance when i got home each night (which would be when the cheese and crackers ++++ would normally beckon). also only had a wine out with a friend–no bottle to tempt me at home.
    I must admit the thought of checking in here helped me resist a few temptations too.

    one day at a time we can do it

    Yummy scrambled goose egg with my equally yummy sourdough rye… deeep deeeeep joy.. oh the luxury of the weekend..

    Tonight have friend around before heading off to the village hall for a flick… so lentils and sundried tomatoes in a red wine stocky sauce, chicken breast and roasted beet, carrot and parsnips.. followed by pears poached in red wine and creme fraiche..

    Off to make pot of coffee.. 😀

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