catinhat's 'journal'

This topic contains 76 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  toms mantis 11 years ago.

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  • Hi catinhat,

    Just stopping by to say I enjoy reading your journal and your homestead sounds idyllic (though lots of hard work) and congratulations on your loss of 4.5lbs this month already – GO YOU!

    Aud x

    Loved reading this catinthehat!!!

    Thanks, Lindyw – we don’t have a horse – I’m minding the animals for my neighbor for a couple months. It’s been a real adventure to learn the horse’s personality. 🙂 I am definitely pleased with the weight loss too! 🙂

    Thank you Audrich – there was a page break, so I didn’t see your comment when I replied a moment ago. The homestead is very good for me – there is always plenty that needs doing (We call it Ten Things Farm, lol).

    Thank you too, Carla! 🙂

    Church was nice today, and I’ve joined a study that is very timely for me. I plan to spend some of this afternoon reading the material from the study, and working on a project that I may share later on….once it’s in motion.

    I completed a scarf yesterday – it’s pretty, with lots of springtime color. I make them to sell, and the $$ goes to Heifer International. This past Christmas was the first year I did it and it was a lot of fun, and really rewarding. I’m going to take a break before I make another. We have other things going on right now.

    This coming week I’ll fast Thursday – I’m not sure what my other day will be. Friday might work well, but I don’t usually do two days back to back. I might try it to see what happens. I hope everyone is doing well with fasting and working it into the routine. It is helping me an awful lot.

    Have a great week!

    Well, I decided to set some goals. My BMI is well into obese, so I need some short-term goals to keep me set on something attainable now and then. So my first goal is for my weight to start with the number ‘1’. For that I need to lose 18 pounds. I’m honestly more interested in losing in a way that feels like I can do it forever rather than a way that is restrictive to the point that I ‘fall off the wagon’. So I will make 199 my goal for my birthday – May 2. I think I can make that happen, and it will be a great present to myself!

    Today was an ‘eating day’, so I just ate normally. Drank my water, walked two miles, and did stuff. We took care of all the neighborhood animals we’re pet-sitting for, and I weeded our home library…at least, the children’s books. I will do adult nonfiction tomorrow, I think. I got some organizing done by the basement door, too, so now all the shoes and coats, scarves and hats – they all have a place. It should make getting in and out that much simpler.

    It doesn’t sound like it was much of a day, but I am tired, so I think I’ll get my shower and read a bit before bed. I hope everyone is doing well and making good progress with 5:2. Tomorrow is another eating day for me, but I’m considering a fast day on Wednesday.


    Hi Cat,

    Just caught up with your diary! You are a busy bee! I am glad to hear that the diet seems to work and that you have lost weight.

    I made it my goal lately to really watch what I’m eating, not so much in terms of quantity but quality. I have to just finished reading the book “The Calorie Myth”, by Jonathan Bailor. He is saying calories are not calories and there are good calories and bad calories. In fact he is saying if you eat for instance 500 cal off veggies and other good food your body gets all you need, while four instance eating 500 cal of pasta gives your body no nutrition whatsoever and it will scream for food. If you eat all the time bad food you are in fact starving your body.

    I am at the moment traveling in Europe and it is very difficult for me to fast two days a week. I have decided to really watch what I’m eating while abroad and so far I have not gained any weight. I have even managed to not eat any ice cream at all!

    Anyhow best of luck,

    Thank you, Stef! Traveling Europe – wow! I go days without leaving my own street! 🙂 I completely agree about calories and nutrients and nourishment. I may not practice it so well, but I know it’s the way things are. You are smart to make goals about what you eat rather than weight – I may be setting myself up for problems, but that seems to be a reasonable goal for me right now, and it would be the first time in 25 years I got to that weight without some sort of strict dieting, so I think it would be a good milestone of sorts. Or not. I really don’t know.

    Meanwhile, I think tomorrow will be a fast day until suppertime. I am at that place in my cycle where I get very nibbl-y and want something every five minutes, so we’ll see how it goes. My ongoing truth has been that fasting goes well for me until I eat something, so I guess I’m figuring that if I try tomorrow and fail, I’m not at the tail-end of the week and feeling like I missed a day entirely.

