Challenge: No alcohol for 7 days

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Challenge: No alcohol for 7 days

This topic contains 13 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  simcoeluv 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Guys, so this is a bit pathetic. I can’t seem to be able to spend a week without boozing it up. My incredible weight gain is largely due to that. I am far from being an alcoholic, but need to give my body a break. Need support and accountability. Who’s with me in this here challenge?

    No chance. I can manage alternate days but that’s about it. The promise of booze is what keeps me going!


    I so get this. It’s precisley how I roll. But it’s also the only thing that contributes to me overeating even on fast days. WTF!

    Ah, I don’t touch it on fast days. It’s amazing what a difference it makes.
    But hey, I’m on a feed day and I’m drunk! Whoop!

    Whoop, indeed! I mean to say “non fast” not “fast” days. Ugh.

    I need to do this. I am trying to cut it out on weekdays at least. I caved this Wednesday, but I intend to re-group and try again every week.

    I’m on day 12 of no booze does that count? I had booze on New Years Eve and New Years day and the wife’s B-day Jan 2nd and none since. I am known sometimes to over indulge but it’s not a habit. Now if beer just didn’t taste so dang good it would be easier, and 12 year old scotch have to include that. Oh almost forgot all those fantastic wines. Now you got me thinking to much on it.

    Do they still make 2 buck Chuck?

    I love this post. I’m new here and only on my 2nd fast day, and I’m hoping that I can still lose keeping wine and beer to just Friday and Saturday. Unfortunately, I’m not capable of limiting my intake on those days. Just not being hangover in the weekend is quiet an achievement for me.

    I’ve stopped drinking from Monday to Thursday. But of a Friday night you will have to pry my bottle of cabernet sauvignon out of my cold dead hands.

    The funny thing I have found out about alcohol is that folks are either boozers or they are not- generally speaking. Some people have have the odd pint of beer every month and that is it. I am, for sure, not one of them. I have had episodes of problem drinking in the past and it has affected my triglyceride levels greatly. Too much booze and I risk pancreatitis or worse.

    I used to find that pot helped me to relax when I was younger, but now it gives me anxiety (which is not good as I already have borderline anxiety disorder – which I will not take meds for.)

    Since starting the 5:2 I have come to understand that the rest of my life is going to have to be about moderation. The opposite to my earlier days! I am still coming to terms with that. It is a toughie as I have as being tipsy lessens the existential dread that plagues me and keeps me awake at night.

    I have had to accept that alcohol is extremely damaging to the body and is a known carcinogen as well as being a contributor to metabolic disorder. Dr. Mosely actually did a programme about it a few weeks ago, I believe; the snippet I saw (I cannot get British TV as I am an expatriate in Canada) seemed to suggest that alcohol is far worse for the body that was previously thought.

    Saying that, I have to declare that I intend to go to my local microbrewery tonight and, yes, I am going to have one or two pints.

    Why, do this, you may ask? It is a good question.

    All I know is that since I have started to do this regime I fast and I have cut out sugars and carbs by 70% and lost 13 pounds in 2 months;that is all well-and-good, but without a beer this evening, I fear I may try to sabotage the entire edifice of the lifestyle I am trying to achieve.

    I do not know if that makes sense, but that is the way it is.

    Hi limey:

    Politics is the art of the possible. You sound very politic. You are improving your health, and trying to do even better. There are about 80 microbreweries in my town, and tonight I’ll have a pint for you.

    It makes perfect sense.

    Good Luck!

    Thank you for this reply. It was very thoughtful, reasoned and kind and I appreciate it very much.

    80 microbreweries in 1 town? That sounds like Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.!

    Hi limey:

    Yup. Actually had more than one.

    Good Luck!

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