Checking in. Finally!

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  • Hi Team 🙂
    It´s one month in for me, and I have done my first check-in this morning.

    The fact I have actually managed to follow my plan this time is something I am really, really proud of. Previously I have gone from three binge days to three salad days, just trying my best not to lose control. Which means I have a plan to follow for the future – just carry on.

    My eating is definitely much, much, much more in control. For me insulin has always been an issue. I feel like the fast days just really are improving my reactions to food and my cravings are waaay down. Keeping track of calories has made me a much more mindful eater. The other day I bought a block of chocolate. Usually I accidentally eat it on the way home. This time I looked at the calories – 70 per piece which I found rather annoying. So, I ended up having it later – eating half a piece, and then realizing I didn´t actually want any more. I haven´t had any since even! I am also choosing foods high in protein much more often as my ´treat´foods – like pork ribs for example, and feeling much better for it. Choosing what I am spending my calories on is much more satisfying than emptying the cupboard and then thinking about how much I just ate!

    So, my measurements?
    Weight: down 2.6kg (5.7lbs) to 67kg.
    I had hoped for more – 66.6 used to be my standard which I always thought was too heavy, but it was where I wanted to get back to. Mum suggested I find 2.6kgs of groceries to lift up. 2 bottles of milk and some cartons of tomato puree! Haha, that made me feel better. Keeping in mind of course that I have been going to the gym and I can feel and see muscles that were´t there before.

    The biggest change in my measurements was a loss of 4.5cm from around my `fat bit´as I rather unlovingly call the podgy bit below my belly button. Everywhere else (arms, calves, thighs) lost 1cm, 2cm off my waist and chest, and 3cm from around the largest bit of my derrier.

    So, progress made!! The best bit is that I have broken the hold food had on me. A can of tuna, a piece of cheese with quince pate, a glass of gazpacho are now all perfectly acceptable meals. I don`t have to eat if I don´t feel like it. And I can leave the house for the day without taking or planning all of my food – and survive!

    So, bring on another month and I will be even closer to my goal. A bit smaller, a bit fitter, and who knows, maybe back in my jeans!

    Celebrating with a cup of black coffee on a fast day.


    Well done cousie bro!!! Great progress!!!!

    Thanks bro 😀 hehe!

    Great progress! Keep it up!

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