    I have another goal in mind that is not at all related to 5:2 or losing weight or any of that, but rather to me getting generally healthier and happier. I’ve been in therapy for a bit, and I know I’ve mentioned that before. I have done a lot of healing through it and I feel stronger and more hopeful than I have in a very long time. My faith is stronger, I am more joyful…everything is good, without being sunshine-rainbows-phony good. I’m in a study at church about gifts of the spirit, and I’m really drawn to a program called Stephen Ministry. There is training and supervision, and it sounds like a way for me to give back – to walk alongside someone going through a tough time, support and pray for them….I will continue to consider it, and then talk to the head of the program to see if I would be considered. I’m excited about the possibilities.

    Today was a pretty day. We did school, tended animals, went for a walk and did some housekeeping. All in all, a good day. My eating was okay, but could have been better. I am still adjusting, I think, which is why I feel like it’s time to do a fast day tomorrow. I also started ‘planking’ – it’s supposed to be very good for core strength. I can only do 15 seconds at a time, but I will keep at it, with a goal of a full minute at a time as my ultimate goal, at least for now.

    I hope everyone is doing well, and I’ll check in soon! Thanks for all the kind words and support!

    Well, I failed to do a fast day on Wednesday, then I failed at it again today. I think part of it is my cycle, but I think my attitude is not really where it ought to be either. Sigh….

    I’m in the midst of watching Mr. Mosley’s Horizon show…perhaps that will knock some sense into me.


    Well, when I can’t manage a full-on fast, I try to at least skip a meal. I know it’s not the same, but I’m doing the best I can. This morning I’m down another pound…and a little surprised about it, though it has been a fairly busy couple of days.

    Today we are going to a market to try and determine what we need for my husband to keep him away from wheat. We’re also going for a hike in a forested area and doing some other little fun things…you know, like shopping for gravel. My…er…’Christmas Present’ is that we are having the earthmover guy come and grade the driveway properly, then put down gravel. It’s been too frozen to do it so far, but whenever he is ready, we want to be sure we know which gravel we’re wanting, so that’s going to get figured out today.

    Other than that, I’ve got horse barn chores, along with caring for my little flock of hens here. Not a terribly busy day, but not a boring one either. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend with much success!


    Hi Cat, one pound down is not to be sneezed at! Being constantly on our guard about what we eat is impossible. Each day brings it’s own challenges and things don’t always go to plan. Do what is right for you, if one week things don’t go as planned, there’s always another day. My weigh day is coming up next week. Fingers crossed!

    Thank you, Toms. I am mostly just trying to take it all in stride, and really, I’m doing OK. My ‘official’ weigh-in is the first of each month, though I weigh often in between. Seeing that number move around a lot – up a pound one day, down two the next, back up one the day after – it actually seems to be helping me have some perspective. The overall trend is downward, and really, it’s a number. It helps me measure progress, sure, but there was a time that I would have been devastated by any upward, even if it was just me retaining water, and I would then give up. So somehow, I’m finding a way to be gentler with myself about all that.

    Yesterday was a warm (for January), sunny day, so I went to the neighbor’s house. I coaxed the horse out of his stall (difficult, because when he sees me, he thinks there will always be grain), then cleaned up his stall and pen. I even tidied the pasture a bit and cleaned up the barn quite nicely. It was an hour or so of puttering and fresh air, so it was quite nice. It also made me feel a little better about the appearance of the barn – I’ve never had a horse, so I don’t know what is typical, but I like for it to be tidy in there, and now all the stray bits of hay and such are cleaned up and I think it’s much better.

    Today I was really glad I’d done all that, since it’s snowy and freezing.

    This week is mostly us at home, though I’m working at the library tonight. I plan to skip supper and then breakfast and lunch tomorrow, which will get one of my fast days in without too much effort. I’m working through dinnertime, so it won’t be hard to start, anyway. My daughter has a friend coming Thursday for a special day, and we are looking forward to that. The rest of the week is school, housekeeping, that sort of thing, which we really don’t mind at all.

    I hope everyone is well and having a good week!


    Hi catinhat from Helen T thank you for your email this morning (29th January) Still getting used to working out how the forums work – I’ve reached a plateau which is a bore. Must try harder.

    Hi Catinhat, just checking in and reading your latest posts. Seems like you are a busy bee as usual and you are doing well.

    Well done on losing some weight! Every pound counts and the way seems to be down and not up. So congrats on your progress!


    Helen T, I am not sure that I am the person you are looking for, regarding an email. I am somewhat new to the forum myself, but if I can help you figure it out, I’m more than happy to do that. How are you doing with the plan, overall? Are you doing the 5:2 model, or something different? Do you have little items through your fast day, or save it for a dinner? (I have water only, then a light supper.) Whatever method or specifics you use, I hope they leave you healthier and happier.

