Hi catinhat,
Just stopping by to say I enjoy reading your journal and your homestead sounds idyllic (though lots of hard work) and congratulations on your loss of 4.5lbs this month already – GO YOU!
Aud x
This topic contains 76 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by toms mantis 11 years ago.
Hi Cat,
Just caught up with your diary! You are a busy bee! I am glad to hear that the diet seems to work and that you have lost weight.
I made it my goal lately to really watch what I’m eating, not so much in terms of quantity but quality. I have to just finished reading the book “The Calorie Myth”, by Jonathan Bailor. He is saying calories are not calories and there are good calories and bad calories. In fact he is saying if you eat for instance 500 cal off veggies and other good food your body gets all you need, while four instance eating 500 cal of pasta gives your body no nutrition whatsoever and it will scream for food. If you eat all the time bad food you are in fact starving your body.
I am at the moment traveling in Europe and it is very difficult for me to fast two days a week. I have decided to really watch what I’m eating while abroad and so far I have not gained any weight. I have even managed to not eat any ice cream at all!
Anyhow best of luck,
Hi Cat, one pound down is not to be sneezed at! Being constantly on our guard about what we eat is impossible. Each day brings it’s own challenges and things don’t always go to plan. Do what is right for you, if one week things don’t go as planned, there’s always another day. My weigh day is coming up next week. Fingers crossed!
Congrats on your weight-loss! I am happy that you are happy and I hope you have no more anxiety attacks!
Great news also on your husband! At least you found out what was wrong with him. That is quite often the most difficult one and now you can act on your knowledge!
I hope you counsellor can help you to find out what caused your anxiety attack!
Best wishes and have a great weekend
Hi Catinhat,
Just dropping by to say hello. Well done on your January weight loss, fantastic!
How is your hubby doing on his gluten-free? Are you getting into a routine as regards making the right food for him? (I agree the commercially available gf food can be horribly expensive)
Twenty degrees and a snow tromp sounds heavenly 🙂
I like crocheting too! I’ve only ever done scarves and hats (so relaxing) and now I’m tackling a cardi (not quite so relaxing, lol) It might be ready for next winter!
Aud x
Hi Catinhat – good to catch up with you and be able to congratulate you on a good lost for January 🙂
Our weather has been very unusual, no snow but so much wind and rain! About half of UK is underwater. We have been very lucky, we live in a fairly high area so the floods haven’t affected us, if they do we will have to build an ark!
It does rather spoil any exercise I take though – no fun being outdoors in gales and rain. So I have actually got round to buying the Fast Exercise book, I am about half way through it so far but haven’t tried to exercise yet 😛
Some one wrote about how much money they were saving on 5:2 but I am finding the opposite, probably because I am now more interested in buying quality foods for the nutritional value as Stef mentioned in her post.
Crocheting gives you something to do with your hands doesnt it – I knit baby clothes for anyone who wants them or the local Maternity Unit. It stops me dipping into a packet of crisps or something 🙂
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3:54 pm
19 Jan 14