    Thanks for your note, Stef – I am doing OK. My fast days have been less than pure, but this is the week in my cycle when I’m nibble-y and cross, so it’s better if I don’t get too worked up about it. I’ll just continue on, I suppose. The way I see it, if I do well three weeks and not so well one, that’s better than I was doing before. Perhaps with time and success and increased health and fitness, I’ll do better. If not, I am living with this and having some success…I just can’t find it in me to complain (which is weird – because when I ‘diet’, I’m very harsh on myself, demanding, etc.)

    I had a panic attack last night. I hadn’t had one in a while, and it wasn’t fun. I have therapy Friday and will discuss it with my guy, but I think it’s actually some fear because things are so much better. That probably sounds ridiculous, but it rings true. I feel better, life is good, I feel blessed, and for me, that’s scary (ugh). I just know he’ll have some thoughts that will help me work through it all, because he generally does, and because he and I are a lot alike, as far as history and the ways we’ve adapted to our histories.

    I can’t remember what I have/haven’t said here, but my husband has had some problems that were all pointing to wheat allergy in some form. We’ve taken gluten foods out of his diet and he is doing much, much better. Our house is not gluten free, so Daughter and I are sort of using up what’s on hand, so to speak, but our meals we take together are gluten free. I’m not going in for a lot of the ‘products’, because they are expensive and not all of them good, but we did get him some corn pasta and tamari (it’s like soy sauce). Mostly we are just having different foods – quinoa or rice or potatoes in place of ‘grain’ and lots of vegetables, fruits, some meat. It’s working, and I’m grateful. I did splurge on a gf pizza crust mix for him, since the superbowl is Sunday and pizza is tradition for that. I’ll make him some other things too, and I’m hopeful that the crust will be at least okay.

    Me, I’m toodling along. I fasted about half of yesterday and then got nibbly, but as I said above, this is that week. I’ve continued to do my walking, which helps with general energy and all, plus it tires me enough that I don’t get so anxious. I’ve been filling in at the library some, which helps our budget, and Daughter and I stay busy with her schooling. We’ve still got the horse and cats to care for up the road, and I really do enjoy that. I also have to get some rabbits soon, for some library programs. I think I’ll do English Angora this year, and then keep them for the fiber. I crochet (though I don’t spin) and I have a lot of friends who would be interested in the fiber too. I am plotting to make some soap in a couple of weeks, and generally, staying busy. I find it easier to fast when food isn’t such a focus. I hope everyone here is doing well! Have a wonderful day, and be blessed.


    Well, I’m officially down 5.5 lb. for the month of January. I’m very happy with that number! 🙂

    Congrats on your weight-loss! I am happy that you are happy and I hope you have no more anxiety attacks!

    Great news also on your husband! At least you found out what was wrong with him. That is quite often the most difficult one and now you can act on your knowledge!

    I hope you counsellor can help you to find out what caused your anxiety attack!

    Best wishes and have a great weekend

    Thank you, Stef, you are a sweetie!

    I started seeing him (my therapist) because of the panic attacks and anxiety, and he’s helped me with it a lot. I was having 4-6 a week, now it’s one, maybe two in a month’s time. It’s still unsettling, though. We didn’t get to talk about it this past Friday (other things took up the time), so maybe next week. 🙂

    We have a fair amount of snow on the ground right now. I like all the seasons, so I’m enjoying it. I took my walk outside yesterday – twenty degrees and tromping through snow – it was lovely. I like living where we get all four seasons. Some will think I’m daft, but when I lived in Hawaii, I missed the changes of season.

    I have been crocheting a lot of late – I’m making scarves mostly, for a fund-raiser I do for Heifer International. Today I finished a scarf and I’m nearly done with a hat to match it. I’ve got yarn prepared and matched for a fe more scarves as well. I like scarves – they’re easy, they are small enough to ship, and they go together quickly, so I feel like I’ve accomplished something.

    I hope everyone is well. I plan to continue this process and hope to keep on shrinking! 🙂


    It’s been a week since I popped in, so I thought I’d pop in. Plus, it’s 4:30 am and I can’t sleep, so…here I am. No anxiety, though…and I’m grateful for that.

    It has been a trying week on a few fronts, but I’ve made it through and I think it’s left me stronger in some places. It is my nature…or at least my behavior…to comfort myself with food when I’m stressed, but I can see that I’m not doing that like I have in the past. I really do think that the fasting days help me re-set something, because I have noticed that most all the time, I don’t have the desire for more than a reasonable amount of something. The other factor in the week was that all three of us had little colds that kept us from feeling well. I walked a couple of days only…most weeks I take a walk 5 or 6 days. Still, even in this very tough week, I’ve fairly well stayed the course, and lost a bit of weight too.

    One thing I really want to work on in the coming weeks is ‘cleaning up’ my eating. I feel better when my food choices are more natural and wholesome, and mostly, it’s just a matter of planning and setting the plan into practice. I know I can do it, and that it’s a matter of choice…I just need to start, sooner rather than later.

    Anyway, I think things are pretty good, all things considered, and that I will just continue to seek improvement. Be well.


    Hi Catinhat,

    Just dropping by to say hello. Well done on your January weight loss, fantastic!
    How is your hubby doing on his gluten-free? Are you getting into a routine as regards making the right food for him? (I agree the commercially available gf food can be horribly expensive)
    Twenty degrees and a snow tromp sounds heavenly 🙂
    I like crocheting too! I’ve only ever done scarves and hats (so relaxing) and now I’m tackling a cardi (not quite so relaxing, lol) It might be ready for next winter!

    Aud x

    Hi Catinhat – good to catch up with you and be able to congratulate you on a good lost for January 🙂
    Our weather has been very unusual, no snow but so much wind and rain! About half of UK is underwater. We have been very lucky, we live in a fairly high area so the floods haven’t affected us, if they do we will have to build an ark!
    It does rather spoil any exercise I take though – no fun being outdoors in gales and rain. So I have actually got round to buying the Fast Exercise book, I am about half way through it so far but haven’t tried to exercise yet 😛
    Some one wrote about how much money they were saving on 5:2 but I am finding the opposite, probably because I am now more interested in buying quality foods for the nutritional value as Stef mentioned in her post.
    Crocheting gives you something to do with your hands doesnt it – I knit baby clothes for anyone who wants them or the local Maternity Unit. It stops me dipping into a packet of crisps or something 🙂

    Thank you, audrich and Lindyw. I always feel a little happier when I see that someone has left me a note.

    Audrich, my hubby is doing well with the gluten free thing. That said, I am trying to do it ‘for him’ whenever I can, by making the things I have always made, just with substitutes that make those foods safe for him. I figure he has enough adjusting to do as it is, so I’m trying to make it less of a burden for him. His attitude about it is really good, and I appreciate that. He is feeling better and better.

    Lindyw, I have seen the fast exercise book mentioned here, and I am going to ask our library district to purchase it. I would really like to red it myself. For now, I mostly do walking – partly as exercise and partly because it feeds my soul somehow to get out and think and walk and pray and just let my problems solve themselves.

    Ten days into this month and I’m down another 1.5 pounds. Sure, I’d like it to go faster, but when I look at the past ten days, I’m honestly just happy it’s gone down at all. I’ll not complain, anyway. 🙂 I hope everyone is finding success and doing well! 🙂


    Mid-month and I’m down 2.5 so far. I haven’t had a proper fast day in the past week, but eh, some weeks are like that. I hope everyone is making progress!


    Well done Catinhat 🙂

    Keep it up. You’ll get there!

    WOW, catinhat, thanks fantastic!

    My weigh-in is tomorrow. I am not hopeful, although I did purchase skinny jeans on an impulse!

    Aud x

    Thanks so much, Carla! Audrich, I hope your weigh-in goes well!

    We went to a friend’s house last night for ‘fondue’. I thought it was the kind where there is fruit and veg and you dip it in cheese. It was the kind with raw meat and hot oil and you fry everything. There was that and salad and homemade rolls…and then I brought chocolate fondue and fruit. We ate and ate and ate, and I feel like I blew it…but it was one meal, and I suppose I’ll recover (ha!) It was fun and tasty, also excellent company, but I’m a bit disappointed in myself for going overboard.

    Oh well.

    Today I pick up my husband at the airport, and we get back to our version of normal. That will be very, very nice. 🙂


    Congrats on your 2.5 loss! It is great to see them coming down, isn’t it?

    I think it is a great idea that you want to “clean up” your dietary habits. For me that was the most important point of my journey so far. I have dumped quite a few very bad habits and am very proud to it.

    Best of luck

    Catinhat, don’t beat yourself up about it. Having a failed fast day myself today, but hey, tomorrow is just around the corner. Try again then. We must all have bad habits we need to ditch, some easier than others.

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